Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 224: Gravity Elevator

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 220 Four: Gravity Elevator

"Bang!" The huge rock fell down, and it just landed on the position where Yunlong was staying before, smashing out a shocking big hole!

But Yunlong had already followed the shot crampon cable, and fell into the pit of the mountain depression. As soon as he landed, he subconsciously looked back and broke out in a cold sweat!

But Yunlong's attention was quickly diverted, because he suddenly found that the mountain depression he was in was much wider than what he saw from a distance before.

Moreover, there is a strange phenomenon here. The "gang wind and stone rain" that raged wildly in the Great Rift Valley did not erode into this place. Instead, there were only a few breezes, forming a strange convection, as if there was a layer of water here that could be seen by the naked eye. Like a missing shield.

But what surprised him the most was that the crampon cable shot out got stuck in the rock gap at the edge of the pit, and the rock was actually a tower-shaped stone pile, which could even be vaguely I saw a small piece of a very old metal handle that looked rusty and mottled.

Moreover, on this pile of rocks, you can still vaguely see smears similar to red paint, but they are so badly weathered that you can hardly tell them apart unless you look carefully.

"Huh? What is this thing? It seems to be man-made!" Yunlong was very surprised. He didn't expect that man-made things could appear in such a place.

"This is the mani pile of the ancient Tibetans. These are just prayer stones." "Sin Spark" said suddenly.

"Oh! Prayer Stone... It's amazing that ancient Tibetans could come to this place without advanced equipment!" Yunlong exclaimed.

Yunlong now knows very well that it is extremely difficult for people who do not have sufficient advanced equipment, physical strength, skills and experience to enter this "death westerly belt" rift, let alone reach such a deep place!

"This should be the trace left by Tibetan esoteric practitioners. It is also possible for lamas who have practiced esoteric Buddhism to come here!" "Sinful Spark" introduced.

"Oh? Tibetan esoteric practitioners, are there really such people? And, can they have such powerful kung fu?" Yunlong was quite curious, and he knew nothing about Tibetan esoteric practice.

"Hehe... Practitioners who are good at Tibetan secret cultivation methods can use special methods to stimulate the potential hidden deep in the human body after years of practice, so this kind of person is already considered a powerful supernatural being on the earth. Now, being able to have powerful kung fu is not a very strange thing!" "Sinful Spark" said with a smile.

"Wow, according to what you said, isn't the power of this kind of practitioner much stronger than mine?" Yunlong asked hurriedly.

"Of course, master, your body can reach or even surpass them after the second level of genetic modification! So master, you don't have to worry about this problem at all!" "Spark of Evil" comforted him.

"Oh! That's right!" Yunlong became eager in his heart, he yearned to have this kind of magical power.

"Quack...after you complete the second-level genetic modification project, you will naturally know!" "Sinful Spark" laughed strangely, and said again: "Master, the transfer station of the base is here!"

"Oh? I... why can't I see it?" Yunlong was taken aback. He carefully glanced around the col, and found no clues of "high-tech equipment" at all, as if it was nothing like an ordinary mountain. the difference.

"Quack...that's just a superficial phenomenon, you'll know when I connect the source!" said Guilty Spark.

"Oh! Hurry up!" Yunlong couldn't wait to know what happened.

"Okay, but I have to extract the biomagnetic field energy in your body and fuse it into an electromagnetic pulse before I can connect to the hub of the base transfer station." "Sinful Spark" said again.

"Okay! No problem." Yunlong agreed directly. Anyway, the purpose of coming here is for this.

"Well... this process is a bit painful, Master, bear with it!" "Spark of Guilt" said, a golden light burst out in Yunlong's mind.

"Chi... Chi... Chi..."

Immediately, Yunlong felt deep in his forehead, as if being stabbed randomly by many sharp needles. The pain was so painful that he opened his mouth wide and screamed.

Moreover, he could feel the energy of his body, as if being "transferred output", his hands and feet became a little weak!

However, this pain lasted for a very short time, only about 2 minutes, and Yunlong felt the golden light flash again before his eyes.

A dazzling golden glow shot out from Yunlong's forehead, stopped on the rocky wall in the depression, and scanned back and forth.

"Chi...che...che..." There was a weird cracking sound from the rock wall, and even light smoke came out!

"Crack..." With a sound, the rock wall suddenly appeared to rotate, and in the middle, a cave with a diameter of more than three meters and a width slowly appeared!

On both sides of the cave, a lot of broken stones fell one after another, revealing two stone pillars, on which appeared some strange hieroglyphs, engraved on the stone pillars, like a book from heaven...

"This... what kind of words are these?" Yunlong recovered and noticed these words at the first sight, so he asked.

"This is the symbolic text of Jiangbo Star, which means that this place is a gravity lift transfer station." "Sinful Spark" explained.

"Gravity lifting transfer station? What do you mean?" Yunlong was puzzled.

"It is the key transfer station leading to the interior of the base. Because we don't want humans to discover this place, they destroy and take away the contents. The scientists of Jiangbo Star have done necessary protection here. There is no special magnetic pulse signal. There's no way to turn on this gravity elevator!" explained Guilty Spark.

"Oh, so that's how it is..." Yunlong nodded, he found that Jiangboxing technology is really amazing, it has such a powerful level of technology 10 years ago!

"Now, master, please enter the cave, and I will use the gravity elevator to bring you deep into the glacier!" "Sinful Spark" said again.

"Oh, yes!" Yunlong nodded immediately, and walked into the cave full of hope.

But as soon as he approached the cave, he felt an invisible and powerful attraction that "pulled" him into it!

After Yunlong entered the cave, he heard the sound of "click!" from behind him, and when he looked back, the cave was automatically closed.

"Uh... how do you go back then?" Yunlong asked hastily.

"Quack, after completing the second-level genetic modification project, I will naturally lead the master back through another exit! Now, master, please get ready, we are going to sink!" "Sinful Spark" laughed.

"Sinking? What do you mean?" Yunlong hadn't reacted yet.

At this time, a faint blue light suddenly flashed around, and Yunlong realized that he was standing in the middle of a metal object like a petal.

Immediately afterwards, a soft blue light suddenly radiated from around this strange metal object, and this blue light quickly enveloped Yunlong's body, but he couldn't feel the restraint at all, but his body "floated"!

"Uh... what... what is this?" Yunlong exclaimed.

"Quack, this is the plasma cloud, and it's also the protective equipment for the gravity elevator, master, we're starting to sink!" "Sinful Spark" screamed strangely.

"Huh!" Yunlong immediately found himself spinning, and then a dazzling blue light tunnel appeared under his feet. The plasma cloud that wrapped his body was induced by the blue light, and a force was produced, which sent Yunlong down to the ground. down.

The speed of sinking was extremely fast. Through the plasma cloud, Yunlong could only see the fast flashing blue light, as if he had entered another world, but he couldn't hear any sound in his ears, and it was unbelievably quiet!

That strange traction pulls Yunlong to the unknown world, and even, in such an environment, he has an illusion of going back in time.

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