Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 238: The Wolves

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 230 Eight: Wolves

When he reached the hill, Yunlong searched around, but he didn't find any trace of Linna, which made him feel strange, but at the same time, he was quite worried.

Because at the foot of the snow-capped mountain, although it is not as dangerous as the top of the snow-capped mountain, in this wild and uninhabited place, there are still dangers full of uncertain factors...

Harry was throwing up dizzily at first, but when he saw Yunlong's expression seemed strange, he immediately got up from the ground, ran up to him, and asked him anxiously, "Where's my sister?"

"Uh, she was still here before, but now I don't know where she has gone!" Yunlong replied truthfully.

"Ah! You, how could you leave her here alone!" Harry was anxious.

"I don't know if she won't be here! I'll be away for less than half an hour..." Yunlong said depressingly.

"Oh my God! Lina...if she disappears, how do you want me to go back to the United States?" Harry was anxious, and even became a little frustrated.

Just at this moment, a strange whistling sound suddenly came from a valley in the distance. The sound was strange and shrill, with a deep and sobbing breath!

"Ah! That... that seems to be... the howling of a wolf! Oh my god... Linna, she must have been taken away by wild wolves!!" Hearing such a voice, Harry even more His face turned pale with fright.

"Uh...don't worry, there is no sign of biting here. If the wolf wants to take Linna away, she will definitely resist or call for help! And we didn't see her backpack. She must have gone to a certain place temporarily. place!" Yunlong said after checking the situation around Xiaoqiu.

Hearing Yunlong's words, Harry was relieved a little, but he was still wandering around worriedly looking for it, and muttering, "Linna... where is she going?"

Yunlong also followed Harry and searched around, but there was another mournful howl of wolves with the wind, Yunlong frowned, and immediately walked to the highest position of the hill, concentrating on the distance several kilometers away The valley looked over.

Soon, as far as his vision could reach, he found a clue. In a rather hidden meadow outside the valley, he could actually see a faint figure!

Yunlong was startled, and hurriedly looked over again. Since his eyesight was several times stronger than that of ordinary humans, he could tell immediately after a glance that the figure crouching in the meadow suddenly disappeared. Missing Lena!

"Harry! You don't need to look for it, Linna is in the valley three kilometers away!" Yunlong immediately turned back and said to Harry.

"Ah? Long, what did you say?" Harry didn't react for a while.

"I saw Linna, let's go over and see what she is doing!" Yunlong said to Harry, walked down the hill, and ran towards the valley in the distance.

Because he felt quite strange, why Linna hid in that hidden meadow, she seemed to be avoiding something on purpose...

Harry hadn't figured out what was going on, but when he heard Yunlong say that he saw Linna, he immediately followed behind him and hurriedly ran towards the valley three kilometers away.

In about ten minutes, the two arrived outside the valley one after the other.

Sure enough, as soon as they got there, the two saw Linna lying on the meadow, holding a pair of binoculars in her hands, and cautiously looking down the valley. They didn't know what she was doing.

"Linna! What are you doing here? Suddenly no one can be found, I'm really scared to death." Harry walked over hurriedly first and said.

"Shh! Don't speak so loudly! Get down quickly." Linna hurriedly turned her head and said to the two nervously.

"Uh...what's the matter? Lina, what are you looking at?" Harry was startled, quickly squatted down, moved his body, and came to Lina's side, asking her curiously.

"Hush! Keep your voice as low as possible, I'm watching the wolf!" Linna made a booing motion.

"Huh? Wolf!" Harry and Yunlong were stunned at the same time, they didn't expect that Linna came to this place to do this thing!

"Don't forget, I'm a biologist! It's not easy to have the opportunity to observe plateau wolves!" Linna whispered, then continued to pick up the binoculars and continue to observe.

At that moment, Yunlong and Harry also lay down beside her curiously, looking down the valley like her.

The ridge in front of the valley extends like a knife edge into the clouds and mist of the high mountain. I don't know what is behind the ridge.

But Linna cat lowered her waist and crawled along the edge of the meadow in a strange posture. At the same time, she lowered her hands desperately, signaling Yunlong and Harry who were following behind to squat down.

The three of them squatted or lay on their stomachs, and moved from the meadow to the high ridge. There were a few clumps of weeds on the ridge where the wind was, and Yunlong could identify a few clumps of red willows and some watery branches.

"Try not to make any noise, we are very close to the wolves." Linna instructed in a low voice.

Harry looked carefully, and saw that behind the ridge were huge deep grooves left by the erosion of glaciers. Later, the glaciers melted, and this place became a river bed covered with pebbles. Now these grooves have been decorated with wormwood and lichen. Yellow and green Alternate.

So he whispered, "This hillside is so strange, with so many folds."

"This is ice-eroded terrain." Linna brushed her hand over the sharp-edged ridge, and explained: "These folds are blade ridges eroded by glaciers, and the ancient ice cirque is surrounded by U-shaped valleys below. remains."

As Linna said, looking down from their position, the glacier valleys descended step by step like steps. Looking around, they looked like the stands of Olympic venues, and they were at the top of the stands.

But Harry's eyes widened. Not to mention the plateau wolf, he didn't even see a yak as big as a yak. ​​He wondered if there was something wrong with his eyesight. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, still nothing?However, there seemed to be a faint howl of wolves in the wind.

At this time, Lin Na spread her five fingers, stretched her hand out of the ridge, and said, "Great, now we are facing the wind, as long as we speak softly, we won't be exposed."

Harry hurriedly asked, "Where are those wolves? Where are they?"

Lin Na said to him: "Don't worry, you use this to see."

After speaking, Linna handed the telescope in her hand to Harry. Harry looked at the sign and magnified it 30-80 times. He kept increasing the magnification, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

Because if it is this kind of magnification, the target is at least five kilometers away. Even an animal as big as a yak may not be much bigger than an ant in the eyes. Linna also asked them to whisper and move forward cautiously. It seemed as if the wolves were right in front of us.

Gunhari carefully adjusted the focus and direction, and then picked up the binoculars to look over carefully, but due to the distance and the fog in the valley, he could only see a few vague black shadows in the distance.

So Harry couldn't help complaining: "Linna, you are too careful, how could we be found so far away?"

While speaking, Harry stood up holding the binoculars, but he was immediately held down by Linna.

Linna reminded him with a serious face: "Harry, don't move around, just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they can't see you! If you don't want to die, you should lie down obediently and keep your voice down! Yes, don’t get scratched by stones, you know, wolves can catch the smell of blood ten kilometers away.”

"Uh...Okay!" Harry was startled, but he knew that his sister was a well-known top biology student, so he didn't feel alarmist about what Linna said, so he continued to squat down, holding the binoculars to continue Peeping into the distance.

After observing for a while, Harry finally saw through the telescope that the slope at the lower section of the "u"-shaped trough was slightly gentle. After long-term erosion by glaciers and rivers, two deep pits, one large and one small, were formed, connected together, looking like a gourd.

There were a group of black spots the size of sesame seeds in the gourd, and there were traces of movement from time to time. They turned out to be a herd of yaks trapped in the valley. He couldn't see where the wolves Linna was talking about were in the binoculars. arrive!

However, just because Harry couldn't see the wolves, it didn't mean that others couldn't either.

Yunlong, who was beside him, had a very thorough observation of the scene below the valley through his powerful eyesight beyond that of ordinary human beings!

Yunlong saw that the terrain in the depths of the valley was very steep, the two walls were steep and difficult to climb, and the mouth of the gourd was narrow and slender, so it might be difficult for two yaks to pass side by side.

On a high ground in the valley, there is a herd of wild yaks consisting of more than a dozen wild yaks of different sizes, forming a circle and huddling together, with the corners facing outwards, and their expressions are very tense.

And among the wild yaks, there are still a few young wild yaks, obviously they are part of the protection.

About 100 meters away from the herd of wild yaks, there are more than a dozen wild wolves with sparse coats, lying sparsely on the surrounding grass.

Their eyes are full of jokes, some are leisurely swinging around, some are squatting on the ground, grooming the hair around their mouths with their front paws, scratching their heads there, some are chasing and playing, and they don’t put the high ground in front of them at all. Groups of wild yaks who are ready to die and fight desperately at any time are in our eyes.

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