The capital city, Zhushan Bieyuan, this mysterious place that people in the know yearn for but not many people know about. An old man who has dominated this land for more than ten years closes his eyes and thinks in the most elegant bamboo garden villa.

Standing next to him was a middle-aged man wearing a major general's uniform. Although this man was only a major general, the department he was in charge of was extremely special, and even a slightly inferior lieutenant general had to give him some face.

Seeing that the old man closed his eyes again and said nothing, he couldn't help the question in his heart: "Dad, since you have already made a decision, why didn't you tell the third child? This way he will feel even more guilty."

"This is related to the future of my Chen family. I don't want any factors to affect it." When the old man said these words again, his closed eyes suddenly opened. Even though he was extremely old, his eyes were very deep. It was the moment when it was just opened, which gave people a feeling of radiance.

"Could it be..." The major general was still about to speak, but the old man had already interrupted him: "Just as you thought in your heart, I have to pass this test to make a final decision. There is mud on the wall, but after watching the video of the shopping mall closing the case yesterday, I found that things might not be as bad as I thought."

"Forbearance for many years, soaring to the sky." Chen Weiguo suddenly wanted to type a sentence after hearing his father's words.But I still have some doubts, "Since father has made sure, why do you want to let the next thing happen?"

"The potential of a person at the critical moment of life and death is unimaginable. I want to determine whether all this is crisis instinct or conscious control." After the old man finished speaking, Chen Weiguo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of a very incomprehensible question, if all this is true , who did Chen Tao learn from?

"Dad, do you need to check the person who taught him this skill?"

"Go ahead, do it in secret. By the way, live broadcast the interrogation scene to me. I want to observe it myself." After the old man finished speaking, he closed his eyes and rested his mind again. Chen Weiguo was already in a cold sweat after hearing this. Fortunately, he restrained the people around him. He's amazing, and he didn't do anything to prejudice Chen Tao.

I really didn't expect that the old man was indifferent to Chen Tao on the surface, but he was also observing in secret. On the surface, Chen Hai seemed to have become the leader of the third generation, but he didn't expect the old man to be hesitant all the time.


In the Yu City Public Security Bureau, Chen Tao was sitting upright. In front of him, there were four people sitting, two policemen in their thirties who looked very sturdy, plus Shan Shouxin and Liu Hua, the director and the political commissar at the same time. There are not many things that can be asked in person.Let the interrogating police feel that this incident is special.

Liu Hua was even more aggrieved, and the director would take a share of the credit for what he got. He didn't know that Shan Shouxin was worried that this guy would use lynching to bring trouble to him. The call just now requesting a live interrogation made him feel something unusual the taste of.

"Name, age—" Liu Hua was in a bad mood, and his tone of questioning was merciless. He wanted to vent all his anger on this prodigal second generation ancestor.Let him know that there are serious consequences for disrespecting himself.

Chen Tao was not angry, but just raised his head, glanced at the four of them, then looked at Liu Hua, and said, "Don't mess with these useless things, let's get straight to the point, so as not to waste your time and mine."

"Crack." Liu Hua had just patted the table, but was interrupted by Shan Shouxin, and instead smiled: "Mr. Chen, you are indeed a straightforward person, so I will ask directly. We have investigated and collected evidence, and all the evidence proves that your wife You had an improper relationship with Chen Hai, and you were the one who was destroyed in a fit of rage. I wonder what evidence you have to prove that you are innocent?"

"When I came here, I already said that I don't believe in your so-called evidence. It has been such a long time since the incident, and any evidence will disappear under the arrangement of someone with a heart, and you can only ask the waiter and the staff of Kairui International to obtain evidence. People from Qingshan Real Estate who participated in the event."

When Chen Tao said this, he suddenly asked: "You have been a policeman for so many years, you should know the truth about it, do you think their words are credible?"

Shan Shouxin was still smiling, but the smile on his face was a bit awkward. What Chen Tao said hit the nail on the head, but he continued, "That's why I asked you if you have any other evidence?"

Chen Tao laughed, and said, "Is it because I don't have evidence, so you can take the blame and detain me?"

"Theoretically so. But I believe you should have a backup." Shan Shouxin felt that Chen Tao was too calm at this time, which was different from any other time in the past, and expressed his guess.

"Haha, the single game is really flattering me, so let me talk about the first evidence first. When I went to the hotel, I found that there are cameras in their corridors and elevators. After you call them, you can naturally see the truth."

After Chen Tao saw that Shan Shouxin was about to speak, he continued: "Single Bureau, I know what you want to say, don't you know that there is a technology called data recovery now? Even if all data is deleted, it can be recovered, as long as the data is restored , at least you can understand part of the truth."

"Since there is the first one, Mr. Chen must have the second one." Shan Shouxin suddenly became interested, it seems that he really underestimated this guy before.

"That means my wife is a virgin and cold. Do you think such a person would have an affair with other people?"

"Bang" Liu Hua couldn't bear it anymore, thinking of the love affair between the two of them in the car before, they were still indifferent, this is simply nonsense, and he scolded Chen Tao: "Do you think we are all fools? "

Chen Tao leaned back and said, "I know better than you that she is my wife. We have been married for two years. She never let me touch her. If not for too many things happened these days, her psychological The obstacle was slightly overcome, and even when I hugged her, she would go crazy and bite me and hit me."

When he was talking, he lifted his shoulders to reveal the row of teeth marks, "Did you see that? This is the one who saved her today, wanted to hug her to comfort her, and bit her instinctively."

Seeing Chen Tao's shoulders with blood scars just now, everyone believed this. Of course, it's not that the police are easy to deceive, but that there are such women in reality. As long as they come into contact with men, they will instinctively reject them, let alone talk. Cheating, of course the most useful evidence is that Yang Huiying is a virgin, this is the most convincing.

"I've said everything I need to say, and I've cooperated with what I need to cooperate with. The next thing is your duty as a police officer." Chen Tao stood up and was about to leave after speaking.

With a "bang", Liu Hua slapped the table, stood up abruptly, and yelled at Chen Tao: "Where do you think this is, do you come and go whenever you want, be honest with me, Ask what you want and answer what you want, don't talk nonsense."

Chen Tao shook his head and said, "The work attitude is so rough. With this kind of quality, I really don't know how many unjust, false and wrong cases have been committed to get to where I am today. If you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself, so you can do it yourself."

"You dare to go out and try..." Liu Hua had already taken out his gun and pointed it at Chen Tao while speaking.

"Scary toys dare to intimidate me in front of me." Just after Chen Tao finished threatening words, everyone felt a black shadow flashing in front of them, and before they had time to react, they heard Liu Hua screaming.

Then I heard the sound of the pistol falling to the ground, and beside the pistol there was an armrest of a stainless steel chair. Everyone couldn't help sweating on their backs at this moment. Is this guy still human?Simply a monster.

"No one can stop me from leaving. You are not qualified to frame me." After speaking, Chen Tao ignored the reactions of everyone here, turned around and left the interrogation room and strode out.

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