Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 363: World Class Wine Tyrant

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 360 Three: World Class Wine Master

Although Li Jianming and those people are his "enemies", they are only at the wine table, so Yunlong can't use violence to solve them, he can only find another way to solve this problem.

After thinking about it, Yunlong suddenly thought that the only way he could solve this embarrassing situation tonight was to turn to the "Yumei System". try.

Because he still has 30 system skill improvement points, which were obtained when he conquered Zhou Bingjie last time.

At that moment, Yunlong's consciousness moved, and he entered the "Ark World"...

Soon, a golden light flashed in the air, and the "Spark of Evil" appeared in front of him.

"Dear master, it seems that you have encountered a little trouble! It seems that you still can't get rid of the shackles and weaknesses of the human body when you have not reached the third-level genetic enhancement state, hehe..." The mechanical metal of "Sin Spark" There was a weird laugh in the voice.

"Uh, stop talking nonsense, you know my situation now, give me an idea, and see if there are any skills that can improve drinking capacity." Yunlong muttered angrily.

"Hey, there is a skill to improve drinking capacity, and the system skill improvement points that need to be consumed are not many, only 5-10 skill points, which can increase two different levels of drinking capacity, master, see what you need species?" "Spark of Evil" asked Yunlong.

"Oh? Two different levels? Tell me about it. Let me think about which one is better." Yunlong hurriedly asked it.

"Wait a moment..." "Guilty Spark" said, and then started to run the data in the system. As the virtual screen kept flickering, in less than 10 seconds, a detailed information about "drinking capacity" appeared in front of Yunlong. material.

The skills of "capacity for alcohol" are: national professional bartender!It needs to consume 5 system skill points, corresponding to the drinking capacity of 7 catties of liquor...

Another level has a very domineering name called "World-Class Wine Tyrant": it needs to consume 10 system upgrade points, corresponding to 10 catties of liquor and other miscellaneous alcohols from all over the world, such as red wine, cocktails, vodka, etc. all included.

The most special thing is that this "world-class wine master" level skill even comes with detailed information on famous wines from all over the world, drinking methods and various specialties, and the "gold content" is quite high!

At this moment, "Spark of Evil" reappeared, and he said to Yunlong: "Master, you can choose now, it depends on which level you like, anyway, the skill of "drinking capacity" is a tasteless existence for the Jiangbo stars. Because Jiangbo Stars love their bodies and don't like to drink alcoholic compounds, only you humans like to drink alcohol..."

"Uh..." Yunlong was startled, he hesitated for a moment, and after quickly analyzing the pros and cons in his mind, he suddenly figured it out.

Yunlong knew that he would learn to do business in the future. After all, the situation on the earth was different from that of Jiang Boxing. On the earth, business must have entertainment, and in order to entertain, one must have a good tolerance for alcohol.

Therefore, he knew that the drinking skills he had learned would not be used up all at once.It will definitely be useful in the future, and it will be very useful...

Moreover, Yunlong was still dizzy after drinking 6 taels of white wine just now. At the same time, he was annoyed by Li Jianming's aggressive tendency, so he couldn't care less about thinking about it. He only had one thought in his mind... tonight , I must torture Li Jianming and those scum to death at the wine table!

Therefore, without any extra consideration, Yunlong directly chose the skill of "world-class wine master" with his mind!

In an instant, the virtual screen flickered, and a string of data soon jumped out.

Skills: "World-class wine tyrant", 10 catties of liquor, plus world-class wine tasting data skills, need to consume 10 system skill points...

Please study: "Yes"..."No"

Yunlong clicked "Yes" without hesitation!

The next moment, a golden light flashed, and a beam of light shot out from the virtual display screen and pierced directly into Yunlong's head!

soon.A feeling of warmth all over the body began to nourish Yunlong's internal organs, liver, stomach, and intestines.

The alcohol content in Yunlong's body began to be diluted, diluted, and diluted again...until it turned into water and evaporated...

The dazed mind on his forehead began to wake up.

After 2 minutes, Yunlong was completely fine. Not only was he fine, but now he even wanted to drink a little bit!

"Hey, I tortured you scumbags to death!" Yunlong muttered excitedly, tidied up his clothes, and walked out of the bathroom.

Nie Xiaowen, who was guarding the door, saw Yunlong coming out, and immediately ran up to support him: "Yunlong, I'm going to say hello to them now, and then let's go home!"

"Hehe, sister Xiaowen, I'm fine!" Yunlong said with a refreshed look. "Hahahaha, after I vomit once, I will be fine! I know! I belong to the kind of person who can drink very much after I vomit once. Sister Xiaowen, let's go back right away and continue with them." Drink! These guys want to abuse me...Hey, now I'm going to fight back!"

Nie Xiaowen was taken aback when she heard the words, and quickly raised her head to see that Yunlong's eyes were piercing, as if nothing happened, and Yunlong speaks in an orderly manner, full of energy, and not drunk at all!

"Isn't it? You...really all right?" Nie Xiaowen was very surprised.

"It's really fine! I'm fine at all! Let's go! See how I will abuse them later!" Yunlong took Nie Xiaowen's hand and walked towards the private room.

"Oh my God! Yunlong, you, you are really fine." Nie Xiaowen accompanied Yunlong back to the private room with a shocked expression on her face.

After entering, the two returned to their seats and sat down.

Li Jianming and others are happily drinking...

When Yunlong went out to vomit just now, Li Jianming drank a lot with the people in the private room. As the host, Li Jianming, the proud son of returning home, drank almost a catty of white wine amidst the praise and praise of everyone , but this guy's alcohol capacity is not bad, he can drink 2 catties.

Except for Yunlong who just acquired new skills, among all the people present, Li Jianming is already one of the most massive existences.

After sitting down, Yunlong didn't continue to drink, but deliberately put on a slumped look, and ate vegetables and soup with Nie Xiaowen.

Li Jianming was already longing for Yunlong to come back again. While clinking glasses with a few good friends, he winked at those guys.

So, a short man about 40 years old came over, raised his glass to Yunlong and said, "Xiaoyun, my name is Deng Fan, and Xiaowen and I are also good friends in the business field. If you give me face, You can call me "Brother Deng", come on, let's make friends and have a toast!"

"Deng...Brother Deng? I, I've...can't drink anymore, just let me go..." Yunlong said deliberately weakly.

"Hehe, that's not okay... the first time we met, I was very interested in making friends with you. Could it be that Xiaoyun, you don't give me face like this?" Deng Fan said with a long face.

Suddenly, Liu Juan picked up the cup and stood up: "Deng Fan, I think Yunlong can't drink anymore, come on, let me have a drink with you on his behalf."

Yunlong didn't expect that Liu Juan would run out to rescue him, and felt a little comforted in his heart, thinking that this beautiful young woman is quite loyal.

That Deng Fan was helping Li Jianming rectify Yunlong, so naturally he refused to obey Liu Juan, so he waved his hand and said, "Liu Juan, don't meddle in it, next time I will invite you and your husband to drink, today's cup , It’s between me and Xiaoyun.”

"Come on, Xiaoyun! If you are a real man, drink this glass of wine!" Deng Fan raised his glass and said aggressively.

Yunlong pretended to be annoyed, raised his glass tremblingly and stood up: "Drink it...I...I'm afraid you won't succeed! Do it!"

After finishing speaking, Yunlong raised his neck and swallowed 2 taels of Moutai.

Strange to say, as soon as the 2 taels of Moutai entered Yunlong's throat, he didn't feel the pungent spicy taste. Instead, he felt like drinking warm water. Although it was mixed with the smell of wine, he didn't feel anything!

"Haha... this "world-class wine tyrant" is really powerful! Drinking is like drinking water! You are going to suffer!" Yunlong was extremely excited. , When I went to Moutai for 2 taels, there was no fart reaction at all, which was similar to plain boiled water.

Seeing Yunlong drink the glass of wine, Deng Fan showed a tricky smile, he also drank the wine in the glass, and then sat down calmly.

Although Yunlong was excited, but the other party had a lot of people, he still pretended to lie on the table first.

At the wine table, some honest people were worried for Yunlong. They were afraid that Yunlong would have health problems if he drank like this.

And Nie Xiaowen was also holding hands with Yunlong's ten fingers tightly under the table. She asked Yunlong in a low voice, but Yunlong told her that she was fine and could continue drinking.

After drinking for a while, another person beside Li Jianming approached Yunlong: "Xiaoyun, my name is Lu Qun'an, don't lie down on the table and pretend to be drunk...Come and have a drink with me. To be honest, I also had a crush on him before. Guo Xiaowen, but I didn’t dare to confess my love at the time, now I see you making Xiaowen into your hands, I really feel a little uncomfortable, come, we must have a drink!”

Yunlong deliberately dawdled for a long time before having a drink with that Lu Qun'an.

Then, in order to perform well, Yunlong covered his mouth and rushed out after drinking the glass of wine, and Nie Xiaowen also rushed out.

"Li Jianming, I think it's almost enough, don't force him to drink, or he will cause trouble if he drinks again." Several friends who couldn't see it, took the opportunity to persuade them.

Li Jianming burped: "Okay, that kid has been screwed up, so I won't embarrass him anymore..."

Not long after, Yunlong and Nie Xiaowen came back to the private room from the outside, and just sat down, Yunlong glanced around, and then he knew it in his heart.

Impressively, Yunlong directly poured a glass of wine, held a wine bottle, and walked directly towards Su Zongkang who was the first to drink himself just now.

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