Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 233 The essence of things

"Why didn't you tell me when you went to Huying Town?" Li Yuxin became worried when she heard that Chen Tao went to Huying Town and didn't pursue the matter of not going to her house. She also heard her father mention Huying Town, It is simply a powder keg. Whoever wants to make a difference there may be smashed to pieces.

"I want to do something, that's the best choice," Chen Tao felt a little blunt after speaking, and explained: "At that time, you were busy with your uncle's business in the provincial capital, and I couldn't bear to disturb you."

"Fool," Li Yuxin suggested after finishing speaking, "Anyway, I'm resigning now, why don't I apply to be transferred to Huying Town to help you?"

"Don't worry, the situation here is too complicated, and your bad temper will suffer," Chen Tao hurriedly stopped, and now he has not yet occupied the opposing forces of everyone, so he can only act alone to let the various forces in Huying Town relax alert.

Only in this way can greater results be achieved. If Li Yuxin transfers over, all forces will be on alert. He will make a big move, and his plan to pull some and attack others will fail.

"Hmph, you underestimate me," Li Yuxin stomped her feet angrily on the phone.

Chen Tao quickly explained: "You are too powerful to cause unnecessary reactions, so I can't let you go. Okay, let's do this first. I'm going to the city hall."

Seeing his daughter hanging up the phone in a huff, Li Qiangshan sat on the sofa and asked, "What's wrong with my daughter?"

"That bastard Chen Tao went to Huying Town. I said I would help him, but he despised him. Damn it." Hearing what his daughter said, Li Qiangshan laughed and said, "I think what Chen Tao did is quite right. If you go there, you will be sure." It will make things complicated, and his plan will be ruined at that time, and his official career will be over in the future,"

When Li Yuxin saw her father also said so, she said unconvinced: "That's so serious, if I go, I can definitely help, for example, if I want to be in Huying Town, the villagers of Huying Town will not happen if they surround the city government , "

"I didn't expect it to be so big. It seems that it's not a bad thing that I was taken away for investigation this time," Li Qiangshan thought after hearing Li Yuxin mention this matter.

"Dad, are you sick?" Li Yuxin touched Li Qiangshan's forehead with her hand, and said a little depressed.

"I'm fine. I've seen it more thoroughly than ever before." When Li Qiangshan was taken away to assist in the investigation, he was always thinking about who used such a large relationship to mess with him.

Eliminating one by one, he finally locked on Fenghua Technology Group. Just when he was about to carefully review their qualifications, this incident happened suddenly. During the investigation period, the acting mayor completed it in a very short time. Completed the procedures for Fenghua Technology to move into Yu City.

All of this is strange. The dock workers surrounded the city hall at this time. In his opinion, it should be a scene deliberately directed and performed by the other party in order to divert public opinion, in order to reduce everyone's attention to technology companies.

"How about the Fenghua Technology Group I asked you to check?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell Chen Tao about this," Li Yuxin had been worrying about her father for the past few days, and had already forgotten everything that Li Qiangshan told her before he took her away.

"You...you..." Li Qiangshan wanted to complain, but thinking of his daughter running around for him these days, he finally swallowed the words that came to his lips, and sighed: "Take some time and ask Chen Tao to check it out, I always feel like there's something going on inside,"

"I'll call him right now," Li Yuxin breathed out seeing his father swallow the words that came to his mouth.

"No, since they want to divert attention, let them be proud first, and then wait for them to relax, and then investigate, maybe the effect will be better," said Li Qiangshan. You can see everything clearly.

"Oh, Dad, remember to remind me when the time comes,"

"The next time I let Xiao Chen come over, I will tell him personally," he suddenly thought of something, and said solemnly: "Daughter, I know you like Xiao Chen, but as a father, I hope you will think carefully about it." , don’t wrong yourself just because he helped Dad, if that’s the case, I’d rather go to jail,”

"No grievances, Chen Tao and I are good buddies, there will be nothing else," Li Yuxin couldn't take it anymore seeing her father's serious expression at this time, and smiled reluctantly: "I went to the kitchen to help my mother cook,"

Seeing his daughter seeming to be running away, Li Qiangshan shook his head and muttered: "Girls don't want to stay."


When Chen Tao dared to go to the city hall, he saw a huge white banner, which said, begging the government to take the lead, punish the murderer, and return my hard-earned money in big black characters.

In front of these dock workers, it was the director of the Municipal Letters and Calls Office who was persuading them. It was nothing more than polite words, telling them to go back and wait for news, and the city would contact their company as soon as possible to coordinate and resolve it.

A middle-aged man in his 40s walked out of the crowd at this time. He still had a few bruises on his face. He pointed to the scars on his face and said, "I didn't have any injuries on my face when we came here last time. After the mediation by the staff of the Letters and Calls Office, I was beaten like this, and they threatened to throw me into the sea and feed the fish. If the government doesn’t solve the problem today, we won’t leave.”

"Yes, if the government doesn't give us justice, we won't leave and wait here every day,"

These dock workers really have no choice. They are all breadwinners. They have worked half a year but have not received a penny of wages. They have no face to go home. To get revenge on them, now their only hope is here in the city government.

"Why don't you people listen to persuasion? For the past half a month, we have been coordinating with your company, and we will have results soon," the director of the Letters and Calls Office was slightly annoyed when he heard the dock workers say they couldn't leave. road.

"You said the same thing last week, we don't believe it anymore," the workers said in unison.

"It's illegal for you to besiege the city government like this. Believe it or not, you'll all be arrested," the director of the Letters and Calls Office felt anxious when he saw that they hadn't persuaded these people to leave for a long time. He was afraid that these people would really be stuck here for several days. , when the time comes for the new mayor to blame him, then his official career will come to an end.

"Catch it, catch it, take us all away, there is a place to eat," these dock workers heard the director of the Letters and Calls Office say so, and the last hope in their hearts was lost. I am sorry for my wife when I go home. There was no money, and no one in the city government made decisions, and some angry dock workers began to complain.

Of course, there are still some who are a little cowardly. In desperation, they sat on the ground and cried. Following the crying of those people, all the dock workers cried, and even the passers-by who heard the crying also shed tears and stopped. Start cheering.

The matter has a tendency to escalate. At this time, the director of the Letters and Visits Office wanted to slap himself to death. Why did he say the words that irritated everyone just now? At the same time, he also hated the people in Huying Town, so he had informed them a long time ago Someone came to take these dock workers away, and now half a day has passed, and no one has come.

Chen Tao was also affected by this situation, he had to suffer so much grievance, he made the man of seven feet cry in desperation, of course he also heard what the Director of Letters and Calls Office said, and really wanted to go up and slap him a few times.

Of course, Chen Tao knows better that the key is to solve the current emotions of these dock workers. Otherwise, if someone goes to extremes and kills them, when the time comes and they are strictly investigated, he, the mayor of the town, may also be implicated.

"A man, how can you shed tears so easily, how can you succumb to the evil forces, if the petitioners don't solve it, it doesn't mean that this matter can't be solved, why don't you try to find the new mayor of the town?"

Chen Tao's loud voice resounded at this moment, causing everyone to have a moment, but soon a guy in the crowd spoke up: "The world is as black as crows, and the leaders of the city can't control it. What can a new mayor do? "

"What you said is wrong. How do you know that the new mayor can't help you without trying?" Chen Tao smiled and walked towards the guy who just answered, and asked with a modest smile.

"This..." The man was speechless when he was asked, but a man beside him said at this time: "Don't fool us, you just want us to leave, and then find someone to threaten We, tell you, we are not afraid,'

"I said, why are you slandering me with such nonsense, do you want to be beaten?" Chen Tao threatened with staring eyes. A solution can be found.

If you just take it for granted to solve problems with passion and anger, even those who want to help you may end up letting go, because angry people often do bad things, and if things are not resolved, new conflicts will form. People are willing to take the risk.

That guy wanted to refute, but when he saw Chen Tao's sharp eyes, he forcibly suppressed the words in his heart, and the person who was asked by Chen Tao just now sighed and said: "Little brother, you think too simply , Those companies in the town and the wharf are colluding. We have made a complaint to the city government this time, and we will definitely have no good fruit to eat when we go back. The city can’t solve it, so we dare not go back.”

After thinking for a long time, that guy finally expressed his worries. Anyway, at this point, they are not afraid of being laughed at by others. Chen Tao patted him on the shoulder, took a deep breath and said, "It's because the town didn't handle things well. Let you suffer, let me tell you the truth, I am the trusted mayor, when I heard that you are coming to the city, I rushed here without eating breakfast and lunch, "

Speaking of this, Chen Tao paused on purpose, looked at the astonished reactions of the crowd, and when he was about to continue speaking, the director of the Letters and Visits Office seemed to have found a punching bag suddenly, and sternly scolded Chen Tao: "What are you doing in Hu Ying Town? What the hell, this kind of situation is not blocked, do you still have a bit of party spirit?"

"It's precisely because of party spirit that they don't stop them, and they have nowhere to avenge grievances. It's their right to come here," Chen Tao stared at the director of the Letters and Visits Office who was neither humble nor arrogant, and suddenly changed his tone and asked: "As a member of the people, you Public servant, why have they come here several times and you haven't solved this problem, where is your party spirit?"

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