Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 314 Pluto's Attitude

After the ghost judge escaped from the shipyard, he was worried about Chen Tao chasing him, so he went to the place to meet him as quickly as possible. The person who picked him up in the car saw the ghost judge continue, and hurriedly opened the door.

After rushing into the car and closing the door, the ghost judge said: "The plan failed, get out of here quickly,"

The driver knew the strength of the ghost judge, and he failed. He didn't dare to hesitate for a moment when he saw that his opponent was not human. He turned around and left at the fastest speed.

Half an hour later, they drove to a mountain villa not far from Huying County. This villa had no name and no village nearby, but the security was extremely strict.

Even the ghost judges are no exception, they obediently accepted the inspection when they got here, and finally interviewed them after confirming that they were harmless.

The driver parked the car in the parking lot, and the ghost judge said to the driver: "You wait here, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to leave the car, so as not to be killed by snipers in the dark as spies,"

"I understand," the driver is not the first time here, and he knows the rules here, but he is a little worried about the ghost judge, "team leader, will Pluto punish you this time?"

"Pluto is unfathomable, ghosts know," Ghost Judge said deliberately pretending to be indifferent, just to let this loyal subordinate not worry too much. In fact, he was very disturbed, because he knew Pluto's methods better than anyone else.

After getting out of the car, he took a deep breath, calmed down his uneasy mood, and walked towards the antique small building in the center. Just as he walked to the small courtyard in front of the villa, a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses greeted him. come up.

"Brother Gui, you are finally here. The chief is in a bad mood today, you should pay attention,"

"Thank you for the reminder, Brother Wang. By the way, I still have a red sandalwood tea set from the Ming Dynasty in my hand. I will send it to you tonight." Although the ghost judge is powerful, he knows how to behave.

Every time he meets Wang Hao, he will never forget to give a gift, and it is precisely because of this that the two of them are called brothers. Many times, it is precisely because of Wang Hao's reminder that he saves himself from danger again and again.

"Brother Gui, I already have a tea set from the Ming Dynasty, so I won't need it this time, and next time I have something good to think about, that's fine," Wang Hao refused with a smile, which made the judge realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Okay, let's make a deal like that," Ghost Judge said with a smile, "Then I'll go in first."

"Go ahead, remember not to beat around the bush when you speak," Wang Hao reminded again.

"Thank you for reminding me, Brother Wang, I understand," Ghost Judge said with a serious face, then turned around and walked towards the interior of the villa with heavy steps.

When he arrived at the living room, he didn't stay long, but walked to the study on the second floor, knocked on the door when he reached the study, and a man's voice came from inside: "Come in,"

Peaceful, powerful, and majestic, if Wang Hao hadn't just said that the chief was very angry, the ghost judge would not be able to detect it from this voice.

There is a murderous intent in the peace, which makes the ghost judge who has never known nervousness feel a little nervous. Although the mission failed this time, there is a reason for it.

The ghost judge opened the door and went in. A middle-aged man with a slightly fat body was sitting on the sofa reading documents.

"Chief, it's so late, you're still busy with work," the ghost judge walked in with a smile, and said flatteringly.

"Xiao Yang is here, sit down," the middle-aged man pointed to the sofa opposite, took a pen to sign the document he had read, and carefully stuffed the document into the file bag on the side .

The ghost judge tried very hard to see what kind of documents it was about, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything, and he felt even more disturbed. He didn't know whether the document was official or about him.

The middle-aged man fastened the file bag, then took a sip from the teacup in front of him, looked at the ghost judge but did not speak.

"Boss, I was too impatient this time, please punish me," the ghost judge thought for a while and decided to take the initiative. He believed that with his own achievements over the years, there should be a glimmer of hope in doing so.

"Since you know how to be impatient, why do you still take the initiative to attack? Now my game of chess has been completely disrupted by you," the middle-aged man said, but the tone of his speech was still so flat that people couldn't hear his words. Is angry or not angry.

"I think he has already discovered it anyway, so I might as well carry out the plan ahead of time and kill him," the ghost judge said here, a little disappointed: "It's just that I didn't expect that it would not be his to exert the power of the ghost dagger to the limit. opponent,"

"He found you," the middle-aged man's face changed slightly when he heard this. The ghost judge's lurking ability was specially trained by an expert, and it can be ranked among the top ten in the entire China.

"Yes, I haven't figured out exactly what's going on now. It stands to reason that all my true energy is suppressed in my body, and there is no trace of it radiating out. He won't find out,"

The ghost judge was also thinking about this problem when he came back, and he didn't have a clue when he got to the villa. Anyway, he knew that he must have not escaped after being punished this time, so he expressed his doubts.

"It seems that your exposure this time is not a bad thing. We all underestimated Chen Tao. We didn't expect his sixth sense to be so strong." When he said this, the middle-aged man regained his composure.

When the ghost judge heard the middle-aged man say this, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not continue to speak, but listened to the words behind Hades.

"This time, let's stop here. Take your people to evacuate Yu City, go to the northwest, and kill the Sword God. They have become more and more rampant in the past few months, causing serious losses to our industry,"

When the middle-aged man mentioned the sword god, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, which shows how huge the loss the other party has caused them.

"Yes, Chief, I promise to complete the task," Ghost Judge assured loudly.

"Sword God is not so easy to deal with. You and Mo Boy go there together." Hearing Mo Boy's three words, Ghost Judge was stunned. The strong, the devil sent out on this mission.

"Chen Tao just gave up like this." The ghost judge knew Pluto's temper, so he didn't ask directly if the arrangement of going to the northwest was a big deal, but asked Chen Tao to give up because he failed, and the only one among them who can take this responsibility is the devil up.

"It's not giving up. It's just that it's not suitable for fighting on two fronts. Now that Chen Tao is already alert, there's no need for us to entangle him any longer. Let's deal with the Northwest matter well and deal with him with all our strength."

The middle-aged man took another sip of tea, waved his hands and said, "Get back, I'm tired,"


In the shipyard of Huying Town, in the factory director's office, Feng Zhen said worriedly: "Brother Chen, that guy who stepped forward, I feel that there is something wrong with him, leaving him like this, I'm afraid it's a ticking time bomb,"

Chen Tao stared at the computer, and after killing a boss, he said slowly: "This boss is really powerful. It took me 10 minutes to kill it. It was too exhausting."

"Brother Chen..." Feng Zhen was very angry when he heard that Chen Tao called the boss, and wanted to remind him again, but Chen Tao interrupted him: "If the little devil doesn't appear, and if he doesn't steal some useful false information, how can the big boss appear? I don’t want to play according to the rules of the game set by the other party, it’s just like the monsters in the computer, it’s too boring,”

"Brother Chen, is this too risky?" Feng Zhen thought of what had happened in the factory these days, and felt lingering fears. She didn't know if such a time bomb was left behind. Maybe at a certain critical moment, they would create another accident. If there is another rectification and renovation, their factory will really be over.

"Now he is in the open and we are in the dark. If he is really a smart person, he will definitely not make small moves during this time," Chen Tao said very resolutely: "Besides, the Yun Brothers will stay behind recently. In the factory, I believe there will be absolutely no problems,"

"Brother Chen, since you have made arrangements, it's good, otherwise, if something big happens, I'm really powerless." Feng Zhen used to think that managing a factory was similar to managing a gang. After he actually took over, he realized that his thinking was simple. .

He, who was physically and mentally exhausted, encountered this kind of thing again. At this time, he can be said to be on the verge of collapse, so he didn't deliberately pretend to be strong, and directly expressed his mood at this time.

"Haha, I just found out today that military advisers are also people who can't bear hardships." Chen Tao laughed and teased him, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "After the most difficult period has passed, things will come to fruition in the future. I am very optimistic about you,"

"Brother Chen, if you believe in me so much, it seems that I can only do my best and die," Feng Zhen was very moved at this time, and only then did he truly understand what it means for Maxima to meet Bole.

"I don't like to die after you have done your best. As long as you give full play to your talents, I would still like to see it," Chen Tao said with a smile, suddenly thinking of those employees who died unexpectedly, and sighed: "The compensation from the victim's family Doubling, don't chill everyone's hearts,"

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements," he said, and then he started to call the accountant, asking them to notify the family members of the deceased. After everything was arranged, he thought of the key issue that restricted the development of the factory.

"Brother Chen, new equipment and new technologies must be in place as soon as possible. Otherwise, no matter how much capital is injected, it will become a bottomless pit." New equipment technology.

But he has taken over for half a month now, and Chen Tao didn't even mention this matter, so today he caught up with the plan for a face-to-face conversation, so he hurriedly asked about it.

"In the past few days, I will contact the company in Europe. When everything in Yu City is settled, I will go to Europe for inspection," Chen Tao has been thinking about this issue these days.

Although he has a good relationship with the consortia of several large European shipbuilding companies, there is an embargo clause in Europe, and the technology for manufacturing precision and high-power engines may not be available, so if you want to get perfect technology, you must think of a surefire strategy,

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