Super ambiguous master

Chapter 525 Return of the King

Special Forces King Mixes Flowers - Chapter 525 Return of the King (The Finale)

The three fell into silence, Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran looked sad, while Bai Hu looked calm.

When Bai Hu looked calm, he often secretly looked at Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran. Bai Hu was very concerned about Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran's expressions at this time, because a lot of information could be read from it.

Of course, Baihu is not Baihu, Baihu is just Qin Hao's name after disguise.

In the battle of Fengshalin, Qin Hao and the others won, and the qualifications for the Quantum Realm belonged to the Shoumen of the Holy Heaven.But when the young master recovered Qin Hao's memory, Qin Hao finally refused the request to go to the Quantum Realm, but wanted to return to Zhou Yayan and the others and be an ordinary person. This is what Qin Hao wanted.

Qin Hao didn't hate the young master because the young master blocked his memory. According to what happened later, if the young master didn't seal Qin Hao's memory and make Qin Hao lose his memory, Zhou Yayan and the others might be in greater danger.Kong Ling's ability to extract memory is very powerful, and it is impossible to guard against it.

Moreover, Xiaohu and Xiaohu took care of the women around Qin Hao, etc., combined with everything, Qin Hao didn't know whether to hate the young master or thank the young master.But no matter what, Qin Hao returned to his own life world and lived the life of ordinary people.

What Phantom Sky Fox has long since disappeared before everyone's eyes, Qin Hao is just an ordinary person with several women who love him and his love deeply.nothing more

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran were still struggling, and it could be seen from their furrowed eyebrows that they didn't want to give up any news about Qin Hao.

"Yes, can you change some other conditions. We can give you money and rights" Mu Wanran said after struggling, and now she can only do this.As long as she finds Qin Hao and stays with Qin Hao, then she would rather abandon everything and just be with Qin Hao.A quiet life is also better than Qin Hao's figure that is always on my mind but can't be forgotten.

And it has been so long, isn't it just to wait for news about Qin Hao?See that familiar person, familiar face

Qin Hao shook his head, this is of course not possible.How else would Qin Hao flirt with Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran?

Yes, Qin Hao came back, but instead of facing Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran directly with his true colors, he came in front of Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran as a white tiger.Life needs passion, Qin Hao is creating passion at this time, although Qin Hao knows that Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran are going crazy

Thinking of this, Qin Hao didn't think about it anymore, anyway, it's scary for that woman to go crazy

Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran looked difficult, but in the end they still looked at each other, as if they were making up their minds.

"Okay! We promise you, but you have to promise what you said!" Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran said in the end, and they were very firm.

This kind of firmness made Qin Hao suddenly feel a sense of conspiracy. Qin Hao didn't know why, but suddenly felt that Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran had become more cunning than before.

"Naturally! How can I, Baihu, break my promise to the two beautiful girls?" Qin Hao didn't think much about it, he just thought it was his own illusion.Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran are so simple, how could there be any conspiracy hidden?

"Okay! It's a deal!" Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran said again, after they exchanged glances, they laughed lightly.It's a pity that Qin Hao didn't notice Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran's chuckle, otherwise he would know that Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran were plotting against Qin Hao.

"Okay, come with me." Qin Hao got up, drinking so much coffee just to pass the time.Wait until now in the evening to take Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran to a place.

Naturally, Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran didn't speak, and going to see Qin Hao now was something they could only wish for.I can't wait to grow wings and fly to Qin Hao's side, so that Qin Hao can see how he is a man.It's like leaving two beautiful and beautiful women at home as widows, and let Qin Hao know that he will make up for them in the future!

compensate?Naturally, shopping for clothes and food, whatever is fun and useful anyway, from now on Qin Hao will be their "servant" who will be there 24 hours a day!

Qin Hao walked in front, Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran followed behind.Qin Hao could see from the corner of his eye that Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran's expressions became tense, and their breathing became short of breath.Qin Hao knew in his heart that these two guys must be too excited, so why not Qin Hao?

In the corner of the coffee shop, Qin Hao was also excited when he saw Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran coming in. The familiar figure in his heart could smell the familiar body fragrance when he walked forward. In Qin Hao's mind, it was boiling and boiling.

"Baihu, are you coming soon?" After walking for about half an hour, they followed Qin Hao along the path by the river.At this time, the sun was setting, and there were a couple of lovers on the side of the road.The green willows are blowing, quiet and pleasant.There seemed to be signs of looking for Qin Hao, obviously they were dating.

"Don't worry, since you all decided to be my girlfriend, then we are not in a hurry, let's cultivate our relationship first." Qin Hao couldn't hold back his smile, how good is it here?Qin Hao rarely has the opportunity to be so romantic.How to say today has to be romantic.

"You!" Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran suddenly became angry. They were going crazy thinking about seeing Qin Hao. What kind of relationship did the person in front of them take them away for half an hour to cultivate? !

Cultivate a fart relationship!They didn't really agree to be the girlfriend of the man named Baihu in front of them.It's just that I want to play tricks first, and then change the date when I see Qin Hao.It is a metaphor to be a girlfriend for one hour and one minute!

They will not betray Qin Hao, nor will they die.

But now, the person in front of him would enjoy it.Inking in a coffee shop, then taking them for romance? !All women are angry, so Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran were angry at this time.

"Stop, stop, stop! Yayan, Wanran, you can't murder your husband!" Seeing that it was about the same time, Qin Hao immediately changed his voice back.But the appearance is still the appearance of the handsome face with sword eyebrows, but it is not Qin Hao's own.

"What's the matter? What do you want, a shameless person? What about Qin Hao? Or are you a greedy and lustful person just like the previous ones? Seeing that you look gentle and not like a bad person, I didn't expect you to be a A bad thing that hides evil intentions!" Mu Wanran scolded directly, it was really abhorrent to be played by this white tiger in front of her for a whole day today.

Mu Wanran still wanted to scold, but Zhou Yayan stopped her.

"Sister Yayan, this kind of person should be scolded, why don't you let me continue scolding?" Anyway, there are people around, and Mu Wanran is not afraid of what the white tiger in front of her will do to her.There are so many people around here, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Zhou Yayan was more careful than Mu Wanran. At this moment, she heard the voice of the stranger in front of her change, and she was so similar to Qin Hao.

"Wanran, listen!" Seeing that Mu Wanran was still angry, Zhou Yayan reminded.

"Yayan, what's the catch?" Mu Wanran suddenly shut up, and then looked at the white tiger in front of her with some horror.Just now this person's voice is very similar

"Mu Wanran, you, you, you, look at Yayan, she looks like a good wife and mother, but you, you can't get married." Qin Hao directly turned his head and tore off his disguise mask, returning to his original state She looked at Zhou Yayan and Mu Wanran with some complacency.

Fortunately, there are Huang Ziming and others in the Quantum Realm, so Qin Hao is here for a long vacation.long long vacation

"Okay! Good job Qin Hao, I'm going to fight with you!" Seeing that it was Qin Hao, Mu Wanran turned angry.Regardless of what the people around him thought, they rushed at Qin Hao directly, and directly pressed Qin Hao on the grass and hammered him up. That way, that speed, completely looked like he would beat Qin Hao to death.

Zhou Yayan stood aside, looking at the scene in front of her with tears in her eyes, and murmured the same sentence: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back"

"Hey, Wanran, you really murdered your own husband!" Qin Hao didn't resist and let Mu Wanran beat him, it looked hard, but in fact Mu Wanran was very gentle.

"I'll beat you to death, you liar, you cheated people's hearts and ran away, and you won't pay back for so long!" Mu Wanran was still domineering, pressing Qin Hao as if she was trying to attract a bully, her posture was ambiguous for others to see Tsk tsk.

This is a heroic woman, and a woman should marry such a heroic woman!

"Sister Yayan, hurry up! Let's dig out the heart of this wolf-hearted scoundrel together. He made me miss it for so long and still teased us!" Mu Wanran couldn't get enough of it alone, and immediately greeted Zhou Yayan.

"Come on, I want to see how many women's hearts this heartless person has stolen." Zhou Yayan wiped away her tears and walked towards Qin Hao.

"Oh my God, what kind of woman have I provoked? Are you trying to kill me happily? Haha" Qin Hao smiled while lying on the ground, even though he looked weird in the eyes of others.Two women are riding on a man and beating him, while the man is not angry but smiles happily

In a barren field, Huang Ziming is leading Liangzi and the others on the journey.

Quantum Realm, a mysterious place that is said to be the road to the strong.No one has ever been here before. There are many legends about this place, but no one has ever confirmed what will be here and what it can bring to others.

The legend is just a legend, but at this time they from the Sacred Heaven Shounang Group embarked on a journey and began to seek the Tao, a road that does not belong to ordinary people.

"Ziming, I'm tired!" Xiaohe said softly, and sat down on the ground to rest regardless of what Huang Ziming and Liangzi thought.

As soon as Xiaohe sat down, the five young men who had been following Xiaohe all the time stepped forward one after another, fanning their legs for cooling, pinching their legs for massage.At this moment, Xiaohe is resolutely enjoying herself like an empress dowager.

"Xiaohe, you're here again?" This reminded Huang Ziming of the days when he first entered the sandstorm forest, when he had to drag Qin Hao to make up the number to get the qualification.

"Ziming, you are not as gentle as Qin Hao at all, you are tired." Xiao He whispered again, charming and moving.

Huang Ziming became inexplicably scared. It seemed that Xiaohe's appearance led to the disbandment of the Diablo team.At this moment, Huang Ziming thought to himself, isn't this woman planning to come again?But Qin Hao is not here now, and Huang Ziming doesn't think that Qin Hao will appear in this strange land and once again bring Diablo new hope and strength.

"Hey, where's Brother Qin Hao? I really miss him." Seeing that Huang Ziming didn't speak, Xiaohe chuckled inwardly. She knew what Huang Ziming was worried about.But Xiaohe is no longer the Xiaohe of the past, and being tired now is just missing Qin Hao.Whenever I think of the days in the wind and sand forest, it would be impossible without Qin Hao.

"Didn't Qin Hao have 20 years of vacation? The young master approved that he would pick us up after Brother Qin Hao's son grows up?" Suddenly a young man said.

Huang Ziming and Qin Hao suddenly smiled wryly for 20 years, which is really long enough

(End of the book!)

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