we are brothers

【221】Smart Brother He He

"It's okay, let's put it aside for now. In addition, you can pick a time to help call Yucheng and Mengjie over, and say that I invite them to play golf."

"Can the two of them still come? They just had a meeting with Wang Wei, and dare to come now?"

"What are the two of them afraid of? This society is a money society. The financial company owned by the couple is the largest listed company in Op City. Wang Wei and the others need to rely on the couple's operation to launder a lot of their money. So much black money came out, if they don’t rely on their husband and wife to launder, who can do it? Besides, we are looking for them to discuss business, I need them to help us launder money, and I don’t want them to deal with Wang Wei. What?"

Xidu quickly understood what the butcher meant, "Got it, boss, then I'll go down."

"Go." The butcher still started to eat the instant noodles in his hand. The door was closed by Xidu. Very serious, staring at the TV screen, I don't know what this big man is thinking...

In the first and second classes in the afternoon, there is no way for this normal class to attend classes, because they will definitely fall asleep. In order to prevent the teacher from killing Brother Hua, the two of Wang Long and Da Zhong Before class, I went around the class to borrow extra-curricular books for Brother Hua. I borrowed several books, and I told Brother Hua to calm down. When Brother Hua said it was ok, the two fell asleep on the ground. Sleeping like hell.

The Chinese class was surprisingly quiet. The Chinese teacher looked down. There were more than a dozen rows of seats. The people in front and the back basically slept together. As for the book, she was indeed a little depressed. Looking at the group of children below, she suddenly felt that the future of these flowers of the motherland was hopeless.

She put the book on the desk very calmly, "Stop sleeping and playing. In the last few minutes, I will not give lectures or assign homework. I will chat with everyone casually. You say you With the hard-earned money of your parents, you ran to school hard, got up early every day, and didn’t study at school, right? Who are you worthy of, let alone your parents, are you worthy of yourself? How will you survive in this society in the future, what do you rely on to support yourself? I am really anxious for you, you said that each of you is young, you should be full of vigor, full of passion, and full of struggle** When you were young, you are young, youth is capital, you have to believe that you can, believe in yourself, strength is in your heart, and work hard, fight, and fight for your future."

The Chinese teacher took a sip of water, "Look at what you are like now, those who sleep, those who play with mobile phones, those who chat, those who read extracurricular books, can you cheer up, show some enthusiasm, take Come out with some vitality, you are still young! Boys! You are the hope of the future of the motherland! Can you show a little bit of vitality, take a little bit of anger!" The Chinese teacher is getting more and more involved in her speech, and she is encouraging the students " Angry, angry!!!" she yelled.

It was unusually quiet down here, and there was no one talking. We only saw that at this moment, our brother Hua suddenly closed the extra-curricular books in his hands, stared at the Chinese teacher on the podium, helped his highly myopic glasses frame, and brought With an unusually sad voice, "Our passion, our anger, and our vitality have all been smoothed out by the years." After he finished speaking, he shook his head helplessly and sighed. Everyone could see that, He comes from the heart.

The whole class was very, very quiet. After a few seconds, I don’t know who was the first to raise the head. "Hahaha", the whole class burst into laughter. People around Brother Hua turned sideways subconsciously, lighting up Brother Hua directly. Come out, because the people around him are afraid of being accidentally injured.

Our Hua brother was still very calm and calm, stood up, looked at the Chinese teacher, "Don't hurt the innocent, I will go to the station." Then, he moved his seat.

The Chinese teacher's face turned green, and he took his water glass full of water and threw it hard on the podium, with an unusually fierce expression, and pointed at Du Hua, "In the future, there will be me without him, there will be him without me!!! " she roared and left the teacher.

Du Hua took a deep breath, looked at the sleeping big clock and Wang Long beside him, fortunately he didn't wake them up...

That night, our great brother He He got off work, whistled, and was riding his bike to the house in the dark. He felt something was wrong when he was riding. He stopped the car suddenly. He turned his head and looked Behind, at night, there was indeed a person behind him, also riding a car, following him.

He didn't care at first, and rode forward for a certain distance. He stopped on purpose, lit a cigarette, and pretended to make a phone call. When he glanced back secretly, he saw that person riding a bicycle behind him. He stopped, did not turn the corner, or overtook him. This time, the great brother He He was scared. Fortunately, the man who followed him did not look very old, but this did not hinder our great brother He He, very He calmly parked the car on the side of the road, squatted down and locked the car. He was also afraid that someone would take the car away.

He stood on the spot, moved, stretched his muscles and bones, and raised his legs on the spot several times.

The man following Wang Hehe was already surprised. What is this guy doing? It seems like he is doing warm-up exercises.

Just when he was surprised, he saw Wang Hehe in a very chic posture. With his back to the man, he stretched out his middle finger, followed by a posture of starting on the spot.

The man following Wang Hehe felt a ray of light, and Wang Hehe disappeared into the night in an instant.

"Oh my god, it's so fast!" The buddy froze for a moment, and hurriedly rode his bicycle, desperately chasing forward, but he found that the distance between him and Wang Hehe was getting farther and farther as he rode so desperately.

"Fuck, is this still a human, running so fast?" Seeing that he was about to lose track of him, he quickly took out his phone.

Looking at Wang Hehe in front of him, he was still accelerating. He felt as if he was floating. It was so exciting to play such a sports game at night. He ran for more than ten minutes in a row, and he felt physically strong. A little down, he turned his head and looked behind him, but there was no one, so he stood where he was, and smiled awesomely, "Fuck, I still want to fight your great brother He He with just such a little skill. Fuck! I'm so smart"

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