Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 23 Get Up For Me

"Violent resistance to the law?" Liu Hua's words made Chen Tao calm down. If he really did that, wouldn't he just give them a reason?At that time, being reasonable also becomes unreasonable.

If the uncle is really labeled as a violent anti-law, as long as the uncle works a little bit, he may really have no foothold. If he is absolutely not afraid, but seeing Yang Huiying beside him, his heart softens.

"Cooperating with the police is the responsibility of every citizen. As a government employee, I naturally have to cooperate. Let's go." After Chen Tao finished speaking, he waved away the guy who was about to handcuff him, then turned his head and scolded: "There is no arrest warrant, you have What right to handcuff me. Go away and stay."

"Husband, I'll be with you." Yang Huiying held Chen Tao's arm tightly, wanting to share all this with her man.

Originally, Chen Tao wanted to refuse, but seeing the woman's firm eyes, he had no choice but to nod.

Just like that, the two of them left with these policemen, leaving behind a bunch of people who were arguing, but they didn't notice Li Kuo at this moment. The director asked him to issue a certificate that Yang Huiying hadn't taken the medicine.

Although the director was puzzled, he didn't ask why. He knew what kind of person Li Kuo was, and more importantly, he had a braid in Li Kuo's hands. He had done such things out of conscience in the past two years. I don't care about one more thing.

Arm in arm, Chen Tao and Yang Huiying followed the policemen downstairs and got out of the elevator. They happened to see Chen Yuanchao and Chen Shengli who had just arrived from the hospital lobby.

Accompanying Chen Yuanchao and the others is Wang Wu, the deputy director of the provincial department in charge of this operation. Liu Hua is not familiar with Chen Yuanchao, but he is very familiar with Wang Wu in the past two days, so he is very excited to repay the credit at this time. .At the same time, it is also for the governor to remember himself.

"Wang Ting, we have arrested the suspect, whether to bring him back to the city bureau for direct interrogation."

"As a police officer, it's best not to talk nonsense. I'm just cooperating with you in investigating the truth of the incident, that's all." Just after Liu Hua finished speaking, Chen Tao refuted at this moment.

"That's right, without conclusive evidence, it's better for the police officers to control their mouths." Chen Shengli, who had been silent all this time, chimed in at this time.

Chen Shengli would chime in at this time, causing everyone to be stunned, including Chen Tao himself, as long as anyone who was familiar with the Chen family knew the relationship between the two, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as incompatible.

Liu Hua originally wanted to refute Chen Tao, but when he heard the person who came with the governor speak up, he actually sympathized, and swallowed his own words abruptly.

Even Wang Wu secretly scolded this Liu Hua idiot at this time, what to do if he didn't leave quickly after arresting someone, and even reported to himself in front of Chen Tao's father. Do you want to pull hatred?

"Old Liu, as a police officer, the most taboo thing is partial listening and partial belief. Everything must be based on evidence, and we must pay attention to it in the future."

Nima, this is not the person you ordered me to arrest, and now you say that I am listening and believing, what, Liu Hua despises Wang Wu indignantly.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yuanchao didn't say a word, but just gave Chen Tao a cold look.

Yang Huiying originally thought that her father-in-law, Chen Shengli, would reprimand Chen Tao as before, and then ignore him, but she didn't expect that her father-in-law would actually help her at this time, and she decided to fight right away.

Let go of Chen Tao's hand, and knelt down in front of Chen Shengli, "Dad, my husband was wronged. It was Chen Hai who drugged me. Fortunately, my husband arrived in time, otherwise I would have been bullied."

When she was talking, she was already in tears, there was absolutely no drama in it, it was completely from the heart, especially when she was talking, thinking of all the things that happened, perhaps giving up her dignity in exchange for the safety of a man is the only thing she can do now of.

"Stupid child, get up quickly." Such a familiar scene deeply impacted Chen Shengli's heart, causing his body to sway involuntarily, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Get up, don't beg him." This familiar scene also stimulated Chen Tao's heart, he had an urge to cry, pain, remorse, helplessness, and anger followed a miserable picture at this moment. drilled into his mind.

A weak woman knelt down in front of a man and begged for her child to recognize her ancestors.But the cowardly man ruthlessly rejected the woman's request until the woman paid the price with her life.

Chen Tao didn't just say it and let it go, but walked over and grabbed Yang Huiying directly, as if he had changed into a different person.

Yang Huiying didn't even expect Chen Tao's reaction like this, and she suddenly became bewildered. She had never seen the ferocious expression on the man's face at this time, and she even forgot to cry.

"What are you doing? Let Xiaoying go." Hearing Chen Tao's outburst, Chen Shengli was even more upset. He was worried that Chen Tao would lose control, so he opened his mouth at this time.

"My woman must not suffer any humiliation for me, let alone cheat you, a coward." After speaking, Chen Tao didn't look back, and pulled Yang Huiying towards the outside of the hospital.

The scene that happened made everyone's brains short-circuited, and Chen Yuanchao even revealed an imperceptible sneer.

"This is the son of my Chen Shengli, brother, have you seen that, his iron body is a beauty. This is a real man, hahahahaha." Being reprimanded by Chen Tao, Chen Shengli was silent for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Third, are you confused?" Originally thought that Chen Shengli would completely fall for him because of this episode, but he didn't expect the opposite result.

"I'm more sober than ever, and I understand that I believe in my daughter-in-law and son, and I hope that my elder brother will not show favoritism." After speaking, he turned around and left the hospital instead of going to the ward with Chen Yuanchao.

"Third brother, you disappointed me so much." Looking at the back of Chen Shengli leaving, Chen Yuanchao said this before continuing to his son's ward.

As soon as he said this, everyone couldn't help but shudder. No wonder people said he was a smiling tiger. He could say such things to his own brothers, but it was conceivable to other people.

After leaving the hospital lobby, Chen Shengli called the old man. He knew his elder brother's temper, and he would never let this matter go so easily. The only thing that could solve the crisis was to ask the old man for help.

As soon as the call was connected, before Chen Shengli could speak, the old man had already said, "Sir, don't say anything, I have my own plan, just do my job well."

"Father, although Taozi played a little harder this time, it's not his fault."

"I know better than you how to do it, and you are even more forbidden to interfere in this matter." At this moment, the old man's tone suddenly became severe.

"Dad..." Chen Shengli wanted to argue with reason, but the long-term fear of the old man was already on his lips, and he couldn't say anything.There was silence on his side, and the old man on the other side had already hung up the phone.

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