we are brothers

[016] Watching movies and shooting guns

"Grass mud horse! Dare to do it here" Chen Hao who was on the side became anxious, and at the same time, he saw a large group of people standing up on both sides of the bar, there must be more than a dozen, and there are still a few He picked up a stick in his hand, and rushed towards Xie Tian.

"Don't fight inside!" Don't worry, at the same time, the boss also ran out, "Lu Feng, don't fight inside!"

Lu Feng ignored him at all, and saw that Xie Tian kicked a person over with a kick, turned around and punched a person in the face, at the same time, he was punched several times in a row, and he stepped back twice violently. He took a step, hugged a person's neck, swung it hard, and was thrown flying by that person, and then ran out fiercely, kicked up, and kicked one directly.

Wang Long was stunned for a moment, this grandson is so good at hitting, why didn't he fight back when Li Hongru beat him.

The expression on Lu Feng's face also changed, he picked up a stool from one side, and threw it at him. Xie Tian didn't dodge, followed closely, Lu Feng rushed up with a stick, and it was Xie Tian's turn. There was another big group of people "cracking" on Tian's head, all of them rushed up, and surrounded Xie Tian in an instant. There were very few people watching the excitement, except for the gun shooter and the movie watcher, everyone in the bar Watching the excitement, Guan and the boss began to pull people.

Xie Tianzao was knocked to the ground, Lu Feng went up with his big stick and hit Xie Tian on the ground with a "boom, boom, boom". A large group of people kicked and scolded him. People also got up, and started to fight, pulling Lu Feng and his group, and now this kind of talent was slowly pulled away.

"It's a grass mud horse." When they were pulled away, several people kicked Xie Tian hard on the ground. There was a lot of blood on the ground. I don't know how Xie Tian is, he is still lying on the ground.

The people around slowly dispersed. To be honest, the beating just now was really not light. This kind of people are very ruthless, especially after Lu Feng got started, when it came to a **, it had to be replaced by ordinary people. , I will definitely not be able to get up, and the boss is terrified.Moreover, there was a lot of blood on the ground, and the boss was so scared that he didn't know what to do.

The people on the ground slowly got up, the corners of Xie Tian's mouth and nose were full of blood, and his eye sockets were swollen, he pushed back his hair, his face was covered with blood, he was a bit cautious, and his eye sockets were swollen Lao Gao is a little congested and has dirt all over his body.

At this moment, Lu Feng yelled, "Okay, you can still fucking stand up, you are a man, you idiot, next time you dare to touch me, I will break your leg."

"Heh" Xie Tian smiled indifferently, it was really annoying, he limped to the toilet in the bar, the door was still open, turned on the faucet, and rinsed his face vigorously, Wang Long's angle was just right It can be seen that the blood on Xie Tian's face was rushing down. After washing, it came out again. I don't know where it came from. Xie Tian was still rushing. After rushing for a while, he came out with blood on his face. A little less, took the paper towel from Guan, wiped his face, walked slowly in front of Lu Feng, glanced at Lu Feng, he pointed at himself, "Kill me to death." He is deaf It is estimated that the beating just now was not light.

Lu Feng immediately became angry, "You said the grass mud horse." He picked up the stick again.

"Stop beating." The boss was in a hurry, he and Guan all pulled Lu Feng, and several adults around him also began to fight, "Boys, enough, enough, I'm beating to death."

Xie Tian watched Lu Feng being pulled away, "haha, hahahaha" and laughed, "Boss, get off the plane" followed closely, and got out with a limp.

"Damn it!" Lu Feng threw the stick to the ground angrily.

"Oh yes! You're so handsome!" At this moment, a discordant voice was heard, Da Zhong vigorously waved his hands in celebration, he had won the cf competition, and he had already stood up, extremely happy.

"It's so fucking wonderful." Gong Zheng put the earphones aside, he finished watching the film, and started the prologue of the director and producer. He patted his hands "haha" and laughed.

At this moment, the surroundings became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on the person who was shooting a gun, who was watching a movie, and who didn't know what happened just now!

The atmosphere in the bar is very awkward.

Brother Zheng didn't feel it at first, and his face was full of excitement, "According to the experience I have accumulated in the AV world for so many years, this film is definitely Sola Aoi's pinnacle work, looking at the shooting angle of the screen"

No one was talking around here, Gong Zheng felt a little embarrassed, and rubbed his head, "Why are you all staring at me? Go on, go on with your business."

Chen Hao was quite impatient at this time, and glanced at Gong Zheng, "What are you doing, kid?"

"Chen Hao." Lu Feng quickly said something to him and gave him a wink.

Gong Zheng smiled "tsk tsk", and pointed at Chen Hao, "Be careful what you say to me, boy."

He looked at Wang Long, "Let's go, let's go, damn it, the murderous intent is too strong here." After speaking, he shrugged his shoulders, with an expression of indifference, when he reached the side of the big clock, he stretched out his hand to hold the big clock.

After the three of them left, Chen Hao glanced at Lu Feng, "Brother Feng, who is that person, what's the matter?"

"That's right, damn it, I hate that kind of scholarly person the most, who also watch fucking porn, duplicity."

Lu Feng looked at the people around him, "He is Gong Zheng."

This time, there was no one talking next to him. Regarding Gong Zheng's name, these people are often together, and they usually chat a little bit. It’s quite resistant.”

In another corner, a female voice rang out, "Uncle Zhang, did you see that man? situation, in more detail."

"Okay, don't worry, I'll do it for you."

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang."

It was another dull afternoon, and Wang Long and Da Zhong were honest, too sleepy to go on sleeping.The two of them had to look at the rear window from time to time, and they could always see Zhao Haitao's fierce eyes staring at them.

"Damn it, what a mess, how will I live in the future. Nose-nosed monkeys are everywhere." Wang Long complained, "nosed-nosed monkeys" is the nickname they gave Zhao Haitao.

He had waited for the big clock to respond to him, because both of them couldn't understand what the teacher said and couldn't sleep, so chatting became their only way to pass the time. Pushed him, "I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

"Brother Long, I found out that I've fallen in love again." Da Zhong and his wife stared straight ahead at a little girl diagonally in front of them. This girl was called Qin Ai, and she was really cute. She was the health committee member of the class. .

She was sitting in front of Zhang Shuang. At this time, she was listening to the teacher's lecture seriously, and she was still taking notes.

Wang Long looked at the big clock, "Did you like her?"

Da Zhong looked blank, "It's love, falling in love."

"Hold me a little bit, I can sleep well, and when I wake up, I can help you.

"just you?"

"Believe it or not?" "I'll protect you. If you dare to lie to me, I'll fight with you." After finishing speaking, Da Zhong held his chin with both hands and stared at Qin Ai over there.Saliva dripping down the corner of the mouth.....

After school in the afternoon, Wang Long slept comfortably. Hearing the bell for the end of get out of class, he got up and stretched, "Ah, it's comfortable." Looking at the big clock next to him, it was still in the same posture, and there was no one on the seat. He was dead, and he was still staring over there.

"Okay, Brother Zhong, thank you for your hard work, let's go, go back to eat, my sister said she learned a new dish, copy it for us to eat in the evening."

"Wait." Da Zhong turned his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was full of anger, "Brother Long, did you forget something?"

"Ah, that's right." Wang Long smiled quickly, put his mouth next to the big clock's ear, and said a series of numbers.After finishing speaking, he patted the back of the big bell, "It's definitely possible." Immediately after, he hurried out.

The big bell reacted for a while, and then became angry, "Fucking mother, you kiss me, you stupid dragon, do you need to tell me if you are looking for Gong Zheng!" The angry big bell roared and chased after him.

Wang Ci cooks in person in the evening, wearing a small apron, which is really a bit like a cook. She was so tired that she was sweating profusely. She made two dishes and tried her best to eat them. The two of Da Zhong gobbled it up, and continued to praise him.Wang Ci was helpless, and she knew it herself.

When Wang Long went to work at night, he saw Yun Gege holding the arm of a middle-aged man again, smiling like a bird, and he felt a dull pain in his heart. He saw the middle-aged man took out several one-hundred-dollar tips. Happily handing it to Yun Gege, Yun Gege supported him to take care of him carefully and thoughtfully, Wang Long was sullen all night, he felt that this was a kind of destruction to himself.

This evening, I met a beer stand, and sang until four o'clock in the morning. It was nearly five o'clock when Wang Long dragged his exhausted body back home. Wang Ci fell asleep on the sofa again. Ci got up from the sofa and hugged him back to the bed. Before, Wang Ci would call out "Brother" softly, but this time Wang Ci didn't call out.

Wang Long didn't think too much, carried Wang Ci to the bed, casually touched Wang Ci's forehead, he felt a "click" in his heart, and immediately panicked, "Wang Ci, Wang Ci."

He shook Wang Ci vigorously twice, Wang Ci's forehead was hot and his hands were burning.

"Wang Ci!" Wang Long roared again, and then he heard Wang Ci's voice in a daze, "Brother, my head hurts, and it hurts here too. It's so uncomfortable." Wang Ci was still clutching his lower right abdomen.

Wang Long regained his energy immediately, took out the clothes from the side, and put them on for Wang Ci.Looking around for the phone, "Wang Ci, the phone, where is the phone, where is the phone."

"Brother, I'm so uncomfortable, please help me." Wang Ci's voice was not loud, "I'm going to die."

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