Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 346: **ignites Japan and South Korea, spreads to Europe and the United States

It is a rare and extreme pride to be the top of the mountain and look at the small mountains. .

Many times, we have to admit that the language of the ancients is really refined, why can they express an incomparably majestic mood so vividly and concretely in just 10 words?

In the past, a certain person never thought that one day he would be able to reach these ten characters, and he didn't announce it himself.

"Have you seen the report? Now do you know how lively the country is?"

It's not unusual for Gao Yan to call, but the content of his words made Brother Xiao Sa, who had suffered a slight injury on his arm, a little strange.

"What's wrong? Could it be that the pre-sale volume has skyrocketed again?"

He would say that because it is now November 11, and his record pre-orders have lasted for a whole week. The number of pre-orders has never risen on a large scale since the morning before yesterday. It is fixed at between 23 million and 180 million.

Yes, that's right, this number is the current data of the pre-order version of the album "Smart Walk", although it is scary big, it suddenly became a mess.

Moreover, this data was not announced by the publisher's Xinso Records, but was published by many large media in the country after a joint investigation and summary.

A large number of media from all over the country were mobilized together. Based on their sense of smell and connections, it is really not difficult to get the pre-sales of this album.

After all, this is not a matter of shady investigation. Various record stores, book stores, audio-visual stores and other institutions have cooperated quite well, and even took the initiative to call to inform the album store of the pre-order details.

Therefore, although this matter seemed a little difficult, in fact, it didn't take too much effort from the reporters at all, and the media easily obtained the data they wanted.

In the end, after everyone gathered together in private, a jaw-dropping figure came out—a total of more than 145 million pre-sold in various provincial regions in the Mainland.

At the same time, the five regions of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Star City also contributed 18 copies in total, with the focus on Taiwan and Hong Kong, one for 8 and the other for 4.

Then, the pre-sale data for the whole of Asia was officially exposed. In four days, a total of about 170 million copies of "Smart Walk" were pre-sold.

Don't forget, Chinese music is sold in more than a few places in Asia. Although the market share of Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia is very small, they add up to tens of thousands of copies.

At that time, when the report was published, it was needless to say that the grand occasion was known to everyone. The whole country, inside and outside the circle, both sides of the strait and three places, felt like they were going crazy.

Taiwan media: "Tang Xiaosa is the king of pre-orders, and Jay Chou may lose his music throne."

Hong Kong media: "The true king of the mainland, the number of pre-orders dominates the whole of Asia."

Mainland media: "The entertainment industry has been turned upside down, Tang Xiaosa's album pre-orders are number one in Asia!""

Malaysian media: "Mainland superstar Tang Xiaosa, the pre-orders for the album are all over Jay Chou!"

Singaporean media: "A new era of heavenly kings has arrived, Tang Xiaosa from the mainland is standing shoulder to shoulder with Jay Chou!"


As long as there are entertainment news in countries and regions, as long as Chinese music is relatively influential, they have all announced in the past few days, the unprecedented grand occasion created by Tang Xiaosa and his "Shao Sa Xing".

Even Japan and South Korea, two surrounding countries with more developed entertainment industries, still have entertainment media reprinted this report. Some entertainment news TV programs use news broadcasting methods to let the Japanese in front of the TV Korean audience, have a good understanding of what is crazy.

Stars have borders, but fans have no borders.

Although the detailed introduction by the local media is not very effective, they at least let some viewers know Brother Xiaosa and what a high-quality idol he is.

Through the all-round introduction of video after video, news and pictures, many people in Japan and South Korea have developed a strong interest in Tang Xiaosa, and most of them have checked Tang Xiaosa's profile through the Internet. The data, and then, one episode after another, were shocked.

Wow, so Mr. Xiaosa is so powerful?His imitations and tricks are all great!

Wow, the chic oppa is so versatile!He can sing, dance, write and sing, and he can also perform wonderful magic tricks and imitations. In addition, his figure is also so beautiful, and his face is so handsome. My God, he still feels so secure. How can such a man be so talented? Come out?

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is good that the media in Japan and South Korea do not report. After their strong reports, especially after playing many classic videos of someone on TV, many young people in Japan and South Korea, most of them They were all female audiences, and they fell in an instant.

Singing, imitation, dancing, magic, kung fu, playing musical instruments.

Tang Xiaosa knows everything, and is proficient in everything.

His appearance, figure, and communication skills are all full marks.

Then, although his debut time is short, his achievements and glory are super large and many.

All kinds of factors add up, no matter how you look at Tang Xiaosa, he is a very rare high-quality idol.

Who worships talent, he has;

Those who like color control, he also has;

As a result, an unimaginable idol storm erupted in Japan and South Korea, and many new fans joined the newly established 'Tang Xiaosa Korea Fan Club' and 'Tang Xiao Sa Japan Support Fan Club'.

Moreover, as the reports gradually deepened, more and more fans came forward rapidly, causing the number of members of these two national fan clubs to increase rapidly.

As of November 11, that is, a week after the pre-order of "Smart Travel", the combined number of registered fans of Tang Xiaosa in Japan and South Korea has already exceeded 22.

However, it is precisely because of their joining that the number of pre-orders for the album "Smart Walk" has increased by tens of thousands.

Hearing someone's question, Gao Yan laughed on the other end of the phone: "You know, Xinso Records held a media briefing just now, hey, do you know how much your official pre-orders were last week? ?”

"Uh, I really don't know that!"

Brother Xiaosa was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Since the first day, I basically haven't paid attention to the issue of quantity. After all, the fans are so enthusiastic, I don't have anything to worry about at all."

After a pause, he sighed again and said, "Besides, I've been filming action scenes + group scenes these days, and I'm as tired as a dog every day, and I get hurt from time to time, so I don't care about the number of scenes." gone."

"You, this performance is too unqualified!"

Gao Yan said with a smile: "No matter how busy you are, you should take the initiative to care about the pre-sale situation! And Li Minghao is too, this guy is too lazy, he even asks me to take the initiative to call every time, he can't Ask me for a question?"

Smiling, ignoring Gao Yan's complaints from the manager, Brother Xiaosa asked curiously with a flick of his wrist: "Brother Yan, there must be a difference between the official statistics and the ones announced by the media? How much is the difference?"

This is actually nonsense. No matter how powerful the reporters are, it is impossible for them to investigate all the audiovisual stores, bookstores and other institutions across the country, because there are really too many of these two kinds of stores in the whole country, and it is impossible for the reporters Get the data one by one!

Of course, when the reporters aggregated the data, they must have taken these factors into consideration. For example, if an extra 10 were added to the total, this would already be quite an overestimate.


Gao Yan laughed loudly, so recklessly.

I'll go, you tell me the data before laughing!

Brother Xiao Sa rolled his eyes and grinned a little depressed, but he accidentally touched the wound on his arm and it hurt a bit.

"Cheeky, you will never think of it, haha..."

Gao Yan was still playing tricks, he laughed excitedly, after a while, someone was about to lose his temper, and then he said loudly: "To be honest, you must be mentally prepared, otherwise... ..."

"I said, are you finished? Say it quickly!"

Someone finally couldn't hold back his anger, your sister, just say what you want!Is it interesting to hang me in mid-air repeatedly like this?

"Ahem, it's just a joke! Why don't you understand humor?"

Gao Yan muttered a few times in displeasure, and then, amid someone's gloomy face, he said seriously: "Chisa, wasn't the media's data yesterday between 180 million and 0 million?"

"What's wrong? Be specific!"

"Because they are basically estimated, especially except for the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Dahua and Xingcheng!"

Gao Yan said a little excitedly: "The data in these places is basically accurate, and the official ones are only more than 3 more. They are really awesome!"

Someone was puzzled: "Brother Yan, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Gao Yan smiled and said: "They seriously undercounted the numbers of Japan and South Korea, and they even undercounted the numbers of Europe and the United States."


Someone's eyes widened in an instant, and he took a deep breath.

Japanese, Korean and European and American?Gao Yan still said it so solemnly, could it be that...brother really underestimated his global influence?

Just when he couldn't believe it, Gao Yan said with certainty: "That's right, the official data of Japan and South Korea is 18, not the 6 to 7 estimated by the media. As for Europe and the United States, I think you should go and see for yourself." Look, it is the "China Tang" fan site that your American fans helped you set up.

"Brother Yan~"

Someone finally came to his senses, and he said loudly: "You tell me the data of Europe and America first! Then I will go to their forums right away."

Gao Yan said with a smile: "That's fine, that's fine, listen carefully, the total number of album pre-orders in Europe and America is currently 35 copies, most of them are from the United States!"


A certain person was stunned, and lightly spit out two dirty words. (To be continued.)

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