Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 234 Come Hit Me

"You...you are making unreasonable words," the director of the Letters and Visits Office roared angrily after being refuted by Chen Tao.

"What I said is the truth. Those of you who only know how to work in the office don't understand the suffering of the workers at all," Chen Tao became angrier as he spoke, and pushed the director of the Letters and Calls Office aside.

"You can't control this matter, just stay aside for me and don't fucking hinder me,"

"You..." Just now I wanted to reprimand, but seeing Chen Tao's sharp eyes, he swallowed the words directly on his lips, stood aside obediently and did not speak, and at the same time comforted himself in his heart, he could solve the problem , I will bear it.

Seeing that the new mayor was so domineering, hope rose in the hearts of the dock workers. The man who talked calmly with Chen Tao just now fell to his knees in front of Chen Tao as if he had grasped the last straw.

"Mayor, please save us,"

As he knelt down, other dock workers also knelt down. They all said that a man would not kneel easily if he had gold under his knees.

They knelt down in order to get wages, to feed and clothe their relatives, and to let their children go to a good school, so that they would not work like them because they were uneducated. This kind of kneeling is worthy of respect.

"Everyone get up, get up, although I don't know the specific situation, but since I have become the mayor of Huying Town, I will solve this problem for you," Chen Tao was deeply touched by them, saying that everyone can hear The voice said.

"Mayor, we kowtow to you," Chen Tao said. Instead of getting up, the dock workers knelt down and kowtowed, and the citizens around couldn't help crying.

"Get up, it's the new century, don't be like this, as government workers, we serve the people, you should help you when you are wronged, get up,"

After Chen Tao finished speaking, he saw that everyone still couldn't get up, and shouted: "If you don't get up, I won't help you to ask for wages."

"Ah..." Hearing this, everyone stood up one after another, and Chen Tao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were no reporters around, otherwise someone with good deeds would see him and say that he was playing the bureaucracy of the old society, which is really reasonable Can't tell.

Everyone got up, and Chen Tao turned his head to the director of the Letters and Calls Office beside him and said, "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and call a few buses to take the folks back,"

"Ah... oh," the director of the Letters and Visits Office heard what Chen Tao said, no matter what level he was, he hurriedly took out his phone to make contact.

While waiting for the bus to arrive, Chen Tao asked about the specific situation of these dock workers. It turned out that they belonged to three different logistics companies, and all three companies had thugs.

Especially when these dock workers knew that Chen Tao was going alone, they admired Chen Tao's courage, but they didn't believe in his strength: "Mayor, can you communicate with the police station of the relevant department and go alone, if they I'm afraid..."

"I'm not afraid, you have to believe in my strength as the mayor," Chen Tao said confidently. Of course, there is a reason why he didn't notify the police. If workers are not paid wages, there is no other way.

If the police are not present, then some violent means can be used to solve the dock workers' problem as quickly as possible.


"Why, you don't believe me anymore," Chen Tao asked with a smile.

"Trust," asked by Chen Tao, those dock workers gritted their teeth and said, anyway, the matter is already like this, so let's just treat it as a living horse doctor, or at worst, desperately.

After 15 minutes, three buses drove over, leaving the three leading workers to get into his car, and the others all went back as buses.

Just as they were all leaving, a young man with flaming yellow hair in the crowd dialed the phone in his hand: "Boss, those people were brought back by the new mayor. I have to go to the company to ask for an account,"


Just when Chen Tao and the others arrived at the intersection of the only road leading to the pier, they saw that the intersection was blocked by more than a dozen cars. In front of those cars were more than 100 men holding steel pipes and knives.

They belonged to those three logistics companies. The boss of this company received a report from his subordinates that the new mayor was going to bring these workers to collect accounts. Let him know who owns this Huying town, so there is the current scene.

"Mayor, those are thugs, why don't we go back," one of the dock workers in Chen Tao's car saw these more than 100 bastards holding sticks, his legs trembled uncontrollably, and his voice trembled.

The drivers of the three buses were also complaining in their hearts at this time, thinking that this time they were being harassed by the Petition and Visitation Office, and asked them to send these dock workers. , It has nothing to do with this matter, a beating is a light one, and it may result in death.

But at this time here, it is impossible to turn around and go back. The road in the town is no better than the city, and its width is just enough for two large cars to pass by. It is impossible to turn around.

The bus stopped, and the driver shouted, "Get off the bus, get off the bus," to avoid getting involved.

They were even more afraid of those dock workers. No one got out of the car. On the contrary, they held the seat tightly with both hands, as if they would get out of the car and be maimed if they let go.

Seeing that the hard work was not enough, the driver began to be soft: "I said you will do well, I bought this car with a loan, and I still owe the bank [-] yuan. My wife is a laid-off worker, and it all depends on me. Driving to make money, please get out of the car, "

"Brother Driver, it's not that we don't want to get out of the car, but that our legs are trembling and we can't even get up," said a dock worker who was timid but felt that it was not good for the driver.

"This..." The driver was completely speechless, and could only lie on the steering wheel, keeping out of sight and not panicking.

The situation of the two buses behind was basically the same, they were all praying that things were not as bad as imagined, that there should be a possibility of peace talks between the mayor and them.

"Okay, let's see how scared you are, isn't it just more than 100 bastards? Let's see how the mayor beats them all over the place." Chen Tao smiled and eased the atmosphere before pushing the door out.

The dock worker in the co-pilot quickly grabbed him and said, "Mayor, I know you are amazing, but if you go out like this, if something happens to you, we will feel guilty for the rest of your life."

"You just don't believe me when you pull me," Chen Tao said with a smile.

"This... this... I'll go with you," the dock worker pulling Chen Tao gritted his teeth and endured the fear in his heart.

Chen Tao was a little moved when he said this, he patted him on the shoulder and said: "You are very good, but if you help me, I'm afraid you will become my burden, just keep watching here."

"But..." He was about to say something else, but Chen Tao had already opened the car door and walked out. The dock worker clenched his fists tightly, staring at the outside of the car, and said, "If the mayor really can't hold on Yes, the three of us are desperate to help, do you hear me?"

"Old Zhang, I will do as you say," the other two dock workers also expressed their support.

The dock workers in the bus were also dumbfounded. They thought the mayor was joking before, but looking at this posture now, the mayor is going to single out this group of logistics company thugs.

Seeing Chen Tao's courage, these dock workers were a little ashamed, and each of them was struggling in their hearts, whether they should go down to help.

The drivers felt that the mayor was a bit of a fool. They really thought they were the reincarnation of Master Guan, but they were fighting against more than 100 bastards alone. They couldn't pretend to be like that.

Without the boss's order, those bastards didn't dare to make a move. They just looked at Chen Tao who was walking towards them, and laughed: "Hey, boy, why did you come out by yourself? Is it because those bastards are too scared to move?" said, "

"I really admire your brat's courage, just go for this, today we will spare your life,"

Chen Tao looked at the kid who said this with a sneer and said, "Just for you, today I will save you from breaking two ribs,"

"Hehe, I didn't expect there to be such a number one person in our Huying town. No wonder there are always people who lose their cows. It turns out that they were all blown away by him," someone began to laugh.

Following that person's ridicule, this group of bastards laughed unscrupulously, as if Chen Tao was the idiot who made himself humiliated.

"It's just a bunch of jumping clowns," Chen Tao had already decided to get rid of this evil at this time, so he was not polite at all when he spoke, and at the same time, he also angered these guys and made them rush towards him, so that he could better play the role of melee.

"You're so fucking arrogant, brothers, come on, kill him for me," the group of bastard leaders who were watching from behind were immediately enraged when they heard Chen Tao's arrogant words.

Following that guy's arrogant words, those bastards frantically rushed towards Chen Tao like wild horses that had broken their reins, and the scene became chaotic in an instant.

The scene of more than 100 people holding sticks and shooting together was absolutely shocking, especially among them were veterans. Although the scene was chaotic, there was no scene of trampling on each other.

Of course, to Chen Tao, there is not much difference between a number of one hundred people and a number of ten people, because there are too many people besieging him, that is, the circle around him. Chen Tao is very convenient.

As long as the true energy is poured into the arm, even if it is just waving the snatched steel pipe indiscriminately, it can knock down a group of people. That kind of mighty end completely relieves the worried dock workers in the car just now.

This is fucking more powerful than Master Guan's descending to earth, it's like the god of war possessed. The reason why they think so is because Chen Tao has made ordinary bastards lose their fighting ability in a very short period of time.

The remaining half, some of them threw down the weapons in their hands, turned their heads and ran away, and the other half put on a defensive posture, protecting their leader in the center, and they took a step back when Chen Tao took a step forward.

"Come on, come and beat me, kill me," Chen Tao said provocatively to the remaining [-] bastards while holding a slightly bent steel pipe.

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