Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 47: Crazy Yuzhou

ps: Tickets are asked every day, and there are two changes every day, one in the morning and one in the evening, rain or shine.

The reason why many people go to the concert like a heron is actually very simple. The frenzied atmosphere at the scene is definitely not comparable to that of wearing headphones or listening to speakers alone.

Therefore, even if many people think that spending a lot of money to go to a concert is actually not as comfortable and clear as listening to a CD by themselves, but in fact, people who are willing to spend money to buy tickets to watch a concert are not really for listening to songs. But just enjoying a fanatical atmosphere.

just like now

When a certain young singer on the stage finished singing, there were endless applause, stomping, whistles and shouts all around the stage.If you are in it, I am afraid that the eardrums will feel "rumbling", and you will not want to hear other sounds in a short time.

"I really didn't expect this little Tang to be really fierce!" A group of young white-collar workers from the same company applauded and lamented their feelings loudly at the same time.

"Indeed, although the title of the song they wrote is a bit funny, but the lyrics are very good!" Several female colleagues also nodded, and two of the "men" girls even made trumpet shapes with their hands. , Shouting loudly: "Xiao Tang, I love you."

Just when the scene was boiling and reached the first "**" tonight, a group of people came out from behind the stage again. They didn't jump up to the stage like a certain "master" , but a three-story iron ladder that was walked honestly.

What is this for?Some people who were not very familiar with the concert raised questions, and the applause of the whole scene stopped for a while.Everyone looked at the five uninvited guests who went straight to "Xiao Tang".

"Everyone's enthusiasm really far exceeded my expectations, as well as the expectations of tonight's event organizer "Rock Protective Products" store..."

Brother Xiaosa saw that everyone was slowly calming down, so he stood in the center of the stage with a microphone and talked with a smile: "I made a rough calculation just now, and at this moment, the surrounding area of ​​our stage has exceeded 3 people, and even many friends came one after another..."

He said that he was very moved and grinned: "Haha, so, after discussing with the organizer's boss Gao, I decided to make tonight's event wonderful and try to make every friend who comes here None were disappointed and we all had a great night."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the "Eagle Band" quintet standing behind the instrument, and said loudly: "So, we invited friends from the Eagle Band who are very famous in the Yuzhou music circle and have a high level. I will accompany my singing tonight. So at this moment, I must introduce each of them to you. Please give these five comrades and friends my applause."

After saying these words, he walked up to the "group of five" with a microphone in front of everyone's applause, and stretched out the microphone to the band leader: "Come on, let's introduce yourself briefly to everyone!"

This band has never performed in front of so many people. Even when they were in school, they only appeared on stage in front of thousands of people at most. Now facing this opportunity to become famous, they are very excited for a while.However, the captain is the captain after all, he took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement a bit, and said loudly: "My name is Chao, I am from Yuzhou University of Technology, and I am the captain of the Eagles band, serving as the lead singer and guitarist. "

After he finished his introduction, Brother Xiaosa nodded and walked up to the drummer amidst a burst of applause: "My name is A Wu, and I'm also from Yuzhou University of Technology. I'm the drummer of the band." In the end, the skill of the traditional drum beat won applause and applause from everyone.After all, they are the "own people" of Yuzhou citizens.

Amid the welcome applause from the audience, the band's keyboardist Awei, bassist Awang, and consonant guitarist Abin introduced themselves one by one, and also performed a section of what they are best at. Everyone is not very proficient in musical instruments, but they are absolutely cool and cool, so they still shouted one after another, which made the group of five very excited.

In particular, they were also "fired" by the reporters in the audience. This kind of treatment was unthinkable before.Therefore, they firmly believe that after this night, as long as they perform well and do not make any major mistakes, then the business and performance will definitely be improved to a higher level.

"Okay, the six of us standing on the stage are all the leading actors in this carnival tonight." Like a host, Brother Xiaosha slowly left the band area with a microphone, leaving only five people behind The group makes a final check on their instruments, so as not to make any mistakes later.

As he walked towards the front of the stage, he said with emotion: "I actually understand very well that everyone is willing to come here tonight, in fact, it is mainly because of the vigorous publicity of today's "Yuzhou Evening News", so friends also want to come here." Come here, and experience for yourself that I, a guy who has not yet debuted, is really as magical as the newspapers say..."

His statement obviously won everyone's thoughts, because they were indeed attracted by the description in the newspaper, so they came here one after another to see what happened.So, when Brother Xiao Sa mentioned this, everyone also laughed, and then some buddies who thought they had a loud voice even booed loudly: "That's right, we just came to see your imitation."

Although Brother Xiaosa couldn't hear exactly what everyone was shouting, he could figure out what they meant with his buttocks, so he shook his head pretending to be disappointed, and said to the microphone with the unique voice of "Master Xing", "I was originally I thought that after the performance just now, everyone would forget my imitation, but I didn’t expect it to be the same result (please refer to the pork guy calling the chicken and not giving money), the wife really let me down..."

"Haha..." Everyone was amused by this nonsensical complaint made by the star master. Well, although those who have never watched "Domestic Lingling Paint" did not laugh so hard, they were also laughed at by most of them. The man's laughter made him laugh.

"This guy is really good at imitating, he just came here casually." The reporters took pictures with their cameras again, and at the same time they also made a draft in their hearts for what they would write tomorrow: "Xiao Tang's singing skills are great, but imitating The ability is also against the sky."

As for the "Eagle" quintet?They were already stupid, they could only look at each other, and shook their heads in unison, the meaning is obvious, this is their unique skill, let's put away the envy and hatred!

"Okay, okay, I will definitely meet everyone's requirements later." Brother Xiaosa ignored other people's thoughts, he pretended to be helpless, blinked innocently and continued: "However, Before starting the miraculous parody, I want everyone to remember one thing..."

The audience at the scene immediately looked at the stage intently, wondering what this funny and talented Xiao Tang wanted to remember?

"For me..." He pointed at himself with his thumb: "No matter how good imitation is, it is only a kind of ability. In fact, my best skills are singing and versatility..." He said and looked at the obvious people in the audience. The audience who had been "shocked" by these words went on to say: "I hope everyone can remember this point and pass it on to each other, and I will also show some of my talents tonight to let everyone know that I really am I am not just a comedian who only imitates, I am a young singer with many talents."

"Damn, is this young man very confident?" The reporters "discolored" one after another. They have never seen such an arrogant performer since they entered the industry, and they have never even heard of it.

"Is this guy too confident?" The audience in Yuzhou also thought it was too incredible. They usually see the artists on TV, they are all very humble, and when they are interviewed by reporters, they will only smile. Say something like: "I haven't done enough, I will continue to work hard, I am still in the learning stage..." and so on, the language is just like a mold.

So, now, when they heard Brother Xiaosa's obviously "arrogant" and very arrogant declaration, they immediately started to discuss it.Because they really don't know what other things this young man can make him so awesome besides his already shown singing and imitation skills.

It's awesome for someone with real ability to declare so confidently and arrogantly, but it's stupid for someone without much ability to do so.

"God, is this guy getting carried away?" The two ladies in sunglasses standing near the green belt exclaimed in unison. Isn't this kind of person too arrogant?

Although they must admit that the singing skills and impromptu imitation shown by the young singer who claimed to be Xiao Tang just now moved them, which can indeed be called a highlight.However, at such a level, how dare you be so arrogant?

"It seems that this guy may really have a killer weapon!" After being surprised by the short and fat lady named Sister Fen, she stared at the stage with bright eyes (it was too far away, in fact, only someone's face could be seen. body), muttering in his mouth: "If he really has some unique skills, I'm afraid I'm tempted to "rob people"!"

"Okay, Sister Fen, if you snatch him away, I can just learn the ability of imitation from him." Another woman who looked very young and looked a little thin made a pleasant applause: "If he is really so capable Talented words."

"Let's wait and see!" Sister Fen subconsciously clenched her fists, don't be just a fool who talks big!young people!


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