Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 315 Great Development Begins

What happened in the shipyard, coupled with the confessions of the shipyard employees and those who were arrested, made the county police have to file a case for investigation, so all of a sudden, the most dangerous place became the safest place.

After confirming the nature of the case, Chen Tao was reinstated. The very dangerous incident calmed down again within a few days. Lan's phone call.

"Little man, I have an important business opportunity I want to discuss with you, come to the headquarters as soon as possible,"

"What kind of business opportunity?" Hearing Jun Lan's slightly excited tone, Chen Tao knew it would definitely not be a trivial matter.

"I won't tell you now, we'll talk about it when we get to the headquarters," Jun Lan purposely put it off. Of course, she knew that Chen Tao was leaving soon, so she wanted to improve her relationship with the little man.

Without waiting for Chen Tao's reply, he hung up the phone quickly, then turned to the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa in the office and said: "Mr. Zhou, I have already contacted Chen Tao. Can I talk about the cooperation project now?" "

"This," Zhou Wanli actually wanted to talk to Chen Tao, but at this time Jun Lan asked again, he thought for a while, drank a sip of tea, and sighed: "Actually, it can't be regarded as cooperation, I have something to ask you, "

Zhou Wanli is a well-known shopping mall tycoon in China. His shopping malls are almost all over the south, and the annual net profit is an astonishing figure. The boss of such a large group is surprisingly embarrassed at this time. Asking them, Jun Lan couldn't help but A little more guard.

"Mr. Zhou, your family has a great career, and you may not be interested in our family's wealth. Let's stop joking, okay?"

Zhou Wanli is a businessman, and even a successful businessman. His emotional intelligence is not low, so he knows that if he wants the other party to help him, he must show sincerity, whether he is dealing with Chen Tao who is going to face next, or Jun Lan who is facing him now. .

He drank two more sips of tea, rubbed his temples and continued, "Boss Lan, I'm not joking, but I'm in big trouble, and now I have nothing to do, so I came to ask you for help."

"What is it?" Jun Lan knew from the test just now, and the change in Zhou Wanli's expression, that the trouble he encountered would definitely not be simple, and could even be called a huge trouble.

Jun Lan asked, and Zhou Wanli continued to narrate. It turned out that Zhou Wanli, who had never been in contact with the underground world, offended Tu Wantian of the Shanghai Metropolis in a business transaction, so he suffered serious losses in shopping malls in cities around the Metropolis. .

In the end, even the local government conducted spot checks on his shopping malls, which turned the originally prosperous business from profit to loss. Of course, the loss was a drop in the bucket for him.

But what made him most unbearable was that the brand value of his shopping mall had even caused shocks in their group's stock recently, which made him realize the seriousness of the matter. In desperation, he found a Provincial lord.

Unexpectedly, the owl who had vowed to be invincible because of the gift money was delivered, was so frightened that he almost peed on the ground when he heard Tu Wantian's name, not only refunded his gift money, but also kicked him out.

This let Zhou Wanli know that he had hit the iron plate. Originally, he thought that since the magic capital and surrounding cities could not be operated, he would shift his strategy and develop in provinces other than Tu Wantian's forces.

Unexpectedly, he hasn't come yet to make a quick transfer. Most of the provinces in the south that have his industry have warned him, asking him to hand over half of the shares of all industries to Tu Wantian within a month. .

Hearing this threat, Zhou Wanli even wanted to die. He was not willing to distribute half of the wealth he had worked so hard all his life to other people like this.

Of course, there is another point, through this incident, he also has a little understanding of Tu Wantian, knowing that cooperating with him is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger, and maybe in the future even the remaining 50.00% of his shares will be deprived.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that he had no way out whether he obeyed or resisted. The opponent was too powerful, and killing him was as easy as crushing an ant.

"Tu Wantian has gone too far. My little man will come later. Tell him. I really can't make decisions about this kind of thing." When Jun Lan heard that it was related to Tu Wantian, she thought for a while and felt that she should not make a decision lightly. Well, he doesn't want to cause trouble for Chen Tao.

"Hey," Zhou Wanli's heart sank when he heard Jun Lan's words. It seemed that this time he might run for nothing again. He even wondered if the rumors in the underground circles that Chen Tao was competing against Tu Wantian's strength were rumors.

Thinking of this, he felt extremely bitter and helpless. Could it be that the things he had worked so hard for half his life were really cheaper than Tu Wantian, that bastard who eats people and doesn't spit out bones.

Hearing Zhou Wanli's sigh, Jun Lan couldn't bear it. He knew how an entrepreneur felt about the industry, but after all, it involved the struggle between their group and Tu Wantian Group. If they were not careful, the entire army might be wiped out, so at this time he Had to be cautious.

But he still said a word of consolation: "President Zhou, don't put on such a bad expression, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, I believe the matter will be resolved,"

Zhou Wanli, who was already almost desperate, seemed to understand something when he heard Jun Lan's persuasion. As a guy who has been in business for decades, he naturally knew what to do at this time.

Even the address has changed: "Sister Lan, if you and Mr. Chen can help me through this crisis this time, I... I am willing to take 20.00% of the five shares of the group as a reward,"

20.00% five, that's nearly 50 billion. Even if they won the stock market war, the temptation of 50 billion to them is extraordinary, especially if the media promotes the two powerful alliances, which will affect the brand value of Baohe Group , also has a promoting effect.

Of course, if you want to seize this business opportunity, you have to withstand the pressure from Tu Wantian, so in many cases, opportunities and risks coexist. If you win the opportunity, you will lose the risk.

Although the temptation was great, Jun Lan didn't dare to make the decision. She still had to wait for Chen Tao to come over to make up her mind, let Zhou Wanli calm down and continue drinking tea in the office, while she walked out of the office and called Chen Tao at the same time to go to the two The room where the group lives.

After the meeting, Jun Lan briefly introduced Wanli's situation next week. Seeing that Chen Tao hadn't said a word, she continued to offer her own suggestion: "This matter has both advantages and disadvantages. We can continue to increase their shares, and then we will be able to jump directly into a real big group in the country,"

"What about the disadvantages?" Although Chen Tao didn't know much about business development, he also knew at this time that this cooperation seemed to have many benefits, so he asked.

"The disadvantage is that through this cooperation, we will have a certain impact on the underground world, and it may even be a big battle. After all, we are fighting for food from Tu Wantian's mouth. Of course, when we are more important, we are fighting for food." Tu Wantian's face, "

"Hahahaha, this disadvantage is not a disadvantage in my opinion," Chen Tao burst out laughing after hearing Junlan's words, and seeing Junlan's doubts, he continued: "When Guangdong Province helped Ling Tian, ​​we had completely Offending Tu Wantian to death, there will be a battle sooner or later anyway, and this time it will be beneficial, why don't we fight hard?"

Winner and loser, this is Junlan's first reaction when she heard Chen Tao's words. Now that she has decided what to do, she has to think about the future, so Junlan immediately asked the most urgent question: "How can we cooperate?" Guarantee the safety and normal operation of industries in the capital city and the provinces that have a good relationship with Tu Wantian,"

"That's a problem," Jun Lan asked, and Chen Tao immediately understood what it meant, that is, they signed a cooperation agreement, saying that after the influential people knew about it, but under the harassment, those industries closed down, and the lost Not only money, but also the prestige gained these days.

After speaking, Chen Tao began to close his eyes and think. After 5 minutes, he really thought of a way: "You said that we will spend hundreds of millions of funds to go to those provinces for operations, let the media and some officials stand by us, Then warn the people in the underground circle, I believe they listen to Tu Wantian's words, they are nothing more than fear of enmity with Tu Wantian, at this time we attack, they will also compromise, "

"What you said makes sense. If Tu Wantian launches an attack on us, how should we deal with it?" Jun Lan was most concerned about this issue when she got up at this moment. Now that she is confronting Tu Wantian head-on, in Jun Lan's opinion, she has no chance of winning .

"If he really dares to tear up his face and deal with us unscrupulously, then we can only do our best to make him fall," Chen Tao did not hide the murderous intent in his eyes when he counted these words.

Especially thinking about the unhappiness that happened in Guangdong Province, Chen Tao's already calm mood started to stir again. Now that he has this opportunity, he really doesn't mind taking advantage of this opportunity to wipe out Tu Wantian.

Chen Tao made a decision, but Jun Lan hesitated at this time, but at this time, Jun Lan received a explosive phone call, which made Jun Lan realize that it is necessary to develop as soon as possible, otherwise after the changes in the underground world, they will be in danger. will be more difficult.

"Sister Lan, a major event has happened. Ming's master directly killed the Northwest King's lair. I heard that his sword god, the killer weapon, was also seriously injured." When he said this, the voice of the secret team member was clearly trembling. .

"Hahaha, what a good time. Now we don't have to worry about Ming's secret attack. We just need to focus on resisting Tu Wantian's counterattack." Chen Tao's sensitive ears heard it clearly, and laughed loudly. .

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