we are brothers

【2050】Civil turmoil in the city that never sleeps

Wang Long hurried over to help, and immediately grabbed Wang Cheng. Together with Wang Wei, they dragged Wang Cheng to the corner of the room. Brothers Huang Hong and Huang Fei also picked up the thing in their hands and aimed at him. When they got to the door, Wang Long and Ling Yang leaned on both sides, their guns pointed at the door, and Wang Wei stood on the side, holding a single-barreled shotgun in his hand.

You can hear the sound of "boom, boom, boom, boom" gunshots outside, as well as screams.

Wang Cheng sat on the ground, "There are people on the left and right sides of the corridor, they are coming for us, they won't hold on for long." Wang Cheng was panting, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, "Hold on, King Kong and the others will attack from below in a while come up.

At this moment, the door of the room was kicked open with a "bang". At the same time, Wang Long and his party pointed their guns at the door, and the sound of "boom, boom, boom, boom" continued, but It was all empty, and no one appeared at the door.

Just when Wang Long and the others were astonished, that is, in an instant, a big man rushed in from the outside, "Fuck them to death!" The big man, more than 1.8 meters tall, roared crazily, and rushed in After that, he swung slightly with his left hand and right hand, and swept across the office. This is one of the eleven shopkeepers, shopkeeper Daxuan.

He was risking his life and risking his life "Be careful!" The moment the shopkeeper Daxuan rushed in, two people rushed in behind him, dressed in the same way as Daxuan, one of them was slightly punching twice, and the three of them ignored him. All the madness rushed in.

"Be careful!!!!" Wang Wei yelled, and started shooting towards that side. Wang Long and his party had nowhere to hide, so they could only fight desperately with the people who rushed in, when they heard "Boom, Boom, boom, boom, boom" The sound of crazy gunshots came out, and the three people who rushed in from the outside came in and shot in three directions crazily.

Wang Long and the others had no way to retreat, and they all started to fight back with guns in their hands. Then they heard countless gunshots of "boom, boom, boom, boom", and everything seemed to be still Similarly, everyone in Wang Long and his party could see bullets knocking down the top of the body armor on their chests, and they were all stepping back, their arms and forearms were all shot, but the group of shopkeeper Daxuan who rushed in did not have any body armor , and they were constantly shot. After a short dozen seconds of frenzied confrontation between the two sides, Wang Long and his party fell to the ground. His arms and legs were shot, and the body armor on his chest was all damaged. He was about to be beaten to pieces, and then he looked at the three big men who rushed in from the opposite side, fell to the ground covered in blood and began to twitch.

Wang Cheng had already got up from the ground, gritted his teeth, and held a gun. Wang Wei, Huang Hong, and Huang Fei were all shot. Wang Wei's office was in a mess, and Ling Yang on the other side fell to the ground On the ground, clutching his chest, his expression was very, very painful. There were still gunshots outside, and at this moment, he heard a loud shout from outside, "Be careful! They have explosives!"

This voice came from Zhang Xiancheng, "Don't let him rush in!!!" This roar was very loud.

Wang Wei and Wang Long fell to the ground. All three of them were out of breath just now. At this moment, they heard the sound of gunfire outside, Zhang Xiancheng's roar, and at the same time, Wang Cheng's "ah!" With a cry, he rushed towards the door. When Wang Cheng rushed to the door, a big man appeared opposite him. The shopkeeper Dabao was holding a pack of explosives, his eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was covered in blood. "Wang Wei, my mother will die with you!"

He tore off the explosive triggering device at once, and in only ten seconds, he was about to throw it inside. At the same time, Wang Cheng had already rushed to the door, and when the shopkeeper Dabao was about to throw the explosives, Wang Cheng had already rushed to the door." Brother!!!" He yelled, and then frantically moved forward, grabbed the explosives with his right hand, and hugged the shopkeeper Dabao with his left hand, and threw the shopkeeper Dabao to the corridor outside the door , In an instant, a violent explosion sound of "Boom! Boom!" was heard.

"Wang Cheng!!!!" Wang Wei became anxious all at once. He helped the ground and got up suddenly. He ran towards the door. There was thick smoke billowing at the door. When he ran to the door, the door The stairs in the corridor had been bombed and collapsed. Wang Cheng and the shopkeeper Dabao were bombed to death. A large area was left at the door. The person rushing over from the other side was Li Zhigang, and both of them were stunned immediately.

"Wang Cheng!!" King Kong Zhang Xiancheng yelled, "Brother Cheng!!!" He was dumbfounded and half-kneeled on the ground.

Wang Long Lingyang and his group in the room had just recovered from the short-term shock. It was obvious that the shopkeeper Dabao and the group were risking their lives to kill Wang Wei, and the gunshots downstairs had stopped. The whole fairyland on earth became chaotic, messy, and soon, the sound of the police car outside was also heard.

Wang Wei half-kneeled at the door, and he couldn't move forward. A big hole had been blasted in front of him, and the corridor was completely collapsed. It was very quiet, and there was no one talking.

Soon, I heard the voice shouting from the side again, "The two on our side have been disposed of!" "The one on our side has also been disposed of!"

Everything seemed to be quiet, Wang Wei half-kneeled there, and murmured, "Brother, younger brother."

Half an hour ago, it was still the farmyard where shopkeeper Dabao and his group gathered. Shopkeeper Daxuan appeared carrying two very, very large suitcases. He stood in the yard, put the suitcases in the yard, and conveniently Open it, there are all weapons inside, micro-punches, explosives, and bullets "I thought we would never use these things in this life, but I didn't expect to use them so soon, fuck, and them Fight."

Shopkeeper Dabao walked to the side, picked up two microchargers, fiddled with himself, and picked up the explosives, "Brothers, I have something to say, and I don't know if I should say it or not."

The people standing around were stunned, looking at the shopkeeper Dabao, "Brother Dabao, tell me, we have been brothers for decades."

"When we were in the city that never sleeps, how did we swear!" Dabao's voice was not loud, but his mind returned to decades ago, when more than a dozen people in this group knelt in front of the golden statue of Guan Erye, "We swear to the sky, Life is the people of the city that never sleeps, death is the soul of the city that never sleeps, guard the city lord, guard the city that never sleeps!" More than a dozen hot-blooded men roared, swearing blood as an alliance!

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