Super ambiguous master

Chapter 084 Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 084 Cat and mouse game (four)

Seven doors and eight locks are not only a mark of an era, they are also the most important figures in the power circle of the entire Huaxia Kingdom.

Black to the extreme is white, and white to the extreme is also black.

How can it be so easy to distinguish between black and white, and how can it be so easy to distinguish between justice and evil.

In this world, everything has two sides, ugly people are not necessarily bad people, and good-looking people are not necessarily good people.

There is innocence in everyone's heart, and the devil lives in everyone's heart.

It's just that those things are all hidden. Without enough temptation, they lie dormant in the deepest part of their hearts and will never be seen by outsiders.

The little devil in Liu Tao's heart has been hooked out. He can't resist the temptation of promotion. Over the years, he worked diligently in the political and legal system, and slowly grew from a film policeman to the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau.But he offended a certain prince because of a case, and he couldn't move even half a step up.

Seeing those colleagues around him stepping up to higher positions, Liu Tao felt that it was a lie that he was not anxious. No matter how much justice he had, no matter how strong the national righteousness was, he seemed so vulnerable in the face of interests and future. .Especially when his children wanted to study abroad, but he couldn't do it, Liu Tao realized how ridiculous his persistence was.

In this era, who else would do something as stupid as himself.

It's not that he wants to degenerate, but the whole society forces him to degenerate, and the whole group circle forces him to degenerate.

The Mu family found him when he was most in danger and gave him the greatest help, and what happened afterwards can be described as a twist of events.Returning to the power core of the Public Security Bureau, and then cracking two major cases, he entered the Political and Legal Committee as the fourth deputy secretary.

The opponent who competed with him gave up directly, and even came to visit him with his things. In fact, Liu Tao knew that he wanted to show his attitude, and he would not embarrass him too much after he took the position.

At that moment, Liu Tao really wanted to laugh, but he held back, chatted with someone for half an hour with a smile, and sent him out politely.The moment the door was closed, Liu Tao understood that he had also closed the window in his heart.

The Mu family has always supported Liu Tao to the position of deputy secretary. When Liu Tao was about to let go, the Mu family's support for him stopped abruptly.The terrified Liu Tao didn't know what he did wrong. Although he still went to work seriously every day, he was very terrified. He knew that without the help of the Mu family, he would fall from heaven to hell. This was something he couldn't stand , especially now that he's just in his 50s, and he still has a lot of time to sprint to a higher position of power.

After many years of hard work, Liu Tao did not rush to seek help from the Mu family, but waited patiently. He believed that he would definitely wait for it. Heaven pays off. He finally waited for the young lady of the Mu family. Waiting for his chance to score points again.

Mu Wanran saw the enthusiasm in Liu Tao's eyes, but she had seen this kind of gaze too much, she didn't feel surprised at all.But there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. The deputy secretary of Yunchuan had a very good reputation, but now it seems that no one in this world is really clean.

The car slowly drove to the best hotel in Yunchuan. Mu Wanran came down wearing huge sunglasses, and a sun hat blocked her entire face. Although the people around were a little curious, the solemn-looking bodyguards around her still kept her eyes open. Most of the curious fellows were intimidated.

"Okay, Secretary Liu, just send it here. You have other things to do. I will stay in Yunchuan for a while. If there is any news, please remember to let me know."

Liu Tao nodded and said, "I will, then I will take my leave first."

Not long after Liu Tao left, Mu Wanran ran into an acquaintance again.

Du Qingshu!

He stood in the rest area of ​​the hotel lobby, looking at himself with a smile.Mu Wanran actually wanted to pretend that she didn't see him, but she knew she couldn't leave. Yunchuan had already gathered too many forces, and the Du family, as the local snake in the southwest, didn't get to the point where they would tear their skin apart. The courtesy still needs to be maintained.

"Wanran, I knew you would come. Come and sit back. I've already ordered your favorite orange juice." After Du Qingshu smiled and hugged Mu Wanran gently, he pulled away in a very gentlemanly manner. chair.

Mu Wanran keenly observed that there was a third drink on the table.

Is there anyone else coming.

Mu Wanran didn't pursue it, she wouldn't ask such silly questions.Drinking the orange juice, Du Qingshu didn't have any intention of explaining. He was playing with his mobile phone. The two of them seemed like a couple caught in a cold war. They just sat like this and didn't speak.

After more than ten minutes, Mu Wanran stood up and said, "I'm a little tired after taking the plane. If I want to rest, I won't accompany Young Master Du to watch the scenery here. Let me leave."

Du Qingshu didn't raise his head, but Mu Wanran's body froze when he threw out the words: "Nan Fengjin will be here soon, don't you want to meet your fiancé?"

"Who are you talking about? Nan Fengjin, he's here too?" Mu Wanran turned her head stiffly and said dryly.

Du Qingshu shifted his gaze from the phone to Mu Wanran's face, saw her astonished eyes, and said lightly: "Not only is your fiancé here, Tong An is also here. Hehe, Yunchuan is quite lively. , Seven doors and eight locks came to four in one breath, such a thing has not happened for many years."

Mu Wanran recovered from the initial shock, took a deep breath and sneered, "Nan Fengjin is not my fiancé, Young Master Du, please stop barking."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left, Du Qingshu didn't intend to hold back, and after waiting for a few minutes, a handsome young man walked over from outside.

"Qingshu, long time no see."

"Nan Fengjin, don't be so hypocritical. I still remember the punch you punched in my right rib a few years ago, and I still feel the pain." Du Qingshu said with a smile, but his tone was frosty. .

The person who came was Nan Fengjin, he looked like a college student in an ivory tower, his smile was very sunny, he was the kind of man who could instantly kill a woman's attention.

Since he came in, the eyes of many women in the hall have been glued to him and cannot be moved away.

"Look at you, no matter where you go, you are the most perfect prince in the eyes of women. Compared with me, you are much poorer. You are completely your follower." Du Qing Shupi said with a smile.

Nan Fengjin didn't take it seriously, seeing the leftover orange juice on the table, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and said lightly: "Qing Shu, you are too polite, you are as good as me in Lun's appearance, and Lun's knowledge is the same as that of us. There is nothing like it. What's more, what we are going to discuss this time is cooperation, so if you don't come up, just vomit at me."

Du Qingshu cast him a sideways glance and said, "It's okay to cooperate, can you let me punch you first?"

Nan Fengjin's face became a little ugly, and the tense atmosphere spread between the two of them. After a few seconds, Du Qingshu suddenly laughed a few times. Your face is about to turn into a bitter gourd. Do you know who I saw just now? Your future wife, Mu Wanran, but she doesn't seem to have a good impression of you. Should I call her down now? Let's have a good talk. "

"Qing Shu, if you are here, I will leave too."

Du Qingshu raised his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, no kidding, let's talk about something serious. This time, you Nanfeng family are going to take away a few supply lines."

Nan Fengjin held out three fingers, and the smile on Du Qingshu's face gradually weakened, and finally became very sinister.

"No kidding."

Nan Fengjin nodded seriously, then picked up the coffee and drank it slowly.

At this moment, the huge floor-to-ceiling window in the lobby of the hotel was suddenly shattered, and a bloody man was thrown in from the outside, and then lay motionless on the ground.

People in the hall suddenly started screaming, and then fled in all directions.Du Qingshu and Nan Fengjin did not move, because there were many bodyguards around them, enough to protect their safety.Although Yunchuan is in a mess now, they are confident that no one dares to attack them directly.

That would be tantamount to asking for death.

The situation did not develop according to the script imagined by the two of them. After a few seconds, the bodyguards of the two people pulled out the weapons from their waists, and then pressed the heads of the two people to cover them from leaving.Rapid gunshots sounded outside the window, and soon someone cried out in pain to the end, wailing bursts of wailing.

It was only then that Du Qingshu realized that he was here for the two of them.Under the horror in his heart, he was also a little angry. Yun Chuan and the other bastards were getting more and more courageous, and dared to blatantly assassinate him and Nan Fengjin on the street. Don't they know how powerful these two families are?

Outside the hotel, there were more than a dozen killers wearing black clothes and masking their faces. They were carrying ak47, the favorite weapon of mercenaries, and they shot indiscriminately into the hotel.When the bullets ran out, these people turned around and boarded the car that had been prepared by the side without any hesitation, and disappeared on the streets of Yunchuan.

Mu Wanran stood at the window and witnessed what happened below, with a cold smile on her lips.As expected, Yun Chuan had reached a stage of disorder.This group of thugs is obviously not a local force, nor is it the surviving force of Su Tang Qihuan.

Their purpose is very simple, it is to make this pool of water more turbid, and then seek benefits from it.After this assassination, presumably Nan Fengjin, Du Qingshu and himself, the trust between each other will be gone.

But Mu Wanran never thought about this, she came here just to get the cake that belonged to the Mu family, but it was her own effort.

Cooperating with others may eventually lead to being swallowed by the other party.

The Mu family can't afford it anymore, and the other families in the Seven Doors and Eight Locks can't afford it either.

When the family comes to an end, the energy that erupts is extremely terrifying.

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