we are brothers

[222] Group fights in the playground

He took out a cigarette conveniently, and as soon as he put it in his mouth, he heard the sound of the accelerator pedal, followed by a car driving towards him with its headlights on, Wang Hehe quickly stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, followed closely , the car stopped in front of him, and the headlights turned into small lights. Wang Hehe stood still and did not dare to move. He stared at the car carefully, and was already secretly looking at the sides. Just as he was about to escape, a The envelope was thrown from inside, "Don't run away, this is yours."

Wang Hehe caught the envelope without any hassle. He looked at the envelope, frowning, and all kinds of thoughts popped up in his mind. The main reason was that he didn't know what was inside the envelope. After pondering for a long time, he finally opened the envelope. Yes, he saw all the banknotes inside, although there were not many banknotes, but this time, he was happy, this is definitely not to trouble him, the great brother He He is very smart, this is not to trouble him, his waist Straighten up "I have to run home after work every night. This is for exercising. Don't stay in the car. Come down and have a good chat, and we can talk about the price."

"Don't you ask me what I want you to do? Just talk about the price?"

"As long as we don't betray our boss, anything else, as long as the money is in place, everything will be in place." Wang Hehe was unusually straightforward...

In the past two days, the first middle school has started to crack down again, and all the students have become more honest. Of course, this is only limited to the sophomore and first year of high school. Yu Jiang has more freedom, because they will graduate soon, and they are not afraid of being caught. Expelled, there are still more than two months for the college entrance examination, even if they don't come to school, it will be the same if they come directly to the college entrance examination.

"Brother Yu, brothers are all ready, when will we start?"

In the toilet on the first floor of the third year of high school, Yu Jiang was smoking a cigarette, surrounded by a dozen bad school bullies in school uniforms of the third year of high school, Yu Jiang was still holding a schedule in his hand, he stared at the schedule After a while, he stood up, took a stick from one side, turned around and went out, Yu Jiang was in front, and Xu Peng and his group followed him.

A few minutes later, a group of people appeared on the playground. The playground is very lively today. All three classes are having physical education classes, and they are all free activities now. The physical education teachers don't know where to go.

Of these three classes, two are senior one classes, and one is senior two classes. In the senior one class, there are Wang Long and the others.

Wang Long and Da Zhong were connected with Brother Hua, and the three of them were chatting on the playground. Du Hua pointed out fiercely, "Look, Yu Jiang."

Wang Long and the others quickly turned their heads. Sure enough, Yu Jiang had already appeared around the playground. He came here alone, but there were many people in school uniforms around him, and they all followed Yu Jiang to form a surrounding circle. Driving, ran to a group of people playing basketball over there.

Wang Long, Da Zhong and the others quickly turned their heads away, and saw that the sophomores over there who were playing basketball also stopped playing. It was obvious that Yu Jiang was going for them.

Afan and Brother Deng watched Yu Jiang and the others approach, and put the basketball aside calmly. Then, they took off their clothes from the basketball stand, turned around and walked to the other side.

Yu Jiang narrowed his eyes, stared at these two people with a smile and walked over. Everyone was walking. After walking for a few seconds, he saw Afan and Brother Deng suddenly separated from each other. Road, just run.

"Grandma, don't let him run away!" More than a dozen people surrounded him from all directions, seven or eight were running for brother Deng, and seven or eight were running for Afan.

Afan ran very fast, but he didn't run two steps. The senior high school students who had ambushed early in the morning came up. He became extremely fierce and showed no fear at all. He took the initiative to punch one person in the face, then turned around and kicked another person on the stomach, and when the person behind came up with a stick, it was his turn. On the head of the man, he bowed his head forward, hugged his head, turned around suddenly, and was hit with a stick in the face again, he gritted his teeth, went up and threw himself on the man, grabbing him tightly He swung his big fist against Afan's neck with extraordinary force, and started to swing four or five sticks on Afan's body. After a fierce beating, Yu Jiang ran to his side at this time, and hit his face with a stick, and he fell to the side immediately, and a large group of people around him screamed. He climbed up, greeted the people on the ground, kicked and scolded them with a big stick, and everyone in the playground was shocked.

Brother Deng on the other side had already run away, and the people behind didn't catch up, but after running a few steps, he turned around and saw Afan being dragged by someone, so he stopped running and picked up a piece from the ground. Turning his head and yelling "***!", he rushed over again, and when he reached Yu Jiang's side, he threw a brick up. The people here quickly dodged. , Kicked one over with a kick, and then raised his hand and punched a person in the face. He grabbed this person tightly, and Xu Peng around him pointed his head with a few **** sticks. Dare to come back" a few times, and knocked him down to the ground again.

There was another large group of people around, and they waved their big sticks randomly according to the people on the ground.

The big playground has already attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, Da Zhong stretched out his hand and pointed, "Brother Long, there is another sophomore over there."

Wang Long and the others looked up, and just saw Peng Gang, A Yuan, and A Ming, a dozen or so people, all carrying things in their hands, rushed towards Yu Jiang's side, and the expressions on their faces were very cold. He also just ran over from class, and there are seven or eight others behind him.

Yu Jiang stood where he was, smiled, took off his coat, threw it on the ground, held a stick in his hand, and waved "Dry" with his big hand!

Peng Gang and his group ran over to Yu Jiang and the others angrily, and soon, the two sides converged.

Yu Jiang went up and hit Peng Gang's head with a stick. Peng Gang turned sideways and punched Yu Jiang's face. When it was Peng Gang's turn, Peng Gang gritted his teeth and punched Yu Jiang again. , Going up is just a kick, Yu Jiang turned over and hid, stood up and jumped, and it was Peng Gang's turn to punch in the face.

Peng Gang took two steps back, and A Ming and A Yuan rushed towards Yu Jiang.

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