Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 268: Who will pay for the high fares in the Chinese Tang Dynasty?

"Here he comes, the real high-priced show, the lowest ticket price of China Tang is 400 US dollars!" - "New York Times"

"Would you like to go? China's Tang Chao's high-priced New York show will be on sale soon!" - "Bild"

"The total ticket price of a performance is 00 million US dollars, and Chinese star Tang Xiaosa has made a strong landing in the United States!" - "Yomiuri Shimbun"

"If he succeeds, he will write history. If he fails, he will become a joke. Who will pay for the high fares of Tang Dynasty in China?" - "News of the World"


I don’t know if there are price bureaus in other countries, but the United States, a capitalist country, does not have a price bureau. .

So, as long as your stuff is good, your technology is advanced, and you can stand the neglect, then it doesn’t matter if your stuff is priced at 1 trillion US dollars, and no one will care if you sell it expensive or make a fortune.

And it is precisely because there is no restriction from the Price Bureau that the next day, when the whole United States and even the whole world reported that Tang Xiaosa's tickets were very expensive, and it aroused strong reactions from many readers, the organizer Venigana from New York, USA The company did not say anything, but still chose to advertise on major local TV stations and radio stations in New York.

"He is an amazing performance artist! He comes from ancient China."

"He can stun you with brilliant magic, and you can't find any flaws at all!"

"He can also use his mouth to imitate the sound of dozens of classical or modern musical instruments shockingly, and you can't tell the real from the fake at all, just like listening to the performance of a master's instrument."

"He has the slam dunk level of a slam dunk champion, and he can even complete a dunk from the free throw line. You may call him a Chinese trapeze!"

"He has real Chinese kung fu, and his fists are so fierce that he can kill a mad bison, or a black bear!"

"His mechanical dance cannot be imitated by humans at all. You can hardly find his joints."

"Who is he? He is the 'King of Video' China Tang! A great talented performer who has become popular all over the world on the Internet. This is his first ticketed performance and his first performance abroad. If If you like him and support him, then don’t hesitate! Hurry up and queue up to buy tickets! We only have more than 19600 tickets! If you miss this opportunity, you may have to wait a long time for the next one.”


Not only did they place advertisements on TV and radio, but the Venigana Company also paid for people to post and hang advertisements on New York City subways, airports, stations, docks, mailboxes, buses, and buildings...all of them.

Small places only put up text advertisements, with one meaning, to let everyone know that China Tang, the "King of Videos", is coming, and tickets are about to start buying now.

The large-scale spray-painted advertisements are hung on the buildings with a large traffic flow on the street. Not to mention Tang Xiaosa's heroic performance, there is also a row of large characters: On the evening of October 10th, Madison Square Garden, China Don see you soon! "

It is no exaggeration to say that the publicity work can achieve this level, which is already quite powerful. After all, so many plans can be produced in a short period of time, which fully demonstrates the rich experience and execution ability of Venigana Company .

But Joseph Owen still felt that it was not enough, and he did not choose to give up, because this is the Internet age.

Yes, he will never forget one thing, that Tang Xiaosa, who is nicknamed "China Tang" by American young people, entered American society from the Internet, and then became popular. It is also vigorously promoted.

So, after an order was issued, hundreds of employees of Venigana Company all went online. Their task was to publicize how wonderful China Tang's performance would be on the Internet, how much they looked forward to China Tang's performance, and then showed A posture that must do whatever it takes to get tickets.

That's right, these employees are actually doing the work of the navy, which is the so-called entrustment. They just want to use their speech to impress other audiences who may plan to wait and see, and to make the real audience feel that China Tickets for Tang's show are very popular. If you hesitate, you will probably miss it.

After completing these tasks, Venigana Company has no plans to come up with, because for a performance, they have done everything they can do so far, and the rest can only be seen by the audience, especially the fans. Willing to pay for a ticket.

In fact, at this time, the Internet has already turned upside down, especially on "Facebook", a social networking site that gathers a large number of young people, the information about "China Tang's performance and high-priced tickets" is already swiping the screen.

Ledley: "OMG! All I can say is sorry because I really can't afford that price unless I sell my used car."

David: "I'm afraid that the ticket price doesn't match the value of the performance. If it doesn't pay back the ticket price, then I will definitely be ridiculed!"

Pete: "I'm very excited. China Tang is finally coming. I've already saved enough $1000. I should be able to go and see his live show!"

Maria: "I want to share a room. A ticket for a VIP box can carry 8 people. Is there anyone willing to join us for AA?"


Americans are very pragmatic, they don’t care about face, just like cars, if you want to buy a car in China, you must look at the new car, no matter how bad your technology is, it doesn’t matter, anyway, everyone knows that new car = face.

But Americans are different. Most of them buy cars for the convenience of travel. They don’t buy cars if they can use bicycles, and they don’t buy new cars if they can use old ones. Not only are new cars expensive, but annual maintenance also costs a lot of money. , far less durable than second-hand car leather, even if it is scratched, you don't have to spend money to touch up the paint.

Therefore, when many media in the United States reported on Tang Xiaosa's high-priced tickets, many people directly expressed their disdain. Such people accounted for at least half of the speeches.

And in the same way, if there is poverty, there must be wealth. Although 70's comments were all about looking down on and expressing regret, many people also expressed their expectations, but they were just worried that the performance would not be exciting enough to be worth the ticket price.

At this time, Judy, the founder of China Tang, an online forum, appeared.

She said on her account: "A great artistic performance is priceless, and I deeply believe that China Tang will definitely perform very well and will definitely not let his first ticketed show go bad."

"I believe that many of us have watched all of his performance videos, but do you know? His performances are all impromptu performances, and there is almost no preparation time, but everyone knows whether the effect is good or not. Obviously, His performance was perfect."

"Since impromptu performances can be so perfect, do you think he will perform poorly in this performance with plenty of preparation time?"

"He is a talented performer, whether it is magic, imitation, or dance and kung fu, he can show an unprecedented sense of shock, so I would like to say to all friends who are still hesitant: don't miss this If you don’t give it another chance, you will definitely regret it later, even if you buy the video tape, you won’t find that shocking feeling.”

As the saying goes, a word from a celebrity is definitely better than [-] words from an ordinary person.

Judy was not a celebrity before, but after she founded "China Tang", a fan forum that has gathered nearly 15 American young people, she became a celebrity on "Facebook", and she is also a famous celebrity in the hearts of many young people .

Therefore, when her speech came out, it immediately aroused many people's responses, and the reasons and explanations she gave were very reasonable. Now, there are a lot of people who want to buy tickets in the reply. people.

After all, the reason given by Judy is really reasonable! Even his impromptu performance can make everyone so shocked and so enjoyable to watch, then, there is no need to worry about this kind of well-prepared large-scale special performance not being exciting!

Besides, these people also felt that China Tang should not be so stupid. It is impossible for him to charge such a high fee even though he clearly did not plan to produce a wonderful program. Otherwise, he would just wait to be scolded and his reputation ruined!

This is a performance that the whole world is paying attention to. It is impossible for anyone to deceive everyone's feelings so boldly!

So, now many people who are able and want to watch have made up their minds, and they must grab the tickets later, so as not to regret it later.

These days, no matter what industry you are in, as long as there are many people competing in the same industry, a lot of records, history, and other data will have value.

For example, there are more than n records in a single performance:

Who keeps the tickets sold out the fastest for a show?

Who has the most audience for a show?

Who has the highest grossing total for a show?

Who is the performer with the highest audience decibels in a show?


There are only records that you can't think of, and there are no records that you can't find. This is just about the performance.

What?Why do you think the reporters are not worried that no one will buy tickets?

Just kidding, there are at least a few million people in the United States who like Tang Xiaosa, and among these millions of people, there is absolutely no way that there is one who is not willing to spend money, right?

Therefore, the reporters all know that his tickets must be sold out, but they don't know how long it will take to sell out?Or can it be sold in half?

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