Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 213: For the sake of breasts, I was poisoned by brother Xiaosa

An ancestor once said such a sentence: Art knows no borders.

Many people must have heard and seen this sentence, but there must also be many people who disagree in private.

For example, how many people of yellow race and white race really know how to appreciate African totem art?

In the impression of Yankee James, he has only two deepest impressions of China, a big oriental country: Chinese Kung Fu and Made in China.

There is no need to mention "Made in China", which is completely caused by the same trademarks that can be seen everywhere in life and appear more and more.

As for Chinese Kung Fu, it was because when he was a child, he was influenced by his peers and watched several Bruce Lee movies, so he knew that Chinese Kung Fu was very powerful, and he could fight ten against one.

Other than that, he doesn't have a deep impression of China, and his understanding of Chinese people only stays in the impression of serious study, hard work, like saving money, and honesty.This is because when he was in college, there were some Chinese students around him.

Yes, in the eyes of James, neither China nor the Chinese people pay much attention, even if the right-wing forces in the United States always publish propaganda in newspapers and on TV, attack China, etc., even if the "Wall Street Journal" This kind of influential newspaper is always publishing news about China's rapid economic growth, but so what?

He wouldn't be too full to pay attention to a certain country on the other side of the earth. With this free time, he might as well tease his pet dog and play two games with his son.

That's right, although Americans have the most large newspapers in the world that can be distributed globally, ordinary Americans usually don't pay attention to things outside the United States, and they even only care about news near their hometown, such as a neighbor missing a newspaper Dogs, such-and-such street water pipes burst, these can be called trivial things.

It's even ridiculous that many Americans actually regard Saddam Hussein as a Kuwaiti, and they don't know where the Taliban leader is. This fully reflects the character of Americans who don't care about world affairs.

It is precisely because of this habit that when James drank most of the bottle of beer and the video on the computer was finally buffered and started playing, he was petrified.

"Asshole, what is this guy doing? Why is the main character Asian?"

Seeing the smiling, handsome yellow man talking in the video, James almost subconsciously wanted to speed up the progress.

He doesn't think there is anything worth watching for a person of yellow race. Even the Chinese Kung Fu that he thought was very mysterious and miraculous at the time, he doesn't like it that much now, because he has read the reports, and they are all fake and exaggerated.

His hand had just touched the touch area of ​​the notebook, and before he could move the mouse pointer, he stopped suddenly, because - a good-looking white woman with huge breasts appeared!

Men have the same surname, and beauties with fierce breasts are equally popular all over the world, because most men love this kind of beauties who cannot be controlled with one hand.

"Okay, let's see what you can do!"

For the sake of this busty beauty, James withdrew his finger, held the beer glass with great interest, and looked at it with a little expectation.

So, he saw the beautiful woman with breasts checked the oriental man's hand, it was clean and normal, and there was nothing there.

Then, he saw the not-so-magical, but dazzling scene of grabbing the phone out of the air.

"How did he do it? Is it an edit again?"

James sat upright, because this magic aroused his curiosity, and he felt that he couldn't miss the wonderful performance behind.

Yes, at this moment James, he is already looking forward to it. He really wants to see if this handsome oriental guy can perform more exciting magic tricks.

The result did not disappoint him, because he saw the magical mobile phone floating, and the two mobile phones floated together and rotated extremely fast.

"God, is this man a great magician?"

James looked back, only to see his son standing beside him at some point, pointing at the computer screen and yelling.

He smiled but didn't bother to answer, because the video was still playing, and he also saw other foreigners at the performance. Everyone was applauding excitedly. It really didn't look like a rehearsal!

Seeing this, James wisely pulled the video back, because he remembered that at the beginning of the video, this handsome oriental guy seemed to have introduced himself, but he ignored it.

"Hi, all American friends, good morning! My name is tangxiaosa, my surname is tang, my first name is xiaosa, I am a Chinese star, I hope you can like my show."

At this moment, James finally understood that the performer was Xiao Sa, a Chinese star, and he was recorded live in front of many Caucasian people. There should be no false editing.

"I speak English really well, at least I don't need to read the troublesome subtitles!"

Both James and his son watched with gusto, and the father and son couldn't help applauding as the video played. They had forgotten that this was an oriental performance, because magic, a magical art, is the same all over the world. popular.

"Dad, this guy is amazing, how can he make the phone float and spin? Is he really magical?"

"Dude, you have to remember that magic is just magic. For us audiences, it's magical because we don't understand its mysteries. It's definitely not about magic power!"

James smiled and warned his son, but then he took a deep breath, widened his eyes in disbelief, and shouted: "This is impossible!"

His son also shouted: "How is it possible?"

Why are they so surprised?Because the handsome Chinese guy in the video said: "You can take a look, I will not touch the table or the glass, I will use the wind pressure from my fist to push the glass off the table."

That's right, it was this sentence, it was this sentence that shocked James and his son, because they never thought that the power of their fists could be so strong that they could push the glass with just the wind of their fists.

James is a high-achieving student who graduated from a prestigious university, and he understands how explosive power is required to achieve this method.It is precisely because he understands the difficulty of this method that he appears so gaffe.

Is it magic to push the cup only by the wind pressure from the fist without touching the cup body?

In the extreme surprise of the father and son, they saw Brother Xiaosa successfully completed the performance, and they also saw that Brother Xiaosa's fist did not touch the cup when the video was slowed down by 32 times.

"God, who dares to resist his fist?"

James was almost insane. Trembling, he pulled the video progress bar back a bit, and then watched the video again.

The result is self-evident. Both father and son jumped up, with wild passion in their eyes, and yelled after watching Brother Xiaosa's miraculous performance of sweeping down the glass with the wind of his fist 10 times in a row.

"Father, is this Chinese Kung Fu?" The son's face was red and cute, but his eyes were very serious.

"Man, I don't know!"

James shook his head and said, "Maybe, maybe not, but I have to admit that his fists are really powerful. Maybe he can kill a bison or even a brown bear with one punch!"

"Will he come to the United States? I want to ask him for an autograph and a group photo. I want to get all his information and news. He has become my idol!" the son said seriously.

James laughed: "Man, you may see him soon, because my hunch is that his performance video will take the whole country by storm, because even we are shocked by him, and others must be too , At that time, there will definitely be reporters looking for him and interviewing him, and even inviting him to perform in the United States."

"I must go to see his performance live, and I will announce this to David and Vivian, I hope we can go together!"

"Okay boy, that's for later, let's get on with his wonderful performance now!"

James didn't dare to agree to this matter casually, because he was not sure if he would have free time at that time. If he had time, he would definitely be willing to take his son there, but if he didn't have time, of course he would not agree to his son.

After all, he is only 7 years old this year.

Compared with the miraculous magic and shocking Kung Fu performance, the ventriloquist performance of the third program will appear a little inferior.

Of course, this inferiority is only compared to the previous two shows. Compared with ordinary singing and dancing performances, ventriloquist performances can still be regarded as miraculous.

In particular, Brother Xiaosa's ventriloquism is different from that of ****ox lovers, but it is somewhat similar and has a taste, but he pursues perfection.

For example, James, he closed his eyes and listened, and found that Xiao Sa's ventriloquist was playing a real saxophone, not half-baked, just with that taste?head.

"Dad, how can his mouth be so powerful? It's like playing a real instrument."

The son's face was full of doubts. He shook his head and said, "If I can be like him, I will never have to learn an instrument again!"

James opened his eyes, touched his son's head with a smile, and said, "Boy, this is a rare talent. You should learn how to play the saxophone in the future. It just so happens that you need to test your artistic skills when you go to university."

The son nodded half-understood, but looked at Brother Xiaosa who was "playing" without blinking. After a while, he suddenly said, "Dad, don't we give him a mark? Such a great performance, don't you think Shouldn't more people see it?"

James looked at his son in astonishment, and said nervously, "Are you familiar with this station?"

You know, there are many pornographic videos on this site, he is really afraid that his son will secretly watch them on the computer!

"No, I just heard Vivienne say it's fun, and there are many good performances!" The son replied honestly.

James smiled reassuringly, nodded and said, "I don't see the option to rate, but I can send it to all of our friends and invite them to watch this video together."

At this moment, James obviously didn't know what kind of response his action would trigger, and he didn't expect that his action was actually a typical viral transmission.

During this period of time, a virus with a strong surname named Tang Xiaosa quietly scattered all over the United States, accompanied by every American who has come into contact with it, spreading silently but unstoppably. (To be continued.)

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