we are brothers

【2051】The decision of shopkeepers

When the people nearby heard Dabao's words, they all fell silent and stopped talking. Dabao's voice was not loud, "Lu Chaoba is not kind to us, we can be unrighteous to him, but he is the lord of the city that never sleeps, our brothers If this last breath is used on him, then the city that never sleeps will change its owner again. Wang Wei's intentions are not right. When the old city owner was forced to flee, it was all caused by Wang Wei. Now the civil strife in the city that never sleeps has caused great If we go to Lu Chaoba to take revenge again, it will really follow Wang Wei's mind, and I don't want to be sorry for our Evernight City!"

The people around were silent, and their eyes all fell on the shopkeeper Dabao, and immediately after, the shopkeeper Dabao stood up, "We have been brothers for so many years, and this is enough. This is life, and it cannot be avoided. Now There is still one last chance, either to beat Lu Chaoba hard, destroying his powerful city, hurting his foundation of the Nightless City, or dragging Wang Wei to his death, if you don’t give him a few chances! The Nightless City can fall into anyone’s hands , the only thing that cannot fall into his hands!"

Speaking of this, shopkeeper Dabao looked up at the night sky, "Brothers, the minority obeys the majority, who are you doing!"

After a few seconds of silence, the elder brothers looked at each other, very unified, "Wang! Wei!" two big words in unison.

Shopkeeper Dabao smiled. He took out his phone and called Lu Chaoba. Soon, the call was connected, and shopkeeper Dabao was very calm, "Lu Chaoba, you short-sighted trash! Let's do this. It’s not for you, it’s for us in the Nightless City! We are born as people in the Nightless City, and we will die as the soul of the Nightless City! In this life, we will be loyal and never be traitors! Idiots!”

Shopkeeper Dabao scolded very fiercely. After scolding, shopkeeper Dabao threw his mobile phone on the ground and looked at a group of people in their 60s and [-]s standing around him. For many years, we have been so quiet, today, it is time for people in Op City to remember our brothers well."

After finishing speaking, the shopkeeper of Dabao raised his gun, "Tu Wangwei! I am a city that never sleeps!"

"Tu Wangwei! I am so strong in the city that never sleeps!" Several middle-aged men around shouted, very imposing, this group of pure men is also the biggest mainstay of the city that never sleeps, so it is decided, I would rather be done by Lu Chaoba He is unwilling to expand the loss of the city that never sleeps to give outsiders an opportunity to defend the honor of the city that never sleeps with his own life.

Use your own life to beat Wang Wei's fairyland on earth!

This was a crazy night, this was a bloody night, all the eleven shopkeepers in the city that never sleeps were killed or injured in one night!The crazy civil strife in the raging city destroyed a large number of manpower. At the last moment, the Eleven Elders of the Nightless City endured humiliation and beat Wang Wei hard. Wang Cheng was forced to die with them, injured Wang Wei, and killed dozens of people in the fairyland on earth.

That night, the city that never sleeps and the fairyland on earth suffered heavy casualties. Lu Chaoba and Wang Wei were picked up by the police station to investigate and collect evidence. After a week of detention, the evidence was insufficient and they were all released without charge.

On the first night when Lu Chaoba was released, he sealed off the entire Nightless City. Under the eyes of countless eyes from the Nightless City, he knelt down and kowtowed to the eleven shopkeepers of the Nightless City, kowtowed and confessed his sins, and enshrined the spiritual tablets of the eleven big shopkeepers to the Nightless City. Lu Chaoba kowtowed and pleaded guilty to the enshrinement hall, which was lit by flames, and the golden blade that was finally delivered to him, vowing to never sleep in the city!Carry forward!Sweep across the fairyland on earth!Wang Wei made a blood sacrifice to Wang Cheng, vowing to avenge his younger brother. The whole op city was in chaos, a large number of people were dealt with because of this incident, and the whole op city was filled with a horrible and bloody smell. "

Happy Forest in OP City, this is the only place that is not baptized by this madness, there are still people coming and going, and there is a lot of voices, and then the VIP reception room of Happy Forest, Chen Zhiqing, Mi Ge, two people sitting in the room, Opposite, sat a cold young man, this man was the deputy city lord of the city that never sleeps!Cold red tone!

Mo Wentian stood beside Leng Hongyin, he came with Leng Hongyin, Leng Hongyin looked at Brother Mi and Chen Zhiqing in Happy Lin, "You two, I think I have said everything I need to say, both of you Is it time for you to make a statement? And I think what we want is not only a statement, but also the most practical actions. The two of you have seen enough of the excitement, right?"

"Deputy city lord, how did you come up with the idea of ​​watching the excitement?" Big Han Mi laughed, "When did we watch the excitement?"

"There was civil strife in the city that never sleeps, and the battle between the city and the fairyland on earth. What did you do? If I think right, you should also belong to the pipeline of our city that never sleeps, right?"

"That's right, it's true. We pay a lot of taxes to the city that never sleeps every year. We haven't missed a penny of this money, have we?"

"What I'm talking about is not about money, but about Wang Wei. Wang Wei is here, and you have all seen it. This incident has caused civil turmoil in our Evernight City. Eleven old shopkeepers are gone. We have already negotiated with Wang Wei. There is no end to death, so I came here to ask you, Happy Forest, to do your best to get rid of Wang Wei as soon as possible."

"I don't think it's that easy, right? Now that the police are so strict, what happened last time has already had a very bad impact. If I'm right, Xiao Qing is already anxious with Lu Chaoba, right? What's the matter, do you still want to make trouble?"

"Don't change the subject, I came this time with the intention of the Bahuang, you happy forest, can't you watch?"

"If you don't look at it, what should you do if you don't pay attention to it? We are just honest businessmen. If we don't look at it, can we fight? Where can we fight Wang Wei, and we can't provoke Lu Chaoba. What's the matter, Bahuang Do you want us to fill holes? Or block bullets?"

Leng Hongyin suddenly laughed, and looked at Brother Mi, "Brother Mi, according to what you said, that is to say, you guys are going to sit on the sidelines and not participate?"

"I'm sorry, we really can't do anything. Our happy forest is just an ordinary business. We can't afford to offend you or them. Let us pay the money, we give it, let me pay the protection fee, and we also pay it. Let us pay the protection fee. Bow your head and surrender, we also admit it, I think there must be a limit to bullying, and you still want us to be cannon fodder, sorry, we really can't do it."

Leng Hongyin frowned at what Brother Mi said, and looked at the two people opposite him, "Brother Qing, you mean the same thing?"

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