Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 239: The Hunting of Wolves and Embarrassments

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter 230 Nine: The Hunting of Wolves and Embarrassments

However, Dang Yunlong couldn't figure out why those plateau wolves, which numbered only a dozen or so, and many of them were old, weak and sick, dared to surround wild yaks that were much bigger than them.

Yunlong even thought that it was completely different from the scene in front of him.The dozen or so wolves couldn't even close the gap at the bottom of the gourd. It was entirely possible for those wild yaks to attack the southwest collectively and break through.

You know, those plateau wolves themselves are small in size, and the group of plateau wolves that "lure the enemy" in front are even more emaciated. I am afraid that these dozen wolves combined are not as heavy as the wild yak leader.

With this doubt in his eyes, Yunlong observed carefully, and saw another scene that surprised him.

It turned out that there were two groups of plateau wolves lurking in the hidden grass on both sides of the valley!

Moreover, these two groups of hidden plateau wolves are not only bigger in size and brighter in coat color, but also the fierce light flickering in their ferocious eyes is even fiercer!

Yunlong discovered that the two groups of hidden plateau wolves were stronger both in terms of quantity and quality, and they were the "main force" among the three groups of wolves!

"Oh! What a cunning pack of wolves!" Yunlong finally understood now that those plateau wolves were hunting these wild yaks by "dividing troops to lure the enemy"...

However, what surprised Yunlong the most was that he found a very strange phenomenon in a very hidden corner on the right side of the grass...

In that place, lurks a particularly tall and ferocious plateau wolf, and on top of it, there is another strange animal!

That strange animal was small in size and looked like a wolf, but it was more like a dog, even a mastiff, but its whole body fur was snow white, and what surprised Yunlong most was that its The eyes were squinted, which made Yunlong even have an illusion. He felt that the aura emanating from the eyes of that strange animal was like a cunning human being carrying out some kind of sinister plan!

"Fuck! What kind of animal is this?" Yunlong couldn't help muttering.

As soon as Yunlong finished speaking, the voice of "Spark of Evil" sounded in his mind: "That's embarrassment, it is a species completely different from wolves, but there is no doubt that it lives with wolves, and embarrassment is a kind of wolf. What a very intelligent animal!"

"Ah! This thing is embarrassment! The embarrassment in the embarrassment? I didn't expect such a creature to exist!" Yunlong was amazed.

"The whole body of the wolf is snow-white, and its forelimbs are naturally incomplete. It needs other wolves to carry it on its back. However, it has a very high IQ and plays the role of a military adviser in the wolf pack. Once a wolf pack has a wolf, then the pack of wolves Their hunting ability will be increased several times, even experienced old hunters are far from their opponents, they can only scold the gangsters, yes, that's how the idiom "wrecking gangsters" comes from!" "Sinful Spark" explained.

"Oh! Then this group of wild yaks seems to be doomed!" Yunlong exclaimed again.

"That's right, these plateau wolves, in this special plateau environment, are not low in intelligence, and with the help of Hao, if there are no accidents, it must be a perfect hunt!" "Sinful Spark" Said.

"Oh! I can see the perfect hunting of the big wolf pack! It should be very exciting!" Yunlong couldn't help looking forward to it.

"Hey... From the perspective of evolution in natural history, the wolf is one of the most well-developed and successful large carnivores in the world. It has extraordinary speed, energy and energy, has a wealth of howling information and body language, and Very well-developed sense of smell; they get along friendly for life and survival, and cooperate with each other for feeding and educating offspring, which is prominently manifested in group socialization and mutual care, which can be said to be second only to primates, so their range of activities extends to Mountains, plains, deserts, tundra...almost all over the world!" said Guilty Spark.

"It seems that in this kind of place, encountering a wolf is really a terrible thing!" Yunlong said with emotion.

"Of course, the history of wolves is longer than that of humans! Ecologically speaking, wolves can control the number of herbivores, that is, they play a role in maintaining the ecological balance of grasslands and forests. And they mostly hunt down the old, weak, Sickness and disability also play a role in rejuvenating the population of herbivores. Therefore, there should be wolves in nature; if there are no wolves on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it would not be a complete ecosystem!" "Spark of Evil" explained.

"Oh! It seems that the existence of every species on earth has its rationale!" Yunlong nodded.

"Hey, watch out! The hunt is about to begin!" "Sinful Spark" said suddenly.

Immediately, Yunlong held his breath and looked down into the valley...

Sure enough, the snow-white embarrassment lying on the wolf's body suddenly raised its head and let out a strange whimpering sound, and then, the wolf stood up, raised its head to the sky and let out a long howl... "Aw! "

Hearing the signal from the first wolf, the dozens of old, weak, sick and disabled plateau wolves who were responsible for "luting the enemy" immediately took action. They quickly gathered together and launched an attack on the group of wild yaks standing on a high place !

And the group of wild yaks immediately calmed down after a short period of panic, and then collectively launched a countercharge towards the dozen or so plateau wolves!

The distance between the two sides is rapidly getting closer. Looking at the dozen or so plateau wolves and the group of wild yaks from the perspective of the past, the disparity in the shape and proportion of the two sides seems so asymmetrical...

The movement in the valley naturally caught the attention of Linna and Harry, and their attention immediately focused on the depths of the valley.

Especially Harry, holding a binoculars in his hand, suddenly saw the thrilling scene. He was so excited that he stood up and yelled: "Oh! My God, it's really a pack of wolves! And it’s still a decisive battle between wolves and cows!”

Linna next to him hurriedly grabbed his clothes and warned him urgently: "Harry! If you make such a loud noise, those wolves will find us!"

"'s late! They should have found us!" Yunlong next to him interjected.

"Ah? Dragon... what did you say? We were discovered by the wolves?" Linna exclaimed.

"Yes...not only have they discovered us, but they have already taken action!" Yunlong nodded, his face becoming serious.

It turned out that after Harry suddenly yelled, Yunlong immediately noticed that in the depths of the valley, the wolf who was in charge of commanding the wolves pricked up his ears, and looked towards this side with those cunning eyes .

At the same time, the wolf let out a deep growl. Following the sound of the wolf, the head of the wolf moved, and the 7 or 8 plateau wolves lurking next to it immediately dispersed quickly. Then ran over here!

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