Chapter 105

The men were still calmer, and they took out their mobile phones to light up. Yao Mengchen tightly held McDull's arm, and followed him to the stairs.

Several people used their mobile phones to take pictures of their surroundings. Mu Feng asked Zhang Fan to find the main power switch of the villa. Before he reached the door, the light suddenly turned on again.

Xiao Man'er threw herself into McDull's arms and began to cry, her body was still shaking. McDull hugged her back and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

"I'm scared to death..." Xiao Man'er said while crying.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay." McDull kept reassuring her.

"If you don't have anything particularly important in your bag, don't take it." Yao Mengchen said.

"How about I go up and get it for you?" McDull said.

"No need, actually there is nothing valuable, let's go." Xiao Man raised his head from McDull's arms, holding him tightly, looking terrified.

"Okay, let's go." McDull hugged Xiao Man'er on one side, and Yao Mengchen on the other side, and the others followed suit.

Outside, Zhang Fan exclaimed in a low voice, and then he heard him scold: "Damn, who the hell did it, to be behind the scenes?"

After he called out, the others also looked at their tires, all of which were punctured. This was clearly premeditated, and they calculated that they would leave early.

"What should I do?" Xiao Yuru seemed to be talking to herself, but also seemed to be asking someone else.

"It's far away from the urban area. If you're going on foot, you'll have to walk for at least two hours. Moreover, the road is full of winding mountain roads. It's almost completely dark, so it's too dangerous." Feng Yunshan said.

"Isn't it dangerous to stay? And it's life-threatening, why not go for a gamble?" Yao Mengchen said.

The weather in summer can change as soon as it is said. When several people were arguing about whether to go or stay, a cool breeze suddenly blew up, and the dark clouds covered the only meaningful light in the sky.

"Oops, it's going to rain." Kaizi said.

"It seems that I can't go if I want to go." McDull looked at the dark sky, and remembered the weather forecast that he had checked before. It will rain heavily today and tomorrow. Could it be that this is also in that person's calculation?

"What should I do?" Yao Mengchen looked at McDull anxiously.

"Brother, why don't we stay in the car tonight and leave tomorrow morning." Zhang Fan said to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng glanced at the others, thinking in his heart, if the two of them stay in the car in a violent storm, although they can leave as soon as they find out the situation, there are still many disadvantages.

"Call our people and ask them to pick us up." Mu Feng said.

"Yeah, we all forgot the phone." Someone muttered in a low voice.For a while, they all took out their mobile phones to call their subordinates, but found a problem almost at the same time, there was no signal.

"What's wrong, this ghost place doesn't even have a signal, no wonder the original owner moved out, it's really a broken place." Yao Mengchen said dejectedly.

The last hope was also shattered. Seeing that the rain was coming, McDull said to everyone: "If we all stay in the living room tonight, it should be safer if we are together."

The others looked at each other, and it seems that there is no other way now, and they can only be treated specially under special circumstances.The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and it was about to rain. The group of people returned to the villa. Just as they entered the door, the rain outside fell with a clatter of thunder.

"Hey, I'll sleep for a while before it's night." Feng Yunshan said as he reclined on the sofa and closed his eyes.

"Brother, you should sleep for a while, what's going to happen tonight!" Zhang Fan whispered to Mu Feng.

"No, make me a cup of coffee." Mu Feng said.

"Yes." Zhang Fan took out a pack of instant coffee from his messenger bag, went to the kitchen, found the cup, rinsed it again, scalded it with hot water from the water dispenser, and then poured the coffee into it to melt.

There was silence in the living room, and after a while, the always cheerful Xiao Man couldn't help but say: "Husband, can you accompany me to take off the backpack, it's too boring, I have some gadgets in my backpack to pass the time .”

"Okay." McDull glanced at Yao Mengchen, who reluctantly let go.

When the two came upstairs, Xiao Man'er was not in a hurry to get the backpack, but closed the door, pouted and asked, "Is that woman also your woman?"

"Yes." McDull didn't hide it.

"You have so many women." Xiao Man'er asked with a sullen face, "Then, did you go to bed?"

McDull tilted her head and looked at her, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and said, "You don't mean to interfere, do you?"

"Of course not. Then, what about you and that young lady? What's the relationship?"

McDull paused, and said: "She is my adoptive father's daughter, I only regard her as my younger sister, and she also has a sweetheart, so I moved out of my adoptive father's house. Why did I think of asking her?"

"The way she looks at you is very unusual. It's not that she has unrequited love, or she has something in her heart. In my opinion, she doesn't deserve that cold man at all. That man is very rich."

"Let's take care of yourself first, it's too late to worry about it." McDull picked up Xiao Man'er's backpack and dragged her out.

"What's in your bag, so heavy?" McDull asked as he went downstairs.

"You'll find out later." Xiao Man'er pretended to be mysterious and said.

After sitting down, Xiao Man'er opened the backpack, first took out a Chongchong pillow, then an mp4, two packs of potato chips, a flashlight, five ham sausages, two cans of Coke...McDull was amazed Glancing at the backpack, this girl actually brought so many things.

"Why is there such a thing?" McDull found a pocket knife with sharp eyes.

"Self-defense, I'm a girl, and I'm so pretty, it's dangerous to come out, so bring a knife for self-defense." Xiao Man'er chirped.

McDull smiled and fiddled with it. The knife is very sharp, and blood can definitely seal the throat.

"Aren't your knives cheap?" Feng Yunshan, who was going to sleep, opened his eyes subconsciously when he heard the word 'knife'. He likes to collect these things the most, so when he opened his eyes, he could see that the knives cost tens of thousands. Well, a little girl actually brought out such an expensive knife, and I don't know what background it is.

"It seems that you are an expert." Xiao Man'er said with a smile.

"I don't dare to be an expert. I just like to collect these things. It's a hobby." Feng Yunshan said modestly, keeping his eyes on the jackknife in McDull's hand, looking at it like that, almost drooling.

Xiao Man'er smiled and took the knife back from McDull's hand, and handed it to Feng Yunshan: "You are almost drooling, let you take a closer look."

Feng Yunshan hurriedly took it over, looking as if he had just found a treasure.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you." Xiao Man'er said generously.

Feng Yunshan raised his head and looked at Xiao Man'er in disbelief: "Aren't you kidding me?"

"We met by chance, why should I tease you?" Xiao Man'er said seriously.

"It's just because we met by chance, how could you give away such a valuable thing casually? Besides, didn't you say that you kept it for self-defense?" Feng Yunshan is an old fox, how could he believe that such a good thing happened to him? superior.Especially in this special period, no one can be trusted.

"I saw that you know the goods and I like them so much, so I planned to give you away. Why don't you know how to be nice? Don't let me down, I won't give it away!" Xiao Man'er got excited, and as she said, she wanted to give it away. Go up and get the knife back.

"Don't, little sister, don't be angry, am I afraid of stealing people's attention? Besides, I'm also worried that you will lose your defense when you are in danger." Feng Yunshan turned sideways quickly, causing Xiao Man'er to pounce on him. null.

"I need it for self-defense, but didn't I know there were so many people at that time? What's more, my husband was there. With him, I would not be afraid of anything. Right, husband, you will protect, right?" Xiao Man nimbly sat back beside McDull, and put her well-developed upper body close to McDull's arms.

McDull glanced at the others subconsciously, and responded with some embarrassment.

"Then if this is the case, I will not be polite." Feng Yunshan really put away the knife after speaking.

The time was approaching midnight unknowingly, the wind and rain outside seemed to be getting worse, the raindrops hit the glass and made a crackling sound, everyone in the living room began to feel sleepy, and they leaned back and forth on the sofa and closed their eyes.

"Husband, I'm hungry." At one o'clock in the middle of the night, Xiao Man'er covered her stomach with one hand, and pitifully shook McDull awake.

"Let me accompany you to the kitchen to get something to eat." McDull said in a low voice for fear of waking up the others.

Xiao Man'er immediately smiled, put down the pillow in her hand, and pulled McDull quietly past the coffee table in the middle, ready to go to the kitchen.

"What are you going to do?"

A sudden shout made Xiao Man'er scream in fright, McDull was also startled, and everyone else was woken up.

"What's going on? What happened?" The others looked at the three of them.

Xiao Man'er turned her head and saw Zhang Fan standing there yelling at herself. She was so angry that she let go of McDull, walked up to Zhang Fan in a few steps, and said angrily, "Don't you know that people scare people to death? It's like this here. Jing, why are you yelling all of a sudden? Are you happy because you want to scare us to death? You are really tall and big, with a head but no brains. "

"Everyone is sleeping, you two are sneaky, let me ask what's wrong? If you are not guilty, what are you afraid of?" Zhang Fan said unconvinced.

"Who is sneaky, can you tell me more clearly?" Xiao Man'er took another step closer and asked arrogantly with her small face up.

"Just talk about you, what's the matter? Don't think that I dare not touch you because you are a woman. Damn girl, I have long disliked you." After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan really pushed Xiao Man'er.

Xiao Man'er was unprepared, staggered backwards and nearly fell down, but fortunately, McDull had quick eyesight and quick hands, and followed her with a few steps to catch her.

"Is he still a man, as knowledgeable as a little girl?" McDull was really angry. He didn't care what other people did to him, as long as he touched his woman.

"The little girl has the privilege, she's not a coquette..." Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly punched him in the face with a "bang", Zhang Fan's body lost its center of gravity and fell on the sofa.

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