Wu Aotian was secretly happy, after all, this Jia Yun was also an acquaintance, so he didn't need to hide anything if he played tricks in front of her, and he didn't need to worry about her revealing anything.

Although he couldn't see the strength of the fleeing person for a while, but seeing how embarrassed he was and Jia Yun had no scars on his body, he knew that Jia Yun's strength must have the upper hand, so Wu Aotian didn't worry about making a move.

Wu Aotian reckoned, this person suffered serious injuries, he only needs to stop him for a moment, that's enough.

Whether it was the man in the blue robe who was busy running for his life, or Jia Yun who was chasing him in a hurry, none of them thought that there was still a person hiding in the trunk of the big tree in front of him, and the young man in the blue robe was just facing this way. Come, pass by the dead tree trunk.

At the moment when the body of the man in blue robe passed over the dead wood, several points of red light pierced through the dead wood silently and hit the man in blue robe's side under the ribs.

All the attention of the man in the cyan robe was on Jia Yun, the pursuer behind him. How could he have guarded against such an attack from the dead tree next to him with no signs of life?

Although there is still a faint layer of spiritual energy protecting the body, how can it withstand Wu Aotian's short-distance ghost flame finger surprise attack, and the attack is concentrated at one point, how can the spiritual energy be able to defend against it?

Even Wu Aotian himself didn't expect his own attack to be able to break through this person's defense, and it can produce such a big effect!

The man in Tsing Yi was caught off guard by the attack, his aura burst instantly, and the underside of his ribs was struck by ghostly flames, which immediately penetrated and burned a huge hole in an instant.

Jia Yun, who was following behind, was taken aback, and stopped suddenly, and the spirit ring suspended in the air suddenly flew high, entering a state of attacking at any time.

Wu Aotian recovered from the effect of his own attack, seeing Jia Yun's appearance, he didn't dare to delay any longer, he quickly walked out from the tree trunk, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Jia, it's me, don't get me wrong!"

Jia Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then exclaimed in astonishment: "Junior Brother Wu, why are you here...you, why did you enter the Valley of Reincarnation?"

Wu Aotian smiled bitterly and said: "My sister also came in, I was worried about her, so I was dizzy for a while, so I followed in."

Jia Yun's expression was strange, she had met Liu Ruxue before, and she also knew that Liu Ruxue was very powerful, she was a high-level spiritual master, she joined the team of Guiyun Palace in the final stage, and also entered the Valley of Reincarnation, but Wu Aotian His strength is no higher than that of a high-level spiritual disciple, isn't he going to die when he comes in?

"How could the Palace Master agree to let you in? Isn't that...it's just ridiculous."

Jia Yun stomped her feet, her expression was full of worry, and finally her tone was a little annoyed.

Wu Aotian rubbed his nose, smiled lightly and said: "The Palace Master didn't agree at all, because I just rushed in..."

Jia Yun looked at Wu Aotian blankly, and finally sighed: "Hey, it's not like you don't know how dangerous it is, even if your sister is really in danger, you may not be able to find your sister here, And even if you can find it, if she is in any danger, how can you help her?"

Wu Aotian shook his head: "Sometimes, when my feeling is very strong, it often indicates that something is about to happen. Although I may not be able to help or change anything, but if it were you, you would have nothing. Do, wait for something to happen?"

Jia Yun froze for a moment, moved her mouth, but couldn't refute, and finally said helplessly: "Sometimes the feeling may not be so accurate..."

Wu Aotian spread his hands and smiled, his expression was quite relaxed: "Don't worry, Senior Sister Jia, you see, I've been inside for almost a day, I have encountered monsters several times, and I have also encountered more than a dozen batches of people from other countries. I'm fine, am I okay?"

Jia Yun was taken aback, but immediately remembered Wu Aotian's miraculous aura restraint technique: "Is it because of your ability to restrain aura?"

Wu Aotian smiled and nodded, pointing to the tree trunk where he was hiding just now: "Didn't you two not find me just now?"

Jia Yun was right when she thought about it, but when she thought about it, she felt a little scared, stretched out her fair hand and patted her chest lightly: "Fortunately, it was you, if it was someone from another country, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know how I died. "

"I'm very happy. The first person I met was the powerful Senior Sister Jia Yun. I saw you chasing after her when we first met... You have improved a lot from last time."

Faced with Wu Aotian's teasing, Jia Yun felt a little embarrassed, and scolded: "You kid, you are making fun of the senior sister, don't tell me, it's because of what happened last time that I feel extremely resentful towards the people of the Sea Kingdom. Unwilling to give up..."

Wu Aotian nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand, this poor guy has become the object of your hatred, Senior Sister."

Jia Yun said with slender eyes: "Venuation of hatred, no, didn't you kill him, and I didn't kill him."

Wu Aotian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that Jia Yun was also joking, and immediately burst out laughing, and Jia Yun also laughed lightly, and the originally nervous mood eased a lot.

"Junior Brother Wu, come with me next time, we can also take care of each other, as long as we don't encounter too powerful opponents or monsters, there will be no danger."

Wu Aotian readily agreed, and Jia Yun straightened her face and said: "However, there is one more thing I want to make clear, I know you are very restrained, I'm afraid even your sister may not be able to perceive you, you alone Although people do not have the ability to attack, as long as they are careful enough, it should be the easiest to live to the ninth day, you and me, I want you to promise me one thing first."

Wu Aotian vaguely guessed what Jia Yun was going to say, but he still asked: "What's the matter, tell me, Senior Sister."

"If... I said if..." Jia Yun's voice became extremely solemn: "If we meet a strong opponent and there is no hope of escape, I want you to hide away immediately, absolutely not Come save me!"

Wu Aotian sighed secretly, when he heard what Jia Yun said, according to his understanding of Jia Yun, he knew she would say that, just like when they saw Wu Aotian and others were weak, they immediately let them escape first, She is a cheerful woman who is responsible and moral.

"Okay, I promise you."

Wu Aotian didn't say anything else, and he agreed quickly. Seeing that he agreed so readily, Jia Yun couldn't believe it, and stared at Wu Aotian: "You can't lie to me, if something really happens, even if I die assured……"

"Hey, if you say something unlucky, we will live well and get out, um, it's better to find some more purple tobacco..." Wu Aotian said with a smile, his face was not serious: "Well, anyway, you are here Ming, I am in the dark, I can restrain my breath at any time, even if I am a little stronger than you, if I launch a surprise attack, we still have a chance of winning, if it really doesn't work... then I will run away."

Jia Yun looked at Wu Aotian for a long time, seemed to be half-believing in Wu Aotian's words, and finally said helplessly: "Anyway, you have to remember what you said."

Wu Aotian looked at the man in Tsing Yi who fell on the ground, and said: "I need to recover first, you can search him for any spoils of war."

Of course, Wu Aotian didn't want to recover, but to absorb the pure aura exuded by the dead man in Tsing Yi. In order not to arouse Jia Yun's suspicion, Wu Aotian sat a little farther away, and deliberately swallowed a healing pill. Jia Yun had no doubts. With him, search for spoils.

Wu Aotian doesn't seem to be hiding Jia Yun, but this matter is really amazing, the less people know the better, and the only thing to do is to deceive, fortunately, this deception will not hurt Jia Yun at all, Wu Aotian has a clear conscience.

Fortunately, all spiritual cultivators also know that the spiritual energy will dissipate after the spiritual practitioner dies, and the surrounding spiritual energy will become very disordered. If it is not a very strong spiritual practitioner, it is generally impossible to notice the traces of pure spiritual energy absorbed by Wu Aotian of movement.

Soon Wu Aotian absorbed all the spiritual qi scattered by the spiritual cultivator. Of course, no matter how much the spiritual qi of these spiritual cultivators scatter out, Wu Aotian couldn't completely absorb it. He just absorbed it. The purest part is the most essential part, just like the aura in the magic crystal, there are still many miscellaneous things that need to be eliminated.

Wu Aotian stood up from the ground, Jia Yun had already packed everything, and said with a smile: "It seems that luck is good, this person has three kinds of elixir, but it is cheaper for us."

Wu Aotian nodded with a smile, but in fact, both of them knew very well that only if they survived and reached the exit on the ninth day, that would be considered a real victory. Tobacco, it's too early to say victory, maybe after World War I, everything no longer belongs to you, including your life.

"let's go."

Wu Aotian nodded, and looked at the sky above which had begun to become brighter: "The first day has passed, and now it is the second day... You walk in the bright place, and I will quietly follow you around, although it is a bit troublesome, but safest."

Jia Yun naturally understood what Wu Aotian said, one light and one dark, whether it is attacking or escaping, both have an advantage, if someone sees through the cards early in the morning, there is little room for maneuver.

"Let's continue to wander around the swamp. If we're lucky, we might bump into Purple Tobacco."

Wu Aotian thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, but we will stay in the swamp area for another day and a half, and then move to the cave area, my sister, she must be in these two places, although it may not be possible to meet, but I always want to try Try, but these two places are very dangerous, Senior Sister Jia..."

Jia Yun shook her head, interrupted Wu Aotian's words, and said with a low laugh: "The swamp area and karst cave area are the areas where purple tobacco is densest. Although it is dangerous, we are all here for purple tobacco, and it is right to take some risks. , I just hope that we will be lucky and meet a few more people from Guiyun Palace."

Why doesn't Wu Aotian hope this is the case, he really wished that the nineteen people in Guiyun Palace could all meet together, then even if he meets anyone, he won't be afraid, and he can basically sweep past like this all the way.

If it wasn't for the purpose of weakening the fighting power of the spiritual cultivators of the other country, and everyone joined hands to enter the Valley of Reincarnation, how could they not find Ziyan?

After all, it is still a war between people.

"Let's go, I hope we are lucky enough to find Ziyan."

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