Super ambiguous master

Chapter 361 Killing the Ninja

Special Forces King Mixed Flowers - Chapter 361 Killing Ninjas

The rest of the people froze on the spot. The person who gave orders just now has now become a body without body temperature in Qin Hao's hands.And the blood that was gradually falling from his hand just showed the terror of this man.

"Ah!" Someone yelled and rushed towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao sneered, he knew that the enemy had already lost their balance, if they chose to run away and call for reinforcements, it would be a bit tricky for Qin Hao.As Qin Hao thought, the sharp dagger in his hand appeared and disappeared from time to time, and he saw three bloody lights shooting up into the sky, and the heads of the rest of the people had already flown into the sky, only to hear "plop", their heads landed on the ground and turned around. stop.

Qin Hao didn't even look at it, he turned his head and walked away, heading towards the mountain!

After walking for a while, he suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not quite right.If you want to describe it, it is too quiet!And this quietness is obviously very strange, as if it is a precursor to the coming storm.Qin Hao, who has experienced countless lives and deaths, is very familiar with such scenes.

"Hmph." Qin Hao sneered, no matter what kind of person he was, there was nothing to hide from him. "Come out!" Suddenly, Qin Hao kicked heavily at the grass beside him.

Just hearing a "puchi", a masked man in black flew out.

The man froze for a moment, with a look of panic in his eyes.Needless to say, it never occurred to him that he would be noticed.

"Ninja?" Qin Hao sneered. "But you're going to die soon."

The man in black took two steps back, whistled suddenly, and only heard the rustling of the surrounding grass, and suddenly three masked men in black rushed out.

"Interesting!" Qin Hao sneered.

Observe carefully, one of the four Shinobu in front of him is holding a Japanese sword, and the other three are holding kunai and shuriken.

After a little thought, he understood how to deal with the situation in front of him.

"Go to hell!" Suddenly, with a flick of Qin Hao's wrist, the tiger-toothed dagger hidden in his sleeve fell into his palm, staring at the masked ninja in front of him with murderous aura.

Qin Hao is not a fool. Although he is very powerful, he is not yet invulnerable. It is obvious that he is at a disadvantage in the current situation. The better the terrain, the more favorable they are.And it was night again, so it was very convenient for them to hide.For them, it can take advantage of the right time and place.

But this doesn't mean that Qin Hao is afraid. In Phantom Sky Fox's dictionary, the word "fear" has never been mentioned.

It's just that if Qin Hao wants to win, he must do three words: fast, ruthless, and accurate!

Kill the enemy with one blow, leaving no future troubles!

Withdrawing his gaze, Qin Hao turned his head and glanced at the ninjas around him. Suddenly, the dagger in his hand spun to create a gorgeous blade, and he held it tightly in his hand. His body sank sharply, his legs exerted force, With the help of a sudden burst of power, he rushed towards one of the ninjas holding a Japanese sword like a cannonball.

Among the four, only he is holding a long weapon in his hand. In this kind of place, he must not be suppressed by the opponent with this kind of firepower, otherwise the other three will rush forward. Ku Wu is not very good at close combat. For Qin Hao, it was very unfavorable.So the first opponent Qin Hao chose was him.

The sudden attack by Qin Hao caught the other party by surprise. His reflexes were unable to keep up with Qin Hao's footsteps. He could only watch helplessly as Qin Hao approached his companion in an instant, but his body did not move at all.

And the ninja who was approached by Qin Hao could only watch as Qin Hao flew towards him like a cannonball, and the dagger in his hand slashed across his throat in an instant, and he could even see the expression in Qin Hao's eyes. Cold and murderous.

But when he reacted, it was too late, the wound on his throat was gushing out with bright red blood, all he could do was to use his hands to hold the leaking throat in vain, hoping to slow down the pace of death , but the god of death came to him step by step.

In an instant, Qin Hao had already dealt with a troublesome ninja, and kicked his falling long knife away, only to see the blade falling from the top of the mountain like a meteor.The other three ninjas were startled, but Qin Hao stepped back immediately. The moment he withdrew, the weapons in the hands of the three ninjas who had reacted had already stabbed towards them. Unfortunately, their efforts were doomed to be in vain.

And the guy whose throat was slashed has slowly collapsed in the blood on the ground, becoming a corpse that gradually lost its temperature.

Although one of their companions died, the remaining three ninjas did not have a trace of heartache in their eyes. The ninjas were not afraid of death at all. From the moment they were born, they never considered death. Obviously, the death of their companions meant a lot to them. Say it's no big deal at all.

This is the cruelty of ninjas. For them, only the mission is the most important thing. As for their lives, they can definitely give up at will.

Qin Hao used to be like this, but after a lot of things changed him.

The remaining three ninjas immediately gathered together after Qin Hao eliminated one of them, watching Qin Hao vigilantly. The three of them gathered together, so that no matter which direction Qin Hao attacked from, he had to face each other. A common attack on the three.

Qin Hao, who succeeded in the first blow, did not launch another attack immediately. Seeing the opponent's formation, he knew that it must be taught by x. Only x, who had personally fought with him, knew the horror of the Phantom Sky Fox, "Humph. "Qin Hao sneered, the awe-inspiring light in his eyes made this group of fearless ninjas feel like they were sitting on pins and needles.

Who knew, at this moment, Qin Hao suddenly leapt, flew past the three people, and ran towards the top of the mountain!What he wants is to give the enemy the illusion that he is scared!

Sure enough, the three of them immediately rushed towards Qin Hao at the same time. Although the formation did not change, there was still an obvious gap between the three of them because of the different speeds.

This is the opportunity Qin Hao is waiting for. Although the gap is small, for Qin Hao, this is enough.

Qin Hao, who was about to go up the mountain, suddenly turned around and rushed out, swung the tiger-toothed dagger in his hand, and flew towards the face of the first ninja.

The flying dagger forced the first ninja in black to block it with a wave of his weapon. The visual obstruction at this moment was enough.

As the opponent blocked the dagger for a short moment, Qin Hao kicked the tree trunk behind him fiercely. With the thrust of the big tree, Qin Hao threw himself at the opponent. Before the opponent could react, he grabbed the opponent with the weapon With his hand, he took the first man in black and rolled out, kicked him away halfway, and snatched the weapon in his hand.

After landing, Qin Hao's body didn't stop, he stepped hard, and continued to chase towards the ninja who was still flying halfway, and the weapon in his hand volleyed towards the opponent's head and smashed fiercely.

With a scream, the head of the man in black was smashed to pieces by the weapon in Qin Hao's hand like a ripe watermelon, and the white brain mixed with bright red blood splashed onto the ground. When it fell to the ground, it had completely become a dead body that couldn't die anymore.

Throwing away the weapon in his hand, Qin Hao turned around and looked at the remaining two men in black, with a cruel smile on his lips.

Seeing this scene, even with the mentality of the two ninjas, there was a little bit of shaking at the moment. In just a short period of time, two of them had already died. Although they knew Qin Hao's power before coming here, but personally Only by feeling it can we truly experience the death-like oppression.

Although there is a hint of retreat, both of them are ninjas, even if they want to escape, they must not do so, because they know that even if they don't die here, they will die in the hands of Fir Shan.

And here, maybe Qin Hao would give them a good time, but in the hands of that pervert Leng Shan, maybe even death would be a luxury.

The two gritted their teeth, clenched the weapons in their hands, and surrounded Qin Hao again. As long as they can hold Qin Hao, their mission will be completed, even if it is the price of their lives, from the moment they stand here. For a moment, they knew in their hearts that they must die.

Qin Hao looked at the expressions of the two, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. This is a ninja, and sometimes he can't even decide his own life or death.

All Qin Hao can do is to give them a good time and save them pain. This is the greatest tolerance for ninjas.

Seeing the two people surrounding them, Qin Hao shook his arms, and slowly walked towards them, moving his body in a strange pace.

In the eyes of the two ninjas, Qin Hao's figure suddenly became strange. His moving speed became faster and faster in the eyes of the two ninjas, and he was gradually out of sight of them.

As their eyes blurred for a while, Qin Hao in front of them suddenly disappeared, and when they found Qin Hao's figure again, Qin Hao had already come behind them.

This is Qin Hao's ancient martial arts uniqueness, psychedelic step, which can confuse the enemy with special steps. This is the first time he has used it, just to save a little time, so that he can rush to the top of the mountain to assassinate Park Jiancheng.

The faces of the two people who noticed Qin Hao behind them changed drastically, but they had no time to react. Qin Hao, who moved behind them, exerted strength with both hands at the same time, and the two sharp hand knives slashed at the back of their heads fiercely, cutting off the wound with force. Their cranial nerves made them eternal corpses.

The battle just now took less than 10 minutes in total, and the opponent was eliminated cleanly.

Qin Hao put his hand on the neck artery of the other party, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the other party was indeed dead. Just when he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly stabbed him obliquely from behind. a dagger.

After Qin Hao turned around and kicked his opponent away, he finally realized that there were two more foreign men in black behind him.

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