Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 292: Madison, New York - Crazy Chinese Tang Night

ps: Looking for all kinds of tickets!

"My God! I finally saw the legendary One Finger Zen with my own eyes! Brother Xiao Sa's hands are simply made of diamonds, right? How much is this worth?"

"Brother Xiaosa is simply a blockbuster! Now these Yankees have finally tasted the style of my great artist? Humph, what about the 'God of Magic' David Copperfield? He can shoot cards to burst plastic bottle? Can he play yoga like this? Can he play one-finger meditation?"

"Tang Xiaosa is amazing! This is the first Chinese performance artist who is so exciting, right? He has created so many difficult performance methods!"

Fans from China, as well as Chinese-American audiences were so excited that they chattered enthusiastically. In their opinion, Brother Xiao Sa's hands were really too high-end and high-end.

You can play musical instruments, do magic tricks, shoot card throwing knives, and play one-finger Zen... If you just hand over any skill to ordinary people, you can almost make a great person out of it!What's more, he still has several technologies together?

If these hands have a price, at least they have to start, right?

What? 1000 million soft sister coins?Such a pair of hands that hang to the sky, you only want to buy it for 1000 million Ruanmei coins?I spray booger all over your face.

Let me tell you, this unit must be at least US dollars, otherwise, you don't even want to touch it.

After all, with such a pair of hands, how many sensational news can be created?How much economic benefit does that have to create?

"God! China Tang is simply challenging our psychological endurance. Why can his physical fitness be so perverted? How can a normal person be so omnipotent? Is there anything else he can't do?"

"My God! I can say with certainty that the ticket price of China Tang's performance is completely underestimated! His performance can definitely become an eternal classic, because I don't believe that anyone can surpass his god jealousy in the future With so much talent, he is absolutely unique as a world-class performing artist!"

"Damn it, after watching such a wonderful performance, can I still watch other people's performances in the future? No, I must collect his performance DVDs, and I will burn all his early performance videos Collection!"


European and American audiences are also very excited. When they watched the video before (most of the audience have watched the video), they already thought that China Tang was very powerful and perfect, but now, when they watched these videos of him with their own eyes. After the show, they discovered that China Tang was so powerful that it simply exceeded everyone's expectations of him.

Imitate mj, needless to say, it is absolutely perfect!If you don't look at his face, he is the real MJ!

Magic show, magical perfection!

You can't find his flaws at all, because he can hardly store any extra things on his body, but he can conjure things at will.

The card throwing knife is shockingly perfect!

There is absolutely no need to say more about this. Almost no one who watched this program could sit still. The heart attack audiences were so excited that they had a heart attack and almost died. This is the best proof!

Then, he exploded the basketball with one punch, or really exploded. There is no doubt that this must be another shocking and perfect performance. The back of the performer's hand was injured. Naturally, there is no doubt about the authenticity of this performance.

The subsequent mixed performance of lips instead of musical instruments and the super classic mechanical dance just now, all of which need not be said, each of which is shocking and a rare wonderful performance.

In this enthusiastic atmosphere of the audience, the feet of Brother Xiaosha, who was standing upside down, gently landed on the floor, and then he closed his eyes with a smile on his face, and listened intently to the various discussions around the stadium, Screams, and increasingly tidy and louder applause.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

There were nearly 2 people in the audience, and all the people in sight stood up. They all applauded vigorously without hesitation. The applause became louder and louder, as rapid as a storm, and there was a sense of vibration driven by the applause. It was clearly transmitted to every audience's body, just like getting an electric shock.

At this time, some fans who were still waiting at the gate of Madison Stadium also felt the vibration from the arena, and the vibration became stronger and stronger.

"Oh, shit! I really regret it, why didn't I buy a ticket for the fifth grade at that time! As a result, I can only wait for the DVD of the performance to be released to see the wonderful performance of China Tang!"

"Damn it, why didn't I ask for that second-hand ticket? Although the location is not good and the price has been doubled several times, I can sit in it and watch China Tang's wonderful performance! Damn Madison, damn it Ticket station! Damn it!"


Xiao Sa obviously didn't know that there were still some audiences outside the venue, and he didn't know how much regret and resentment they had at this time, because he was not interested in paying attention to those things now.

After he took a few breaths, everyone's excitement was almost released, and the applause gradually became thinner.

"Huh, I can already feel your happiness from everyone's applause!"

Brother Xiaosha deliberately took a deep breath, and then said with a smile: "Obviously, for a performer, there is nothing more exciting than deafening applause... Haha thank you... If I can, I will I hope your applause and shouts can be louder..."


The audience obviously can't stand the provocation of the performers, especially when everyone is very excited and has entered the state.

Therefore, after Brother Xiao Sa's joking provocation, the audience immediately screamed hysterically. Due to excessive force, many people's necks suddenly became thicker, and their faces turned red.

Damn, brother's earwax came out!

"Stop! Stop!"

Brother Xiaosa was a little dizzy and gestured for a timeout, then shrugged helplessly and said, "Okay guys, if you make everyone shout like this again, I think I should ask the owner of the arena to charge a little cleaning fee Because all the dust on it has been shaken down by your sound waves, which will save them a lot of money!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The audience burst into laughter, and many of them proudly raised two thumbs up, as if to praise their excellent performance.

Amidst the noise, another half minute passed. When everyone gradually quieted down, Brother Xiaosa said with a smile, "I give you a piece of "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston! This song is still my song. I hope you can find all the loopholes and shortcomings in my imitation!"

After Brother Xiaosa finished speaking, he was silently counting the rhythm and preparing to sing, while the audience shook.

Who is Whitney Houston?That is the super queen known as "America's No. 2 Voice". She is the female singer with the highest sales of her debut album and single album. Her debut album sold 0 copies, and all her records sold a total 1.7 million copies, or the female singer with the most awards (490 awards).

Such a thundering super queen, her voice and singing skills are definitely well known to audiences who like to listen to songs, but China Tang actually wants to imitate her voice and singing with a man's voice ?

No matter how it is sung, this is simply the first of its kind!Is there any?

"Isn't it? Whitney's voice can also be imitated by Chinese Tang? This is a very representative female voice, and no one has ever dared to publicly imitate her voice!"

Many American audiences whispered in amazement, thinking that they had heard wrongly. You can imitate MJ, but it doesn't mean you can also imitate Whitney!

"Damn it! Brother Xiaosa will still show his skills! Hehe, these Yankees must be scared out of their wits, right? It's hard for a man to imitate a man, let alone a hunk imitating a woman's voice. I'm afraid this world Only Brother Xiao Sa can do this perfectly, right?"

Several fans from China were very excited and not worried at all, because they knew very well how much a certain person had.

Just kidding, a person who can complete the singing of several girls in a girl group by himself, can't he solve a "little" Whitney Houston?This is simply unfounded worry!

Although the audience was shocked, they wanted to scream a few times to express their excitement, but everyone saw that Brother Xiaosha in the stadium had closed his eyes and was brewing emotions, so the audience restrained their emotions and looked at him. To what extent can it be imitated!

if~i~should~stay, i~would~only~be~in~your~way



As the saying goes, there is no three-thirds, how dare you go to Liangshan?Another expert will know if there is one as soon as he stretches out his hand.

How about Chinese Tang imitation?This is actually a very simple question, very simple.

Because he just opened his mouth to sing a cappella, the audience opened their mouths wide, and their eyes were so wide that people worried that their eyeballs would fall to the ground.

"Nimma, I am really convinced! This is like playing an original soundtrack! Is there anything?"

"God! Is this the horror of China Tang? Can he really imitate anyone he wants to imitate at will? It's unbelievable, I can't hear his loopholes at all!"

"My God! How can a man's voice be so tactful? Could it be that as long as China Tang wants to, he can perfectly imitate the songs of male and female singers? This is so fucking cool!"


"Damn it! What topic is going to be the headline tomorrow? What a sweet distress!"

A reporter's whispered soliloquy directly expressed the thoughts of the reporters on the scene, because these reporters all thought of this question.

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