Fragrant flowers

Chapter 194 Gold Lawyer

Chapter 194 Gold Medal Lawyer

Looking at Chong Fei, who was blushing, Mo Yiran sighed, and Chong Fei looked at her puzzled.

"what happened?"

"Do you think McDull is quite feminine?"

"Maybe it's someone else, good-looking and very loyal. In fact, he didn't give me a good impression at first." Chong Fei said.


"Because he gives people the impression of a cynical dude, he must be very carefree and superficial, and my mother always told me before that men are unreliable, especially rich men are even more unreliable. Their world It's not something ordinary people can get close to. But after a few times of contact, he is different from what I imagined. Although he is very playful and sometimes makes some ambiguous jokes, he has never done anything out of line, at least He has nothing to us."

Mo still nodded in agreement, thought for a while, and tentatively asked: "You said, if... I mean, what if we all like him? I mean those around him, we girls I know."

Chong Fei frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly squinted at Mo Yiran, and said with a smirk: "Oh, I know, someone is in love with you. What if, you also like McDull at all, right?"

"No way, it's just what if..." Mo Yiran paused for a moment, and then laughed: "I like him too? Then you admit that you like him?"

Chong Fei smiled and turned her head to the side: "And, so what if you like him, he is very good, but... I have a bad background, so I am not good enough for him."

"Don't think about it that way. Relationships are all about fate. It doesn't matter whether you are worthy or not. Look at Miss Xiaorou, she used to be a wealthy daughter, and now she has nothing. Status can only represent a moment, and it can't explain anything. , However, it is useless to think about anything now, we must first ensure that he can be cleared of this crime smoothly."

Thinking of this, the cheerful mood of the two girls just now became gloomy.

Police Department, Commissioner's Office.

"I am McDull's adoptive father, can I meet him?" Accompanied by Dayu, Xiao Qingyun came to the police station where McDull was detained.

The director looked at Xiao Qingyun and Dayu, and asked: "He is an important suspect now, according to the rules, you are not allowed to see him."

"We believe he won't kill people." Big Fish couldn't help but said.

"Who are you?" The director looked at Big Yu sharply.

"I'm his brother. I was the one who called just now. It was your people who called me over."

"Oh, then let's cooperate with our work, we want to know something from the two of you."

"It's fine to know the situation, but let's meet him." Big Fish insisted.

"This is not a place for you to bargain. It is your obligation to cooperate with us." A small police officer said very rudely.

"Hmph, what's wrong with this place? Can't you eat people? I didn't curse anyone, I didn't make trouble. Besides, you invited me here. I came here to cooperate, not to accept your interrogation. As a citizen, I should enjoy the legal rights of a citizen." Rights and interests, why do you force me to cooperate?" Big Yu said dissatisfied.

"You..." The little police officer wanted to say something, but was stopped by the chief with a wave of his hand.

The director smiled and said, "You're right, we can't force you to cooperate, but..." The director paused and said, "Don't you want to see him earlier, or clear him of suspicion? You know, only when we know more, can we have more places to investigate, which is also good for him."

When Big Yu heard that it was good for McDull, he was about to speak, but was stopped by Xiao Qingyun: "We naturally hope that our relatives will come out quickly, after all, he is innocent, but what you want to know is really related to this matter Is it? Or do you want to know a lot about his past?"

Xiao Qingyun didn't like to deal with officials, it had something to do with his background, if it wasn't for McDull's accident, he wouldn't come to such a place.

"Hehe, you are worried. Let's use this opportunity to dig deep into his past, right? If he is innocent, our digging will be for nothing, right?" The director is very calm and sophisticated, although his attitude is peaceful. , but his words were chilly, but Xiao Qingyun, who had experienced many battles, could understand clearly, he was only worried that Big Yu would talk indiscriminately.

At this moment, a correspondent came to report that someone wanted to release McDull on bail, and Xiao Qingyun felt a little relieved.

"Oh? Who wants to bail him out?" asked the chief.

"Kuang Bowen, the president of Questyle Group, brought lawyer Zhang Ao."

The director frowned slightly, Zhang Ao is a well-known barrister in the province, and Kuangshi's reputation is not small, he can be regarded as a Taishan Beidou-level group in the business world, Kuang Bowen is young and promising, he has heard of this for a long time, why is this Two heavyweights are involved with this murder suspect?

"McDull is a repeat offender and cannot be released on bail for the time being."

As soon as the director finished speaking, Xiao Qingyun said, "He's just a suspect. It's not confirmed that he is a murderer. Why can't he be released on bail? Besides, the deaths of the deceased in the two cases are very close to each other. Running two places, it is obvious that the latter was deliberately framed. Even though there was no evidence to prove his innocence in the first case, there were no witnesses who saw him leave the hotel. This shows that there must be something hidden in it, so many suspicious points, Why are you still detaining him without bail?"

"It is because of doubts that we continue to investigate the case and collect evidence. If the conclusion is reached, he will be handed over to the court instead of staying with us." The director said.

"You also said that there is no evidence, and there are many doubts. Think about a murderer. Not only is his clothes not stained with blood, but he can also carry a blood-stained murder weapon in a situation where no one knows. Leaving the hotel and rushing to another accident site, does McDull know invisibility and flying?" Xiao Qingyun asked aggressively.

The director leaned back in the chair and said, "I just follow the rules."

If you follow the rules, no amount of rhetoric will become useless, and Big Fish is in a hurry but can't speak.

"Just tell them that, McDull will not be released on bail for the time being." The director said to the correspondent.

"However, Lawyer Zhang Ao said he wanted to see you, and he said that there is another very important matter that he wants to tell you personally."

The director paused and said, "Take them to the reception room and wait for me."


After the correspondent left, Xiao Qingyun didn't seem to be reconciled, but he said everything he could. After all, he has a big mouth and no matter how reasonable he is, you can't help him if he says to follow the rules.

"I understand your feelings very well. No one wants their relatives to encounter such a thing, and we don't want to wrong a good person, so I hope you can provide more people who McDull usually contacts, so that we can find evidence and investigate. direction."

"Let's think about it." Xiao Qingyun didn't immediately agree.

"Okay, those two sit down for a while, and I'll come back after I finish dealing with things over there."

The director walked out of the office and came to the reception room, where Kuang Bowen and Zhang Ao were waiting for him. Seeing him coming in, they stood up at the same time. The director stepped forward and shook hands with them politely, and then the three sat down.

"I don't know what Lawyer Zhang wants to see me for?"

"Bai Lan is missing, I suspect she was kidnapped." Zhang Ao said straight to the point.

"What?" The director asked with a surprised look on his face, "Are you sure?"

"Conjecture, but eighty to nine times out of ten, I called her the night McDull's accident happened, and then the waiter in Jinhai Licheng saw her leave, and there was no news after that. I suspect it has something to do with McDull's accident, Someone must have figured out that McDull would ask Bai Lan for help, so they ambushed people in advance to cut off McDull's life-saving straw." Zhang Ao said seriously.

The director frowned. Based on his understanding, no one dared to touch Bai Lan in City H. Not only did she think that she had a wide range of contacts in City H, but also, I heard that she also had a backer in the province, but now she is in her own Juli is missing, which is not so good.

"Director, I have two purposes for coming here today. One is to release McDull on bail. My reason is very simple. The current evidence is not enough to prosecute McDull for murder, and there are many doubts pointing out that he may be wronged. The second purpose is to hope that You can find a way to rescue Bai Lan, she is directly related to our future..." When Zhang Ao said the last sentence, he showed hinting eyes.

Kuang Bowen has been sitting by the side without speaking. Looking at the expressions of the two, he secretly admires Zhang Ao. No wonder he can be called a heavyweight lawyer. He can definitely hold the opponent's vitals.But if Yuan Xiaofei hadn't reminded herself, she would never have thought of going to Zhang Ao, let alone mentioning Bai Lan's disappearance, this famous lawyer would put down her airs and obediently follow her to release McDull on bail.

After hearing Zhang Ao's words, the director hesitated.

He hesitated for at least 3 minutes. Lawyer Zhang Ao stood up and said, "Since the director is in trouble, forget it, but I will be McDull's defense lawyer. I hope that the clues you find are solid evidence."

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