Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 284: Madison, New York - Crazy Chinese Tang Night

"Ready? Did you find anything?"

The fingers of Brother Xiaosha’s hands were all stretched apart as far as possible, and the palms and backs of his hands were checked by Ivanka. Under the close-up of the camera, the other audience all saw that there was nothing on his hands, even if there were There is no way to hide it. .

"I didn't find anything unusual!" Ivanka said seriously, holding a microphone.

Facing the audience, Brother Xiaosa smiled and moved his fingers: "What about you? Did any friends see me hiding something?"


"I have no idea!"

"definitely no problem!"

All kinds of answers sounded immediately, obviously the audience likes this kind of interactive game very much, because it allows everyone to participate, instead of being just spectators.

"My friends, something miraculous has happened!"

Brother Xiao Sa smiled and squeezed his palm into a fist, then, after he shook it casually, he slowly opened his left hand.

"Ah ah ah..."

When the audience saw the beautiful string of pure white pearl necklaces in his left hand, everyone immediately applauded strongly, and screams followed, because everyone was speechless. String necklace, where did he hide just now?

But it’s not over yet, brother Xiaosa slowly opened his right hand again, and a beautiful and eye-catching diamond ring was held by his index finger and thumb. Brother Xiao Sa handed over the ring to his left hand, and the free right hand immediately shook up and down quickly, and a beautiful and bright violet appeared in his hand again.

Now, he is holding a necklace and a ring in his left hand, and a violet in his right hand, and he is fully equipped for courtship.

"kiss! kiss! kiss! kiss..."

In other words, booing is what young Americans like most, especially when watching performances.

When Brother Xiaosa took out all the courtship items, they were a little surprised, and before a certain performer in the stadium opened his mouth to speak, a guy suddenly yelled "kiss", while the rest of the audience were just slightly taken aback , and immediately joined in.

So, soon there were 2 people shouting "kiss" together, the sound was deafening, and it was extremely neat, as if a conductor was conducting it.

Damn it, I'm going to suffer!

Brother Xiaosa stared dumbfounded, damn, I don’t know this beautiful Ivanka girl at all, you bastards are still booing and shouting "kiss" together?Didn't this nima make my brother come down from the stage?

He glanced at Ivanka subconsciously, but saw her pretty face was pink, and her beautiful eyes were also staring at him.

Well, although this big beautiful girl is a bit shy, she didn't evade or bow her head. Instead, she stood up straight. She was not as shy as the girls in China. Instead, she was very shy. He looked generously at brother Xiaosa.

Um, what does this mean?

Someone blinked, doesn't this girl know that everyone is still booing?They asked me to kiss you!

Or could it be that she is willing to give me a kiss?Otherwise, why would you look at me like that?

"Okay, I'll satisfy everyone's request!"

After Brother Xiao Sa's thoughts changed, he yelled directly, and then saw him turn around, and hugged Ivanka, who didn't know what he was thinking, fiercely in his arms, with a soft "boo", her smooth forehead It's like being stamped with a chapter.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Those guys who were yelling "kiss" just now were all stunned at the moment, only a few girls screamed piercingly, as if they were very dissatisfied that someone kissed Ivanka, and they were jealous same.

"Forgive Miss Trump!"

Brother Xiao Sa hurriedly apologized in a low voice after kissing her, and then wanted to let go of his arms around her slender waist, but something happened that made the audience erupt and shocked someone.

I saw Ivanka's hands suddenly wrapped around his neck, and then, her fragrant lips quickly fell on his lips, and at the same time, a soft and slippery tongue stuck into his mouth , After lightly touching his tongue, Ivanka, the big beautiful girl, let him go without mercy, and smiled and took the violet, ring and necklace directly from the shocked person These three things.

"Ahhhhh..." "Oh my god! Ivanka took the initiative?" A man shouted heartbroken, "Why not me? I want to learn magic too!"

"This, is this a joke or is it true?"

The girls rubbed their eyes one after another, as if they were afraid of making a mistake. Ivanka actually took the initiative to kiss China Tang?And it's a real kiss, not a polite kiss!

"Um, is this for real or a negotiated one?"

The big stars and celebrities in the front row were also stunned. They never thought that Ivanka Trump, a rich and beautiful beauty, would take the initiative to send a kiss, and it seemed to be stretched. Wet tongue kisses!

Well, you can't doubt the ability of these experienced philanderers, they can see very clearly that Ivanka really stuck out her tongue, even if she just stretched out her tongue and then pushed it away, but this is a wet kiss after all!

The audience was all kinds of excited and restless, but Brother Xiaosa looked at Ivanka with a bright smile in a foolish way, and said in his heart in disbelief: "My brother was actually kissed by her? And he didn't react at all. No?"

Fuck, it's really ugly!

Kissed by a beautiful girl, but I was in surprise and didn't respond at all. This is just a joke, isn't it?

If brother took the initiative to hug her just now, and then gave her a deep French kiss... Fuck, I regret to miss the opportunity!

Although he was full of regrets in his heart, although he really wanted to say, if I do it again, I will definitely kiss you until you are suffocated, but, after all, this is at the performance scene, Brother Xiao Sa could only touch his mouth, then coughed lightly and said: "Okay Now, thank the beautiful Miss Trump for giving me a sweet kiss, let us give her applause, thank her for her perfect cooperation!"

"Clap clap clap..."

Amid the applause, Ivanka Trump briskly walked off the stage with a smile on her face. Looking at her graceful back, Brother Xiao Sa stretched out his hand to say something, but he didn't say anything.

Nima, brother's necklace and ring should be returned to me, right?Although the diamond ring is fake and the necklace is also fake, but brother also spent 1000 oceans!How did you manage to slip it into your bag?

Well, the stingy person is really a little sad, this is a prop he bought specially, but now he is "hacked" by the beautiful girl Ivanka.

When the audience gradually quieted down and snapped their fingers, Xiao Sa spread his hands and said: "I found that many of the friends present today are young people, so I want to ask a question, do you usually like beatbox? If like……"

Before he finished speaking, the overwhelming majority of the audience stood up excitedly and shouted loudly: "I like it, I like it very much!"

Beatbox is actually b-box, which means rhythm box, which can be understood as ventriloquist, but it’s not just ventriloquism. This thing is usually played in conjunction with hip-hop, and it usually imitates drums, discs, speakers and a few pianos. The sound of the strings is actually very limited, and you can't play classical music or pop music.

And beatbox happens to be a very popular artistic technique in Europe and the United States, especially many young people like this trendy and cool performance method very much, and there are even so-called international competitions and world champions.

So, when Brother Xiaosa asked this question, many young viewers below immediately responded enthusiastically, many of them even stood up and shouted: "I love beatbox the most!"

Brother Xiaosa nodded: "Do you like this kind?"

After he finished speaking, he demonstrated "Boom Boom Boom Boom Boo Boo Boo Boo" and his proficient skills and realistic voice immediately made the young audience's eyes wide open, and everyone watched as if they had seen a ghost. Watching him perform with ease.

"China Tang's skills are great, his aura is very strong, he doesn't struggle at all, and he doesn't look tired!"

There are many beatbox fans, and even some viewers who are still masters of it sighed.

"This performance looks cool! It really looks like the accompaniment in jazz! Is this a beatbox?"

There are also audiences who have never been exposed to this kind of performance before and suddenly feel pretty good. While feeling overwhelmed, they also decided to go back and watch videos of this aspect.

Just as everyone was amazed, Brother Xiaosa stopped after performing for about 30 seconds, and said indifferently: "To be honest, this kind of performance is really too simple! At least everyone can get started."

Some audiences frowned and wanted to refute, but more audiences felt that what he said was right, because it is really not difficult to get started with this kind of performance, the difficulty lies in how to perform advanced music, such as a full version of rap music , and then use beatbox to accompany this kind.

Brother Xiaosa didn't care what everyone thought, he adjusted the wireless microphone next to his ear, then clapped his hands and said with a smile: "I am the omnipotent Chinese Tang, so I can't perform very simple programs...no Wrong, I’m not joking, everyone, don’t laugh, I’m serious, now I need to ask 5 audience members to answer me a question, a very simple question, what musical instruments do you usually like!”

After talking about the question, he looked up and scanned the audience, and found that many audience members raised their hands in response, especially a tall man in the first row. He was very conspicuous sitting there, like a hill, let alone raised his hands. .

So Xiao Sa immediately laughed and walked over quickly.

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