Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 345: Fierce Fans, Pre-Order Frenzy in the Mainland

Ask for a ticket! !

Every star has its own base camp, which is the 'base area'.

In this "base area", he has the best and most stable treatment, the most enthusiastic cheers and applause, even if he loses temporarily in other places, but in this "base area", he can at least lick his wounds and recuperate , and then make preparations before continuing to fight in the rivers and lakes.

Brother Xiaosa also has his own base, and it's still two yuan!

These two sites are both huge, so big that countless colleagues are envious, jealous to death, and mad with hatred.

Because, the two lands are named: Mainland and Network.

Imitate God:

"Brother Xiaosa is ready to go on an expedition to the world, are you ready to send food, fodder and wine?" - tokimekis.

"Punch Jay Chou, step on Li Yuchun, brothers of the Xiaosha Gang, we need your full support, it's up to everyone if the pre-sales exceed one million!" - Eternal Years.

"Queuing up for pre-order for one day is not enough, there is still half a month to come, everyone keep coming!" - Mirage Peak Dongfeng.

"We are all from the same place, we all have the same dream, that is, we also want to see a Chinese singer standing on the stage of the Grammy Awards ceremony, holding a golden phonograph and shouting: "I'm coming!" Yes, I conquered it! "—Ren surnamed Xiaoyu.


'Imitate the emperor' is so lively, so it is conceivable that the official website of the Xiaosa Gang is naturally impossible to become silent.

Moreover, contrary to the enthusiasm and sensationalism of imitating Diba, some official posts are much more rational.

Jiashimei Glasses: "Let's take a look, guys! This is the Asian sales chart of this year's Chinese albums so far. "Still Fantasy" is the safe No.1. It has sold 2 in two months. Zhang, when the awards season begins in January next year, it is likely to reach 1 million, we are under a lot of pressure!"

Blood Angel Huang Xing: "In just one month, I want to step on Jay Chou and walk the leader to win the best-selling album of the year. If it sells at least 0 copies, otherwise, we can only watch Jay Chou continue to win awards such as the most popular male singer, the best-selling album of the year and so on!"

Bookworm Zhang: "If, I'm just saying, if, if the gang leader's record can sell 500 million copies, do you know what kind of miracle he will create? Guys, I just 'over the wall' to check, so far , this year's US Billboard sales list temporarily ranked first, "S" by Carrie Underwood, who was born in "American Idol" last year, but now there are only 4 copies. If the boss wins Carrie Underwood Underwood, then, he is likely to become the world's best-selling album this year, this is the first time for Chinese music, are you all excited?"

Yingtian: "Everyone, don't think too far! In our wonderful country, it is absolutely impossible for a singer to sell the world's number one! Unless there is a master who can block all the d-version stations, and at the same time He also vigorously cracked down on the d-version discs, otherwise, he would be at Jay Chou's level at best, with a cap of 300 million!"


To be honest, as the pre-sale date of "Shao Sa Xing" is approaching, there are countless fans and casual people gathered in the four places of 'Imitation Emperor', Xiao Sa Gang, Fan Alliance Forum, and Brother Xiao Sa's blog. Wait, it can be said to be very lively recently.

The number of new posts posted, as well as the response rate to posts, hit a new high.

Because, everyone is actively participating in various discussions on Brother Xiaosa's first album.

This person said: "Even if Brother Xiao Sa is against the sky this time, I'm afraid he can't compete with Jay Chou, because the release time of this record is really too late, it was officially released on December 12st, and it is only a month away from the sales in 1." Period, no matter how easy it is to sell, it will be 07-150 million copies.

And as soon as this statement came out, someone immediately refuted: "Can Jay Chou's fans compare with our Xiaosa Gang? We have 0 registered members in China. Even if 14 people pre-order in advance, then the first week of listing will be 50." There are at least 14 copies sold, what's more, all the brothers and sisters in the gang are very active, and more than 100 are willing to pre-order. In this way, if the pre-orders of other "separate people" are included, in the first week, only us At least 0 million copies can be sold in the mainland. If Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Malaysia and Star City are included, at most half a month, "Smart Walk" can sell [-] million copies, which is far behind Jay Chou's "Still Fantastic". Tessie is not far away. "

This statement immediately attracted Jay Chou's fans, and his fans immediately scoffed: "Don't think someone's work is so perfect! No matter how high the pre-order volume is, it's just a one-shot deal. Now it seems that the scenery is unlimited. However, if the quality of the trial version is not good, the so-called "Smart Walk" will be a dead end, and there is no way to compete with Jay!"

Well, now, a dispute broke out among the fans on the Internet. One side vigorously slandered Tang Xiaosa for being nothing but famous, while the other side said that Zhou Jielun couldn't speak clearly, looked shabby, and only played cool.

In short, all kinds of discussions and imaginations that were originally very simple have now turned into scolding battles. Jay Chou's fans ridiculed the people of the Chisa Gang for their whims and daydreams;

The gang members of the Xiaosa gang satirized the other party for only dwelling on the past, they didn't know how turbulent Brother Xiaosa's trend was, and they even said harsh words, let them wait and see! The album "Xiao Sa Xing" will definitely explode into an incredible sales frenzy, and it will set off a festival of Chinese music in Asia and even the world.

No matter how fierce the quarrel is on the Internet, it is just a quarrel, and it will not affect each other's lives at all.

However, in reality, the major record stores, chained libraries, audio-visual stores and other institutions across the country, they really feel a kind of madness is coming.

Beijing Wangfujing Oriental Xintiandi Audiovisual Store, Shudu Tianfu Bookstore, Yuzhou Times Echo Shapingba Audiovisual Store, Shachang Xinhua Bookstore Hunan Bookstore...

All over the country, as long as it is a genuine video store, on November 11th, which was not a big day, they ushered in the most frenzied pre-order frenzy this year.

Why do you say the most fanatical?

It's very simple, because the fans who come to pre-order, they (they) are basically wearing a cultural shirt of the same style, which is basically as high as 80%.

However, as long as these people entered the video store, they would pre-order at least one copy of "Stylish Travel", and even one person pre-ordered several copies, or even a dozen or dozens of copies.

To be honest, this kind of crazy scene is really too difficult to see, or, since the mass market of mp3, such a grand occasion has never been seen at all.

Of course, the process of pre-ordering has only been around for a few years, and the trend of buying genuine products has also spread in the past few years.

So, in fact, basically nothing like this has happened in China. Even this year, when Jay Chou's "Still Fantasy" album was released, it only led to the purchase of genuine records. only a short-term recovery.

But now, Tang Xiaosa's "Xiao Sa Xing" has only started pre-sale on the first day, but it has brought a crazy flow of people to record stores across the country, and there are so many customers.

Especially in small counties in remote areas, since there are often only one or two organizations that sell genuine records, they have tasted what it means to have a lot of customers and what it means to be crowded.

Especially after 5:30 p.m., since the students are out of school and the adults are off work, the record stores are bustling, and the manpower that was originally abundant, seems to be so short at this time, it is simply too busy up.

"I want to pre-order a copy of Tang Xiaosha's "Xiao Sa Xing", what free gift do you have?"

"I want to order "Xiao Sa Xing", I heard that there are some tidbits of Xiao Sa's song recording, isn't it?"

"Register for me, I want to buy a copy of "Stylish Travel", when will you give me the gift of the pre-order version?"


The eyes are full of arms waving banknotes, and all the ears are shouting "I want to book "Xiao Sa Xing". In addition, there are many curious passers-by asking loudly: "Little brother (sister), Who are you buying? Oh, pre-order Tang Xiaosa’s album? Well, this guy is indeed quite talented, so what’s the advantage of pre-ordering? Is there a gift? Is the gift worth it? Can't even buy it? So powerful?"

All of a sudden, the fans attracted passers-by, and some people who already liked music also walked into the video store.

Originally, the official version has nothing, but it is cheaper, while the pre-sale version is a bit more expensive, but it contains various gifts that are not sold separately!

Like this time, the pre-order version has 12 photos of Tang Xiaosha, exquisite lyrics book, tidbits of the record production process, especially the complete music version of the song "Blue and White Porcelain".

Therefore, many ordinary fans who are attracted by the fans and walked into the video store, as long as they understand the difference of the pre-order version, the enthusiasm for pre-order burst out instantly.

Everyone has curiosity and a herd mentality.

Seeing that so many people are "snatching up", not to mention ordinary fans, even many people who rarely listen to music, they couldn't help but join in the fun, sneaking into the store one after another, quite Those who are interested also joined the queue.

It is impossible not to attract the attention of the media for such a rare, even stunning, crazy scene. First, entertainment reporters, and then social reporters. They interviewed the people who lined up to pre-order, asked their thoughts, and listened to their aspirations. .

Moreover, some more thoughtful reporters also began to investigate how much energy this crazy craze exploded.

In other words, they began to track down the album "Smart Walk", how many pre-orders it has! (To be continued.)

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