Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 296: Madison, New York - Crazy Chinese Tang Night

Why is dunk attractive?That's precisely because most people can't complete it!

That's right, it is precisely because 99% of ordinary people cannot dunk, so everyone naturally pays special attention to dunking, a sport that demonstrates height, speed, strength and balance.

Of course, with the progress of the times, especially the improvement of living standards, there have been more and more amateurs who can dunk. Not to mention, there may be two or three "high school players" who can dunk in an ordinary high school in China. people".

Therefore, it is naturally difficult for "low-grade goods" like ordinary run-up dunks to cause everyone to scream, especially as n**a spreads more and more widely, many people are being accused of it one after another. His fancy dunks are eye-catching, even if it is the so-called tomahawk style (belly stretching) dunk, it seems too commonplace, it is simply the stuff of the street.

But at this time, when the audience saw that Brother Xiaosha smashed the basketball, and then rushed to the backboard with the basketball like the wind, many viewers who knew about dunks immediately had a thought in their hearts. Noun: Catch the ball and play belly dunk.

Yes, for an amateur player, and a yellow amateur player with a height of less than 190, it is not easy to perform a slam dunk with a catch and a belly. At least so far, this action is absolutely No yellow race has ever done it.

Well, if this move is placed in a domestic c**a, it must be a move that can get full marks, but this is the United States, and it is New York with the most enthusiastic streetball culture!

Therefore, many American audiences sighed in disappointment, because the difficulty of this movement is really too ordinary, and it is not even as shocking as throwing and buckling a windmill!If you get the slam dunk contest at the All-Star Weekend, this action is at most a 45-point dunk, and you don't even want to get a full score.

Well, luckily someone who was preparing to dunk didn't know what these gringos were thinking, otherwise, he would definitely fall out of the sky laughing.

Nima, if my brother can only play the 'low-level' performances such as catching the ball and tomahawk dunk, what should I do?The dunk performance will be arranged in the last program when you are full?

"Don was running fast, over the three-point line, and he...God, he jumped up, and he didn't get to the free throw line, and it was... got the ball in the air, and he grabbed the basketball with his right hand, and he was about to dunk. huh?...No, no, God, God! He changed hands, did he change hands?...Dunk...yes it was a dunk...a hit! Awesome! Guys, I gotta say This dunk is awesome! Because it's unprecedented, yes, I promise it is unprecedented! Each of us is lucky to witness, it must be ranked No.1 in the difficulty of dunking, God! I really want to Let me ask you, did China Tang grow wings? Why can he fly so far? So high?"

"China Tang is very fast, he crossed the three-point line, is this going to perform a catch and belly dunk? ... No, God! He actually took off, yes, he took off, he Jumped beyond the free throw line and flew high...beautiful, he caught the ball, is he going to dunk?...my god, how dare he change hands?...ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow …It’s done, this is the freshest, super difficult free-throw line take-off + crotch change dunk, yes, he is the first dunker who dares to play like this! This is a super great The slam dunk! So far, except China Tang, no one has dared to do this, and even a few people can do it from the free throw line and change hands. He is a great slam dunker!"

Unlike ordinary audiences, Kobe and Howard, the two "judges", have been following Brother Xiaosa all the time, and they have performed their "duties of judges" very well. They are following Brother Xiaosa Brother's actions and open to explain or guess.

So, when Brother Xiaosa completed the dunk, their voices were also heard throughout the audience with the help of the microphone.

At first glance, it seems that two people are explaining in a mess, but it is not.

Because when Brother Xiaosa jumped up before the free throw line, the audience screamed, their commentary was ignored, and the audience was "oh my god" or "oh my god , hit the board, catch the ball and dunk at the free throw line" these exclamations.

When a loud "bang" was heard from the microphone at the blue frame;

When Brother Xiaosa's body is dangling on the basket;

When the basketball fell from the hoop and rolled straight to the feet of a stunned Nate Robinson;

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

The screams that seemed to lift the roof exploded suddenly, even big n***a stars like Yao Ming and Marbury, their eyes widened at this moment, and they couldn't help shaking their fists.

your sister!Isn't this too animal?

Those who can complete the jump from the free throw line are already called super dunkers, and the only one who can complete the crotch change on this basis is James White, who is known as the "ultimate dunk king".

But, the bastard China Tang not only did what only James White could do, but he also added the program of hitting the board and catching the ball on this basis, damn, this is a matter that tests the luck of the dunker ah!

Even in absolute terms, this dunk is simply the kind of dunk that may not succeed even once in 10 dunks, because it has very strict requirements on the timing of the performer's flight, the height of the catch, the speed of the flight, and the length of the arm. Require.

Winners can't be blamed, and Brother Xiao Sa obviously performed successfully.

Therefore, the audience in the audience was full of screams, and even the stars couldn't help shouting and punching, all of them were very ferocious.

"This is simply a slam dunk that can be recommended to the championship matchup of the slam dunk contest! Brother Xiao Sa is so fierce?"

"It's unbelievable, my God! China Tang actually flew? And it's such a wonderful dunk performance?"

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable! Is the law that yellow people can't fly really going to be broken by him?"


Amidst the screams, some audience members sighed again and again, they couldn't believe it was true.

But at this time, Nate Robinson was completely dumbfounded. It was as if ten thousand grass-mud horses roared past his heart, splashing a large amount of cold snowflakes, which really made his heart go cold.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? With his height and his yellow physique, how could he achieve this level of dunk? Even Michael Jordan couldn't do it! Damn it, is this tm Am I dreaming?"

Little Tudou was so sad and indignant that he was about to cry!

Nima, just now we were complacent and let him perform first, thinking that with our own jumping, we could definitely deal with him easily! The result was good, he directly slapped him in the face with a dunk that was impossible for him to complete, and even hit " piapia" ring!It's almost swollen, and it's shameful.

"Little Tudou talked big, China Tang Jingtian knocked him down!"

"The new dunk king lost to China Tang, who is the real dunk king?"

"Amateur Chinese Tang, lightly pick the new dunk king!"


Little Tudou can almost imagine that if he loses, some newspapers tomorrow, especially the local newspapers in New York, will never let him go, and all kinds of face-slapping news will definitely become his laughing stock.

Don't doubt, the media is actually so shameless, because the reverse is also the same, if Brother Xiaosha's performance is bad, the newspapers will still slander and slap him in various ways, and they will still make him a joke.

Moreover, brother Xiaosa is still a Chinese!

At this time, if Nate Robinson was Chinese, he would have tried hard enough to perform a difficult dunk. Even if he failed, at least his face would not be ashamed, because even though he failed, he would be honored!

But Little Tudou is an American, and an American who clearly knows the gap between himself and his opponent, so he made an astonishing move——

He took the microphone and said loudly: "Don, I give up! This dunk of yours I think it is a perfect performance."

Fuck, I got it wrong, right?This bastard actually took the initiative to admit defeat?

Brother Xiaosa jumped up from the hoop with a "touch", and then looked at the slightly embarrassed Robinson in surprise.

But at this time, the audience also gave a "huh" in unison, because no one thought that the majestic n**a Xinke dunk king would take the initiative to admit defeat, and he was not even willing to try.

The Chinese audience laughed proudly, Nima, brother Xiaosa is the best! Na** Dunk King, Little Tudou, who played with Yao Ming before and is known for his rebelliousness, unexpectedly surrendered on his own initiative?

Moreover, this is still his best dunk event, which is something that many n**a dunk masters have not done!

So, for a while, slogans such as "Brother Xiaosha Niubai" or "Bangzhu v587" appeared in these Chinese groups.

Of course, everyone soon understood why Robinson voluntarily surrendered.

Because when Little Tudou returned to his seat disheveledly after saying that he had to admit defeat, Kobe immediately said solemnly: "China Tang's dunk is really too difficult. I believe that even if Michael is standing opposite him at this moment, He can only admit defeat, because this dunk is the best combination of luck + talent, it is impossible to be imitated, and Nate did not prepare specially, so it is not surprising that he lost!"

And Howard went on to say: "Bryant is right. I can only admit defeat in the face of Don's dunk, because this is simply a shocking performance that only he can do so far. At least in the n**a league. For the time being, I don’t know who else can perform so perfectly!” (To be continued.)

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