Super ambiguous master

Chapter 041 Who's Plan

Chapter 041 Who's Plan

"Are you awake?" Qin Hao threw a few twigs into the bonfire, and looked at Mu Meng who just opened his eyes next to him.

"This is hell, or heaven. But I should go to hell." Mu Meng rubbed his temples, his head still dizzy.

"The lines are too old, change them to fresh ones. Let me tell you, do you read too many romance novels and still go to hell? I'm not your concubine." Qin Hao scolded with a smile, and then threw the water bottle over: "Drink some water , but you are recovering from serious injuries, don’t drink too much, I won’t save you if you die.”

Mu Meng struggled to support his body. Although his body was already extremely thirsty, he also knew that if he drank too much now, his organs would not be able to bear it. He just picked up the water bottle and sipped in small mouthfuls, barely making Wang's mouth moist again. , put the kettle down.

"Thank you for saving me." Mu Meng looked at Qin Hao. This guy was covered in blood, and even a few meters away, he could smell the blood.

"But I'm curious, why did you save me?"

Qin Hao fiddled with the bonfire, and the firelight reflected on his face, but he couldn't make his smile warm at all: "I'm full!"

Mu Meng choked so hard that he almost passed out again.

"I think you're a man. You helped me before, so I'll save you once. I'm not used to being indebted to others. It's all right now. We've settled the matter. There's nothing wrong with leaving this ruined temple. You continue to be your red flower double stick, and I will continue to be my bodyguard."

Mu Meng smiled wryly and said: "What kind of man am I? Is there a man who uses his brother's corpse as a shield?" When he said this, Mu Meng's eyes were full of pain, and his mind was full of the phrase "destroyed corpse."

"I'm sorry for them. They were raised by their parents. Why did I survive alone? Why!" Mu Meng's tone became more and more agitated, Qin Hao turned his head and gave him a look, and snorted coldly.

"What are you yelling about? Do you want to die with them? Okay, there is a stinky ditch less than a kilometer from here, and your current physical strength is enough to drown you. Go, go! You Don't you want to be a man, don't you want to show loyalty, don't get out!" Qin Hao said with a sneer, his words were full of contempt.

Poor Mu Meng, a pure man, is crying like a woman right now.

Qin Hao has seen a lot of people like this. Mu Meng before was just a bastard to put it bluntly. It might be okay to ask him to kill one or two people, but the previous situation was a premeditated massacre. He did not have such a scene. I have seen it, the impact on my heart can be imagined.

But as long as he survives this test, Mu Meng's whole body will undergo transformation.

"Okay, crying like a bitch. Hold your chest up and hear me! You have hope only if you live, and revenge if you live. Your brothers died inexplicably, and their parents didn't People are dying, and their children have no one to support. Now you are the last hope of these brothers and families, can you fall? Can you fall? Look into my eyes and answer me!"

Qin Hao held Mu Meng's shoulders, forcing him to raise his head and stare into his eyes.

"Tell me, do you want revenge!"

"Do you want to seek justice for your dead brother!"

"Do you want to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, tear his body into pieces, and comfort the souls of your brothers in heaven!"

"answer me!"

Mu Meng's eyes collapsed at the beginning, then gradually gathered light, and finally turned red.

"I want to live, I want to avenge my brothers!"

Qin Hao took a deep breath and slowed down his speaking speed: "Very well, as long as you pull yourself together, there is still hope for everything."

Mu Meng's energy came back, and he gritted his teeth and said, "That group of people came from there. It is impossible for Yunchuan to have such a powerful personal weapon. Although Liu Qishan is greedy for money, he is very good at such things. Strictly speaking, even big families like the Qi family and the Su family can only recruit some bodyguards."

Qin Hao asked, "Who is Liu Qishan?"

"The chief of the police station in Yunchuan has a very tough backstage. At first Su Tang wanted to move him, but he was forced back in a daze, and I heard that Su Tang went to the capital to plead guilty for this incident! It is conceivable How huge is the power behind Liu Qishan."

Qin Hao understood in an instant that the entire Yunchuan had a drug supply line, so the Mu family and the Nanfeng family coveted it very much, but where there are seven gates, there will always be eight locks, and Liu Qishan is probably one of the eight locks. The spokesperson of a certain family in Yunchuan!

"Is it possible that it was the hands of the wolf cat?"

Mu Meng shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. The boss's whereabouts are very mysterious recently. The only people in the whole gang who know his whereabouts are his bodyguards. None of us are qualified. But I think it is impossible for the Wildcat Gang to have Such a large armed force. Therefore, these people are likely to be mercenaries who smuggled into the country from abroad!"

Qin Hao nodded approvingly: "Yes, they are all members of the Vietnam Gang."

Mu Meng was slightly surprised, "Vietnamese gang, the Vietnamese gang has been fighting with the Thais for the past few years, and they still have the energy to come to China? And who would collude with the Vietnamese? People on the road don't have any good feelings for the Vietnamese. The guys are greedy, and because there is a supply line going through their territory, these people set a high toll. So mentioning the Vietnamese, everyone on Yunchuan Road hates it."

"It's impossible for gangsters, what if it's the Baidao family." Qin Hao picked out charcoal to make the bonfire more vigorous.

"Bai Dao! Are you saying it's impossible? What are they doing this for? Besides, it's impossible for the Bai Dao family to attack the Sihai Group. The Sihai Group is a well-known enterprise in Yunchuan, and it's too late for the Baidao people to protect them. How could it be possible to deal with it. And it is still such a ruthless move."

This is also where Qin Hao can't figure it out. The only thing he can be sure of is that Li Dongyang reached an agreement with the Vietnamese. Can't live.

In just one day, Qi Huan's daughter was assassinated, Li Dongyang failed to seize power and died, and the Four Seas Group was turned into ruins.

And these things are enough to cause riots in any place, but at this moment, Yunchuan seems unusually quiet!Quiet is too eerie.

It is obvious that someone is deliberately suppressing the leak of news, and they want to concentrate all matters in Yunchuan.

But they made Yun Chuan a mess, are they planning to reshuffle all the inherent forces in the past?

This is the most dire and at the same time the most likely outcome.

But the reshuffling of the cards will definitely meet with strong protests from several other companies, so they simply made the matter out of hand, and then cut the mess quickly.

This is really a bit ruthless, but if this is really the case, Qin Hao also admires the planner behind the scenes, breaking through and standing up, this is something that requires great courage to do.

"We will break up after dawn, but the police may not let us go, and will conduct frequent investigations. We have to unify our caliber and insist that this matter has nothing to do with us. In fact, it has nothing to do with it." Qin Hao put aside those thoughts , These things have nothing to do with him, as long as he protects his relatives.

If necessary, it is also possible to leave Yunchuan.

"The boss may not believe me anymore. He is a very suspicious person. The brothers I brought out this time are all dead. Mantis and the others will definitely launch an offensive against me." Mu Meng smiled self-deprecatingly. There is indescribable bitterness in it.

"What's more, I was injured by Li Dongyang, and now I am basically a useless person, how can I take revenge!"

Qin Hao comforted: "I said, you will find a solution to your injury, don't be depressed. Now we are in the same boat, and the wolf cat is a very ambitious guy. I can see that he is not willing to be People control you, you have to take advantage of him, and then slowly capture the Wildcats into your hands, only with power can you have the confidence to take revenge."

"In the future, I will have a lot of people who need to trouble you to deal with it, so you can't be depressed."

Mu Meng nodded heavily.

Qin Hao also knew that it would not take a day or two to restore his confidence, and too hasty could backfire.

After dawn, Qin Hao and Mu Meng left the ruined temple one after another. At this moment, Yunchuan was in a mess.

The streets are full of police officers, and when they see someone with a secretive look, they go up to question them. Stores are afraid to open their doors for business, and ordinary people are afraid to go out to buy groceries. Many companies have declared holidays, and airports and train stations are overcrowded.

But those who wanted to leave were told that the airport was closed for repairs and not open to the public, the train station was closed for repairs, there was no shuttle bus for the time being, and road cards were set up on the expressway, and no traffic was allowed.

The whole city seemed to have entered a state of wartime alert, and the common people were extremely terrified. In the end, Mayor Yunchuan gave a public speech on TV, but it could only take the time to alleviate the panic of the people.

If this continues, it may even lead to a large-scale civil uprising.

The school was also on holiday, Ling Ruoxue didn't care, she just studied and read in her room all day long, but Ling Ruolan couldn't stand it anymore, she yelled to go out to play.

But Qin Hao still disagreed, Xiao Nizi's mouth could be pouted enough to hang oil bottles, no matter how coquettish and cute she was, Qin Hao only had two words in her mouth, no.

Zhou Yayan is now by Zhou Tianhao's side every day. She told her father Li Dongyang's conspiracy, but Zhou Tianhao just smiled lightly. He naturally knew these things, but there are still some things that he can't say!Since Zhou Yayan already thinks this is the case, why bother to disturb her.

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