Super ambiguous master

Chapter 042 Investigated Again

Chapter 042 Investigated Again

Although Yun Chuan has entered a state of first-level combat readiness, the mayor's speech finally calmed the panic of the people a little, and the police behind them also restrained a little when they were doing business, and the social order returned to normal.

What I didn't expect was that because of the crackdown this time, there were no hooligans on the streets of Yunchuan. There are many drug addicts in the area, and these people are the constituents of social instability.

Now the streets are full of police and special police, they naturally dare not come out, even if they want goods, they are sneaky, and they are no longer as arrogant as before, and the number of flavamine addicts in relief centers is even greater It was a sudden increase of several times, causing Yunchuan's police force to be strained again.

Schools and businesses have gradually returned to normal. Qin Hao is naturally worried that the Ling family sisters go to school alone. Since the school started, he has taken on the duties of driver and bodyguard. After sending the two little girls to school Returning to the company to report, Zhou Yayan expressed a high degree of understanding and support for his behavior of leaving his post without authorization.

Because of Qin Hao's previous mistakes, Zhou Tianhao sent Uncle Quan to Zhou Yayan's side as the second guard. However, after handing over to Qin Hao, Uncle Quan will go back to take care of Zhou Tianhao. Now Zhou Tianhao is equivalent to a useless person.

Today is Friday, and it is also the day of general mobilization before the school's college entrance examination. Yunchuan High School has an unwritten rule, that is, every time the general mobilization of the college entrance examination must gather all the students for a meeting, it is said that it can inspire everyone's learning enthusiasm Well, let's not talk about whether this matter has any effect, just the momentum alone is magnificent.

Thousands of students crowded into the playground of the school. Listening to the principal, vice principal, director of the teaching department, and director of the political and educational department's long speeches, the students with profound skills were able to stand up and sleep, and many students directly took out There are not many people who play games or read novels on their mobile phones and listen to lectures seriously.

However, Yunchuan is not particularly peaceful at the moment. Although the school wants to preserve this tradition, it does not dare to delay for too long. Leaders at the principal level all speak within 5 minutes. Finally, Ling Ruoxue, who has the best grades in the third year of high school, will take the stage. Crazy speeches.

This is the dream picture of any student.

One must know that Ling Ruoxue has the title of a joke, and her suitors can form a reinforcement platoon at school.Every day, she received a sack of love letters, but Ling Ruoxue never responded. The boys in the school nicknamed her in private, Bingshan Beauty.

Although a bit vulgar, it coincides with Ling Ruoxue's temperament.

Qin Hao has been monitoring everything outside the playground, he is not at ease, especially this kind of large-scale gathering, it is simply the best time to do something, once the crowd panics, it can give the murderer the best escape environment. If you want to catch people, you can't catch them!

Qin Hao's eyes are like the eyes of an eagle, constantly inspecting everything inside. As Ling Ruoxue's parent, he is eligible to enter the school, but he can only stay outside the playground.

Seeing Ling Ruoxue delivering a speech calmly, Qin Hao seemed to have seen the brother Ling who single-handedly promoted him back then.

Brother Ling, you will be very pleased to see this scene in the spirit of the sky, I finally lived up to the trust, Ling Ruoxue has now become the proud son of the sky!

Just when Qin Hao was both emotional and vigilant, two men in police uniforms walked towards him.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Qin? We are from the Yunchuan Public Security Bureau." The two policemen showed Qin Hao their IDs.

Qin Hao frowned and asked, "I'm Qin Hao, what's your business?"

"It's like this. Regarding the evil incident that happened at the gate of the Four Seas Group some time ago, we need to learn something from Mr. Qin. I hope you can cooperate with us."

This was what Qin Hao expected, after all, that girl Yi Jie was always looking for trouble for her, this time she finally had such a good opportunity to interrogate herself, how could she let it go.

It's just that Qin Hao was a little surprised. Half a month has passed since the last incident. Why did he only ask himself now?

Seeing the confusion in Qin Hao's eyes, the two policemen took the initiative to explain: "Mr. Qin, please don't misunderstand, because the high-level personnel of the police station have changed a while ago, and they are busy chasing the criminals, so all the inquiries The work has been postponed until now.”

Qin Hao said with a smile, "Cooperating with the police is the duty of every citizen, but I am a bit of a police station phobia, because last time your police officer Yi Jie took some very humane actions towards me. The measures have caused me to have endocrine disorders and menstrual disorders, all kinds of discomfort, if I go to the police station with you again, can I notify my lawyer first?"

The two policemen looked at each other, but the higher-ups had already informed them that they should be polite enough to everyone who inquired, because these people were people they could not afford to offend, and it was this Qin Hao again, he was suspected of being a super dangerous person, a pervert* Madness, violent madness, is an extremely dangerous character, so you need to be extremely careful.

If Qin Hao knew that Yi Jie was arranging himself like this behind his back, he would definitely grab her and give her a big ass.

"Mr. Qin, you can notify your lawyer, but I hope you can do it as soon as possible. The police station is not manned recently. We have to notify Mr. Mu Meng after we have notified you." The policeman was also a little bit bitter when he said this, why is it his turn? At that time, it was all this kind of thankless work.

Who is Mu Meng, the leader of the wild cat gang, the red flower double sticks of the entire Yunchuan underground underworld.

"Oh, and him, it's interesting. I stayed with him that night." Qin Hao originally wanted to inform Mu Meng, but he didn't expect the police to handle this matter for him. Looking back After a glance, the mobilization meeting was over, and the students walked to the classroom in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the teacher. Qin Hao had nothing to worry about, and readily agreed to go back with the police.

After arriving at the police station, Qin Hao was the first to see a familiar figure.

Qi Huan.

He was actually invited here too, this time the police station has a bit of courage, knowing that Qi Huan is now a powder keg, he dared to bring him directly to the police station.

However, Qin Hao's surprise was not over yet. Then Su Tang and Mu Wanran came out of the police station. The two of them even talked and laughed. Compared with Qi Huan's frosty expression, there was a world of difference. do not.

To be honest, Qin Hao doesn't like this woman Mu Wanran very much, because she is too scheming. It is very difficult for a woman who is particularly scheming to win the favor of a man, especially Mu Wanran doesn't know how to restrain herself. It's so flamboyant, Qin Hao is still a machismo in his bones, so what he likes is a woman like Zhou Yayan who is still a bird.

Mu Wanran also saw Qin Hao, with a look of surprise in her eyes. After apologizing to Su Tang, she hurried to Qin Hao's side and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here? Are you okay that night?" .”

"What can I do, why don't I just stand here and chat with you right now." Qin Hao said with a smile on his face.

Mu Wanran was clever, and immediately understood what Qin Hao was thinking, but she didn't have a chance to explain it right now, so she leaned into his ear and said, "Don't talk nonsense after you go in, the people who came this time are not easy."

Qin Hao frowned, he was not worried about this at all, no one could find out his real file, Qin Hao at this moment is an extremely ordinary man.Mu Wanran's consolation obviously meant to win over.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I think you should worry more about yourself, Miss Mu." After Qin Hao finished speaking, he walked into the police station with his head held high, just like going to a banquet. Mu Wanran felt a little sad in her heart. Why can't I understand my painstaking efforts?

Su Tang looked at Mu Wanran's bewildered face, and said with a smile: "There seems to be some misunderstanding between Miss Mu and Mr. Qin."

Mu Wanran's heart trembled, she quickly adjusted her emotions, and said lightly: "Boss Su, you are worrying too much, I just suffered a small loss at the hands of this guy, and seeing him come to the police station, I feel a little nervous Just joy. I hope the police inside can give him a hard time."

Su Tang snorted, took out his phone and said, "That's easy. I still have some contacts in the police station. I will definitely let them greet Mr. Qin well."

Mu Wanran tightly clenched her pink fist, she couldn't speak now, although she was already shouting in her heart, don't call, don't call.

But Su Tang still dialed the number, and after a few instructions, he looked firmly into Mu Wanran's eyes.

"Okay, the matter has been settled, I will take a step first, Miss Mu, I hope you will always remember what you promised me. Although our Su family has been in Anyunchuan for a long time, it does not mean that my fangs and claws , it’s already dull.”

Mu Wanran watched Su Tang leave, her nails almost digging into the flesh.

In the distance, there was Qi Huan watching her covetously. When the two looked at each other, Qi Huan snorted heavily and got into the car and left.

At this moment, Mu Wanran has a feeling of being abandoned by the whole world. Standing at the gate of the police station, she is so lonely, staring at the sky obsessively, her mind is full of pictures of being with Qin Hao before, although those pictures, Kind of disgusting.

But it has become a brand that she will never erase in her life.

"Miss, the reporter has already arrived, let's go quickly." The manager reminded in a low voice, Mu Wanran put away her lost emotions, she is no longer that kind of tender little girl, for the sake of the family, For her father, she has to do too much.

Let those tender feelings be cut off from here.

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