Super ambiguous master

Chapter 360 Mission Begins

The Special Forces King Mixes Flowers - Chapter 360 The mission begins

The two looked at each other and smiled, speechless to each other.They both knew that if the two of them couldn't do it, there would be no one else in the world who could do it!

Time passed by, and Qin Hao's car had already left the capital in a blink of an eye.Looking at the constantly receding scenery on both sides, Ainuo couldn't help sighing: "Shenzhou Huaxia is really a good place. I have only been here for a few days, and I have already fallen in love with her."

Qin Hao sighed: "Yeah, I didn't grow up in China, but even so, I don't want anyone to hurt my country."

"Don't worry." Ainuo patted Qin Hao: "I will help you."

Qin Hao nodded and said nothing more.Concentrate on driving.

Aino looked very relaxed. He was admiring the beautiful scenery on both sides along the way, whether he tapped Barrett with his fingers.

After more than an hour, Qin Hao's car turned and got into a small road.At this time, there are no beautiful scenery on both sides of the road, only the endless forest.

"Get ready." Qin Hao stared intently at the front: "We're almost there."

"En." Ainuo nodded, and silently loaded the sniper rifle. Hearing the crisp sound of bullets, Qin Hao was silent for a while.

"Squeak!" After less than three kilometers, Qin Hao's car stopped suddenly. "Get out of the car, we will walk in for the rest of the journey."

Ainuo chuckled, picked up the package and walked into the jungle with Qin Hao.

This jungle looks deserted, and there are no traces of people around.Ainuo smiled slightly after seeing it: "The traces of camouflage are too obvious."

"You feel it too?" Qin Hao asked with a smile without any surprise.

"Of course." Ainuo said with a smile: "I can see this low-level camouflage with just a glance."

Qin Hao laughed when he heard it, picked up a fallen leaf and said, "Look, this leaf is obviously different from the surrounding leaves. It looks like someone deliberately dropped the leaves to disguise their footsteps."

"Not only that." Ainuo pointed to a big tree beside him: "Look, this tree has died a long time ago, how could it have leaves?"

As the two moved forward, they searched according to the traces around them.Soon they found the enemy's stronghold. Looking at the mercenaries patrolling back and forth ahead, Qin Hao and Ainuo were lurking in a place that was not easy to attract attention. "The front is where I want to go in." Qin Hao pointed to a house not far away, where the two of them could see.

Ainuo nodded: "Then I will go to the mountain over there to ambush now, and we will call later!"

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded: "Be careful! Maybe there are enemies on the mountain!"

"Got it." Ainuo disappeared from Qin Hao's sight without looking back.

Qin Hao looked around and found that there were about 30 enemies patrolling. If he attacked rashly, he would definitely be spotted by these [-] people. At that time, no matter how powerful he was, he might not be able to dodge [-] guns Let's fire together.It seems that the best way now is to sneak into the past from the side.However, after Qin Hao's observation, besides a big mountain, there is also a river ditch on the side.In other words, if Qin Hao wants to sneak in from the side, he has to sneak in from the opposite mountain top.But if he is discovered by the enemy, then he will have no way to retreat.

After thinking about it, Qin Hao rejected this idea.Now, the only way to decide what to do is to wait for Ainuo to reach the top of the mountain and discuss with him.

Qin Hao waited for more than an hour, and Ainuo's contact signal finally came: "It's too slow!" Qin Hao said anxiously.

Ainuo smiled: "You have to be considerate of me, I spent a lot of effort to deal with the enemies lurking on the mountain."

"Sure enough." Qin Hao thought for a while: "Are there enemies on the mountain?"

"En." Ainuo nodded solemnly: "It seems that the other party's arrangement is very meticulous, it seems that our task today is not so simple and can be done."

Qin Hao laughed after hearing this: "Don't worry, we will succeed!"

Then he said, "Ainuo, take a look at the top of the mountain. If I want to break through head-on, how likely is it?"

"Wait a moment." Ainuo said, only to hear a ringing sound from the other side of the phone. Apparently Ainuo was setting up a sniper rifle. After a while, I heard Ainuo say: "I've seen it. People are on patrol, and they exchange positions with each other about 90 minutes. If it is strictly counted, they will exchange completely about every two hours. That is to say, if we break through from the front, it is very likely that we will be flanked by the enemy. That's the most unfavorable situation."

Qin Hao nodded: "Is there any way?"

Ainuo smiled slightly: "I didn't say that, this group of people exchanged every 20 minutes. Although the law is not clear, what is certain is that they will exchange, so you just need to be patient and lurk until the moment of exchange, you suddenly The attack is enough! With my cover at that time, you will definitely be able to quickly eliminate a team of troops."

Qin Hao nodded: "How long will it take you to find out the rules?"

Ainuo thought for a while: "About three hours."

"No problem." Qin Hao didn't even think about it. As a killer, lurking is the foundation of the foundation.Don't say three hours, it's three days and three nights, as long as Qin Hao wants to do it, then there will be no problem.

Ainuo nodded and said, "Okay! Then you just wait for my news. Once I tell you the time, you are ready to do it at any time!"

Qin Hao nodded, and began to lie down in the grass, motionless.

Time passed in a blink of an eye. It was still hot noon just now, but before you knew it, it had turned into dusk.At this moment, Ainuo suddenly sent a signal: "Phantom Sky Fox, I have figured out their rules!"

After hearing this, Qin Hao was refreshed: "Really?"

"Well!" Aino explained: "This group of people is divided into three groups of 30 people. Every 10 minutes, they will switch positions, but in the middle, there will be a group around the back of the house, In other words, the group behind the house will become isolated and helpless."

After hearing this, Qin Hao suddenly said, "But how do I get around the back of the house?"

"Mountain climbing!" Ainuo said decisively: "I observed the map just now. There is a mountain behind this big house. Although it is very high, I can assure you that there is almost no military force stationed on the mountain. As long as you are careful, you will almost If you get injured, you can sneak in from the mountain!"

Qin Hao was a little worried after hearing this: "Will it be pinched from front to back?"

Ainuo chuckled: "Don't worry, the advice I give you is not for nothing. As long as you start lurking, I will shoot. At that time, I believe that there will be enemies attracted by me. You can take advantage of it." At this time, let's start!"

Qin Hao was startled: "Then you will be very dangerous?"

Ainuo laughed after hearing this: "Don't worry, Phantom Sky Fox. No matter how bad I am, Ainuo will not die at the hands of these gangsters. Don't forget my nickname."

Qin Hao was refreshed after hearing this, and thought in his heart: "That's right, Ainuo is the god of death. He used to be terrified on the European battlefield. As long as he appears, no one can escape his sniping." Thinking of this, Qin Hao nodded slowly. Although this matter sounds dangerous, if it is left to Ainuo to do it, there will definitely be no problems.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao pinched the phone and said decisively: "Ainuo! We have agreed that nothing will happen to you no matter what! When I catch Pu Jiancheng, I want to have a drink with you!"

After hearing this, Ainuo laughed: "Phantom Fox, you know that I like fine wine and women the most. I will definitely not refuse your invitation!"

Qin Hao smiled slightly, and a feeling called trust grew in his heart.Qin Hao has always been alone. Although he has friends to help him, he often faces Qin Hao's most difficult times alone.But this time was different, he had a companion by his side, and a companion who was strong enough to rival him.

In this way, Qin Hao felt very at ease.

"I'm leaving." After thinking for a while, Qin Hao finally gritted his teeth and said.

"Hmm!" Aino said, "Be careful!"

Qin Hao smiled, cut off the communicator, and walked towards the top of the mountain.Maybe he doesn't know now, but in the near future, he will usher in the most tragic fight in his life.

According to Ainuo's command, Qin Hao spared a group of patrolling guards and went straight to the top of the opposite mountain.As he walked, he watched carefully.Although the top of the mountain is not high, it has a very wide field of vision. Whether it is from the mountain or from the bottom of the mountain, you can have a clear view of each other.In other words, if Qin Hao successfully reaches the top of the mountain later, he is likely to be discovered by the other party.

At that time, what greeted him would be very violent firepower.

But Qin Hao believed in Ainuo, since Ainuo said he could help Qin Hao break through the siege, then Ainuo must have this ability.

Just as he was thinking, Qin Hao had already climbed halfway up the mountain.Years of hard training have made Qin Hao's physical strength superior.He climbed up the mountain with little effort.

Just when Qin Hao was a little proud, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance.Qin Hao was startled, and hurriedly hid in the bushes, carefully observing the movements of the people coming.

After a while, five or six people walked over together.The leader was a bald white man with a strong build and a fierce face.He directed the crowd and said, "Patrol well for me! Don't miss a single place! Mr. X has orders, we must guard Pu Jiancheng!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and no one dared to neglect.

Qin Hao hid in the grass, just waiting for this group of people to approach.I saw the bald head looking around, and unconsciously, he had already reached Qin Hao's attack range.

Qin Hao's eyes turned cold, and he jumped up from the grass suddenly. The dagger in his hand drew an arc, shining with cold light, and stabbed at the bald head!

"Puchi!" With a muffled sound, a dagger was attached to the bald head's throat, and he fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

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