we are brothers

【2361】inner ecstasy

Wang Yue nodded and smiled at him... More than 20 minutes later, Wang Yue and Gong Zheng reappeared on the police car.

"Uncle Six, I think your state just now is quite wrong. What's the matter with you? Why did you come here?"

"This is the home of my first love. When I was young, I often came here." Wang Yue smiled, "Okay, let's go, next stop."

After more than 20 minutes, Wang Yue went downstairs to Xi Yu's house. He stood here, looking at the big tree downstairs, and slowly walked to the edge of the tree. He didn't know what he was thinking, he smiled With a smile, he dug up without any hassle. Gong Zheng was stunned at the sight. After digging like this for a while, Wang Yue dug out another small iron box from underneath.

He looked at the iron box and frowned slightly. Gong Zheng was also surprised, "Why is there such a thing buried here?"

"I'm also very surprised. When was this buried?" Wang Yue said as he opened the iron box. There was only a small plastic bag inside. On the plastic bag was a sterling silver earring in the shape of a cross. The one on Yue's ear is exactly the same, and there is another letter, which is not yet rotten, with many, many, many words.

Wang Yue opened the letter, and Xi Yu's handwriting appeared here, "This is the last letter to myself, and it is also the last letter to you. I don't think you will see it. If you do, I hope Give me back a tear."

Immediately afterwards, a one-yuan coin fell directly along the envelope with a "boom", a crisp sound.

"XX, XX, Friday, sunny, my life changed from this day, a little boy who was about the same height as me appeared in my place, and asked me shamelessly, do you know me? I know who he is, a well-known gangster in school, and then, I deliberately stuck his face, deliberately said that I didn't know him, seeing his deflated expression, I was very happy."

"On xx, xx, Wednesday, cloudy day, that little bastard named Liu'er started to pursue me. I really don't understand what's going on in his head. He does some new things all day long, but to be honest, it's quite interesting. of."

"XX, x month x, Saturday, sunny day, I think I fell in love with his character, but definitely not his snacks, what I like is his whole person, so interesting, he can always be whole Some new things came out to make me happy. Do I want to be with him? I prayed to God to give me an answer. I picked up the coin and stayed with him with heads. , I smiled, kissed the reverse side of the coin, and resolutely walked together with him"

"It was raining on Friday, x month x, xxx, and he took off his clothes for me, watered himself thoroughly, and didn't let me get a little rain. I'm so happy. I've already gotten along with him for a long time. It has been many months, he is a very interesting person, I like the feeling of being with him more and more, I, Xi Yu, swear here today, I will give my whole life to this cynical man, no matter what , I also want to come together with him and achieve a positive result.”

"XX, x month x, Saturday, the weather was cloudy, today we two swore, and he wrote me a note, we will always be together, happy to go on, thank God, grateful, grateful, ha ha ha ha , I am so happy!"

"XX, x month x, sunday, the weather is sunny and sixty-six, I love you, my various firsts, and my whole life, entrusted to you, thank you for being kind to me, thank you for caring about me Take care, my Liuliu, my man."

"On xx, x month x, Wednesday, the weather was fine, he betrayed me, he chose his ex-girlfriend, everything was over, I knew that oaths are oaths after all, time can erase everything, he walked so I am determined, let go, silly girl, you deserve it, you have to suffer, but I can't bear it, what should I do, I took out the coin, the head is to let go completely, the tail is to continue to work hard, the result, it was heads, I kissed the head of the coin, I'm letting go."

"On the night of x, x, x, xxx, on Wednesday night, the weather was fine. Although he betrayed me, I found that I couldn't let go. I took out the coin again. The tail was to let go completely, and the front was to continue to work hard. It was tails, I took the coin, I kissed the coin, and then I put the coin away and hid it from the house."

"On xxxx x month x, Thursday, the weather was cloudy, just like my mood, I decided to recover my happiness, I saw him and Lin Ran together today, I am not happy, I want to get back Happiness is mine, at any cost."

"XX, x month x, Friday, the weather is overcast, Wang Yue, you are a fucking idiot, a living idiot!"

"Saturday, x month x, xxx, the weather is cloudy, Wang Yue, you are a fucking beast, a living beast!"

"On xx, x month x, Wednesday, the weather was fine. I really couldn't take it anymore. I was going to collapse. I rummaged through the box and found out my coin again. If it was positive, I would continue to redeem myself. Happiness, tails, is to give up, I threw the coin out, the result, the coin was tails, I smiled, continued to kiss the coin, my brother said me, my parents said me, I know they love me , but they don't know what I want, I want him, Liuliu."

"Tuesday, x month x, xxx, the weather is fine, Wang Yue, you are a fucking idiot, a big idiot, a stinking idiot!"

"XX, x month x, Friday, the weather was cloudy and rainy. He came to see me today. It was my birthday. The weather was very cold. He covered my feet in the guard room at the door. This is what I did. The most beautiful birthday, Liuliu, you are waiting for me in Yizhong"

"In xxx, on x month x, Sunday, the weather was cloudy. Today my parents told me about going abroad. They wanted me to go abroad for high school and study abroad. They planned a good life route for me, but I didn't want to go. If I really go, I will never see Liuliu again, I picked up the coin again, the head is going out, the back is a middle, the coin is thrown to the head again, I kissed the coin firmly, and ran I went out and rejected everything, and went on a hunger strike for three days, I want to go to No. [-] middle school!"

"Monday, x month x, xxx, the weather was fine. I came to No. [-] Middle School to report on the first day. When I first came here, I saw Lin Yifei's car. He was still so domineering, with a big gold chain, shining brightly. , I saw Liuliu, I saw them all, I was so happy, I controlled my inner ecstasy."

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