Super ambiguous master

Chapter 085 Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 085 Cat and mouse game (five)

"Miss, look there!" Bai Bao exclaimed suddenly, and pointed to the corner of the street opposite the hotel. Although the distance was a bit far, Bai Bao would never forget the shadow of that person in his life.

Mu Wanran was also stunned, to be exact, she was a little bewildered, she pressed her slender hands to the glass, and stared at the slightly blurred shadow with blurred eyes.

It was him, really him.

But now I and him have become rivals in a certain sense. Others may not know it, but how well-developed the intelligence network is, he has not been able to escape the things he did in Yunchuan The eyes of these big families are locked in all directions.

But they still can't find a way to deal with this person. From another perspective, the seven doors and eight locks are not the shackles of these families.

They play in this circle, and they are careful not to touch the bottom line of the game, because everyone knows that once they touch the bottom line and do things that everyone can't tolerate, then the final result can only be annihilation .

Qin Hao is a variable, an unexpected factor that no one has thought of.If the entire Yunchuan is the chessboard of these families, then the heavyweight chess piece on it is not Qi Huan, Su Tang or Wolfcat, but the Four Seas Group, Zhou Tianhao and his daughter.

In the script that has already been written, the Four Seas Group should have been divided up by now, or it should belong to a certain faction alone.However, when Qin Hao was born, he not only saved the Four Seas Group, but also became the largest private group in Yunchuan.This is something that no one at the helm of Seven Doors Eight Locks could have imagined.

Among them was Mu Wanran's grandfather.

It was this old man who was the first to propose the acquisition of the Four Seas Group. Although he never analyzed the reason for it with Mu Wanran, the clever Mu Wanran quickly understood the meaning of it.

But the man in front of him, he is so proud, he has never broken his promise.How could Zhou Tianhao, how could he invite such a master to escort her daughter.What makes Zhou Yayan enjoy this kind of top-quality man alone.

Mu Wanran bit her lip firmly, she was not reconciled, the scenes of what happened with Qin Hao before flashed through her mind, making her heart feel like a knife.

"Miss, are you okay?" Bai Bao said with concern seeing Mu Wanran's pale face.

"It's okay, I'm going to rest, don't bother anyone who comes." Mu Wanran took a last look at Qin Hao, and then resolutely returned to her room.Bai Bao could clearly see that the moment the door was closed, the young lady was already in tears.

Wanran, Wanran.What that man can't give you, I will give you all, even if it can only be in the dark

Qin Hao stood there, his eyes sharply scanning the messy scene.This mercenary team is well-trained, and they don't seem to be aiming at killing people, but more like a warning, using the most tragic means to warn their opponents.

He took a long breath, he didn't want to get involved in these things at first, but things backfired, Ryan gave him a second reminder just now, that is to keep up with this group of mercenaries, and then look at the mastermind behind the instructions Who is it.

To be honest, Qin Hao at this moment has the idea of ​​executing Ryan Lingchi to death.

The dignified Phantom Sky Fox was actually being played around. Even if Ryan was killed, this guy would be happy for a long time in hell.

But Qin Hao couldn't refuse, he had to do it.Because Qi Jie is in her hands, and she may be raped at any time, if Qi Jie suffers even the slightest injury, even if Qin Hao destroys the whole world, it will not be able to make up for the wound in the other party's heart.

After the mercenaries drove away, Qin Hao jumped onto a very cool motorcycle on the side of the road, ignited the car skillfully, turned the accelerator handle, and followed with a bang.

Behind him is a man howling in pain: "That's a new car I just bought yesterday, buddy, take it easy when you drive, don't scratch it."

Qin Hao almost drove into the gutter

The driving route of the mercenary gave Qin Hao a familiar feeling, as if he had entered a trap and was being led by the nose.He didn't like this feeling very much, but he could only grit his teeth and persevere.After the mercenaries drove the car onto Yunchuan's Binhai Avenue, Qin Hao's mind suddenly lit up.

These guys are going to the neighborhood where Zhou Yayan lives!

Qin Hao's eyes were about to burst, the opponent's wave after wave of attacks had already stretched his patience to the limit, he couldn't watch these bastards go to the community, where not only Zhou Yayan was there, but also Ling Ruoxue!

It was strange that at this time Qin Hao suddenly wanted to call Shu Ziyi, he had a premonition that Shu Ziyi would definitely be able to help him solve his current troubles.Of course, rationality told Qin Hao that he couldn't do this, which would be tantamount to actively exposing the target.

Unable to wait any longer, Qin Hao took out his gun and shot a few times decisively. The tires of the car in front were blown out, and there was a sharp braking sound on the road. The car crashed into the electric light on the side of the road On the pole, several mercenaries with their faces painted all over screamed and jumped out of the car, raised their guns and fired again indiscriminately.

Qin Hao jumped out of the car after shooting the gun. The motorcycle drew a beautiful arc on the road and rushed directly under the belly of the off-road vehicle. Qin Hao squinted his eyes and pulled the trigger. The bullet penetrated the motorcycle's fuel tank , and the splashed sparks ignited the dripping gasoline without any hesitation.


The strong explosion made the ground under Qin Hao's body tremble, and the group of mercenaries were blown to pieces, but unfortunately, this group of people's individual combat capabilities are extremely strong, and they quickly penetrated Noticing Qin Hao's intentions, one after another dodged to both sides. Although the power of the explosion was great, it did not cause any substantial harm to them.

Qin Hao didn't expect to be able to solve these people all at once, that would be too exaggerated.He hid behind the trash can and began to show off his superb marksmanship.

Pistols are not a good choice for long-distance sniping, because the disadvantages of pistols are extremely obvious. Powerful pistols also have a lot of recoil. No matter how amazing the wrist strength is, a special soldier needs to ease the recoil after firing a few shots. Injury to the wrist.This is self-preservation, not superfluous action.

And those light pistols have limited lethality and are generally used for close-up damage. There are such plots in many TV dramas. A pistol that is a little bigger than the palm of your hand is no problem for a headshot within one meter, but once the distance exceeds 50 Mi, don't talk about killing people, even if you can hit, you are considered a master.

As for a heavy pistol like the Desert Eagle, although it has a long range, the arc of the bullet is very large, which is a strong test for the user's marksmanship.

Qin Hao didn't dare to call himself the spear king, because in this world, there really was such a number one character, whose marksmanship could no longer be guessed by ordinary people's eyes.Qin Hao once confronted him head-on, and in 4 minutes, Qin Hao was defeated in just 4 minutes.In terms of firearms, Qin Hao was no match for him at all.

Of course, the gun king also admitted that without a gun, he is a waste. Once Qin Hao gets close to him, he can only die.

Qin Hao learned a lot from Gun King, and the two are both teachers and friends.His marksmanship also skyrocketed during that period of time. Of course, he was still a lot worse than the spear king, but he was considered a master in the world.

The old man taught Qin Hao how to fight and assassinate, and the gun king turned Qin Hao into an all-around player.

Qin Hao is holding an ordinary Black Star pistol in his hand at the moment. This is the most commonly equipped weapon in the domestic underworld. It has average lethality and range, but it feels good to use and has a wide range of purchase channels. Configuration.A thing like the Desert Eagle can only be equipped by a super underworld family like the Mafia.

When Chinese people play the underworld, they still pay attention to being in harmony with the light, and more often they like cold weapons.Unlike foreigners, who draw their guns at every turn, they have no momentum.

Subduing others without fighting is the most obvious feature of the current development of the domestic underworld.

It's the same as fucking playing politics.

The mercenaries were not particularly fond of fighting, they fought and retreated, and wanted to break through into the community, because of Qin Hao's obstruction, the police had already rushed over, forming a implicit siege of the mercenaries.

This is the result Qin Hao wants, he doesn't want to waste time here, the police are undoubtedly the best protection.Qin Hao started to retreat when the posture had been opened over there.

Not only did he have to save Qi Jie, but he also had to find a way to find Ling Ruolan, a little girl.

When Yi Jie heard that there was a gun battle, she was as excited as if she had been beaten with chicken blood, clamoring to go to the front to suppress the bandits.However, she is not even an official policeman now, and coupled with the pressure from her family, the trustworthy chief does not dare to get this aunt to the front line.What's more, Shu Ziyi has already put pressure on the Yunchuan police through high-level officials, that is, to keep an eye on Yi Jie and not let her mess up.

Yi Jie was very depressed when she didn't get the chance, but how could this kind of thing trap her.Soon she did not know where to get a gun and a lot of ammunition, and then started a vigorous operation to suppress bandits.

She is not stupid, knowing that going to places with many police officers will expose the target, so after careful consideration, she chose the hotel where the smoke has cleared. Although there are also police here, the main police force has been dispatched to Binhai Road. Go in and find the evidence you want.

After making up her mind, Yi Jie drove her QQ car on the road. She didn't know it at all, because her rash decision this time made the situation in Yunchuan even more confusing.

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