Super ambiguous master

Chapter 090 Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 090 Cat and Mouse Game ([-])

Shu Ziyi soon saw two figures rushing towards him. The indifferent guy in front of him was Qin Hao, and the bitter and bitter man behind him sneaked into Yunchuan , was listed as the number one dangerous killer Ryan by the national security department.

It's just that Shu Ziyi couldn't understand the actions of the two of them. Even if Qin Hao couldn't beat him, he wouldn't run away.And it seemed that he ran relatively easily, without any signs of loss of strength.On the contrary, Ryan seems to be injured, and his footsteps are not particularly agile.There was also a faint blood stain at the corner of her mouth, which made Shu Ziyi a little confused, wondering what the two of them were up to.

When the police team appeared in front of Qin Hao, he knew his chance had come, so he deliberately slowed down, and even exposed a few flaws.Although Ryan was puzzled in his heart, he was completely enraged and he couldn't care less. Since an opportunity appeared, he had to grasp it. He accelerated his speed sharply, and his perfect explosive power was fully reflected at this time, and his speed instantly increased. Quite a lot, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at Qin Hao's back, swung his hands like heavy hammers, and directly hit Qin Hao's vest!

If hit here, Qin Hao would be in danger of being paralyzed.Ryan's attack is not comparable to that of ordinary thieves. They can accurately find the most vulnerable parts of the human body when they are exercising at high speed. Although foreigners can't recognize acupuncture points, their long-term training has made them easy to remember the vulnerable parts. Degree.

Qin Hao is playing with fire, but he only has one chance, and he has no choice.

Concentrating all his strength behind his back, his body slid a few centimeters to the side, narrowly dodging Ryan's sure-kill blow, but Qin Hao was still beaten into the air, and a big mouth was thrown out of his mouth of blood.After landing, he took advantage of the momentum and rolled twice, let go of the remaining strength in his body, and shouted with all his strength: "Police, comrade police, help me."

Shu Ziyi hid in the car a long time ago. Now is not the time for a head-on collision with Qin Hao. She must continue to hide her identity until she gets the conclusive evidence that Qin Hao is the Phantom Sky Fox.

But even in the car, she was always paying attention to the situation outside. When Qin Hao was beaten into the air by Ryan, Shu Ziyi couldn't sit still. If it wasn't for the long-term training that made her reason stronger than her sensibility, If he didn't show up, he pushed the door and got off the car.

"There is a problem. No matter how bad Qin Hao is, it is impossible for Ryan to beat him like this. Is he trying to prove something? Or am I worrying too much." Shu Ziyi clenched her fists tightly, and countless thoughts flashed through her mind, but Each seems to lack a little bit of evidence.Shu Ziyi, who has carried out many tasks, was a little at a loss, she didn't know what to do next.

"Captain, captain!" Han Tao knocked on the window, Shu Ziyi rolled down the window to reveal half of his face, and looked at him with a slight frown: "Captain, do you want to rescue, that Qin Hao was beaten badly ah."

Shu Ziyi was biting her pink lips, her towering chest was heaving and rising at a rapid speed, she was very flustered and entangled.Helping might fall into a kind of trap, which she resisted.Shu Ziyi is still very sure of her intuition, Qin Hao definitely has an ulterior motive in doing this.

Thinking of this, a terrible thought suddenly flashed in Shu Ziyi's mind.

This is the golden cicada escaping its shell!

Qin Hao wants to clear his name and prove that he is not the Phantom Fox.

Immediately Shu Ziyi shook her head. Qin Hao should still know nothing about his identity, so there is no need for him to come here to clean himself up.What's more, if he is the Phantom Sky Fox, he should find a way to hide himself.

"Captain, give the order quickly." Han Tao was a little anxious, seeing that Ryan was not far away, but they could only stare blankly. This group of iron soldiers couldn't hold on anymore.The Seventh Bureau has kept the criticism from all parties since the last case failed, and Mr. Hu is under a lot of pressure.If Ryan can be caught, at least the value of seven innings can be re-proven.

But obedience is the bounden duty of a soldier. As the highest officer here, without her order, Shu Ziyi, these soldiers can only kill with their eyes.

"Stand still!" When Shu Ziyi said these words, all the strength in her body seemed to be taken away.Holding her forehead, she felt unprecedented weakness. Han Tao couldn't believe that Shu Ziyi said this sentence. His mouth was so big that it could almost stuff an egg in it.

"Captain, that's Ryan. The Seventh Bureau urgently needs to seize such a powerful figure so as to be able to block the pressure from all sides. Captain, I can't figure it out!" Han Tao also wanted to ignore it, and shouted loudly From time to time, he looked back at the scene of Qin Hao and Ryan fighting, Qin Hao was really beaten badly, blood was flying everywhere, and he almost fainted.

"You have to remember that we have only one purpose in coming to Yunchuan, and that is the Phantom Sky Fox! Before we catch him, we must stand aside in everything! This is the order of Mr. Hu, and it cannot be violated!" Shu Ziyi said firmly Said sternly.

Han Tao stomped his feet fiercely, turned his head and shouted to the group of teammates whose blood was rushing to their foreheads: "Stand by and stand by, whoever dares to shoot will be dealt with by military law!"

This order exploded in the ears of everyone like thunder, and they all stared at Han Tao with disbelief, and some people did not forget to quietly look at Shu Ziyi sitting in the car, because only she has the right Issue such an order.

There is a question mark hovering in everyone's mind, and that is why!

Shu Ziyi closed the window and took out the satellite phone. Her slender fingers trembled and pressed a series of numbers. The call was connected soon, and Mr. Hu's deep voice came over: "How is the matter going?"

"Mr. Hu, I think I made a mistake." Shu Ziyi's voice was crying, which made Mr. Hu very astonished.He treated Shu Ziyi as his own granddaughter. In his impression, this girl had never shown any weakness. She was always so vigorous and resolute, and she was the most beautiful flower in the entire seven rounds.

But now, she was talking to herself in such a tired tone, as if she had exhausted all her strength.

"The situation in Yunchuan is indeed a bit complicated. If you feel tired, take a break." Mr. Hu still feels sorry for Shu Ziyi, after all, she is a girl, and when the pressure exceeds her tolerance, she will easily collapse.

"Lian is right in front of me, but I didn't order him to be arrested, but let him beat Qin Hao half to death in front of me. Mr. Hu, am I wrong? I just want to make sure of one thing, just want to To catch the Phantom Sky Fox."

Mr. Hu sighed softly, and said: "Child, you have entered a misunderstanding. But this matter can only be understood by yourself, I can't explain it to you very clearly. But you must know, whether it is Ryan or Phantom Sky Fox , are our enemies. I let you catch the Phantom Sky Fox, and you can kill it if necessary!"

Shu Ziyi gasped, and said in confusion, "Why, this is not the previous order."

"The situation has changed. Our internal affairs. In short, some people are beginning to meddle in the affairs here. I and a few other old men can barely withstand it. But the situation will eventually be broken. Yunchuan is now a game of chess, you guys Everyone is a pawn above. What I can do is to protect you from harm. You need to judge other things. Remember, Tong An is very dangerous, so there is no need not to have any conflicts with him. "

Shu Ziyi nodded in agreement, and Tong An's pale face appeared in her mind, his smile was so sinister, it made people feel uncomfortable.

Could it be the Tong family?

When Su Tang went to the capital, he went to find Tong's family, but since Su Tang set foot on the border of the capital, the Seventh Bureau lost his surveillance. It is hard to imagine that there is a more mysterious department in China than the Seventh Bureau.

What the hell are they trying to plot.

Mr. Hu suddenly changed his order to kill the Phantom Sky Fox, and he was under pressure from nowhere.

Everything was messed up, and Shu Ziyi felt a little nervous in her head.

At this time, Qin Hao also scolded these big soldiers to death, the plan could not keep up with the changes, how did he know that Shu Ziyi would be so cold-blooded and calm, and let Ryan dangle in front of her without making a move.This concentration is really terrifying, and she is still a woman, doesn't it mean that women are often more emotional?

Now Qin Hao is already in a difficult position to ride a tiger. The most important thing in a master's fight is arrogance. From the very beginning, Qin Hao's aura has been at a disadvantage since he deliberately exposed his flaws to let Ryan attack.Even if they fight back at this moment, they will not be able to reverse the relatively passive situation in a short time.Moreover, in order to act realistically, Qin Hao gritted his teeth and resisted several attacks. Now all internal organs in his body are aching, and his chest is even more bloody.

"Damn it, are you people's soldiers? You actually watch people being beaten and don't help? Are you human, bloody? I'm going to sue you, and I'm going to send you to a military court!" Qin Hao dodged Cursing, trying to stir up this group of big soldiers.However, although the eyes of the people in the seventh game were able to emit flames, their feet were nailed to the same place as if they had taken root.

What should I do, do I have to keep running?But if this opportunity is missed, it will be more difficult to come back.

At this time Shu Ziyi called Han Tao over.

"Tell them to stop fighting and squat on the ground with your heads covered, or we will shoot. Attack indiscriminately!"

Han Tao couldn't keep up with Shu Ziyi's pace, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said, "Captain, Mr. Qin is the weak side, and we want to fight him too? If those people know about the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, the consequences will be disastrous." .”

Shu Ziyi said coldly: "Follow the order!"

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