Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 362: Drunk

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 360 [-]: Drunk

"Haha..." Li Jianming laughed loudly: "Brother Yunlong, your front-end wine is different from our front-end wine. Look at the people here, they are all in their 30s. Four years old, some older ones, even almost 50 years old, only you are in your 20s! Tell me, as a junior here, should you have more wine in front of you? 2 Two? Hahaha, don't say we bully you, who made you younger than us? Do you think what I said makes sense?"

With that said, more than half of the people at the table immediately responded enthusiastically.

On the one hand, what Li Jianming said is indeed reasonable.After all, the people at the table are all in their 30s and 40s, and only Yunlong is a young man in his 20s.

On the other hand, it was Li Jianming who paid for the treat this time, so everyone naturally focused on what he said.

The last point, those who are interested have already seen that Li Jianming is going to deal with Yunlong!He came back this time because of Nie Xiaowen, because everyone knew about his crush on Nie Xiaowen...

"Xiao Yun, you'd better drink the front wine quickly. After drinking, everyone will be your own! Hehe..." Qi Yelong next to him leaned forward, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile.

Yunlong just held the wine glass full of wine in his hand, neither drinking nor not drinking!

This facade wine is just a facade, but if you don't want to drink it, Li Jianming is right...

But Nie Xiaowen quit, she didn't want to embarrass Yunlong, so she said directly: "Okay, okay, don't tease my Yunlong anymore, why don't you just drink for the sake of it? I'll drink it for him!"

"That can't be done!" As soon as Li Jianming heard Nie Xiaowen say the phrase "My family is Yunlong", he immediately became furious, his heart was burning with jealousy, and he grinned: "One thing is another thing, we have to separate things at the wine table. Clearly, Xiaowen, it’s none of your business now. This glass of wine belongs to Yunlong!” After a pause, he muttered again: “If you drink this little wine, you need a woman to help you, that’s a fart Man!"

Qi Yelong next to him also yelled immediately: "Xiaoyun, you have drunk the most beautiful Xiaowen among us, this glass of wine is reasonable, you should drink it. Oh, in fact, we all want to drink this glass Wine, it's a pity that Xiaowen doesn't like us, she likes you! Drink it! This glass of wine, let's take it out on our behalf! Snatching our group of flowers, of course, will be fined... Hahahaha !!"

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

Hearing what Qi Yelong said, everyone at the table shouted.

Under such circumstances, Nie Xiaowen is embarrassed to say anything more, but her current status is Ke Yunlong's girlfriend.

If at this time, if she behaved too aggressively, she would lose Yunlong's face, and in the eyes of others, Yunlong would look more like an obedient little boy who was raised by her!

So Nie Xiaowen looked at Yunlong with distressed eyes, and she couldn't help clasping Yunlong's hand under the table, and clasped her fingers tightly.

"***, isn't it just a glass of white wine? I drink it!!" Yunlong gritted his teeth, and poured down a glass of wine, another 2 taels!

After drinking this glass of white wine, Yunlong has now drank 4 ounces of wine on an empty stomach. He feels that his stomach is a bit overwhelming, and his head is dizzy. He feels that the people around him are speaking from a far away place, as if everything It has nothing to do with me...

"Damn it! Even after level [-] genetic enhancement, I still can't drink too much!" Although Yunlong was dizzy, but his consciousness remained clear, he secretly yelled that it was terrible!

When Nie Xiaowen saw Yunlong's appearance, she knew that he was almost done.

So while picking up vegetables for Yunlong, she scooped a bowl of chicken soup for Yunlong, and stroked his back with her hand: "Yunlong, eat vegetables, I will find you some hangover medicine later!"

"Enen, good!" Yunlong bit his tongue, then took a sip of the soup, and then he breathed a little.

After the wine was finished, everyone began to eat, toasted each other, and chatted loudly.

At this time, Li Jianming looked at Yunlong with a grin, and then exchanged glances with the men sitting on the left and right.

So, a man in his thirties with a wretched appearance came over and asked Yunlong directly: "Then who, Xiaoyun, right? What unit do you work in now?"

"Oh... I don't work in the unit... I just do some business..." Yunlong replied with a bit of a tongue.

Liu Juan, who knew some details about Yunlong beside him, didn't take the initiative to tell about his youth and wealth.

Therefore, except for Liu Juan and Nie Xiaowen who knew a little about the people at the table, no one else knew what Yunlong did.

"Do you want to do business?" The man said with a smile on his face: "Well, not bad! Not bad! I started my own business at such a young age, and I am really outstanding! My name is Su Zongkang, and I am a good friend of Xiaowen who is in the same shopping mall as Xiaowen. , I really appreciate you, Xiaoyun! Even Xiaowen, the most beautiful and charming person in our shopping mall, is soaked, amazing! Amazing! Now, let’s have a drink alone. Let’s deepen our impression! Hahaha, come! Let’s make friends!”

As he said that, Su Zongkang raised his glass, which was full of 2 taels of wine, and looked at Yunlong with a "sincere" smile: "Come on, we are all men! Cheers! Drink it in one gulp!"

The wine glass in front of Yunlong's table has been filled with 2 taels of wine by the attentive waiter.He hesitated for a moment, then raised his glass.

"Boss Su, right? That's right, I still like to make friends, but to be honest, I have a limited amount of alcohol, and I'm really in place today. It's not that I don't give face, I really can't do it! Otherwise, eight, Su Boss, let's have a token drink, and I'll treat you to another day! Let's have another drink!"

"Don't talk about that!" Su Zongkang immediately said in dissatisfaction: "Xiao Yun, what is a symbolic drink? We are all men! Drinking will kill you in one gulp! They are all carrying handles, not women! I am sorry for us For a man, drinking is just drinking water! Drink! Xiaoyun, don't lose face to me!"

"Su Zongkang, our family Yunlong really can't drink that much..." Nie Xiaowen said dissatisfied immediately when she saw this, and then she raised her cup: "Su Zongkang, come, let me have a drink with my family Yunlong for you!"

"That won't work!" Su Zongkang decided to find Yunlong: "Xiaowen, you must know that when I ask your family Xiaoyun for a drink, that is to tell him that he must treat you well in the future and must not let you down! You must be like a man Protect you in the same way! He must drink this wine! He won’t even drink for you, so how will he protect you in the future? Is it just because of his pretty face? I want him to understand. Only those who can give women a sense of security The real man is the real man! Just being young and handsome is useless! You can’t eat it! Xiaowen, if you want to drink with me, that’s okay. I’ll drink with Xiaoyun later, and we’ll come again! When the time comes I'll drink two glasses, you can drink one! How about it?"

As soon as Su Zongkang said this, Yunlong immediately said loudly: "Okay! I will listen to you, and I will drink! I will protect my Xiaowen in my life! I will never let anyone bully her!"

After all, Yunlong suffocated 2 taels of Moutai in one gulp, he was desperate!

Nie Xiaowen was instantly moved. The so-called "speaking the truth after drinking", what Yunlong said just now, Nie Xiaowen believes, is definitely not a scene, but a truth.

A crystal clear substance began to flow in Nie Xiaowen's eyes, and she forcibly restrained it.

At this time, Yunlong was already dying, and just after drinking a glass of wine, he plopped down on the chair, and his eyes became blurred.

"Yunlong!" Chen Yerong quickly supported Yunlong.

"Xiaowen, I...I'm going to the bathroom." Yunlong's stomach seemed to be churning endlessly, and an urge to vomit haunted him like a devil...

Without saying a word, Nie Xiaowen quickly helped Yunlong out of the private room.

"Hahaha... Xiaowen, hurry up and continue after vomiting!" Li Jianming laughed wildly from behind.

After leaving the private room, Nie Xiaowen helped Yunlong to rush to the bathroom.

But.As soon as he reached the bathroom door, Yunlong couldn't control it. He spit it out with a 'wow'.

Then the whole person crouched on the ground, vomiting non-stop, until almost all the contents in his stomach came out.

Nie Xiaowen squatted on the ground and kept beating Yunlong's back lightly, and her tears came down, "Yunlong, I really shouldn't have brought you here. I made you suffer! Yunlong, when you go back later, stop drinking, I You are not allowed to drink, I can't let you suffer anymore, those bastards are nothing! I hate them!"

Yunlong vomited for a while, his mind regained a little sobriety, and he stood up tremblingly.

"Yunlong, go to the bathroom and wash your face with cold water." Nie Xiaowen quickly supported him.

"Okay... I'll go now." Yunlong nodded.

Then, he got into the men's bathroom by himself...

Going to the sink, Yunlong turned on the faucet and poured cold water on his face. The feeling of confusion in front of him gradually recovered, but he felt top-heavy. May be drunk!

At this moment, Yunlong really wanted to simply take Nie Xiaowen away, anyway, he had no friendship with Li Jianming and those people...

However, he quickly denied his idea!

Because Yunlong knew that if he and Nie Xiaowen slipped away now, it would definitely be impossible.And it will make Nie Xiaowen lose face in front of her friends, and she will not be able to hold her head up when she meets her in the future.

But before going back to the private room, Yunlong knew in his heart that Li Jianming and the others would definitely continue to force him. If he continued to force himself like this, Yunlong would probably get drunk.

Moreover, if Yunlong insists on not drinking, then his own face will be in trouble. Now Yunlong has already regarded guys like Li Jianming as enemies on the wine table.

If the enemy wants to attack you, you can't fight back without being beaten!To fight back!He also didn't want Nie Xiaowen to block the wine for him, firstly, it was not done by a man, and secondly, he was afraid that Nie Xiaowen's stomach would not be able to take it...

But what to do next?

Yunlong became entangled, he had to come up with a plan to solve the thorny problem tonight...

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