Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 269: The grand occasion of ticket grabbing and the emergence of scalpers

To be honest, for a young star who has never experienced ticket sales before, waiting for the organizer to pass the ticket sales information to him by phone is really a very difficult and heart-wrenching process. .

What if no one buys it?

What if there are very few people buying tickets?

Even, what if everyone is complaining that the ticket price is too high, so they don't want to buy it?

Brother Xiaosa was very worried at that time, after all, his ticket price was really too expensive, even if the organizer in the United States slapped his chest hard to ensure that it would be sold out, so he didn't have to worry, and he himself felt that there should be no problem Big, but, when the ticket sales really approached, he still felt uneasy.

So, at 5 p.m. Eastern time in the United States, even though it is 2 a.m. in China, which is the most sleepy time at night, Brother Xiao Sa and Gao Yan seem to have forgotten their sleepiness, and they still stay in front of the computer, over and over again. Refreshing the page of a British website.

At that time, neither of them was in the mood to talk, because they knew very well that too many voices of criticism in the country had pushed them to the edge of a cliff. Could they turn themselves over, turn passive into active, and suppress the voice of criticism? Even if it is praised, it depends on the ticket information from the United States.

In China, Brother Xiaosa and Gao Yan are both suppressing the anxiety and tension in their hearts, sitting motionless in front of the computer, full of restless excitement.On the other side of the earth, in the United States, there are also n people who are making the final decision at this time.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars is really not a small amount, and ordinary Americans are not all rich, so they naturally think about the gains and losses of whether to watch or not.

"What happened? Why can't it be refreshed?"

In China, brother Xiaosa and Gao Yan stood up together, looked at each other nervously, a little unclear, so, is there something wrong with standing up?

In addition to their pair of pure beginners, many reporters at home and abroad were also using this method to observe Brother Xiaosa's ticket sales. When they saw this scene happening, these reporters also jumped up.

However, the reporters didn't think about whether there was a problem, but yelled in disbelief: "Damn, are there really many Americans rushing to buy such an expensive ticket? This is so unscientific!"

Why is the station stuck?

Bro Xiaosa and Gao Yan, two internet laymen, didn't know much about it. The first thing they thought of was that there was a problem, but the reporters were well-informed, but they understood it very well.

That's precisely because there are too many people refreshing the page in an instant, so that the server group of the website can't react immediately. It can't handle such a huge amount of visits, so it naturally crashes.

That's right, after the station was stuck for about 10 seconds, when the booking page finally returned to normal, brother Xiaosa, Gao Yan, and everyone who was paying attention to this matter all screamed in disbelief.

"How is it possible? Most of them were sold out so quickly?" Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Gao Yan trembled and moved closer to the monitor, looked at the information on the page and said:

“第一档售罄、第二档售罄、第三档售罄、第四档售罄、第五档剩余233张、第六档剩余546张、第七档剩余1198张、第八档剩余1345张、第九档剩余13'张、第十档剩余1 3张、第十档剩余1)8张、No.11档剩余805张、No.12档售罄、No.13档剩余45张!”


Just after reading the data, Gao Yan couldn't help taking a breath, and then said, "I'll count how many votes are left." He quickly took out his mobile phone, wanting to calculate carefully, how many votes are there? sell away.

"Don't count! We've already sold more than half of the tickets!"

Brother Xiaosa pulled him to sit down, and now he had a bright smile on his stern face just now, and he smiled and said: "Brother Yan, the first five grades have the most votes, at least occupying the total number of votes." 5 tickets, because Madison’s venue is in the shape of a circle, the closer to the stage, the fewer seats, and the farther away from the stage, the more seats, the first 25 tickets are the outermost seat tickets, There are thousands of seats densely packed on the first floor of the stands, and Madison has a total of 5 floors of stands, of which the last 40 stands are all in the top five areas, how many seats do you think this has?"

Hearing what he said, Gao Yan laughed immediately, shook his fist back fiercely, and shouted excitedly: "It's really great, more than half of the seat tickets were sold at the beginning, then wait until you When we go to the show, even if there are tickets left, there will definitely not be many."

Brother Xiaosa nodded and stood up, stretched his waist and said relaxedly: "Okay, let's go to rest! Let's see if the newspapers will continue to criticize me tomorrow, saying that we can't sell tickets. !"

"Haha, those guys must be dumbfounded now! You can post the news of the ticket sales on your blog tomorrow morning! Let's see if they dare to repeat what others say!"

Gao Yan laughed very relieved, and didn't turn off the computer, humming "Looking back, the cloud blocks the way back, looking back, the thorns are densely covered" and walked into his room.

"This hurdle has finally passed. Can't that brother expect to blow up the global record?"

Lying on the bed with his clothes on, Brother Xiaosha laughed beautifully. He was worried about one thing at the time, would all the tickets be sold out?

Brother Xiaosa, the person involved, could finally rest with peace of mind, but many reporters around the world who followed the incident woke up from the shock, and then boiled uncontrollably.

A reporter loudly promoted to his colleagues: "China Tang not only sold the tickets, but also sold more than half of them in a few seconds!"

"He is not a newcomer at all, because his ticket price and sales speed are simply superstar!" Some reporters sighed.

"My God, if this continues, maybe all the tickets will be sold out by tomorrow?" Some reporters also excitedly guessed how long it would take for all the tickets to be sold out.


The reporters were all excited, and some even started to write tomorrow’s report, while others, especially the reporters in the United States, went to “Facebook” one after another, and then came to Judy’s user on the home page.

Smithson: "Thank God, I grabbed two first-tier seat tickets. I thought I couldn't get them when the station was delayed just now! Now I'm looking forward to the official arrival of China Tang."

Albelda: "Damn it, I clicked OK the first time, but why didn't I book the ticket successfully? My money can only buy the first class of tickets! Am I going to borrow money? I can't afford it!"

Alizee: "Shit, why is there such a long delay? The first four seats I want are all sold out. When I get angry, I want to book the fifth seat, but hundreds of tickets are sold out. Disappeared, but luckily I still grabbed the sixth seat, maybe after 10 minutes, only the seventh seat can be bought!"

Ambera: "Damn it, would anyone like to join me on a platter and buy VIP box tickets? It only costs $1 per person and it will save us a ton of money!"


There were a lot of comments on Judy’s homepage, most of which came to complain about not getting tickets. They all blamed the delay at the ticketing station, which led to their failure to grab tickets.

Of course, these people are not all "losers". On the contrary, there are quite a few people who are running around, and everyone is thanking God, looking very excited.

After all, it is really a happy thing to be able to grab the tickets you want from so many ticket grabbers!It takes good luck to get it.

In addition to these exciting or frustrating news, there are even messages asking for transfer. For example, a person named Andrey wrote, "I am willing to buy a pair of first-tier tickets for $1100. Please contact me directly!"

Undoubtedly, the message of wishing to increase the price of tickets appeared so early, which is definitely a great temptation for other people who are still hesitant.

Because a pair of tickets originally sold for only 800 US dollars, but now someone is willing to buy them for 1100 US dollars. This must be quite optimistic about this show. Otherwise, who would pay a high price for scalper tickets?

The reporters naturally also saw the flavor contained in this, and many felt their hearts shrank: "If the tickets for this performance are sold out early, then, when the performance is approaching, will the price of these tickets be higher? How many times has the skyrocketed value increased?”

You should know that for tickets for general concerts or sports games, there will only be scalped tickets when the performance or game is approaching, because with the deepening of the hype, everyone's attention is getting higher and higher, and many people It is natural to have an idea of ​​"go and see", but it turns out that the tickets have already been sold out.

What should we do at this time?Don't you see it?

Of course it’s impossible. After all, there is an eagerness to watch the show. Most people don’t mind the high price of scalpers. As long as the price is not too outrageous, many people are willing to accept scalpers!

And what about the show tickets for China Tang?This is because some people have been asking for "yellow tickets" from the very beginning. What does this mean?

It shows that the audience's expectations for this show are quite high, so they can't wait to get tickets.

Therefore, some reporters sighed at the moment: "I hope that the ticket price of the first tranche does not exceed 1 US dollars, otherwise, the best No. 12 ticket price is likely to be several thousand dollars." If you can’t buy it for $[-], at that time, maybe the media area will be reduced!”

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