Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 267: American Press Conference on China Tang

In the 21st century, this is actually an era where the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. .

For the vast number of business operators, no matter whether you sell houses, cars, clothing and toys... or even sell blood and meat, no one can do without advertising, because there are too many similar products, you don’t If you spend money on advertising, no matter how good the quality is, you can only get enough food and clothing, and it is impossible to develop.

And when it comes to advertising, movies, concerts, operas, acrobatic performances, etc. need to sell tickets, it is even more inseparable from it, because this thing has time-limited requirements, it is impossible not to advertise Get a high box office!

At 10 o'clock in the morning of October 15th (12 hours later than China) in the Eastern Time of the United States, Veniste Janarna's performance contact economic company, referred to as Venigana's company, suddenly reported to all the media in New York. Sent an electronic newsletter and an electronic invitation letter to the press conference, saying that there will be a very important news to be announced at the press conference this afternoon, and this important news involves the current 'youtubeNo.10', which has been reported by countless The Chinese Tang respected by young Americans.

Undoubtedly, when the media in New York received such an invitation letter and draft, most of the media became a sensation. If you want to get sensational information back, you must never return Yunyun empty-handed.

And some media that are not sensational, it is because they belong to current affairs media, such as reporting on finance and economy, it is useless even if they go, why bother to join in the fun?

Why is most of the media so excited?

In fact, the reason is very simple. Who is the word "Chinese Tang" that is currently a hot news topic in the United States and even in the world?Especially in English-speaking countries in Europe and America, it is really hot!

Countless young Internet users got to know the magical Chinese Tang on YouTube, and after a lot of spontaneous publicity, more and more relatives and friends of other age groups got to know the Chinese Tang, so more and more people Knowing him, even falling in love with him.

At that time, Tang Xiaosa had actually become a star figure in the hearts of European and American reporters, but limited by various constraints, in the end only reporters from the rich and powerful "USA Today" and "News Weekly" went to Shanghai to deal with him. Interviews were conducted.Other media could only publish the interview information of "USA Today" by reprinting and quoting, but they still received a lot of repercussions.

Then, when "Facebook" set off a vote by American young people on whether China Tang should go to the United States to perform, and this kind of "playing around" became bigger and bigger, European and American reporters immediately went to This matter was published, and it was with their "help" that this voting event became bigger and bigger, with more and more participants, and its influence was magnified countless times. In the end, the attention of several large performance management companies in the United States was attracted, and then the invitation letter to Tang Xiaosa happened.

In the past few days, many newspapers and TV news in the United States have broadcast the news circulating on "Facebook" about China Tang's upcoming performance in the United States.

Moreover, they also followed this trend, interviewed the heads of various large performance companies in the United States, and got basically the same answer, that is: there is no box office risk for China Tang's American performances, even if there are 10 tickets. It can be digested by American audiences within a week, but the best place to hold it must be in a big city because of convenient transportation and luxurious venues.

It's a pity that no matter how heated the discussion is these days, and no matter how many readers call TV stations or radio stations to express their feelings, no agency in the United States has stood up and said: We have won China Tang's performance contract!

Many media themselves are watching these companies closely, especially Venigana Company in New York and SK Company in Los Angeles, because these two companies are the largest local companies of the same kind that China Tang is most likely to choose to cooperate with.

Moreover, the Venigana Company also took the initiative to say that they had received a call from China Tang's agent, claiming that they would start a contract negotiation soon!

But today, when everyone gave up hope and thought that China Tang's performance contract had not yet been finalized, Venigana's performance contact economic company suddenly sent a draft and an invitation letter to the press conference, and claimed that the reporter It's going to be about China Tang, damn, it's just a seduction, isn't it?

At this juncture, at this point in time, if Vinigana's negotiations failed and China Tang's performance contract was not won, they would definitely not take the initiative to hold a press conference, because it was unnecessary!The failure of the negotiation can be summed up in one sentence, can't it?

Well, now that they have sent the draft and the invitation letter, it goes without saying that China Tang must have been "taken down" by them, and the purpose of this press conference is also known, it must be to borrow the media Promote it vigorously, and then they can prepare for advertising, ticket sales, venue layout, etc.

Therefore, as long as the media involved in entertainment reports, as long as they received the invitation letter, almost none of them were left behind. All the media rushed to the large conference room rented by Venigana Company early.

At this time, reporters from some well-informed media who did not receive the invitation letter also ran over, and the number of them was much larger than the number of people who had the invitation letter. Most of them were even foreign reporters, such as the British "World News" ", "Daily Post" and "The Sun", Germany's "Bild", Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun", France's "Le Monde" and so on.

There were even reporters from China's "People's Daily" among them. I don't know how they, a party newspaper that only focuses on major international political, military, and economic events, came here.

Except for "People's Daily", these other newspapers have one thing in common, that is, each of their newspapers is a comprehensive newspaper, covering society, economy, politics, sports, entertainment, technology... almost nothing They report anything and everything, and they pay attention to every social event that may cause strong repercussions, no matter which aspect it is.

Therefore, it seems impolite to come to the door without an invitation letter, but they did it decisively, and they arrived faster than the reporters in the United States.

Who would dare to easily push out the real controllers of public opinion among these internationally renowned large-scale media?At least the Vinigana company didn't dare to do it, so this press conference was a bit crowded.

After all, they originally only reserved 150 seats, and only sent out more than 40 invitation letters. Originally, the space was sufficient, but who knew that so many large foreign media would suddenly appear?

In this very crowded medium-sized conference hall, Joseph Owen, the president of Vinigana Company, personally hosted the press conference and declared frankly:

"Yes, you may have guessed it. The purpose of today's press conference is to tell you that our Vinigana Company has signed a performance contract with China Tang. He will be at Madison Square Garden on the evening of the 25th of this month. A wonderful grand performance will be held, and all the tickets for this performance will be snapped up on the largest online ticketing company in the United States at 17:00 tomorrow afternoon. Detailed answers, and there will be detailed instructions on the site.”

"Wow~" At that moment, most of the reporters couldn't help shouting. Most of them were shocked by the news released by Venigana Company. They still couldn't help being excited!

Someone sighed: "Chinese Tang Dynasty is finally coming! Young people must be going crazy now!"

Someone also made an association: "I don't know if his tickets will be sold out within an hour? Madison seems to have only 2 seats?"

Someone even shouted: "Is there a rehearsal for this performance? Will there be tickets for the rehearsal?"


The reporters were very impulsive, and wanted to start asking questions unceremoniously, and the president of Vinigana Company, Joseph Owen, was also very proficient in how to deal with the media, so he generously let the reporters ask questions , and he also answered one by one.

Reporter: "May I ask why China Tang gave up big cities like Los Angeles and Miami and finally chose New York? Was he also attracted by New York's reputation as the world's largest city?"

Joseph: "I can only say that he will choose New York because the sincerity of the company has moved him. Of course, the number of viewers in New York is the largest in the United States, which is also a great advantage."

Reporter: "Have you confirmed the advertiser and broadcast partner for this performance? How much is the estimated box office revenue?"

Joseph: "There must be advertisers, but they need to be negotiated. There are no broadcasters yet, but I think there will be one soon. As for the box office revenue, I think everyone should watch our video about ticket prices before talking about it!"

As a result, the lights at the scene went dark, and a total of thirteen grades of ticket prices appeared on the large projection cloth behind Joseph.

When the projector started to play the video, the scene was silent for only three seconds, and then all the reporters couldn't hide their exclamation: "Oh, my God!"

At this moment, no matter whether it was a domestic reporter or an international reporter, no one could maintain a calm state of mind. Everyone screamed again and again, as if they had seen a ghost!

Then, other problems ceased to be a problem, and every reporter set their sights on the fare.

"My God! Are you sure someone will buy such a high ticket price?"

"It's unbelievable. Is this a classic opera that is about to go out of print? Why is it so expensive?"

"Excuse me, is this unbelievably high ticket price unilaterally customized by you? How could it be so expensive?"


The reporters were all exclaiming and surprised, but Joseph Owen didn't care at all. He answered every question, and told the truth in a down-to-earth manner.

Finally, he also solemnly stated: "The ticket price is actually not high at all, and we even plan to raise it to a higher level, because this is Tang's first ticketed performance in China, and it is also his first large-scale performance abroad. It is a very commemorative event, but it is a pity that China Tang refused to accept it, and he felt that the ticket price was already very high."

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