Fragrant flowers

Chapter 193 The Women Around McDull

Chapter 193 The Women Around McDull

Xiao Man'er, who was wiping tears from the side, looked at them. Although she felt very sad, she didn't want Sanhu to form a relationship with McDull.

"I can see that Sister Wenwen is interested in McDull. If I were not here, maybe they would be together. Now that Sister Wenwen is gone, and McDull has been wronged again, Sister Wenwen must not bear to see him If something happens, she will help us find the murderer."

Xiao Man'er didn't directly excuse McDull, she knew that if she did that, it would only make Sanhu more angry, although they usually treated her as well as their own family, but after all, it was their own sister who died this time, If they help McDull to speak at this time, they will definitely be dissatisfied with themselves, and then they will have no chance to intercede for McDull in the future.

"Oh, Wenwen's death is too tragic."

"The poorest one is Kiki."

"Yeah, another scar was drawn on her young heart, alas..."

Thinking of Qiqi, Xiao Man'er couldn't help but think of her own life experience, feeling like she was in the same boat as Qiqi, but at least she has grown up, but Qiqi is still young, what should she do in the future?

Zhang Xiaorou walked out of Mu Feng's house, stopped a taxi, Mu Feng stood in front of the French window and watched her get in the car and leave, then turned and went to the bedroom.

Zhang Xiaorou didn't go to the company, but went back to the villa in the past, sitting quietly in the bedroom where his father used to live, and his father's photo had been placed on the dressing table again.

"Dad, teach me, what should I do?" Zhang Xiaorou murmured to herself, "Since the accident happened in our family, McDull has been the best person to me. He is really good. Even our house He also bought it for me, but now that something happened to him, I don’t know how to help him.”

"You know? Sometimes I can't control my feelings for him, but I understand that I don't deserve him, as long as I can see him often and listen to him. But fortunately, he didn't dislike me, Treating me as his friend is enough for me. Mu Feng, that bastard, will definitely have retribution. I went to find him today and found out that he broke up with his wife. Perhaps, this is the opportunity God gave me. "

Zhang Xiaorou looked at his father's photo with complicated emotions, when suddenly the phone rang, Zhang Xiaorou blinked away the tears in his eyes, took out his phone and looked at it.


"Is it Miss Xiaorou?"

"You are?" Zhang Xiaorou asked suspiciously.

"I'm Chong Fei, do you remember me?"

"Oh, I remember, of course I remember, are you looking for me?"

"Something happened to McDull, you know?"

"You also know? Sigh... good people have many hardships." Zhang Xiaorou sighed helplessly.

"Can we meet and talk?"

"Okay, where will I meet?"

"I'll wait at Mo Yiran's house, you go straight there, we'll meet somewhere." Chong Fei said.

"it is good."

Putting down the phone, Zhang Xiaorou hesitated for a moment. Mu Feng was a very suspicious person and very cunning. Now that he met McDull's people right after he made friends with him, would it be...

Anyway, let's go and see it first.

Half an hour later, they arrived at Mo Yiran's house. Chong Fei had already arrived and was talking to Mo Yiran in the living room.

After Zhang Xiaorou sat down, Mo still couldn't understand and said: "Miss Xiaorou, what do you think this time, I heard from Chong Fei that McDull's matter is very serious this time, so I also asked my colleagues about it. Said he had two lives, and the theft of antiques together."

"And stealing antiques?" Zhang Xiaorou asked unexpectedly.

"You don't know?" Chong Fei looked at her.

Zhang Xiaorou shook her head, she really didn't know there was such a thing as theft, that is, she learned about the murder case from Kuang Bowen.

"How could this be? I don't believe he would steal anything." Zhang Xiaorou said incredulously.

"Don't you believe that he kills people?" Mo Yiran asked.

"I didn't mean that, I was surprised."

"Someone must be framed, McDull would never do such a thing." Chong Fei said.

"We all know it's framed, but we can't find any evidence. This time, the matter is so serious that even the director has personally intervened, and no one is allowed to look at him."

"Kuang Bowen has already found a lawyer for him, hoping to help him."

"Do you all know that he has a rival?" Mo Yiran asked.

Zhang Xiaorou nodded, but Chong Fei was at a loss. McDull seldom told her about this matter, and most of them were joking to make her happy. But she thought of the man and woman she met after dinner with McDull that day. It seems that you don't want to see them.

"It's Mu Feng, right? Although there is no evidence, it would be a bit irresponsible to say it, but I think this matter has something to do with him." Mo Yiran said.

"But we have no evidence, didn't the police find any evidence?" Zhang Xiaorou said.

Mo still said dejectedly: "Yes, I heard that the videos at that time were all interfered with, and there was no record of the people who entered and exited during that time."

"You can't wait for the murderer to plead guilty, can you?" Chong Fei said with a bitter face.

"If Mu Feng really did it, just move to him, or not." Mo Yiran said.

"It's easier said than done. Besides, even if we move to him, it doesn't mean that McDull will be fine." Zhang Xiaorou said.

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work. What should we do? McDull is our friend. If a friend is in trouble, we can't just sit back and ignore it, right?" Chong Fei said anxiously.

"We women can't do much about this kind of thing, let those men torment." Zhang Xiaorou sighed.

I thought that the three of them could come up with something to find Zhang Xiaorou, but in the end there was nothing. Chong Fei and Mo still leaned on the sofa with their mouths pouting and didn't speak.

"I'm going to work first, let's call if there is anything wrong." Zhang Xiaorou looked at the time and said.


After Zhang Xiaorou left, Mo still said to Chongfei: "Did you notice that something is wrong with her?"

Chongfei thought for a while and said, "It seems that you don't particularly care about this matter, do you?"

"Well, I have the same feeling, but isn't she also McDull's friend? Why does she act like this when something happens to McDull?" Mo Yiran said contemptuously.

"Everyone has their own ideas." Chong Fei said lightly.

"But I can see that she has an unusual relationship with McDull. Besides, when she was at her worst, McDull helped her, and she didn't ask for help."

"How do you know so much?"

"She told me when she was taking care of me in the hospital. Wasn't I angry with McDull at that time? She told me their story. At that time, I was very moved, so I forgave McDull."

"Why are you angry with McDull?" Chong Fei asked curiously.

Mo Yiran hesitated for a while, and said, "Actually, I don't want to tell you, but now that I've talked about it, I won't keep it from you."

"What, it's mysterious."

"McDull has a wife!"

"What?" Chong Fei's eyes widened in surprise, and she asked, "Aren't you mistaken? Doesn't he even have a girlfriend? Where did he get his wife?"

Chong Fei was thinking about McDull taking her to the hospital to meet his adoptive father. If McDull had a wife, there was no need for Chong Fei to pretend to be his girlfriend to meet his adoptive father. You don't know about his marriage, do you?Didn't his adoptive father give him such a precious meeting gift back then?

"When that girl went to see McDull in the hospital, I happened to be there. She was called McDull's little husband. Think about it, husband, did you call me casually? Who did you call husband? No?"

"No." Chongfei still didn't believe it, but she was too embarrassed to tell what happened that day, so she was so preoccupied that she stopped talking.

After a while, Mo Yiran poked her and said, "Do you like him?"

Chongfei was taken aback by this sudden question, and then blushed: "Why, there is nothing, don't talk nonsense."

"Misunderstanding, you still want to lie in front of me, have you forgotten that I am a policeman? Although I am a traffic policeman, I am also a graduate of a regular police academy, hehe! Besides, don't you know that your face turns red when you tell a lie? Mo still said with a smirk.

"Okay, I don't care about you anymore, you always laugh at me." Chongfei turned her face away, but her heart was beating wildly.

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