we are brothers

【2362】are you crazy

"XX, x month x, Wednesday, the weather was fine, Liuliu finally broke up with Lin Ran, I am so happy, hahaha, my happy life is here, Liuliu is back, back to me, hahahaha , I am so happy, I want to drink two bottles tonight!"

"Xx, x, x, friday, the weather was sunny, I knew that my choice must be right, Liuliu, I love you, I will give everything for you, give everything, you don't know I have I love you so much, I will never know."

"XX, x month x, Saturday, the weather is fine, six six, I love you, Xi Yu's life is all for you."

"XX, x month x, Sunday, the weather is fine, six six, I love you, Xi Yu's life is all for you."

"In xxx, x month x day, Monday, the weather was cloudy, I know about Lin Ran and you behind my back, I don't want to say anything about you, girls and boys are together, to some extent they have to suffer some grievances, I took out the coin again, the head was to expose you and break up with you, the tail was to pretend that I didn’t know, and in the end, it was heads again, I picked up the phone at once, I was very angry, but after a long time, I took the coin I threw it away, and I threw away the phone, I chose not to expose it."

"XX, x month x, Sunday, the weather was cloudy, we graduated, finally graduated, we also broke up, finally broke up, I sat on the bed with a smile, holding the coin in my hand, I looked at the coin , if the coin comes up heads, we will definitely be together, in that case, I will continue to pursue my dream, if the coin comes up tails, then we will definitely not be together, I really want to let go this time, In the end, the coin turned up tails again. I picked up the coin and smiled at the coin. I said, coin, coin, if my sixth brother knows that you are not used to him so much, will he tear you up! So, I kissed the coin, I won’t let go, Xiyu’s life is for you, if you can’t give me my life, then please ruin my life, Liuliu, I love you, I will definitely get you again, definitely Will do."

"Xx, x, x, friday, the weather was fine. I haven't written a diary for a long time, and I'm going to write it again today, because I finally saw her again, hahaha, hahahaha, Wang Yue, this bastard, is actually with her again. A woman got together, this woman is Qin Xuan's younger sister, the younger sister of his good brother, he really won't let anyone off, anyone can do it, you bastard, you wait for my mother to come and take it You, hahaha."

"Xx, x, x, Friday, the weather was cloudy, and today I was told at home that I would go abroad. Shi, Liuliu, wait for me."

"Monday, x month x, xxx, I'm so happy today, hahaha, we finally got together again, hahaha, I suddenly felt that all the grievances I had before were indifferent, hahahaha, Hahaha, I'm so happy, I took out the coin and said to it, I'm going to be happy, isn't it? If it is, it's heads, if it's not, it's tails, when I want to throw the coin up, I After hesitating and thinking for a long time, I put the coins away."

"On xx, x, x, friday, the weather was cloudy, and he went out blindly behind my back again, should I care or not, I know his heart is with me, but should I tolerate him or not? Coins? Forget it, the result is the same, just this time, just this time, only this time, only once in a lifetime, I grabbed the coin tightly”

"Xx, x, x, Saturday, the weather was fine. He thought I really didn't know anything. I had done everything I could. I was really tired. I was leaving. I really couldn't be with you. He went on like this."

"Tuesday, x month x, xxx, the weather was cloudy, I went home, a little sad, full of our memories, I really want to know how he is so free and easy, is love in his In his eyes, is it so worthless?"

"XX, x month x, Monday, the weather was fine, today is a special day, Xiao Chao walked into my life openly for the first time, told me openly that he loves me, that he treats me well, He is the best man among all the men I have met in my life. He can do everything for me. He said to me that he will do his best and be single-minded. His kindness to me touched me. Not my love, he touched my heart, not my people.”

"Tuesday, x month x, xxx, the weather was fine. I cried tonight. When I was eating with Xiao Chao, I remembered Liuliu. Looking at the places we had been, I missed him again. How could I It’s so useless, crying for a man who has hurt me countless times, I’m really ashamed, I’ve wasted seven years of my youth for him, I don’t know how much youth I still have to waste, six six, today It's your birthday, I miss you, you know?"

"XX, x month x, Tuesday, the weather is cloudy, I can't accept Xiao Chao's kindness to me, I don't want to delay him anymore, today I mentioned to my father that I want to go abroad, passport, visa, everything Everything is ready, I am leaving, leaving this sad city, leaving this man who has broken my heart countless times."

"The weather was fine on Friday, x month x, xxx. Someone called me today and said they would be back soon. My plane the next day, I took out the coin again, and the head was go, go Far away, the tail is to stay and wait for him, and then, the coin is the same as I thought, heads, so many times, it is the same, I kissed the coin."

"On x, x, x, friday, the weather was cloudy and I didn't leave. I stayed at the L City Public Security Bureau. I went to work from here. I knew he was back. I wanted to marry him. Marrying this has failed me countless times. Marry this man who made me bruised all over, well, I love you, well, I deserve it, well, I will suffer on my own, so what?"

"Xx x month x, Saturday, the weather is sunny, I just want to say one thing today, don't cry out for the pain you caused yourself, you deserve it, Xi Yu, you deserve it fucking! Stupid, there are no men in the world Already? Wake up and wake up!"

"Xx, x, x, Sunday, the weather is fine, is there no man in this world? Wake up! Stupid! You have spent your whole life on him, you don't want someone who treats you so well, in your eyes Only him, are you crazy!"

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