Fragrant flowers

Chapter 106 The Unpredictable Little Beauty

Chapter 106 The Unpredictable Little Beauty

"You fucking dare to hit me. I have tolerated you for a long time, and now I finally showed my true colors. The so-called bullshit invitation this time is the fucking trick of you Qing Yuntang. You guys can't beat my brother, so you just play tricks To trick us here, to plot against us, there is no way."

"You're a fucking mad dog." McDull suddenly punched him again. This time Zhang Fan got ready and rolled to the outside to avoid McDull's attack. Then he got up and kicked McDull in the abdomen. kick.

Both of them have been trained, their movements are agile, their strength is fierce, and their strong elbows can become weapons that can kill each other.

"Hey, if you don't tell your subordinates to stop, you won't be able to eat my cooking tomorrow." Xiao Man'er called out to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng took a deep breath, looked at the two people who were fighting, but didn't speak.

"Hmph." Seeing that Mu Feng refused to stop, Xiao Man'er angrily walked up to Feng Yunshan and said, "Go and help, or give me back the knife."

Uh...why does this little girl still wear such clothes?Feng Yunshan is in a dilemma, Yugong, he should be on the same page as McDuer, after all Mu Feng is Qing Yuntang's deadly enemy, but Yu privately, he and McDuer are at odds, he always dislikes him, and he doesn't want to help him from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, what am I talking to you?" Xiao Man'er called.

"Your husband is so powerful, he doesn't need help at all." Feng Yunshan smiled embarrassingly.

Xiao Man'er widened her eyes and said, "Give me back the things."

Helpless, I had no choice but to return what I got.Xiao Man'er opened the knife, with extremely fierce eyes in his eyes, and strode over.

I thought this girl was going to help McDull kill Zhang Fan with an egg hitting a rock, but unexpectedly, she turned to Mu Feng who was sitting and watching the battle halfway. My master is going to see Hades!"

This action of the little girl really surprised everyone, and they secretly guessed that she must not know who was taken hostage by her, otherwise she would not have done it if she had the courage.

Mu Feng was also taken aback, but the point of the knife was pressed against his throat, and he didn't dare to act rashly. This little girl didn't know how to measure, so she might cut her own throat. If she really wanted to die in the hands of this little girl, it would be a big loss.

"Brother... um..." Zhang Fan lost his mind, McDull punched him hard in the chest, and he took several steps back before he could stand still, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

McDull didn't make progress, although he wished to kill these two people now, but now one less person would lose his power, and those guys who were sitting and watching the fun were not willing to help him at all.

"Girl, can you let go?" Mu Feng said to Xiao Man'er in a deep voice when he saw the two of them stop.

"I tell you, whoever dares to treat my husband badly in the future, I will be rude to you. Don't forget, I cook all the food you eat. If anyone is dishonest, I will add some seasonings for you, hum!" Xiao Man'er said savagely.

After letting go of Mu Feng, Xiao Man'er arrogantly threw the knife at the coffee table. From a distance of one meter, she unexpectedly inserted the knife into one of the apples in the fruit plate, and the blade was buried in half.

"Husband, let's go, let's get some food. You must be hungry after all this trouble, right?" Xiao Man'er rolled up her McDull and walked towards the kitchen as if nothing happened.

Seeing the two of them entered the kitchen, Feng Yunshan whispered to Kaizi: "It seems that this girl is not kind? Do you know her background?"

Kaizi shook her head: "It's the first time I saw her."

"Miss, are you not feeling well?" Feng Yunshan looked at Xiao Yuru.

Xiao Yuru looked at the knife on the apple with a pale face, feeling a little dazed.

"Yuru, what's wrong with you?" Kaizi called her softly.

Only then did Xiao Yuru come to her senses: "It's okay, I just feel that something is wrong, but I can't explain it." There are a lot of questions in her mind, such as who is the person who posted this time, and why did they get together?What is the background of the two women beside McDull?On the surface, it was also the first time they met, but why didn't they respond to each other's existence? Aren't they all jealous?

Thinking about the content of the invitation letter he received, it said that he knew the secret between her and Kaizi, and specially invited him to have a secret talk. What kind of secret did he refer to, and how did he know it?And it brings the two together.

Fragrances wafted from the kitchen, and there was Xiao Man's occasional laughter when he was a child. The people in the living room were actually hungry, but they couldn't put their face down. When Xiao Man needed their help just now, there was no one Ken stood up, now that she was hungry, who would have the nerve to ask her to cook for herself?

"Sister Yao, the meal is ready, let's eat together!" Xiao Man'er happily came to the living room, and called out to Yao Mengchen who seemed a little lonely.

"Ah, okay." Yao Mengchen was pleasantly surprised, it turned out that McDull did not abandon herself.

When they got to the kitchen, they found that Xiao Man'er and McDull had just cooked some noodles, but there were vegetables and shredded meat in them, and because of their hunger, they smelled very fragrant.

"It's so fragrant!" Yao Mengchen couldn't help praising.

"That's right, but apart from you, no one else is so lucky. By the way, sister Yao, how did you meet our husband?" Xiao Man'er picked out a bowl of noodles and put it in front of Yao Mengchen.

McDull on the side had already started to eat, Yao Mengchen was taken aback by Xiao Man'er's question, subconsciously glanced at McDuer, McDuer smiled at her, and said: "She didn't mean anything, she was just curious, and She tends to chatter, she is only sixteen or seventeen years old, but she is about six or seventy years old."

"Fuck you, am I that old?" Xiao Man'er took a piece of shredded pork from her bowl and stuffed it into McDull's mouth.

"Sister Yao, don't listen to him, let's talk about ours. In fact, I have met my husband's other girlfriend before, she is also very beautiful, she is simply a big beauty, of course, you are also a beauty, hehe." Xiao Man'er An innocent look.

"You're not bad either. You're cute and youthful. If I were a man, I would definitely chase you." Yao Mengchen said with a smile.She has never understood this girl in front of her, perhaps because she has been in contact with her for too short a time, she is suddenly naive and suddenly mature, especially her throwing knife, which is not as simple as just throwing it away.

"Those guys outside are probably hungry too..."

"Hey, don't expect me to cook noodles for them!" Xiao Man'er interrupted McDull's words.

"I didn't say anything, why are you so sensitive." McDull paused, and said: "It's wrong for them to watch the fun, but there is one person who has enough energy and energy. Look, can you..."

Xiao Man'er turned her head to look at him, Yao Mengchen blinked and asked, "You mean the young lady?"

"Her? Who said that she has enough energy to spare? Isn't her boyfriend here? It's not a matter of her words, but did you see her in a hurry? It's not that I said you, husband, you can't treat some people too much." Mercy, you are kind, people may not appreciate it." Xiao Man'er curled her lips and said, then lowered her head and continued to eat noodles.

"But she is the daughter of my adoptive father. Without my adoptive father, I would not be where I am today, and I also promised that my adoptive father would take care of her." McDull paused, and said, "Forget it, you eat first. I'll make another one for her, although it's not as good as yours, but it won't make her hungry." After speaking, McDull put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand.

"Hey, hey, forget it, you sit down, I'll do it." Xiao Man'er pouted and stood up reluctantly.

in the living room.

Several people's stomachs were singing empty city tricks, Feng Yunshan grabbed an apple and ate it, Zhang Fan also took two apples, handed one to Mu Feng, and ate one for himself.

Kaizi doesn't like to eat fruit, so he would rather be hungry than eat it, but Xiao Yuru's stomach growled, he looked at the remaining apple, the knife was still on it, he took the apple over, He pulled out the knife, put it on the coffee table, and handed the last apple to Xiao Yuru.

"Eat something, there are still hours!"

"I don't want to eat." Xiao Yuru didn't answer.

Kai Zi pursed his lips and looked at her, put down the apple again, and said, "Why don't I go and tell McDull, for the sake of big brother, he won't leave you alone."

"We didn't help him just now, he must be angry, plus those two women..."

"Hey, hasn't anyone told you that it's wrong to pay attention to people behind your back?" Yao Mengchen appeared in the living room at some point, just in time to hear Xiao Yuru's words.

Xiao Yuru didn't make a sound, Kaizi answered, "We're not trying to be particular, but we feel sorry for not being helpful just now."

"Yo, what about coaxing the children? Now I feel sorry for the puppet, what were you thinking just now?" Yao Mengchen sneered, then looked down at Xiao Yuru arrogantly, and said: "McDull is a nice person with a kind heart, I can't get used to him My righteous sister is suffering and starving, go, your share is ready."

Xiao Yuru looked at her in surprise, then at Kaizi, who nodded at her.

"Then, do you have ours?" Feng Yunshan asked.

Yao Mengchen rolled his eyes at him and ignored her. When Xiao Yuru passed by her, she stopped her with her shoulder and said, "You'd better not take advantage of his kindness to you, otherwise, neither the girl nor I will let you go." " After finishing speaking, he returned to the sofa and sat down arrogantly.

Xiao Yuru held back the tears in her eyes and walked into the kitchen.

"Yuru, come, sit down and eat noodles." McDull handed over the chopsticks and said.

"Thank you!" Xiao Yuru sat down, took the chopsticks, but didn't dare to look at McDull.

"You are wrong to thank me. I cooked this noodle, so you should thank me." Xiao Man'er said.

Xiao Yuru forced a smile in front of her, thanked Xiao Man'er, then lowered her head and ate the noodles slowly.

"I'm full, let's go out first, you eat slowly." Xiao Man'er blinked at McDull, turned and left the kitchen, but turned back quickly, and said to Xiao Yuru: "Remember to eat the bowl After washing the chopsticks, I don’t know how to cook, so I should be able to wash the dishes!” Before Xiao Yuru could respond, she turned and went back to the living room.

"This girl is like this, don't mind, I'll wash the dishes later, and you can go back and rest after eating." McDull said with a smile.

Xiao Yuru couldn't hold back her tears anymore, one by one fell into the face, now McDull was in a panic, why was she still crying?

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