Super ambiguous master

Chapter 524 Clues

King of Special Forces Mixed Flowers - Chapter 524 Clues

And in the end, all kinds of weird things appeared around them, the person who could fly in the void, and the person whose fist could penetrate the wall

"Wanran, what do you want to do?" Zhou Yayan frowned, as if she had guessed what Mu Wanran was going to do.That's repeating what happened three months ago

"Sister Yayan, you know, I can't let go of Qin Hao's absence. Am I going to be a widow for the rest of my life?" This is how Mu Wanran described her and Zhou Yayan.And Ling Ruoxue and the others

"And then?" Zhou Yayan continued to ask, with a look of indifference.

"Then, then I want to cause trouble!" Mu Wanran affirmed.This is the only way to make Qin Hao appear, and the missing person notice is useless at all

They sent countless messages before, and the network and the ground and walls were all Qin Hao's messages, but no one could find them.Even if there are calls, they are defrauding money or something.So in the end, both Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran knew that they would never be able to find Qin Hao just relying on this missing person notice.

Zhou Yayan frowned, looked at Mu Wanran and said, "Wanran, we did this three months ago, and you're still here now? You've healed the wound and forgotten the scar!" Zhou Yayan said with certainty.

Mu Wanran's face was embarrassed, but her face was still unwilling, making her wait so long, Mu Wanran couldn't do it.Let Mu Wanran like another person, Mu Wanran has not forgotten Qin Hao in her heart, so she cannot accept new strangers.

This kind of life is very torturous, and I can't let it go or let it go, but I dare not forget it.How many nights had Mu Wanran woke up sad to face the empty house.How much I want Qin Hao to be by her side and give her a safe and real feeling.

"Sister Yayan, do it again?" Mu Wanran begged, she just wouldn't give up! Unless there is a reason for her to give up, or seeing Qin Hao's body or Qin Hao still not showing up in ten or twenty years

Zhou Yayan's originally calm face suddenly smiled, she was just trying to scare Mu Wanran just now, in fact she and Mu Wanran thought the same.It's just that Zhou Yayan didn't say it out, but Mu Wanran did.

"Okay, Sister Yayan, you're bullying again!" Mu Wanran immediately knew what was going on when she saw Zhou Yayan smile, she cursed, and hammered at Zhou Yayan at the same time.Immediately, the two quarreled directly and laughed.

The two quarreled for a while, but in the end they were interrupted by a phone call.The person who called was a man, who said he saw Qin Hao and was willing to tell Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran about Qin Hao's whereabouts, but Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran would need a reward.

Finally, Zhou Yayan hung up the phone after making an appointment with the person on the other end of the phone at a time and place.

"Yayan, is it credible?" Mu Wanran didn't really believe in this kind of phone calls anymore, she had made many calls before, and on several occasions she was almost tricked into being in danger in a remote place.Fortunately, those who tried to bully them died inexplicably.The medical examiner later determined it was a heart attack.

At first Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran believed it, but later they met a few times, and the other party died when the other party showed his true face, or had a heart attack.

Zhou Yayan shook her head directly, this kind of thing has already made Zhou Yayan numb.If there is really news about Qin Hao, Zhou Yayan can just give him all her property!

"I don't believe it either," Mu Wanran said, but her face was full of regret and expectation.It was obvious that the mouth said so, but in his heart he hoped that this time it was true.

The two were silent, but their faces were telling each other that they should go and have a look.

"How is it?" Zhou Yayan asked.

Mu Wanran nodded, her face resolute.And Zhou Yayan also nodded at this moment, isn't she asking for trouble?Even if the other party is deceiving them, it's okay, anyway, Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran have already fought it out.

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran appreciated that the appointment was at a coffee shop, at least the other party did not make an appointment in a remote or remote place like the others.

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran hadn't seen anyone when they arrived, and the other party said they would come out in a suit, but now when Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran looked around, they didn't see anyone in a suit.

"Yayan, isn't that person playing tricks on us? What time is it?" Mu Wanran said dissatisfied.It is right for a man to wait for a woman, but it is unreasonable for a woman to wait for a man.

Zhou Yayan shook her head, expressing that she herself did not know.No one can say for sure about these things, and it's not easy to say.Maybe it's deceiving and playing tricks on them.Maybe it was something that had to be dealt with when the other party came, or there was a traffic jam.

"Excuse me, are you looking for this gentleman?" When Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran were still discussing in doubt, a magnetic male voice appeared behind them.Instead, Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran were taken aback.

The person in front of him was wearing a black suit. He was handsome and not like a bad guy, and his sword eyebrows were heroic.This kind of person looks like a dragon and phoenix among people, not a bad person.

"Yes, yes! My name is Zhou Yayan, what's your last name?" When seeing this young man, both Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran felt familiar, and the person in front of them actually looked so much like Qin Hao!Especially in stature, fat and thin, tall and short.But it looks and sounds alike.

Then the three of them began to introduce each other, all talking in polite words.It wasn't until the three of them chatted about the same that the young man took out a tablet phone and gestured on it, found the missing person notice and showed it to Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran, "Yayan, Wanran, you are looking for this person named Qin Hao's youth, right?"

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran nodded quickly.

Based on the comprehensive analysis of the chat with each other just now and the appearance and temperament of the young people in front of them, the person in front of them is not a liar.Not like the people I met before.

"Yes, as long as you can tell us where Qin Hao is or help us find him, we are willing to pay you as agreed!" Zhou Yayan said hastily.Mu Wanran also agreed.

"This man named Qin Hao is really blessed." The young man continued to laugh, but he didn't tell Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran what they wanted to know, but said words of envy.

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran didn't care, they focused on looking at the man who claimed to be the white tiger in front of them expectantly.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me all the time? I'll be embarrassed." Bai Hu drank coffee after saying Qin Hao's blessed words, but at this moment, seeing Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran staring at him, Bai Hu suddenly laughed.

When Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran heard Baihu's words, their faces turned rosy, but they were embarrassed and embarrassed.Indeed, it is inappropriate to keep looking at each other like this, especially if it is the opposite sex.Anyone in this situation will think crooked

"Baihu, I, we just want to know Qin Hao's whereabouts. Look, can you tell us what you know about Qin Hao?" Mu Wanran finally said, lest they be caught when they look at Baihu like this again. The other party said that he was embarrassed.

Bai Hu frowned, and then looked at Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran, but this time he looked at Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran with embarrassment.The two were busy lowering their heads or pretending to fiddle with the zipper of their clothes.

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran suddenly began to hate this well-dressed and handsome young man in front of them. They didn't like being looked at like this, unless it was Qin Hao

Bai Hu was still watching, not paying any attention to the strangeness of Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran at this time.

"Baihu, you, just tell us." Mu Wanran finally said.Now that they are begging the person in front of them, they naturally dare not get angry or turn around and leave directly.The Baihu in front of him should know Qin Hao's news. From the words and deeds of this Baihu, it can be seen that Baihu is not like a liar. This is also the reason why Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran stayed.

"I met this young man a few months ago. Of course, I also know where he is now. It was about three months ago. He was fighting in a forest." Bai Hu said, but here he is He didn't speak any more, but drank his coffee and looked at the scenery outside.

It seems that he doesn't want to continue talking, but enjoys the scenery and enjoys this kind of life.The coffee in his hand was swaying and stirring.He didn't forget to brag about the coffee a few times, and the smoke from the coffee was so ethereal and beautiful.

Baihu is very comfortable under the amorous mood, but Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran are anxious.It was about to get to the point, but Bai Hu didn't say anything more. After looking at each other, Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran waited patiently.

Baihu said Qin Hao was fighting?In the woods?What happened to Qin Hao?Why are you fighting?Are you hurt?

All the answers are in front of this unhurried white tiger, as long as the white tiger finishes drinking his coffee, he will tell himself!Both Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran thought so.

But in fact, both Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran guessed wrong. Seeing that Baihu drank three cups of coffee, almost an hour later, Baihu still didn't seem to want to speak.The two began to grow impatient.

"Coffee is a good enjoyment, peace of mind, memories, and beautiful scenery. There are beauties to accompany you." Baihu didn't seem to notice that Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran's complexions had turned ugly, but they were still saying what Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran thought were sarcastic remarks.

"Mr. Bai, do you know Qin Hao's news at all? If you don't know, then don't waste each other's time." Mu Wanran said immediately with a stronger temper.Now it seems that the other party is more like the kind of person who swindles food and drink, directly says something of no value, and then keeps consuming it.

"Wanran, I naturally know about Qin Hao. And no one knows better than me, but" Baihu paused at this point, looking at Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran, his eyes were full of aggression, without any concealment.

"But, but what?" Zhou Yayan suddenly had a bad omen.

"That's right, the money said that it will be given to you according to the above. If Qin Hao is found, I can give you more!" Mu Wanran also said, money is not a problem at all.

"I just want the two of you to be my girlfriends. Who made you look so beautiful?" Bai Hu said comfortably, looking at Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran, waiting for their answers.

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran's expressions changed, but they didn't know what to say for a while.

"On this condition, I don't want money either. If I agree, I will tell you what I know and take you to Qin Hao." Bai Hu added, and continued to drink coffee comfortably after speaking, enjoying it slowly stand up.

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran glanced at each other, naturally unwilling in their hearts!only

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