Super ambiguous master

Chapter 432 After the Storm

King of Special Forces Mixes Flowers - Chapter 432 After the Storm

Mu Wanran was stunned by Qin Hao's attack, but then she burst into a smile, but was moved by Qin Hao's action.Then he raised his head and looked at Qin Hao seriously.

"What's wrong? Is my face dirty?" Qin Hao didn't like this atmosphere, as if parting from life and death, Qin Hao suddenly said humorously.

The emotion on Mu Wanran's face turned crimson, and finally she whispered "Qin Hao, it's good to have you"

Qin Hao chuckled in a low voice, and then the two walked side by side, the rain dripping on the umbrella, becoming their walking partners.

The pattering rainwater accumulates on the ground and flows into small streams, and accumulates into small rivers to wash the ground.

"Qin Hao." Mu Wanran uttered when she reached the normal level.

"Yes, why?" Qin Hao looked sideways, only to see that Mu Wanran was looking at him seriously at this moment.

Mu Ran, Mu Wanran's slender hands directly supported Qin Hao's face, and her red sexy mouth directly blocked Qin Hao's mouth.

Before Qin Hao finished speaking, Mu Wanran's sexy lips kissed her directly, and with her eyes closed, Qin Hao was so affectionate that Qin Hao didn't even realize it.

Mu Wanran's wet lips made Qin Hao feel gentle and comfortable, and he could even feel the tenderness and passion that Mu Wanran conveyed from that sexy and comfortable little mouth.

Then Qin Hao closed his eyes, allowing Mu Wanran's little hands to exert more force.

Mu Wanran's lips had a sweet feeling, when Mu Wanran started to kiss Qin Hao, Qin Hao was even a little stunned, because Mu Wanran was so sexy, and she was so active!

Even the astonished Qin Hao opened his mouth slightly, but forgot to close it tightly.But this also allowed Mu Wanran's tongue to sneak in instantly, lingering in Qin Hao's mouth, and her tongue kept touching Qin Hao's "shy" tongue.

Qin Hao didn't know why he was so passive this time, he used to be domineering and possessive of women and let Mu Wanran play around.

Entangling and lingering, with a very comfortable feeling and sweet taste.The two closed their eyes affectionately, recalling the days along the way in their minds, provocative and sexy, from shyness to getting familiar with each other, and finally fell in love with each other. At this time, the two were entangled, hugged, and kissed.

I don't know how long this kiss lasted, and Mu Wanran always took the initiative, while Qin Hao enjoyed Mu Wanran's tenderness.Until Mu Wanran moved her lips away.

Then he smiled and looked at Qin Hao in front of him and said, "Today I will be Cinderella, you go shopping with me, I want to buy a lot of clothes and wear a lot of beautiful clothes"

With a blush on Mu Wanran's face, she turned her head and kept talking to Qin Hao, like a child, and the original dignified atmosphere between the two of them dissipated.

Qin Hao looked at Mu Wanran, finally smiled and nodded.

The trip to Macau also made Qin Hao feel a lot, and it should be easy now.So Qin Hao watched Mu Wanran muttering in front of him like a child, while Qin Hao smiled and accompanied him.His mouth was still full of the sweetness that Mu Wanran gave him just now, which made Qin Hao enjoy the aftertaste.

When Qin Hao and Mu Wanran appeared on the busiest street, they were completely ordinary people. When the rain stopped, the two directly put their umbrellas together and walked among the crowded crowd.

The crowded streets did not dampen people's enthusiasm by half. The streets were full of novelties, and all kinds of novel clothes were displayed in front of passers-by.

As she said, Mu Wanran became an extremely ordinary woman, obsessed with all kinds of fashionable clothes, constantly changing and fiddling with clothes in the fitting room.

Qin Hao was her only audience, while Mu Wanran kept changing with joy.There are sexy and seductive uniforms, as well as fresh professional attire, and delicate student attire. Once Mu Wanran puts on all kinds of clothes, Mu Wanran can always change Mu Wanran into another person, and even the feeling changes to match the clothes.

As if these clothes exist for Mu Wanran, Mu Wanran shuttles back and forth in her own "kingdom" like a bird, changing into new clothes.

Qin Hao watched with a smile, but in his heart he was interested in the trip to Macau and everything that happened along the way.He has experienced life and death several times, from ups and downs to today, Zhou Yayan and Ling Ruoxue were tied up and experienced life and death, which made Qin Hao seem to see through something.

He walked hard all the way, but now Zhou Yayan and Ling Ruoxue almost disappeared in front of his eyes. Maybe Qin Hao walked too fast all the way but forgot the scenery around him and ignored the most important people around him.

Just like the Mu Wanran in front of her, the Mu Wanran at this time is Mu Wanran, the Mu Wanran in the past, a real woman, not the Miss Mu family whose every action is about the size of the matter.

"Qin Hao, look, does this suit suit me?" Mu Wanran came out of the fitting room while Qin Hao was still thinking. She was wearing a sailor suit. It looks playful and charming.

"It's nice, but are you going to be a sailor?"

Mu Wanran smiled and said: "That's not it! Let me tell you a secret, when I was young, the thing my friends and I liked to do the most was to go to the clothing store to try on the clothes we liked. We just tried them on but didn't buy them. "

Qin Hao looked at Mu Wanran in astonishment, and listened to Mu Wanran talking about her in the past.It's hard for Qin Hao to imagine that Mu Wanran was so mischievous back then, harassing the clothing stores every day with a group of girlfriends, and the proprietresses who ended up with it were extremely headaches.

"So, when those proprietresses saw us coming, they closed the door or stood outside the shop and glared at us! Qin Hao, do you think it's funny? Haha"

When Mu Wanran spoke, she laughed before Qin Hao could respond.Coincidentally, Qin Hao saw the proprietress behind Mu Wanran listening, but her face was full of disdain.

Qin Hao knew that the proprietress must have regarded himself and Mu Wanran as poor people, and Qin Hao had seen too much bullying.But Qin Hao didn't take it seriously at all and smiled happily, joining Mu Wanran in a happy smile.

"How is it? Looks good! I'll change it for you!" After Mu Wanran finished speaking, she stuck out her tongue at Qin Hao, and finally went to the hanger to find the style she liked.

"Cough, cough" Qin Hao was still smiling at Mu Wanran's happiness, but the proprietress coughed deliberately, as if wanting to say something.

"Hey, girl, let me tell you, our clothes are very expensive here, can you afford them? Don't try if you can't afford them. You think, those who want to buy know that the clothes they want to buy are worn by you like this , we can’t get good prices in our small shop.”

When the proprietress spoke, her left hand was on her hip, but her right hand impatiently pointed at Mu Wanran.

Mu Wanran was a little sluggish by the proprietress's action, but in the end she laughed, very happily.

Qin Hao frowned, feeling very unhappy with the behavior of the proprietress.This kind of person only has money in his eyes, but the villain in the market has an ugly face.

"Hey, do you hear that?" The proprietress asked impatiently.She didn't expect that she said it, but this ordinary woman was still giggling and choosing clothes.

"Ma'am, it's coming soon, I'll try on another one!" Mu Wanran smiled playfully at the proprietress, and then went to the fitting room under the glaring gaze of the proprietress.

"Really, I don't know where she came from, a wild girl, shameless"

"Okay! Shut your stinky mouth!"

The proprietress was about to curse, but was interrupted by Qin Hao's deep voice.

"Hey, I said, who are you two? Really, there are you like this? Only trying on clothes but..." The proprietress opened her mouth and was about to complain.But when she saw Qin Hao take out the check, she suddenly shut up.

"How much?" Qin Hao asked without looking at the proprietress.

"What, what?" The proprietress was a little stunned, but she was wondering if this person was fooling herself.

"I said that dress." Qin Hao pointed to Mu Wanran trying on it.

"One, one thousand three" The proprietress was shocked by Qin Hao's coldness and the powerful aura emanating from his body. In front of her, Qin Hao seemed to be the sky, which made her feel an irresistible sense of oppression.

Qin Hao didn't even raise his head, he just wrote on the check with a pen, wrote it, and finally tore it off and handed it to the proprietress, and then said, "I hope you can be quiet!"

Qin Hao's tone was not a request, but an order that could not be resisted.

The proprietress wanted to say something, but when she saw the number of the check, her eyes widened and she closed her mouth tightly.

"One, two, three" The proprietress looked at the numbers on the check in disbelief, held the check in front of her eyes, and counted the numbers with her fingers.

"Qin Hao, well, look, how about this one?" When Mu Wanran came out, she was already wearing a long skirt, fresh and pleasant.It gave Qin Hao the feeling like the goddess of spring strolling along the path in the fields.

"Okay, it looks good!" Qin Hao clapped his hands lightly, smiling all over his face.

The proprietress was clever enough to hide the check when Mu Wanran came out, and the original tigress face immediately changed into a smiling face, smiling at Mu Wanran, half-bowed and said, "The girl is so beautiful, whoever takes Girl, you must be lucky!"

When the proprietress spoke, she did not forget to look at Qin Hao, her meaning could not be more clear.

Mu Wanran looked weirdly at the proprietress who changed her face so quickly, and even more weirdly at Qin Hao who was smiling, but in the end she couldn't figure out the situation

Leaving the clothing store, Mu Wanran still couldn't figure it out. Finally, she turned her head and looked at Qin Hao strangely while walking, only to see Qin Hao's serious face, and Mu Wanran didn't know what to say.

"Wow, the clothes in this store are so fashionable!" When Mu Wanran spoke, she had already entered the clothing store.

Qin Hao quietly followed Mu Wanran, and still stood quietly watching Mu Wanran choose clothes.

The business of the clothing store is very good, and there are people all around, they are all picking and watching.There is no shortage of beautiful women among them.

At this moment, Qin Hao was looking at a young man and woman, just because the woman was beautiful and the man was handsome.

"Qiang, you must buy some good clothes for me today." The beauty leaned on this handsome man with a happy and sweet expression on her face.

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