Fragrant flowers

Chapter 104 Psychological Defense Line

Chapter 104 Psychological Defense

McDull was stunned for a moment, and then said with a straight face, "Man, are you following me again?"

Xiao Man'er was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I really didn't this time. I came here only after receiving an invitation letter, and it took me a long time to find it." The big backpack was taken off: "Oh, I'm exhausted."

McDull was even more puzzled. If all the people who came today were people with some background, why was this little girl who was only sixteen or seventeen years old included in the invitation?Does she have any special secrets?

"Which of you is the owner of this invitation letter?" Xiao Man'er looked at several people.

"Neither of them," McDull said.

"Neither? Are you sure?" Xiao Man'er asked.

McDull hesitated, yes, he didn't even know who sent the invitation letter, so how could he be sure that this person was not among these people?Mu Feng is designing the Xiao family, and the three tigers he has joined forces with have recently hit his business hard. Maybe Mu Feng is the planner this time, attracting all the people from the Xiao family to make a fool of himself.

"Little girl, be careful what you say, lest trouble come out of your mouth." Mu Feng's bodyguard glared at Xiao Man'er.

"Hey, you big fool, I still want to say something, what can you do to me, tell you, if I make any mistakes, you will be the murderer, hum." Xiao Man'er said unconvinced.

Xiao Yuru sized up Xiao Man'er, then looked at McDull, why are the women around him so arrogant?

"Honey, I'm hungry, is there anything to eat here?" Xiao Man'er said coquettishly, holding McDull's arm.

"There is food, but you have to do it yourself." McDull said.

"No problem, I can make it for you." Xiao Man'er said with a smile.

"Let's choose our own room first." Feng Yunshan said.

"I want to go downstairs!"

Two people said at the same time, everyone looked at them in surprise, McDull and Mu Feng glanced at each other, no one said anything, they all had their own ideas, that's why they chose the downstairs room.

"Since you chose the one downstairs, let's go upstairs. There are three rooms upstairs, and the rest will be allocated, but we need two people to share a room." Feng Yunshan said.

Xiao Man'er suddenly let go of McDull and ran upstairs like a bird. After choosing a room, she closed the door and said that no one else was allowed to share a room with her.

"Kaizi, then we have to share a room, and the eldest lady and this lady share a room." Feng Yunshan said to the three of them.

"I don't want to sleep with a stranger, I'm afraid." Xiao Yuru said.

"Hmph, I don't want to be with you yet?" Yao Mengchen snorted coldly and walked into another room.

Of the three rooms, two were occupied. Feng Yunshan had no choice but to call McDull up. After all, the two women were related to him, so it was better for him to deal with it.

McDull carried Xiao Man'er's backpack upstairs, knocked on the door of the two girls' room, and said only one sentence: "You two sleep in one room."


"Because you are all my women, you must obey me." After speaking, he threw the backpack to Xiao Man'er, turned around and went downstairs.

The two girls pouted and looked at each other, sighed, and entered a room helplessly.

"Hey, this kid is really powerful!" Feng Yunshan smiled, and then said to Xiao Yuru: "Miss, you can choose the rest."

"You don't need to choose, I share a room with Akai." Xiao Yuru said.

Feng Yunshan was stunned for a moment, even Kaizi looked at her in surprise, but didn't say anything.

"I heard you right, miss, you, you want to..."

"Yes, Akai saved me, and he has always respected me. I think he is a gentleman and will not take advantage of others. We came this time, and we didn't know who was behind it. There were dangers everywhere. If we let me Living alone, I'm afraid I don't even have the courage to sleep, besides, you don't want to see me in trouble, do you?" Xiao Yuru said calmly.

"Hehe, yes, yes!" Feng Yunshan suddenly felt that he was dreaming. Why did Miss Xiao change so much? Kaizi saved her, but if he had to choose, he would choose to be with McDull. We grew up together, wouldn't we feel more secure?Oh, I guessed it, he must be jealous of those two women.

"Then let's choose the last one." Kaizi said.

"Okay, then I'll be the first one." Feng Yunshan entered the room he chose.

They each saw their own room and took a look, then returned to the living room again.

"Is there anyone who knows how to cook, can you cook a meal for everyone?" Feng Yunshan asked.

"I will!" Xiao Man'er was the first to jump out.Everyone's eyes were on Xiao Yuru and Yao Mengchen.

Just as Xiao Yuru was about to say something, she glanced at Kaizi and said, "Don't count on me, I can't do anything."

"You don't need to look at me, I have never been in the kitchen since I grew up." Yao Mengchen said.

"No way, I'll just cook by myself? Isn't that too miserable?" Xiao Man'er regretted her desire to show off a bit.

"Don't you guys want to wait for that to appear?" Mu Feng asked suddenly.

"Even if we wait, we have to eat. Are we hungry and waiting for him to cook for us?" Xiao Man'er said.

"How do you know that those foods are not poisonous?" Mu Feng asked.

"It's okay, after it's ready, you can try it first." McDull said with a half-smile.

"How do you talk?" Zhang Fan looked at McDull with a cold face.

"Hey, big fool, why are you so fierce? If you dare to stare at my husband again, I will really poison your food and eat you to death." Xiao Man'er said.

Zhang Fan was about to have a fit, but was stopped by Mu Feng, who looked at Xiao Man'er with a smile on his face, and said, "Little girl, he is just a rough person, he always talks like this, don't worry about it, how about this, I How about helping you cook?"

Everyone present was stunned, Mu Feng was so humble to Xiao Man'er, and even offered to help her cook, this seems too unusual for his status, right?

"Are you afraid that I will really poison you?" Xiao Man'er curled her lips and said, "But it's also good, having a helper is better than letting me do it alone. Who else will do it, so don't play tricks. Those who don't use their hands have nothing to eat." Xiao Man'er glanced at the others.

"I'll wash the vegetables for you." McDull said.

"Hubby, you don't need it. Even if you don't do anything, I will give you food, so you can just sit in the living room." Xiao Man'er immediately changed her expression.

"Well, if you know how to cook, cook. If you don't know how to cook, help clean up the living room. By the way, check if there are air fresheners and mosquito coils. The musty smell in this house is still very strong. If the windows are kept open I'm afraid we will be eaten by mosquitoes at night." Kaizi suggested.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that, I don't want to be stung with red envelopes everywhere, itchy and uncomfortable." Yao Mengchen said.

"Then let's get moving. I'll go out and see if there are any shops selling these things nearby. I'll leave the kitchen to the three of you, and I'll trouble you in the living room." Kaizi glanced at Feng Yunshan and signaled him to take the lead.

"Okay, then don't stick around." Feng Yunshan said cooperatively.

Everyone started to act separately, until after dinner, the person who sent the invitation letter did not appear.A group of people gathered in the living room, thinking about their own thoughts.

"Hiss... hiss..." Suddenly, a strange sound came from nowhere, and several people immediately became alert and looked around.

"McDuer, what kind of voice is that?" Yao Mengchen pulled McDull subconsciously.

"Yes, husband, I'm afraid." Xiao Man'er on the other side also moved closer to him.

"Good evening, everyone. I must have had dinner. As for the answers you want, they will be announced in three days. For these three days, everyone should treat them as holidays here! I will bring you fresh food every day. You don’t have to worry about the food and the door to eat. I wish you all a pleasant three days here, good night!”

The sound stopped abruptly. It turned out that the hissing sound was from the radio, but how could there be such a thing in the villa?

"Don't play tricks, get out of here." Feng Yunshan stared round his eyes and looked around.

"He must be in the villa, let's look for it separately." Kaizi said.

Feng Yunshan, Kaizi and Xiao Yuru went up to the second floor, McDuer took the two women to look for the first floor, while Mu Feng and Zhang Fan came outside the villa and surrounded them on both sides.

In the end, they searched up and down, inside and out, but couldn't find half a person, and the group returned to the living room.

"Who is it?" Feng Yunshan frowned.

"He used a voice changer, so he couldn't tell a man or a woman at all." Xiao Yuru continued.

"There must be no good intentions, otherwise why are you so sneaky?" Xiao Man'er said.

"Didn't he say that fresh food will be delivered every day? We can take turns to be on duty, and when we find out the situation, we should yell loudly, and the others will come out quickly." Feng Yunshan suggested.

"Don't forget, we are in the open, and he is in the dark. Since he can lure us here, he must have thought of a perfect plan. How could he be caught by us so easily?" Kaizi said.

"You mean, maybe he's staring at us from a certain corner right now?" Xiao Man'er's hand gripping McDull's arm became tighter, and her long nails almost dug into the flesh.

"Don't scare yourself, maybe his purpose is to put us in a panic first, and then break them one by one." McDull pulled her hand away, paused, and said: "He was invited, or someone A secret person, or someone who has been caught, as the saying goes, if you act with a guilty conscience, you will naturally be worried if you have something in your heart, and this person may just want to use this to deal with us."

"It's better, let's go back overnight, no matter what his secrets are, life is more important." Feng Yunshan said.

"Yes, brother, just go back to our territory and see what he can do with us?" Zhang Fan said to Mu Feng.

"It's not too late, we'll leave right away." Kai Zi agreed.

"I'm going to get the bag." Xiao Man'er stood up and walked upstairs, but just halfway there, the lights of the villa suddenly went out, and the whole house was plunged into darkness.


The three women screamed almost at the same time, especially Xiao Man'er, who was the loudest. She was the one farthest away from the group, so she was very scared in her heart. The terrified screams instantly infected several men, and their hearts couldn't help but stop. tight.

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