Super ambiguous master

Chapter 089 Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 089 Cat and mouse game (nine)

Qin Hao left just like that, unrestrained and arrogant.His laughter is the most terrible poison in the world to Ryan, every note is deafening.Let his heart seem to be at an altitude of [-] feet, and the feeling of being suspended in the air will make people crazy.

But what can Ryan do? All these years, he has been imagining that he will fight against Qin Hao, and step on the number one killer in the world, and prove to those people that he, Ryan, is qualified to stabilize the world The number one hitman on the killer list.

So Ryan didn't even bother to challenge the people ahead of him, nor did he bother to accept tasks that could increase his popularity.He just kept killing and searching, just to find the legendary Phantom Sky Fox.

The Battle of Crescent Bay caused an uproar in the former world, and the name of Phantom Sky Fox resounded throughout the universe. Everyone regarded him as a legend, an idol that could only be worshipped.No one believed that he would die there, they just thought it was a matter of this legendary figure retiring to the countryside and no longer aspiring to the world.

The Phantom Sky Fox became a mark, an unsurpassable monument.

There are also many crazy guys like Ryan in the killer world. They want to challenge the Phantom Sky Fox, and they want to become the number one in the world.

It's not about fame and fortune, it's about faith.

Of course, once the belief is realized, fame and wealth will follow.

But no one could find him, like dew entering the ocean, the Phantom Sky Fox disappeared without a trace, and for three full years, no one knew where he was.

It's like a popular sentence on China's Weibo: "Brother is no longer in the Jianghu, but there are still legends about Brother in the Jianghu."

Ryan is a super paranoid madman, otherwise he would not have done so many heinous and bad actions. When everyone gave up looking for Phantom Sky Fox, he still persisted in asking the whereabouts of this person all over the world.Finally, Huangtian paid off, he found him, in Huaxia Kingdom, in the hometown of Phantom Sky Fox, he found this person.

For this battle, he has been preparing for three years. He has reached the peak of his personal strength, and he will not have any problems facing the Phantom Sky Fox.The moment he set foot on the territory of Huaxia Kingdom, he began his own revenge.He wants to slowly kill the original killer boss, and he wants the other party to witness the death of their relatives.

Killing the opponent with a knife is the easiest way to punish, only pain, boundless pain, is the best means of revenge and punishment!

Lane did exactly that.

Catching Qi Jie and assassinating Ling Ruolan were all within his plan. Although there was some kind of problem right now and Ling Ruolan was rescued by Yi Jie, that thick-skinned policeman might not be able to protect Ling Ruolan's safety.At this moment, there are at least 60 people looking for the whereabouts of the two people, and these people are all mercenaries who kill without blinking an eye.

Ryan's next target was originally Ling Ruoxue, but his employer called him over, and the war was about to break out early.

But the Phantom Sky Fox ran away!

How could he do this, how could he run away!

Ryan was extremely angry, his emotions were completely ignited at this moment, and madness became the main factor in his emotions.Forget the plan, forget the orders of the employer.There is only one thought in his mind, kill Phantom Sky Fox, he will be No.1 in the world.

So he chased after him, exhausting all his strength to catch up!

Qin Hao expected him to be like this, Ryan's biggest advantage and biggest disadvantage are the same, that is emotional!After he left in a way that was almost humiliating, this guy would never obey anyone's orders again.

Killers are inherently wild and unruly.

The two were chasing each other on the street. This area was originally the suburb of Yunchuan, and the residents were basically poor people. Get under the covers and pray to God that these bandits don't come into your home!

Qin Hao quickly shuttled through the shanty town with his waist down, and Ryan bit his tail like a poisonous snake.It must be admitted that this guy still has some skills, at least in terms of tracking, he is already on par with Qin Hao.There are very few people in this world who can firmly bite Qin Hao's tail, and Ryan is one of them.

"Hey, you won't have to deal with such a trivial matter for so long, right?" Qin Hao touched his ears, waited for the rustling electric current to pass, and said panting.

"Hey, physical strength is good. You can maintain such a stable speech rate while running so fast. It seems that you have not given up on your physical training in the past few years."

"Nonsense, I'll be a dead fox now if you leave me. Hurry up and draw up a route for me, I'm about to get lost." Qin Hao said impatiently.

"If you get lost, get lost. Go back and kill that annoying guy, and the world will be quiet." The woman said softly, not worried at all.

She really has nothing to worry about. If there is anyone in this world who knows Qin Hao best, she is the well-deserved No.1.Whether it's Qin Hao's body or his past, this woman has the most complete information, she is simply Qin Hao's personal butler.

"You won't be afraid!" the woman said jokingly.

"Bah, I know you can't say anything good. If you can find out where Qi Jie is locked up, why should I be so lucky to provoke him and take him around the world?" Qin Hao yelled, the woman Ah, it's really a headache to mess around, let alone a woman who knows him so well.

"I'm actually very curious about what kind of shielding method the other party used. I almost turned the entire Yunchuan upside down, but I still couldn't find Qi Jie there. It's weird. Could it be that she went to heaven and entered the earth?" the woman said a little Annoyed, this is the first time she has encountered such a situation, and the other party's methods are a bit weird.

"Even you can't find it?" Qin Hao said in surprise, "Aren't you kidding me?"

"I don't have the time to joke with you. Not only do I have to check Qi Jie's whereabouts, but I also have to avoid the pursuit from the seventh bureau. You don't want to be discovered by Shu Ziyi when you turn around. If you want to say that I have I really underestimated the development of your country's electronic technology, and almost suffered a dark loss! If my aunt and grandma's fame is ruined in this way, you will support me for the rest of my life."

Qin Hao said dumbfoundedly: "Hey, now is not the time to discuss this, quickly find someone for me!"

The woman stuck out her tongue coquettishly, but Qin Hao couldn't see it.

"You run 500 meters in the direction of one o'clock, and then turn to the direction of nine o'clock. At about 800 meters away, there is a secret call from the seventh round led by Shu Ziyi. They not only want to catch you, but also Ryan. Solve this first Difficult guy, let me help you clear your identity by the way. As for Qi Jie, I will think of a way. Damn, my aunt still doesn’t believe that there are people in this world that I can’t find!” The woman was also angry, and she squeezed He squeezed his fist and yelled at the computer.

The communication came to an end for a while, Qin Hao stopped abruptly at the same time, turning back was a slash!This action was completed in one go, and it was mixed with a thunderous momentum. Ryan, who was chasing him, did not expect that Qin Hao would dare to take such a risk, and stopped to fight back.

Stopping instantly during such a high-speed run not only tests the coordination of the body, but also the control of breath and the strength of the heart.After all, the human body is not a machine. When the speed reaches a certain limit and brakes suddenly, many organs will not be able to bear the huge tearing force brought by the inertia.

What's more, there are such killing moves as sudden stop and change of direction, raising legs in the air and chopping!

The coordination of Qin Hao's body has reached a frightening level, and the muscles in his body are so good that it makes people envy and hate!

Ryan crossed his arms in front of his forehead to protect his head. His left leg was in front of him and his right leg was behind in a horse stance. Qin Hao's foot hit the center of his arms, and he felt a great force Pushing himself back, Ryan's shoes drew long marks on the ground, his arms were numb, and blood even overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, you really have some skills!" Qin Hao smiled coldly, turned around and continued to run wildly!

Ryan is crazy, completely crazy!

"Qin Hao, I want your life!" He screamed with all his strength.

"Then come!" Qin Hao said silently in his heart without turning his head.

The game is almost reaching the end, isn't it?

"Captain, we couldn't find Ms. Ling, but according to witnesses, she seemed to be picked up by a QQ car, and then we found this QQ car on the expressway around the city. The owner of the car is Officer Yi Jie." Wu Shengming, captain of the third duty team in the seventh round, reported the situation loudly.

Shu Ziyi's pretty eyebrows were already frowned at the moment, she looked at the photo in her hand, the QQ car had been shattered by bullets, there were bullet holes everywhere, and the ground was full of yellow bullet casings.The back door of the car didn't know where it fell off. The only thing to be thankful for was that there was no blood inside the car.

This suggests that both of them may still be alive.

"Have you read Tian Tiao?" Shu Ziyi asked.

"The sky has been destroyed, and we are hurrying to repair it." Wu Shengming said angrily: "Captain, I am absolutely sure that these terrorist attacks were premeditated. Since we took over Yunchuan, there have been several forces secretly Against us, trying to stop our actions."

"It's good to keep these thoughts in your heart, there is no need to say them out. The Seventh Bureau will never do things to please anyone. We only need to be responsible for people. Now, listen to my order and find out no matter what. These two people want to see people in life, and corpses in death! Also, help me protect Zhou Yayan and Ling Ruoxue."

Wu Shengming took the order to go, and Han Tao, the captain of the second team, immediately ran forward and said, "Report to the captain, there is a target person ahead."

Shu Ziyi's fist clenched in an instant!


"Target No. [-] and No. [-] appeared at the same time. It seems that they are fighting!" Han Tao said uncertainly.Shu Ziyi's expression was a little surprised, and she subconsciously asked, "Fight?"

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