Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 225: Mysterious super intelligent creature

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter 220 Five: Mysterious Super-Intelligent Creatures

Under the envelopment of this plasma cloud and the special gravity environment, Yunlong felt that his consciousness became dreamy, and he couldn't even feel how long the time had passed.

Suddenly, he found that his body paused, and then there was a force that seemed to be floating in the water, supporting his body, and the rapid sinking speed slowed down.

Then, Yunlong felt his feet step on the floor. He wanted to see where it was, but he was surrounded by the plasma cloud, and his eyes were full of blue light that shone like stars. For a while, he didn't know where it was Where.

"Dear Master, we have landed at the bottom of the cave!"

The sound of "sinful spark" suddenly sounded in his ears, and immediately after, Yunlong saw the brilliant blue light of the plasma cloud in front of him dim rapidly, and then disappeared.

Yunlong quickly opened his eyes and saw a scene that he will never forget...

This is an indescribably spacious space, surrounded by a transparent ice wall of light sea blue, like crystal, exuding brilliance and blur, like a dream like luster.

Sea-blue ice waterfalls, ice stalactites, ice cones, ice flowers, frost, and ice mounds spread all over the surrounding area, shining brightly and brilliantly. Yunlong realized that he felt as if he had entered an underground crystal palace!

In this wonderful place, Yunlong felt a strong sense of vicissitudes of time and space coming...

"It's so beautiful!! Is this... the inside of the base?" Yunlong was shocked by the beautiful ice scene in front of him, and he muttered to himself.

"No, now we are in an underground glacier cave about 20000 meters deep in the earth. This is just the energy fusion transmission station of the base." "Sinful Spark" said.

"Energy fusion transmission station?" Yunlong was puzzled.

"The situation is like this. 10 years ago, the scientists of Jiang Boxing detected a huge source of energy radiation in the cracks of the earth's glaciers, so they conducted scientific investigations on this place. As a result, in this glacial cave deep A piece of meteor ice with powerful energy was found!" "Sinful Spark" explained.

"Meteor ice? What is it?" Yunlong asked hurriedly.

"Oh, it is a comet nucleus that fell on the earth. Many comets themselves are huge ice bodies wrapped in dust. When comets travel in space, they will have their own magnetic field. When the strength of the magnetic field weakens, a As a result, the planet with a stronger gravitational force will be "captured" and then fall!" said "Guilty Spark".

"But most of the meteorites don't seem to have strong energy!" Yunlong said with his limited astronomical knowledge.

"Yes, when most meteorites fall into the earth, they have been fully burned in the atmosphere, and there is almost no energy when they fall to the ground, but there are very few exceptions! This comet is very huge, so its star core is extremely energetic. Even after death, it will still have enough powerful energy." "Sinful Spark" said.

"Uh...the dead planet still has energy?" Yunlong didn't understand this.

"Of course, planets in the universe also have birth and death! For example, the sun, the mother star of the earth, will become a white dwarf after death. After about 20 billion years, the dead sun will become a huge star. Diamonds shine in the orbit of the solar system, and when the energy weakens, they will leave the orbit and become wandering stars in the interstellar world! There will still be strong energy inside such stars!" "Sinful Spark" explained.

"Oh! So that's it. So, the meteor ice in the underground base is the energy source of the base?" Yunlong finally understood.

"Master, let's go! Now that we enter the interior of the glacier, we will see the legendary meteorite ice. I... I have been looking forward to it for a long time!" "Sinful Spark"'s tone was actually full of excitement and trembling.

"Oh, where do we go in?" Yunlong was also very excited.

"It's just ahead, you just follow my guidance and move forward!" The voice of "Sinful Spark" can't wait.

"Okay!" Yunlong nodded.

So under the guidance of the "spark of evil", Yunlong shuttled through the huge glacier cave. It took him more than half an hour. After he drilled through a long and narrow passage, he entered a hemispherical space. !

Soon, Yunlong immediately felt a completely different warmth blowing towards him. The temperature here was completely different from the cold world outside!

What appeared in front of Yunlong was a dreamlike crystal kingdom. What was different from the glacier world outside was the ice crystals inside, which turned out to be rows of purple crystals, like huge pillars, standing tall and scattered. , exuding brilliant light, spreading out in an arc to both sides, as if a goddess opened her arms and embraced the crystal kingdom into her arms!

The diameter of these amethyst pillars is more than 5 meters, and the height has reached more than 20 meters!There are also many small crystal shoots and crystal flowers dotted around, and through these astonishingly bright amethyst pillars, one can see that there is actually a lake in the center!

This is a mysterious lake located deep underground!The area is quite large, at least hundreds of acres by visual estimation!

Moreover, the lake water turned out to be milky white, and the nectar-like lake water was tumbling and boiling, with tiny white bubbles, and these strange little bubbles were everywhere on the sparkling white lake surface.

And that warmth like spring is exactly what the small air bubbles in this lake exude!

"This... what is this place?" Yunlong was shocked again.

"This lake is actually the coolant for that piece of energy meteor ice. Without this coolant, the energy generated by that piece of meteor ice would be enough to burn the entire Tanggula Mountains into charcoal!" "Sinful Spark" explained.

"Ah! Coolant! Is that piece of meteorite... hidden under the lake of coolant?" Yunlong was stunned again.

"Yes, but, although this piece of meteorite ice was discovered and used by the scientists of Star Jiangbo, it was another race that captured it to the earth!" "Sinful Spark" said suddenly.

"Huh? Another race? What do you mean?" Yunlong was confused again.

"In other words, the Jiangbo star scientists only discovered and used the energy of this meteor ice, but it was not the Jiang Bo star people who captured this meteor ice to the earth and used these coolants to control it, but another A more advanced race!" said Guilty Spark.

"Ah! A more advanced race? Is it more advanced than Jiang Boxing?" Yunlong was taken aback.

"Yes, the technological level of this race has reached the highest level of 10, or even higher! It is more than two levels advanced than Jiang Boxing's 8th level! They can also be said to be the super intelligent creatures with the highest technological level in the galaxy !” said Guilty Spark.

"Ah! So powerful...what's the name of this race...?" Yunlong was shocked again.

"They are honored as "pioneers" by the intelligent creatures of the galaxy! As the name suggests, they are the oldest and most powerful intelligent creatures in the galaxy! They are the masters of the galaxy, they are omnipotent, and they have created the most glorious galaxy civilization, they... are the real "gods"!" "Sinful Spark" almost whispered and worshipped.

"Oh! According to you, these "pioneers... are the real masters of the Milky Way?" " Yunlong asked hurriedly.

"Yes... However, according to the information I have, the "Pioneer" seems to have disappeared or left the Milky Way..." "Spark of Evil" said suddenly.

"Huh? Not in the Milky Way anymore? Where did they go?" Yunlong was curious.

"This is a mystery... No one knows where the "Pioneers" went...Since the day I was created, there has been no news of them! So I have no way to see their demeanor!" "Sinful Spark" There was some kind of regret in the tone...

"Oh! The Jiangbo Stars created you later. It's normal that you haven't seen the "Pioneer"!" Yunlong said.

"Master, I was not created by the people of Star Jiangbo, but by the "pioneers" using their technology! The Roka pioneer of Star Jiangbo is just my chosen partner..." "Sinful Spark" said suddenly.

"Ah? What's going on here? You... aren't you Jiang Boxing's artificial intelligence system?" Yunlong was stunned.

He suddenly discovered that the origin of the "spark of evil" was far more mysterious and confusing than he imagined...

"It's true that I am artificial intelligence, but I am not a product of Star Jiangbo. After I was created by the "Pioneer", I have been sealed in the "Database". Only then did he activate me and deciphered the indexer in the "database", and then I chose to cooperate with him and help the "Yumi System" invented by him to carry out the planetary intelligent transmission test. During the test, I was sent to Like in a wormhole in time and space, I came to the earth until I met you, the master..." "Spark of Evil" revealed his origin.

"Ah! Your...destiny is really ups and downs..." Yunlong was astonished, and asked again: "You...have such high wisdom, can't you go back? Or, you can know the whereabouts of the "Pioneer" !"

"Hehe... My database is severely damaged, and there are still many important data in it. It must be opened through a special startup method, and I can't open it at all! And in my program, there is a command program that cannot be changed. , I must execute." "Sinful Spark" said suddenly.

"A program that cannot be changed? What is it?" Yunlong felt a strong curiosity again.

"It seems to be related to you... But the data has been severely damaged, so I don't know yet... After my database is completely restored, you will be able to find out... So I hope you will work hard, master!" "Sinful Spark" Said.

"Is it related to me? So magical?" Yunlong found that this matter became more and more confused and mysterious.

"Uh...Master, let's not discuss these issues for now, we'll study them slowly in the future, it's more important to get down to business first!" "Spark of Evil" suddenly reminded Yunlong.

"Oh, alright! What are we going to do next?" Seeing that he couldn't figure out why, Yunlong could only follow the prompts from "Spark of Evil" to proceed to the next step...

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