Super ambiguous master

Chapter 433 Emergencies

Special Forces King Mixed Flowers - Chapter 433 Emergencies

"You can take whatever clothes you want, as long as you are happy today, whatever you want!" the handsome man said proudly.

"You are really kind, I will definitely make it up to you tonight!" The beauty leaned against the handsome man's hands and added some strength, then kissed the handsome man's face with her small mouth, and then showed a happy smile. smile.

"You are my woman, and I will definitely love you well." The handsome man said finally, and then watched the woman go in, while he, like Qin Hao, waited by the side.

"Walking steadily, strides are even and strong, and breathing time is shorter than ordinary people." Qin Hao sneered inwardly, the handsome man in front of him was not an ordinary person, but a man of some strength.

Seemingly noticing that Qin Hao was looking at him, the handsome man suddenly looked back at Qin Hao. When he saw Qin Hao's face with a sneer, the handsome man suddenly became a little annoyed.

"Are you looking at me? I know you?" The handsome man chuckled.But the murderous aura on his body has faintly bloomed, he has ten thousand ways to kill this young man who despises him with his eyes.

"If you don't know him, you still know him." Qin Hao put his hands on his chest and smiled lightly.Not knowing is the essence. Qin Hao doesn't know Zaiyou at all. He said he knows because this person, like Qin Hao, possesses extraordinary power but does ordinary things.

Hearing Qin Hao's words, the handsome man immediately became vigilant, and looked at Qin Hao cautiously. Because what Qin Hao said just now showed that he was unusual.

Who is the opponent?How does he know that he is not an ordinary person?But the handsome man couldn't feel any powerful aura from Qin Hao, he was just a very ordinary person.

And these days he hides very well, from words and deeds to words, details of life, etc.

"I don't even know what you're talking about!" the handsome man pretended, and then looked back into the shop, not forgetting to wave and smile at the beauties who came over from the shop, with a very affectionate look.

Qin Hao knew that it was all an illusion.Just like Qin Hao, Qin Hao disguised himself and lived a simple life.

"Who are you? An assassin? An agent? A mercenary?" Qin Hao sneered. In fact, Qin Hao also wanted to say a murderer, and the aura on his body carried killing.

But here is a public place, Qin Hao directly speaking will only disturb the other party, not to mention Mu Wanran is there.Qin Hao didn't want to cause more trouble.

"Why are you so vulgar. I've never seen it before!" The handsome man suddenly hated the young man in front of him. He tried to get rid of Qin Hao, so he began to express his disgust towards Qin Hao for no reason.Even though the answer was not what was asked, the other party knew what it meant, because this person was not an ordinary person.

"Tsk tsk, is this trick called deceiving the sky or making a fool of yourself?" Qin Hao said lightly.

Qin Hao knew that the other party didn't want to talk to him, so he made a casual sentence to make others feel that the two were having a conflict.But Qin Hao didn't know why, Qin Hao just wanted to stimulate this handsome man all the time.

"Nervous!" Originally, Qin Hao wanted the handsome man in front of him to show his true face when he heard his words, but in fact, he treated Qin Hao as a psychopath.

"Could it be that I made a mistake?" Qin Hao murmured inwardly.Isn't the person in front of you a special person?But a very ordinary?But Qin Hao could clearly feel that the aura on his body was unusual.

Then Qin Hao looked at the handsome man again, his appearance was a bit simple and honest, maybe he was really an exception.There are also times when I get too nervous, and I can't rush this matter, let alone it's none of Qin Hao's business.

Qin Hao had no choice but to shut up and stop talking, watching the busy traffic and thinking about his own affairs.

"Mr. Qin Hao, let's go, the next room!" A happy Mu Wanran came out of the clothing store, with two winning prizes in her hands, which soon became the bags in Qin Hao's left and right hands.

"Okay, Miss Mu Wanran." Qin Hao's life is like this today, being with Mu Wanran is fine.

At that moment, Qin Hao glanced at this special person again, seeing that the other party ignored him, Qin Hao smiled lightly, and then walked behind Mu Wanran to another clothing store.

Qin Hao knows why people say that women's money is easy to make, maybe it's because of this.Women like Mu Wanran must be the majority, they never stop from morning to night, anyway, if they see nice clothes outside the shop, she will rush in without hesitation, and then sweep.

Of course, Mu Wanran didn't buy a few, she was even more eager to try on clothes.

Now Qin Hao has plenty of time, so Mu Wanran still has time to do some more raids, and at this time Qin Hao is quietly standing aside and waiting.What Qin Hao didn't expect was that Qin Hao saw that handsome man and that beautiful woman again.

"Honey, are you tired? If you are tired, you won't go shopping." The beauty wiped the handsome man's sweat with her hands, and said with a distressed expression.

The handsome man smiled, clasped the beautiful woman's hand and shook his head.

What Qin Hao saw was a look of incomparable affection, but Qin Hao was also inexplicably touched.Maybe it was just him who was wrong.Qin Hao finally said.

So this time when the handsome man was waiting for his woman outside, Qin Hao didn't provoke or provoke him, but treated the handsome man in front of him as a person like himself, not an opponent.

The handsome man's woman came out not long after entering, obviously not finding the right clothes.Qin Hao watched the two of them leave, and they were another couple in love.

When men and women walk together, only when they have love can they have a sense of happiness.Qin Hao likes this feeling, a feeling that comes from spiritual happiness.

"What are you looking at?!" When Mu Wanran came out, she saw Qin Hao staring at the road all the time, and asked inexplicably close to Qin Hao's ear.

"Are you trying to scare me?" Qin Hao looked at Mu Wanran earnestly from the side. This guy came out directly, obviously trying to play tricks on himself.

"I want to call your soul back!" Mu Wanran corrected.

Qin Hao shrugged, which meant that men don't fight with women.

"Mr. Qin Hao is so timid, I really underestimated him!" Mu Wanran laughed, then put the new prize in Qin Hao's hand, and then walked alone.

Qin Hao smiled wryly, and followed the woman with his things again.

Walking all the way, stop and go, finally Mu Wanran brought Qin Hao to a dessert shop.

Eating desserts is also a woman's favorite, today Mu Wanran indulged herself, and Qin Hao suddenly smiled seeing Mu Wanran's greedy look.Anyway, today is as simple as that.

"Go! I'll treat you to dessert!" Mu Wanran said loudly, and then walked in first.

Qin Hao followed behind, and when he entered, he saw that the style of the dessert shop was not bad, it was very suitable for lovers of a man and a man to come here for consumption.

"How is it? It's fine here." Mu Wanran found a corner seat and sat down, looking at Qin Hao proudly, resting her chin with her hands, very happy.

"Not bad, very stylish." Qin Hao put aside the big and small bags in his hand, and then looked around.The shop depends on decoration. If the decoration is not good, who will come to buy it?Moreover, the high-end decoration can also raise the price, which is a good thing.

"That's it! I like the taste of sweet honey."

Mu Wanran said innocently, blinking her eyes when she spoke.Innocent, innocent, like a gentle little woman.

"You are so kind." Qin Hao was moved in his heart, there is nothing more happiest than a woman who is willing to wait for him.

"It's only good for you." Mu Wanran smiled all over her face.Mu Wanran was very happy that Qin Hao was with her today, so Mu Wanran shared the little secret in her heart.

Originally, she was unwilling to tell Qin Hao. After all, women like to hide their thoughts, but today Qin Hao spent a day with her, which made Mu Wanran extremely happy. Finally, she shared her thoughts with Qin Hao.And Mu Wanran only treats herself as an ordinary woman at this time, and doesn't hide any secrets.

"Then it must be me. Don't you want to be nice to some men? Well, I don't want to." Qin Hao smiled knowingly, the Mu Wanran in front of him was cute.

Qin Hao didn't expect the relationship between the two to become so ambiguous. What the two said at this time would not embarrass each other, but it should be just like this.

"Hmph, Qin Hao, you are getting thicker and thicker. Why didn't you find out at the beginning? If I found out, I would not follow you." Mu Wanran pretended to be angry, and this is how the two of them are happy.

"It's a pity, I have already followed everyone, and I can't go back if I want to!" Qin Hao was very proud, and finally burst out laughing.

At this time, the two of them talked very casually, like old friends, and also like a couple after going through a storm.

"Let's eat your food!" Finally, when the dessert came, Mu Wanran directly pushed the served dessert to Qin Hao's eyes, and opened her eyes, looking at Qin Hao expectantly, hoping that Qin Hao would like it.

Qin Hao smiled, took a small bite, and looked at Mu Wanran with a look of enjoyment, then said: "It's not bad, it's a delicious dessert!"

"That's it!" As if seeing the expression she wanted to see, Mu Wanran was very satisfied and proud.

To be honest, Qin Hao doesn't like desserts, but in order to make Mu Wanran happy and forget about those unpleasant things, things about the Mu family, Qin Hao had to lie with a smile.

"Ah! Help!"

While Qin Hao and Mu Wanran were eating and chatting slowly, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared outside, screaming and looking around helplessly, as if she couldn't tell the direction.

"Please, save him!"

"My boyfriend was beaten, please help him!"

The beauty walked anxiously like hesitating, and said to save her husband when she saw someone, looking very pitiful.

"It's her?" Qin Hao knew this beauty.

It was the woman with the handsome man whom Qin Hao suspected.

But what happened in front of me?

Even though Qin Hao gave up his doubts about that handsome man, Qin Hao didn't think he was the kind of person who was prone to accidents.

Qin Hao thought it was impossible, but the panicked, anxious and helpless expression of the beautiful woman told Qin Hao that something really happened to her man.

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