Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 291: Madison, New York - Crazy Chinese Tang Night

There is a joke that once I get mad, I am afraid myself!

Well, this is already very pretentious and bluffing. .

But now, a Chinese star told the audience that he himself is not sure how many musical instruments he knows.

That's right, the old Americans may not know what pretending to be is, but there are only a maximum of 500 Chinese audiences in the audience, but many of them understand the meaning of the word "pretending to be fake".

And at this time, those who understand the meaning of the word "pretending to be b" immediately made a comment: "Brother Chisa is a b*tch!"

Nima, how many things have I learned and mastered?Don't you really know?This is simply impossible.

And the audience in the United States also found it incredible. Not to mention that a person's energy is limited, it is impossible to learn too many things. Now that you have learned everything, you can definitely count it yourself!How could it be that I didn't even know it?

Therefore, the entire audience was aroused with passion, and many people began to discuss:

"Is China Tang bragging? Could it be that he really knows countless musical instruments?"

"Brother Xiaosa, is this the rhythm of being a horse? He's making a big joke!"

"How dare he say that? I think he must be joking!"


Heh heh, although my buddy can only play less than 10 kinds of instruments, my mouth is amazing!As long as you have heard the instrument and know the sound, can't you imitate it?

Hearing the whispers from the audience, Brother Xiao Sa in the stadium had a calm expression on his face. At this moment, he suddenly remembered a sentence: "If you have the ability to pretend to be a b, that's awesome b, if you don't have the ability to pretend to be a b, that's a bastard! "

Obviously, he is naturally not the latter, because as a person with real strength, he is really not afraid of being questioned or discussed.

"Haha, Don, can you play 8 musical instruments?"

The middle-aged black man wearing glasses, that is, Spike Lee, shouted loudly.

8 hairs?What brother can really play is more than what you said.

Hearing what he said, Brother Xiaosa smiled lightly and didn't answer him, but just looked at the other audience and said: "My friends, Mr. Spike Lee said that I can only play 8 musical instruments at most, so do you think this answer is correct? "

"very true!"

"It's overestimated!"

"He underestimated you!"


The audience responded to his questions one after another, their voices varied, but they basically covered most of the audience.

It can be seen that these audiences should also be very concerned about the answer to this question.

After all, no matter how versatile a star is, but how awesome he is, I am afraid that except for himself, other people can only rely on guesswork!

But now, everyone has the opportunity to hear China Tang revealing the inside story and admitting what musical instruments he knows. This naturally excited the audience and reporters.

"I used to see China Tang's very versatile online evaluations, but now I can finally know how versatile he is!"

A reporter seemed to be talking to himself in anticipation, and the camera in his hand was shooting non-stop, which immediately caused other reporters to follow suit. Everyone started to take pictures frantically, and they seemed to attach great importance to this issue.

When the noise was a little quieter, Brother Xiaosa turned his gaze away a little, avoided most of the flashing lights, and then smiled: "To be honest! I know a lot of musical instruments. If you add up all of them, at least there are more than one ,..."

"My God! Can you grow an instrument?"

A man who was drinking water suddenly spit out the drink in his mouth, and the whole person was unbelievably stupid.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! No matter how talented a person is, he can't learn so many musical instruments, because it would take too much time!"

A middle-aged white man who checked the time with his mobile phone almost threw his mobile phone out with disbelief on his face.

Because as he said, every time he learns a musical instrument, it takes at least a week for the learner to become proficient. It is said that China Tang is only a little over 18 years old, and he still has to go to school. How can he have the time and conditions to learn a variety of musical instruments? musical instrument?

"Holy shit, Brother Xiaosa is really awesome! Nima, I thought he knew at most several musical instruments! He turned out to be so cruel? A musical instrument! And at least one! The rhythm against the sky!"

A fan from China gasped in amazement, and then sighed depressingly: "What a pity! If it's available here, I must send this news back to China immediately to shock those guys. a handful!"


The arena is very noisy, that's because the audience is really too surprised!

A star, moreover a star from China, after he already possessed powerful skills such as kung fu, magic, and imitation, he actually learned to play a variety of musical instruments?This is simply to make the audience envious, is it there?

Many people are still struggling with their first musical instrument!As a result, someone has the ability to play dozens of musical instruments. This damn is simply short and poor, but met tall, rich and handsome!

Haha, let's talk hard!Go as you envy!Brother, this is the first time that I take the initiative to disclose my talent in musical instruments!

Seeing the shocked expressions of the audience, listening to everyone's comments and exclamations, Brother Xiao Sa smiled very happily.

Anyway, it is impossible for me to show a pure performance of musical instruments. Who would know that I can only play 10 kinds of musical instruments?

With that in mind, he smiled and shrugged his shoulders at Spiley, who gave him a thumbs up, and two together.

Smiling, he glanced at the other celebrities who were close to the stadium, and was pleased to find that, except for a very few people, other stars and celebrities gave him a very enthusiastic thumbs up.

To be praised by everyone in the audience, this kind of achievement is considered a rare honor, right?

Brother Xiaosa exhaled lightly, and subconsciously glanced at Ivanka Trump's seat, um, he decisively looked away.

"Don, you're awesome!" Ivanka Trump actually yelled at him while blowing a kiss.

Damn, this foreign girl is unrestrained!Do you not be afraid of reporters writing indiscriminately?

Although he was very happy to have a beautiful woman from a foreign country sending him compliments and blowing kisses, someone did not dare to be too presumptuous, because he knew very well that what he needed at this time was not gossip, but a real performance.

Nima, if tomorrow's reports are all about him and a certain beautiful woman, then this performance, which has been carefully prepared for half a month, may only make some money, because ordinary people like to watch it most. Kind of lace news!How many people are paying attention to his performance?

He coughed lightly, and when everyone's hot discussion was about to subside, he clapped his hands and said, "This is the end of the matter of how many instruments I know. I believe that everyone will have many opportunities to see my instrument solo in the future." Yes, so, please enjoy one of my mechanical dance performances below!"

"Clap clap clap..."

"Great! I like your mechanical dance the most!"

"God, I finally waited for you to show the magic of mechanical dance!"

"Damn it, brother Xiaosa is finally going to do the mechanical dance again! Should he do it again in Shapingba, Yuzhou?"


As soon as Brother Xiaosa finished speaking, the audience immediately clapped their hands vigorously, and at the same time, many people screamed and shouted crazily, because they all wanted to know that the almighty magical artist Zhongguo Tang, how could his mechanical dance have any effect? Isn't it as amazing as magic and kung fu?

And the fans who came from China were even more excited, why?Quite simply, who is to say that someone only performed the mechanical dance once and then never performed it again?

In this highly anticipated atmosphere, the loudspeaker suddenly remembered the sound of the "woo hoo" motor turning. At that moment, everyone stopped talking, and all of them stared at the field (on the big screen) intently. someone.

Many people can dance mechanical dance, but whether it is good or not, and whether it can shock others, it really requires skill.

In other words, for real mechanical dancing masters, their every move can bring the audience a feeling of "this is a robot", and they must perform a wooden, stylized, and jointed dance. The kind of performance that can be played casually.

Brother Xiaosa doesn’t know whether others can perform well, but he knows that for him, mechanical dance is the most suitable dance for him at present. As long as he keeps up with the rhythm, with his current joint flexibility, mechanical dance will Well, that's really an easy thing to do.

With the rhythm of the accompaniment music, Xiao Sa’s whole body seems to be built by a machine. His every move is directed by the rhythm of the music. Sometimes he shows the stiffness of the machine body, and sometimes he shows the softness of the machine. There are even actions that are shocking at first glance.

"God, is his waist broken? Why is it so realistic?"

"My God, brother Xiaosa is so relaxed and happy! The whole person is so leaned back, but he can still stand it? This is not acrobatics!"

"My God! Is he really a machine? Why does his arm wrap around his shoulder 360 degrees? Oh, my shoulder hurts!"

"Unbelievable, are his fingers metal? How can one finger support the weight of the whole body?"


At the beginning, the audience could still suppress their excitement and just watched. However, when Brother Xiao Sa performed a back bend with his waist parallel to the ground, the blood of the entire audience began to boil.

They screamed and stood up. Whenever they saw Brother Xiaosa make a move beyond the limits of normal people, they would scream in surprise and follow suit spontaneously. As a result, several unlucky ones appeared in succession. I injured my waist and shoulders.

In such a heated atmosphere, Brother Xiao Sa continued to perform for more than 5 minutes. When he made his last move - using an extremely bent index finger that looked like it was about to be broken, he stood on his whole body upside down. Finally almost went crazy.

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