we are brothers

【017】Acute appendicitis

Wang Long rummaged through the house again, not knowing where the phone had gone. Seeing Wang Ci's painful expression, he couldn't care less, and put Wang Ci on his back, "Don't worry, baby. It will be fine soon." As soon as he opened the door, he ran downstairs with his sister behind his back. Because of the extreme running, he lost his footing and fell directly from the top of the stairs. At the same time as he fell, he stretched out his arms, Immediately, she fell heavily on the ground, her ankle hurt so much, Wang Ci lay on his body, and rolled to the side, her eyes were closed, she looked extremely weak.

Wang Long got up from the ground at once, just got up, and fell down again, his ankle was so painful, but at this time he couldn't care about anything, he gritted his teeth and carried Wang Ci on his back again, carrying it on his back. Wang Ci went downstairs and walked on the main road. The sky was pitch black, and there was not even a ghost on the quiet street.

"Hold on, hold on." Wang Long ran to the hospital with Wang Ci on his back.

Along the way, Wang Ci heard "Brother, I'm in pain, brother, I'm in pain." Hearing that, Wang Long was going crazy. He endured the pain in his ankle and ran like crazy to the hospital.Along the way, two consecutive taxis did not stop for him.

His ankle was very painful, and he sat down after running not far, holding his sister in his arms.Watching the third car speeding past him mercilessly.

Wang Long roared angrily, "F*ck mothers!!!" He stood on the main road and screamed crazily, his voice was exhausted, his eyes were bloodshot, "Do you bastards still have humanity?"

Then, I saw Wang Ci spit out with a "wow", "Wang Ci, Wang Ci!" Wang Long roared again, ran to his sister's side while roaring, and hugged Wang Ci Woke up, his eyes were red, he was really anxious, in this strange city, with no one to see, he was going crazy seeing Wang Ci's painful expression, "Ah!!!" He was standing on the side of the road He yelled in pain again, extremely depressed, he slapped himself twice.

"Brother." Wang Ci smiled at this time, very weak, and reached out to touch Wang Long's face, "Brother, I, will I die?"

"No, certainly not."

Wang Long gritted his teeth, and his gaze was firm: "Hold on, the sky is falling, and I will carry it for you."

He gritted his teeth, picked up Wang Ci again, and ran towards the hospital again, his ankle hurt so much, "Hold on, hold on!!!"

Wang Ci was behind Wang Long, "Brother, brother, I really miss my mother and father."

Her voice was unusually weak, "Tell me, can I see them when I'm dead?"

"Shut up! I want them to do something! We don't have parents!!!" Wang Long roared, no matter how strong he is, he is still a child after all, his ankles are getting more and more painful, and he feels like he is exhausted Gritting his teeth, carrying Wang Ci on his back, he walked towards the hospital step by step.

"Hold on. Even if the sky falls, there is brother who will support you. Wang Ci, be obedient, brother will protect you."

"Brother, I feel so uncomfortable, my stomach hurts." Wang Ci's voice became smaller and smaller, Wang Long was extremely helpless, tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, he was depressed, he was helpless, he felt his physical strength Already overdrawn, there is still a long, long distance.He looked at the buildings on the side of the road in a trance. He bit his lip to wake himself up. The blood slowly flowed down his lips. He was still walking to the hospital with Wang Ci on his back. The blood stayed in his chest. At the corner of his mouth, there was the smell of blood, he was still crying, tasting the taste of his own blood, for some reason, he smiled, "Hehe, hehehe", he was helpless enough to understand.

At this time, a bicycle stopped beside him, and a familiar figure got off the bicycle and hugged Wang Ci from his back.

Wang Lung turned around and saw Xie Tian.

Xie Tian was still dressed in black, his face was expressionless, and his voice was colorless. "It's late at night, shouting and shouting, annoying, let people sleep." He put the bicycle aside and carried Wang Ci on his back. After getting behind him, he accelerated sharply and ran out.

Wang Long stood on the spot by himself, stunned for a moment, then, he quickly wiped away his tears, looked at the bicycle left by Xie Tian, ​​his ankle hurt so much, he gritted his teeth, and began to chase Xie Tian on his bicycle. His ankle was really painful. He was riding behind him, unable to catch up with Xie Tian's speed. Slowly, Xie Tian disappeared from his sight, and his speed was getting slower and slower. The pain was getting worse and worse, he gritted his teeth and rode slowly to the hospital.

He put the car at the door, and ran into the emergency room with a limp. At the door of the emergency room, Wang Long happened to see Xie Tian take off his coat. He was also sweating profusely and panting. He saw Wang Lung is here.He reached out to wipe the sweat off his forehead, turned around and walked out.Not a word was said to Wang Lung.

Wang Lung was about to thank him.The door of the emergency room opened, and a doctor came out, "The patient's family, the patient's family."

"This, this, me." Wang Long quickly pointed to himself.

"You?" The doctor was in his 40s, "call your parents, hurry up, pay the money, and sign the surgery order."

"I, I can do it." Wang Long looked at the doctor, "What kind of operation, how is my sister?"

"Acute appendicitis, an operation is needed immediately, and the operation cost is 4000 yuan, you? Can you make the decision?"

"Four? Four thousand?" Wang Long looked shocked. This amount of money is an astronomical figure for him now, but thinking of his sister's life, "Okay, okay, do it." He nodded quickly, "I will definitely do it. "

The doctor was a little impatient, "Do it, then go and pay."

"I don't have it now, I'll borrow it right away, please give my sister an operation first, please, please."

"Our hospital has its own regulations." The doctor shook his head. "You have to sign an agreement and pay a deposit for surgery. I can't make the decision."

"Life is important and money is important!" Wang Long became angry immediately, and grabbed the doctor by the neck, "Go and operate on my sister!" He threw the doctor aside, Wang Long was still young and had strength, Tossed aside by the doctor, "I'll give you the money!! I'll definitely give you the money!"

The doctor looked at Wang Long and sighed, "We understand your feelings, but our hospital has our own hospital regulations. What about your parents?"

"No father and no mother!" Wang Long roared, "Save people first, save people first."

He suddenly turned into a begging voice again, "I beg you, please save my sister first, please."

The doctor shook his head, "Sorry, we understand your feelings, but the hospital."

"Go save people first, and I'll give you a thousand first." Xie Tian appeared again at this time, his voice still indifferent, "We'll give you the rest within an hour. It's easy for everyone to negotiate. It's not good for everyone if you are in a hurry."

"Within an hour, I will definitely give it to you." Wang Long then said, "Let's save people first, doctor."

The doctor glanced at Xie Tian, ​​then at Wang Long, "Go and pay the thousand first, and I'll find someone to go with you." He turned around and entered the operating room, and after a while, a little nurse came out of it.

Xie Tian handed the money he packed to Wang Long, "It's better to pay me back as soon as possible, my three months' food expenses, within half a month."

Wang Long couldn't care so much now, so he hurriedly followed the nurse to pay the money, and then ran to the public phone at the entrance of the hospital.After thinking for a long time, he still called Dazhong, who was still awake at this time, "Hello, who is it?" the voice was very low.

"Big Bell, it's me." Wang Long was embarrassed, but he really didn't know who to talk to, "My sister has acute appendicitis and is in the hospital now."

"What!" the big bell roared, "I'll go over right away, you wait for me."

"Wait." Wang Long suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Then there was silence for a while, "Wait what, I'll be there soon, don't worry, I have money."

Then the phone hung up immediately. Da Zhong is the person who knows Wang Long's siblings best. It must cost money to see a doctor and do an operation. To be honest, but he is not stupid, and he treats Wang Ci sincerely, and treats Wang Ci as his younger sister.

In less than 10 minutes, the big clock rushed in, carrying a schoolbag on his shoulders. At the door of the emergency room, he looked anxious, "Where is Wang Ci, where is Wang Ci."

"I'm doing surgery inside, Dazhong. Me. Me."

"Okay, there is nothing to say between us brothers."

Da Zhong patted Wang Long's shoulder, and took out a bank card from his body with a smile, "Don't worry, I will cover all the expenses for my sister's surgery and hospitalization during this period."

He pulled a little nurse passing by, "I'll pay the money, what should I do, give my sister a good ward, take good medicine, and try to let him leave the hospital early." After finishing speaking, he followed the nurse with his bank card. left.

Wang Long covered his face with his hands, feeling miserable. He knew that Dazhong's family was just an ordinary working class, and the whole family only had an income of [-] to [-] yuan a year. He had to maintain the family and his school expenses. , it must not have been obtained by Dazhong through formal channels.

"Don't think too much, the card is for the New Year's Eve. People in our family gave me the New Year's money. I have saved it over the years, and there are more than 1 in it. It must be enough for our sister to be hospitalized. I just made a deal with the nurse. Greeted, everything is well taken care of."

Wang Long looked up at the big clock, he didn't say anything, he understood everything in his heart, in your working-class family, the lucky money for your children, no matter how many years you save, it will not reach this figure, [-]% of it is his family's savings, But he didn't want to say it.He reached out and covered his face again.

Da Zhong smiled "haha", he thought he had deceived Wang Long, "Don't think too much, and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Da Zhong, I know you."

"Can we make friends?" Da Zhong looked at Wang Long seriously, "Just say yes, or not."

Wang Long's eye circles were moist again, and he nodded vigorously, "Yes."

[ps: Tomorrow will continue to break out at five o'clock. 】【For so many years of ups and downs, we have gone through together, joys, sorrows and joys, and we have all experienced it together. Some pits in the last book were indeed not filled. I didn’t plan to fill them in at the beginning. There is room for guessing, just like in a movie, everyone can guess as much as they want, but after thinking about it later, it is really not good, but the meeting is over, and the company has submitted the draft, so it is too late to regret it, for me I sincerely apologize to everyone for the mistakes I made, and I beg for your forgiveness.

As a compensation, I rearranged the outline of this book and linked it with the previous book, and I will recall many things in the previous book one by one later.

If it really caused trouble to everyone, I am here to apologize to everyone. I am sorry, I am really sorry, but I will have what I should have, and I will write what I should write. I will definitely write on Xiejie in the future. , There are a lot of people who haven't read the prologue, please go and have a look if you haven't read it.

For example, Chen Yongjie from the city that never sleeps appears, so why did he go into exile here? When he writes the chapter on the butcher, he will be connected to some plots of the previous book, so that slowly all the plots will follow some still The appearance of the characters in the show will be shown one by one, please stay calm.

As for Yu Jiang, Yu Jiang of the two books is two people, there are also, and there is no connection.

Everyone regards this book as a brand new book, and it will not affect anything. After all, there will be new readers. In fact, it is easy to read, it is very realistic, and it is all the materials I collected. The same enthusiasm, the same campus youth, correct mentality, it's that simple.

I hope you will be happier, put your mentality in order, have fun reading books, spend some time, and try to avoid accusing me as much as possible. If accusing me can make you happy, then please continue. Since I wrote the book, accusations have never stopped. However, I need those who sincerely support me, but I also hope that some people will be merciful. If you really don't like it, you don't have to watch it. Don't continue to abuse and accuse me.

No matter how bad or wrong what I did, I beg for your forgiveness again, and I hope that those who have calmed down will stop accusing me, including many people who have been insulting me since the last book , in fact, we can still be friends, we are all old men, what is difficult, isn't it?

Maybe there will be a chance to meet each other in the future, have a drink, smile, and let go of all grievances, isn't it good, what can be exchanged for insults on the Internet.

I sincerely apologize to everyone, sorry, and ask for your understanding.

Ladies and gentlemen, be more open-minded. At best, let it go and keep cursing. That's what girls do.

But I am who I am, and I will still do what I should do. After all, while you criticize me, there are still many people who support me. These are my brothers and sisters.

Life always has to go on, and if there is someone who supports me, I will continue to write.

See friends clearly when there are ups and downs, and women when they are rich or not.

Scold me, please continue.

Love me, don't give up.

This is another story full of family affection, love and friendship. People who have stories will still like it. 】

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