Super ambiguous master

Chapter 434 Trap

King of Special Forces Mixed Flowers - Chapter 434 Traps

"Could something happen?" Qin Hao was puzzled.

Suddenly, the fact that Ainuo was warned by the Sanctions of the Holy Cross came to Qin Hao's mind. Ainuo once told himself to let him go

"I beg you, please help me, my boyfriend is dying!" The beauty was still pleading and praying to passers-by.He was pitiful and disheveled. Thinking about it, that handsome man must have clashed with someone outside, and then he was entangled, and this woman was also dragged and injured.

Qin Hao always felt that this was a conspiracy, and Qin Hao couldn't say why for a while.But at this moment, for Mu Wanran's safety, Qin Hao did not act without hesitation as before. This time, Qin Hao hesitated.

Especially when the boy showed up the scene when Ainuo persuaded him to let go, which made Qin Hao more vigilant in his heart.

"I beg you, don't you have a man who has sympathy? My boyfriend was beaten so badly by three people. I beg you." The beauty had already arrived in the dessert shop, walking from table to table, and kept begging for someone to help her. Help her.

Mu Wanran frowned, looking at the poor woman in front of her, Mu Wanran remembered seeing her when she was looking at clothes in the store, and this beautiful woman was indeed with a handsome young man again, unexpectedly only a few minutes later, at this time this The beauty was in a mess, and her boyfriend was still being beaten outside.

Mu Wanran couldn't help looking at Qin Hao, hoping that Qin Hao could help the poor woman in front of her.Of course, Mu Wanran thought that Qin Hao would make a move. The Qin Hao they knew was such a brave person, a man.

"Strange" Qin Hao saw Mu Wanran's eyes and saw the desire to make a move from Mu Wanran's eyes.It's just that Qin Hao doesn't think this incident is purely a coincidence, and there are many doubts in it.

The first is that it is impossible for the Holy Cross Sanctions Group not to know about his return to the capital. With the Holy Cross Sanctions Group's eyes and ears and superpowers all over, it is very easy to know about Qin Hao.

Second, the Sanctions Mission of the Holy Cross should be very clear about the matter in Macau, and it is impossible for them to be idle, or they will definitely take action.The matter between Mu Hanshu and Zhang Da will not end here. This is why Qin Hao did not directly make a move in Macau but brought it back.Any plan or conspiracy against Qin Hao is not simple, this is the understanding of the Holy Cross Sanctions Team of Qin Hao, and it is also the understanding of x.

Moreover, although this young man managed to convince Qin Hao that he was just an ordinary person, how could he always appear in front of his eyes by such a coincidence?Including this woman, why didn't she choose to call the police and ask for help outside, but entered the dessert shop and walked all the way to her side.

Mu Wanran is kind-hearted, maybe that handsome young man and this messy, disheveled beauty in front of him can take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao smiled.It seems that the game is on the stage again. The members of the Holy Cross Sanctions Corps seem to have no intention of letting Qin Hao rest, so that he, who is nicknamed the Phantom Fox, can recuperate and sort out what happened in Macau.

But no matter what, Qin Hao participated in all the games of the Holy Cross Sanctions Corps, and most of them won completely.So Qin Hao became the person that the Holy Cross Sanctions Mission had always wanted to deal with and kill.

Now it's another new game, Qin Hao will take over when the other party comes!

"What's the matter? My face is so dirty today? You've seen it twice!" Qin Hao looked at Mu Wanran with restraint.He understood Mu Wanran's meaning in his heart, but Qin Hao didn't think it would be better to attack directly. Qin Hao was waiting for that woman to come over. Qin Hao believed that if he didn't move, the woman would definitely beg him in every possible way.

If it is, then it also proves Qin Hao's conjecture

"That woman is so pitiful. She chatted with me when I was choosing clothes. At that time, I was quite envious of her and her boyfriend. They are really affectionate. Look at you," Mu Wanran thought He asked Qin Hao to help the other party, but then he thought that Qin Hao was exhausted enough. He hadn't rested since the beginning because of the Mu family's affairs, and Zhou Yayan, Ling Ruoxue and the others were also implicated.At this moment, if he spoke again, it would appear abrupt.

Mu Wanran suddenly realized that she really couldn't speak, Qin Hao had already paid enough for them, why bother Qin Hao for such a trivial matter?

"I look at me? I don't have a mirror, how do you see it? Are you looking at my shadow from your star-like eyes?" Qin Hao looked into Mu Wanran's eyes with an expression, and couldn't help turning his face He leaned forward, looking sweet.

But Qin Hao sneered in his heart at this time. Mu Wanran's words let Qin Hao know that this couple didn't just deal with him alone, but even Mu Wanran was involved.Otherwise, there would be no scene where this woman finds Mu Wanran and chats with her. Is this to get closer to Mu Wanran?How about making use of Mu Wanran's kindness to intercede for you later?The more Qin Hao thought about it, the colder his face became.

When Mu Wanran heard Qin Hao's words, she immediately lost her temper. Qin Hao is usually a capable and smart man, but today he is abnormal. She has already hinted at it, but he is still asking?Is this because Mu Wanran misjudged Qin Hao at the beginning, or is there something abnormal about Qin Hao?

Seeing Mu Wanran like this, Qin Hao immediately felt distressed, because Mu Wanran didn't know that he had been regarded as a prey by others, but Mu Wanran was using her kindness to send herself to the deep pit dug by the other party.

"I beg you, just help me!" The beauty kept begging all the way, but no one paid attention to her. People these days live with the attitude that more things are worse than less things, and how many people can be truly chivalrous? Come to the rescue?

Mu Wanran's attention had been completely attracted by the poor beauty, and she ignored Qin Hao at this time, and was even a little angry.Instead, looking at the beauty, Mu Wanran hoped that someone would stand up and help her.

It's just no, Mu Wanran didn't see anyone stand up.At the same time, she didn't see that Qin Hao had sent a message to Mu Meng and asked him to bring someone over.

If Qin Hao leaves, Mu Wanran's safety will only be left to Mu Meng.

"Sister, sister, please help me, I really can't do anything, no one is willing to help me, no one is willing to help me dear, no!" The beauty came to his table as Qin Hao imagined Before, and as soon as he came, he knelt down in front of Mu Wanran, crying and angry.Moreover, he was inciting Mu Wanran's sympathy with words.

"Don't cry first, my gentleman promised to help you, you take him there quickly!" Mu Wanran made up her mind, and in the impression that Mu Wanran knew Qin Hao, Qin Hao would definitely make a move.

Because he is Qin Hao, a brave man, and also the man she, Zhou Yayan and Ling Ruoxue like.Not by appearance, but by Qin Hao's behavior and heart, as well as Qin Hao's thoughtfulness and gentleness.

So Mu Wanran knew that Qin Hao would make a move, and she would also understand her self-assertion.

After speaking, Mu Wanran looked at Qin Hao, wanting to see something on Qin Hao's face, wanting to see Qin Hao stand up and do what she said.

Because this woman in front of him really needs help, Qin Hao can't just let her die, so Qin Hao will definitely stand up as Mu Wanran thought, and let Mu Wanran see Qin Hao's stalwart and powerful figure.

Qin Hao stood up, as Mu Wanran wished, and at the same time Qin Hao's eyes were full of affection when looking at Mu Wanran.

Mu Wanran didn't know the quietness and mystery before the storm, but Qin Hao knew it.But at this time, people are diverting the tiger away from the mountain and digging a hole to wait for him, but Mu Wanran

Qin Hao doesn't blame Mu Wanran, Qin Hao will still choose this game and continue to play.It's just that Qin Hao is more worried about Mu Wanran at this time. Before his younger brother Mu Meng came, Qin Hao was not at ease, so Qin Hao still had to delay when necessary.

Mu Meng is not far from here, you should be there in about 2 minutes

"Hey, woman, you've already talked like this, so I have no choice but to obey." The best way to delay time is to play tricks.Qin Hao didn't want Mu Wanran to realize the danger and make her panic.

Before all the wind and waves roll up, Qin Hao will directly suppress the high tide until the wind and waves are calm.This is the peaceful life Qin Hao wants to give Mu Wanran.

When Mu Wanran heard Qin Hao's words, she was a little puzzled, but she didn't think about it carefully. Although she felt that Qin Hao was playing tricks at this time and was a little too glib, but Qin Hao was not less like this on weekdays, so Mu Wanran I also didn't think about Qin Hao's irrelevance of occasions.

Instead, he put all his attention on the woman kneeling on the ground, and at the same time felt uneasy and anxious for this woman.

"Okay, Qin Hao, go help this sister's boyfriend first." Mu Wanran urged.

"Please, big brother, please help me dear, please." The beauty also agreed, and when she was kneeling on the ground, her hands grabbed Qin Hao's clothes. If everyone knew the situation, they would have thought that Qin Hao is bullying this woman.

"Well, you lead the way." Qin Hao said directly.Qin Hao is not afraid of such vulgar tricks. This kind of scene is not a big scene for Qin Hao who has experienced many battles.

Moreover, there was a signal from Mu Meng, and Qin Hao had already seen Mu Meng in front of the eight bodyguards mingling among the crowd.

"Thank you, thank you, big brother!" The beauty was stunned at first, then thanked again and again, and finally stood up and walked outside quickly.

Qin Hao didn't follow directly, but looked back at Mu Wanran after stepping forward, his affectionate eyes looked at Mu Wanran who was still anxious and uneasy for that woman, and finally smiled lightly "Wanran, will you miss me?"

When Mu Wanran heard Qin Hao's words, she tilted her head and froze, finally nodded.I don't know why.

"Be careful!" Qin Hao smiled, and then walked behind the woman.

"I hope you guys can be more honest!" Qin Hao said coldly in his heart as he followed the beauty.At the same time, his face became serious with killing.

"Strange, what happened to Qin Hao today?" Seeing Qin Hao leave, looking at Qin Hao's back, Mu Wanran couldn't figure out what Qin Hao said later.

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